Pool Insurance Limited was created in 1939 and re-incorporated at Pool Insurance Company in 1940. It was designed to internalize some of the insurance risk of MPE, which had previously been carried by an extenal company.
Co-operative Life Insurance Company was formed in 1945 to offer pool members affordable life insurance tailored to their lives as producers.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of documents and minutes.
CSP Foods Ltd resulted from an amalgamtion of Co-op Vegetable Oils Ltd with MPE in 1975. The company operated crushing plants in Altona, Manitoba and in Saskatchewan, and was overseen by members of MPE and the Sask Wheat Pool.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, and promotional materials.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2010)
History taken from F.W. Hamilton's "Service at Cost"
Manitoba Pool Elevators was quick to realize the usefulness of the radio medium as a educational and promotional tool. It was also often used to defend the Pool and the co-operative movement in general on programs such as Farm Radio Forum. See fonds level description of RG 4 for complete history/bio of MPE.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.10 consists of textual radio broadcast transcriptions. The records include transcriptions from 1930 until 1971. Radio broadcasts are on a wide variety of topics, including argicultural science, the grain market and general economy of Canada and the world, government acts and legislation that affected the producer, co-operatives and the co-operative movement, rural life, young people, WWII, Manitoba, and the Manitoba Pool Elevators.
Speeches and addresses given by executives of the Manitoba Wheat Pool and MPE as well as argricultural experts and supporters of the co-operative movement helped to spread and solidify support for the Pools. They also served to educate rural members on a variety of topics. See fonds level description of RG 4 for complete history/bio of MPE.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.8 consists of speeches made by various important members and executives of Manitoba Pool Elevators. Records include the following:
1a. Addresses 1930 -1946
1b. Addresses 1946 -1954
2. Addresses 1954 -1960
3. Addresses 1969 -1975
4a. Addresses 1972 -1979
4b. Addresses 1972 -1979
5a. F.W. Hamilton Speeches 1967 -1973
5b. F.W. Hamilton Speeches 1962 -1966
5c. F.W. Hamilton Speeches 1960 -1962
5d. F.W. Hamilton Speeches 1949 -1960
6a. W.J. Parker Speeches 1945
6b. W.J. Parker Speeches 1940 -1944
7a. W.J. Parker Speeches 1948 -1950
7b. W.J. Parker Speeches 1946 -1948
8a. W.J. Parker Speeches 1954 -1958
8b. W.J. Parker Speeches 1951 -1954
9a. W.J. Parker Speeches 1968 -1970
9b. W.J. Parker Speeches 1960 -1967
10. F.W. Ransom Addresses 1942 - 1948
11. Miscellaneous Addresses 1948 - 1955; no dates
12. Miscellaneous Addresses 1960; no dates
13. E.S. Russenholt Addresses
14. V. Martens " The Implications of Including Protein in Segregrating Canadian Wheat"
Manitoba Pool Elevators was a part of and associated with many other producer co-operatives in Manitoba.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series consists of records from the following co-operative organizations: Canadian Poultry Pool Ltd, Canadian Poutry Sales, Manitoba Co-operative Poultry Marketing Association, Manitoba Dairy and Poultry Co-operative Ltd, The Co-operative Promotion Board, Manitoba Fish Products, Pool Co-operative Seed Association, XCAN Grain Pool
Records for the above organizations may include but do not necessarily include the following: financial records, minutes, correpondence, reports, addresses, and memoranda.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2010)
Original order in this sub-series was rearranged by Eileen McFadden. The order established by her has been left intact.
Co-op Farm Implements was a subsidiary company designed to serve Pool members in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of general documents and photographs.
The Pool livestock advisory boards and livestock markets were organized under the MPE when MPE merger with the Manitoba Co-operative Livestock Producers Ltd in 1948. The livestock pools operated in much the same way the grain pools did. The MPE Livestock Division was overseen by the Canadian Livestock Co-operative (Western) Limited (known as the C.L.C.). Local shipping associations shipped livestock to a central selling agency in St. Boniface, although this changed with the development of the rural highway system in Manitoba and the founding of Pool Packers.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of Livestock Division records, Virden Auction Market records, Brandon Livestock Advisory Committee records, Elkhorn Co-operative Livestock records, and Swan River Livestock Association Ltd.
Elphinstone Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1927 - 1978 Memorandum of Association and General By-laws, 11 August 1927 Certificate of incorporation, 17 August 1927 Minutes of first general meeting of shareholders, 18 January 1928 Minutes of first permanent Directors' meeting, 18 January 1928 Memorandum of Agreement, By-laws 8, 9, 10 and 11, 12 November 1929 Minutes of the Shareholders' meeting, 25 July 1931 Directors meeting minutes, 25 July 1931 ECEAL By-law no. 12 \& 13, 25 July 1931 Agreement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1931 Letter re Supplementary Agreement, 16 November 1933 Agreement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 2 February 1933 Letter, 28 June 1944 Agreement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1937 Ageement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 1 November 1937 ECEAL By-law no. 16, 4 November 1939 Letter re By-law no. 16, 24 March 1941 ECEAL By-law to authorize cancellation of share capital, 2 November 1940 Letter, 24 March 1941 ECEAL By-laws 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, 15 July 1941 MPE General By-laws, 23 October 1941 ECEAL By-law no. 21, 7 November 1947 Letter re By-law no.21, 27 August 1948 Letter re amendment to General By-laws, 6 May 1949 ECEAL By-law no. 22, 20 June 1949 MPEL By-law amending the general By-laws of the Co., 7 March 1950 Agreement between ECEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 ECEAL By-law no. 23, 21 November 1921 MPEL By-law no. 1961-148, 12 October 1961 Directors' resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between MPEL and ECEAL, 15 December 1966 ECEAL By-law no. 26, 4 April 1967 Letter re Pioneer Grain Co., 23 February 1978 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 4 February 1928 - volume 7, 13 November 1980 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1929 - 1968 (37 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1937 - 1955 (18 reports) Final statements, 1931 - 1952 (24 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1967 (26 reports) Analysis of operating results, 1951 - 1963 (11 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1963 - 1967 (4 reports) Capital loan summary, 31 July 1951 Correspondