The Executive Committee is a standing committee of the Brandon University Board of Governors that meets regularly two weeks prior to the regular Board meeting. Its membership consists of: Chair of the Board of Governors; Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors; President of the University; Secretary of the Board of Governors; Treasurer of the Board of Governors; Student Representative from the Board of Governors; and Senate Representative from the Board of Governors. The Vice-President (Academic and Research) and the Vice-President (Administration and Finace) act as resource persons. Elections for the Executive Committee take place at the Board of Governors' August meeting each year.
Specific responsibilities of the Executive Committee include: setting the agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Board of Governors; reviewing relevant matters coming before the Board of Governors; acting as a consultative body to the President of the University; dealing with matters delegated by the Board of Governors; referring items to appropriate standing committees of the Board of Governors; acting with the full authority of the Board in situations requiring immediate action prior to the next regular meeting of the Board. The Executive Committee also reviews and recommends policies governing university finance and long-range planning. The Executive of the Board reports to the Board of Governors.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of records created by the Executive of the Brandon University Board of Governors. It has been divided into three sub sub series: (1) Board Executive Minutes; (2) Board Executive Correspondence; and (3) Board Executive Agendas.
History/Bio information taken from Board of Governors By-law No. 11 - Committees of the Board of Governors, Section III - Executive Committee (revised November 23, 2006).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.2 Board Executive
The Brandon University Students’ Union Council is comprised of 16 elected students representing a variety of constituencies on campus. The elected BUSU council governs the actions of the Students’ Union, providing students with on and off campus entertainment and events, a number of services, and representation on BU boards and committees.
BUSU has a four-committee structure, with each committee comprised of five members and chaired by a member of the Executive. Every member of BUSU council sits on at least one BUSU committee.
The Executive Committee oversees government and media relations; sets the council agenda; handles personnel and legal issues; rules on donations, hospitality, and referred issues; and issues honoraria. The committee consists of the President, Vice-President Finance, Vice-President Academic, Vice-President Student Activities, and the General Manager and is chaired by the President. Three subcommittees chaired by the BUSU Vice-Presidents handle other duties.
Additional information on the various committees of BUSU, as well as the positions of President, Vice-Presidents and Commissioners can be found on the BUSU website ( (January 2007)).
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of minutes and minute books of the BUSU Executive and Council from 1967-1976. The first minute book contains minutes from the Brandon College Students' Association (beginning Feb. 1967) and a copy of BUSU's by-laws.
Box 1 (Files 1-5): 1967-1974
Box 2 (Files 6-10): 1969-1976
History/Bio information was taken from the BUSU web page available at: and (January 2007).
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of summaries of elevator operations. The records include the following:
Box 1:
Summary of Operations 1925-1968 Alexander-Gretna
Summary of Operations 1925-1968 Hamiota-Morris
Summary of Operations 1925-1968 Napinka-Woodnorth
Box 2:
Association Financial and Debt Repayment Summary 1925-1963
Association Financial and Debt Repayment Summary 1925-1963
Box 3:
Summary of Operations 1964-1968
Summary of Operations 1964-1968
Summary of Operations 1964-1968
Box 4:
Summary of Operations A-K 1925-1996
Summary of Operations L-Z 1925-1996
Elevator Points Closed A-L 1926-1987
Elevator Points Closed M-Z 1926-1987
This committee was in charge of deciding which students would be allowed to join extra-mural clubs and committees based on satisfactory schoolwork. The committee consisted of the President, faculty and students.
Scope and Content
This file contains minutes from the meetings of the Functions Committee.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
These are minutes from meetings of the Publications Committee from 1965 to 1968. The Publications Committee was in charge of the operation of The Quill, The Sickle, and the Student Handbook.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
Edwin Association Minutes 1928-1981; Sub-district #101 Minutes Oct 6 1969-July 18 1978; Agent's Letters Dec 24 1928-July 15 1947; Cirrculars Spet 19 1969-August 15 1978; Correspondence Nov 7 1960-Sept 8 1978; Memo of Association and By-laws 1928-1953; Member Certificates 1947-1953; Newsletters Jan 1976-August 1978; Attendance records 1946-1962; Financial 1929-1983; Miscellaneous (correspondance, Grain Handling Commission, Crop Development and Seed Clubs, publications) 1951-1978; Membership Lists 1955-1978
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Edwin Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives
Forrest Association Minutes 1927-1991; Circulars April 21 1965-Oct 19 1981; Correspondance May 22 1927-May 25 1981; Documents Feb 11 1927-July 31 1969; Financial 1928-1968; Membership 1948-1969; Miscellaneous 1952-1980
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Forrest Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives
A copy of a Local Associations (later the Local Pool Committees) would be sent to the Central Office, where it was stored until a microfilm copy could be made. Records were only transferred to microfilm until 1957.
Custodial History
Local Association records recieved by the Central Office dating from 1925 to 1957 are on microfilm. Records subsequent to 1957 are hardcopies.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.3 consists of Local Association records from the formation of the association until 1993 or said association's closure. See Box level entries for B.3 for detailed contents of records.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2009). Records contained in Series B.3 on microfilm or in hardcopy may also be contained in Series A.
These are the minutes from the meetings of the Arts Banquet committees from 1938 until 1964. They include detailed descriptions of what each banquet would entail.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
The Brandon College and Brandon University Art Exhibition Committee was active from 1960 to 1972. The Committee was established to promote the visual arts in Brandon through education and to sponsor exhibitions featuring the work of local artists.
Custodial History
The records were assembled by Robert Inch of the Brandon University Extension Office and Professor D.V. Reilly, who taught art through the Faculty of Education at Brandon University. They were donated to the McKee Archives in 1997.
Scope and Content
The sub-series contains records of past exhibitions, minutes and correspondence of the Brandon University Art Exhibition Committee. Sub-series also contains personal files on some artists consisting of correspondence and information pertaining to exhibitions of their work. There are also extensive files on past exhibits including advertising, correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications and files concerning local affiliated art clubs, such as the Student Camera Club at Brandon University.
Generally good. Some tears. Issues located first and last in the folders Lindsay stored them in are missing sections where the page stuck to the folder.
History / Biographical
James Gordon Lindsay was born June 16, 1925 in Minneapolis, Minnesota where his father, James Lindsay, a Brandon pioneer from Northern Ireland, had been working for the Coca Cola Bottling Company. In November 1925, the Lindsay family moved back to Brandon where they lived at 547 16th Street.
Lindsay attended Park School, Earl Oxford Junior High School and Brandon Collegiate. In September 1943, he entered 2nd Year at Brandon College, joining the Class of 1946. Due to past experience in publishing the BCI yearbook, he was drafted into The Board of Publications and named Co-editor of the Quill along with third year student Genevieve Fuloski. Lindsay and Fuloski held their positions for two years. Because of the war, money and supplies were in short supply and the Quill at one point was reduced to mimeographed pages. While Editor Lindsay wrote The eggshell-Slightly Cracked column.
Lindsay was named Senior Stick in 1945 and graduated from Brandon College with a B.Sc. in 1946. He obtained both his MSc (1948) and PhD (1951) in Physical Chemistry from McMaster University.
During his time in Hamilton, Lindsay met Shirley Woolmer and the couple married on September 2, 1950. They moved to Arvida, Quebec in 1951 where Lindsay accepted an offer from Aluminium Laboratories Limited, the research arm of Alcan Aluminium Ltd. The couple remained in Arvida for twenty-two years, during which time they had four children: Sharon, Heather, Geoffrey and David.
In 1973, Lindsay was transferred to Alcan's head office in Montreal where he spent the next three years co-ordinating alumina research in Alcan plants around the world. In 1976, he accepted a transfer to Alcan Jamaica as Chief Technical Officer and Manager of Technical Development. He and Shirley spent nearly eight years in Jamaica before returning to Canada in 1984. After a yaer at Alcan's Research Centre in Kingston, ON Lindsay took early retirement.
During their years in Jamaica Lindsay had been introduced to Rotary and he continued his association with the organization in Kingston where for fifteen years he was Bulletin editor of the Kingston-Frontenac Rotary Club. In addition to Rotary, Lindsay (along with his wife) took up genealogy in his retirement and after fifteen years of extensive travel and research he became his Lindsay family's historian and author of The Lindsays of Dundonald.
For three years in the late 1980s Lindsay served as a representative on the Brandon University Alumni Executive for Eastern Canada. Along with his wife he attended two class reunions at Brandon University including his 50th Re-convocation in 1996.
At present (June 2010) Gordon Lindsay continues to live in Kingston, ON with his wife.
Custodial History
Materials remained in Gordon Lindsay's possession from time of creation until he donated them to the Archives on September 4, 2009.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of copies of the Quill, including:
1942-1943: No. 11 (January 26, 1943)
1943-1944: Nos. 2, 12, 14 (October 20, 1943, February 2, 1944, February 16, 1944)
1944-1945: Nos. 1-5 and 7-12
1945-1946: Nos. 1-10 (11 issues as there are two labelled No. 4)
History/Bio information provided by Gordon Lindsay. Description by Christy Henry.
Kathleen Emily Kenner was born in Pierson, Manitoba on December 6, 1903. Her father, W.S. Kenner, was a General Merchant there. Kathleen had one brother, Ewing. She took her early education in Pierson, then moved to Brandon to take her Grade XI course in 1919. The following year, Kathleen moved to the Clark Hall Annex on Louise and 11th, in order to attend Brandon College (B.C.) as a student in the Music Department. In the fall of 1921, she entered the Arts Department of Brandon College. During her time at the college, Kathleen was very involved with student life. She was elected Lady Stick for the school year 1924-1925, the highest position in student government that a woman could attain. In the spring of 1925, she graduated with her B.A., then begain studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of Toronto.
Kathleen taught school in Melfort, Saskatchewan from approximately 1930-1949, and for several years after that was an instructor at the Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School. Sometime during this period, Kathleen left to serve in the Air Force during the Second World War.
Kathleen Kenner married William A. Kennedy in 1950, and through marriage she gained one son, John Kennedy, and two daughters, Mrs. Claire H. A. Still and Mrs. Janet Sheridan. Around the same time, Kathleen and William moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba where Kathleen was very active in the church and the community. Kathleen Kenner Kennedy died suddenly on November 28, 1967 at the age of 61.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
The Kathleen Kenner Fonds are organized in three series:
Series 1 – scrapbook (6.5 cm.)
Series 2 - file of correspondence (8 mm.)
Series 3 - newspaper clippings (1 mm.)
The scrapbook contains pictures of Kathleen’s life and times at Brandon College and the University in Toronto. There are pictures of students and friends, Brandon College, the University of Toronto, Victoria College, Toronto City Hall, Grandpa Ewing’s Farm in Ontario, grad pictures, a train station, and much more. The pictures show dress, women’s activities, the ladies’ Basketball team, and what Brandon itself looked like in the 1920’s. She also included personal notes, cards, invitations to dinners, dances, and luncheons, poems, dance cards, hockey tickets, and various other university mementos.
There are numerous newspaper clippings. One file contains poetry, mainly from her friend Mary McLaughin MacDonald, letters from her father and mother, a list of College yells, and a copy of "Hail Our College". Kenner has various excerpts from The Quill, letters from former students, and a grapho-analyst report (1933) that she received. An interesting possession in this collection are two speeches that Kenner delivered and kept originals of. The first is her reply to being nominated for Lady Stick in 1924. The second is a speech that she made when she invested her duties of Lady Stick to the new Lady Stick, Rose Vasey in 1925.
A portion of the description was written by Kathleen Scammell (2000).
Edith Mary Laycock was born on June 25, 1913. She attended Brandon Collegiate from 1929 until her graduation in 1931. Ms. Laycock attended Brandon College from 1931-1934, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1935, she attended the Wheat City Business College and graduated from the Stenographic Course. Ms. Laycock was employed by the Canadian Pacific Railway as a stenographer for many years and belonged to the Canadian Pacific Expressmen's Mutual Benefit Society from 1939.
Edith Laycock was very interested in drama. While attending Brandon Collegiate and Brandon College she participated in school and college plays. She was involved in drama and theatre throughout her aadult life. Edith Laycock directed many of Brandon College's major productions beginning in 1950. She was also the director of many of the plays put on by the Brandon Little Theatre from 1950. Ms. Laycock also performed in the Little Theatre productions when she was not directing.
Ms. Laycock was also involved in many other elements of Brandon life. She served alternatively as the vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and production manager of the Little Theatre throughout the 1940's and 1950's. She was the Social Manager for the Brandon Festival Committee in 1948, the Publicity Chairperson for the Brandon Music Festival Association in the 1950's, and the Secretary of the Brandon Overture Concert Association. Laycock also wrote play reviews for the Brandon Sun in the 1950's. She was the director of the Manitoba Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. In the 1960's Laycock was a member of the Brandon Council of Women and Chairperson of its Arts and Letters Committee. She was also the Vice-President of the Brandon Art Club in 1960. Edith Laycock also held a 12-week class in creative dramatics for children at the Allied Arts Centre in the early 1960's.
Edith Laycock died in Brandon on December 17, 1987.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1998. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
This fonds consists of memorabilia kept by Edith Laycock. A large part of the collection consists of programs from plays that Laycock performed in or directed during the 1950's and 1960's. There are also numerous newspaper clippings about Laycock's plays including reviews, pictures, and advertisements. This collection also includes a folder of programs from the Brandon Little Theatre productions in the 1950's, as well as clippings about the Little Theatre. There are also numerous articles about miscellaneous drama and art events throughout Brandon, Manitoba, and Canada. The fonds also includes Laycock's daybook from 1962, and travel notes from Laycock's 1952 trip to Great Britain and Europe. The latter contains a passenger list for the Empress of Scotland, August 5, 1952. The collection further includes Canadian Pacific Railway passes dating from 1947-1963 and a copy of the Canadian Pacific Pension Plan. Fonds also contains material from the various organizations that Laycock was involved with including the Brandon Council of Women and Beta Sigma Phi. Fonds includes 12 photos that appear to be family photos from Laycock's childhood. Finally, the fonds contains various copies of plays that Laycock performed in or directed.
Sub-series has been divided into the following sub sub series: (1) Curriculum and Academic Standards (CAS) Committee; (2) Senate Planning Committee; (3) Scholarships, Bursaries, Medals and Awards Committee; (4) Bachelor of General Studies Committee; and (5) Senate Committee of Student Affairs.
Robert (Bob) Troy Blair was born on March 11, 1930 in Brandon, MB. His first six years were spent in Alexander, MB, where his father and uncle operated a grocery store. In 1936, his family moved to Souris, MB, where his father ran a grocery store. Blair received his primary and high school education, with the exception of Grade 12, in Souris.
Blair remembers his school years in Souris as mainly happy years. He was involved with both piano and organ music lessons. he was never interested in physical sports with the exception of golf. World War II broke out in September of 1939. Souris became the site of #17 SFTS and home base for the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Many of the service men came from England, Australia and New Zealand. Blair's mother always entertained at least two for dinner every Sunday. Rationing of sugar, tea and coffee, butter and meat became a way of life. Blair had the job every Saturday of pasting the ration coupons into booklets. It was also when he was in Grade 6, that Blair realized he was more attracted to boys than to girls. Perhaps it was because so many attractive airmen surrounded him!
In November of 1947, the Blair family relocated to Alexander where Bob Blair finished his Grade 11. This was not a good year due to bullying. In September of 1948, Blair moved to Winnipeg to attend United College for his Grade 12. Upon completion of Grade 12, Blair remained in Winnipeg until June 1950. he worked at a number of businesses - Gestetner, Eaton's Mail Order shoe department, Maple Leaf Milling, and the drug store in the Medical Arts Building. In September 1950, he entered Brandon College. Blair was very active in extra-curricular affairs while at Brandon College; particularly drama. Following his B.A. he enrolled in the Education Faculty, having decided to become a teacher.
Blair's teaching career spanned 34 years. All but one year was spent in the Brandon School Division. On his first day of teaching in the Division he met the man with whom he would spend the next 46 years. He was primarily a teacher of English and Music. A highlight of his career was exchange teaching in Sacramento, California in 1961. Orientation for exchange took place in August in Washington, D.C., where Blair had the opportunity to meet President J.F. Kennedy. He vividly recals the morning that JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. In September 1965, Blair assumed the principalship of Park School and in September of 1969, the same position at George Fitton School where re remained until his retirement in 1989. He was a member of the Brandon Picnipals' Association, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and servedas President of the Brandon Teachers' Association. Among his major accomplishments during his time as principal were the introduction of a centralized school library in both Park and George Fitton Schools and the integration of special needs students into regular classroom situations wherever possible. He was made a Life Member of the Manitoba Teachers' Society (Brandon) in June 1990. Following his retirement Blair worked as a Library Automation Consultant (1989-1993).
Blair also had numerous community involvements during his time in Brandon. he was active in the Brandon Little Theatre (Best Actor Award, Manitoba Drama Festival for One Act Plays in 1963), the Brandon Festival of the Arts, the Eckhardt-Gramatte National Music Competition, and Arm Industries to name a few.
Following the death of his partner in 2001, Blair moved to Saskatoon to live with a younger gay couple. He has been active in volunteerism: as an Ambassador for the Saskatoon Airport Authority, assistant with the Saskatoon Health Region's Immunization Clinics, information clerk for the Festival of Trees, data entry clerk for the Saskatoon Music Festival, on the Board of the Saskatoon Jazz Society, and Hospitality Coordinator for the Saskatoon Jazz Festival.
Robert Troy Blair died on July 2, 2024 in Saskatoon, SK. He is buried in Brandon, MB.
Custodial History
Records were in Blair's possession until he donated them to the Mckee Archives on Homecoming weekend October 2013.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of two scrapbooks containing 145 photographs and ephemera (play and graduation programs, tickets, pins, newspaper clippings) documenting Bob Blair's days at Brandon College. Social events and extra-curricular activities are heavily featured in the two scrapbooks. Also included are graduation portraits for the Classes of 1951, 1952 and 1953. Of the 145 photographs all are black and white except for two photos of the Class of '53 reconvocation (May 1993), and one from the Class of '53 reunion (2003).
Sub-series consists of records for various committees of the Board of Governors, which were established to expedite matters in certain areas of the Board's jurisdiction. Some committees have a more or less permanent status while others were created to deal with specific questions or mandates. The sub-series has been divided into six sub sub series, including: (1) Nominating Committee; (2) Finance Committee; (3) Presidential Selection Committee; (4) Membership Committee; (5) Fundraising-Liaison Committee; and (6) Athletic Directorate.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.5 Board of Governors' committees
At present (July 2007) all Board Committee files are in one box. As more records are received, the individual committees will be placed into their own boxes.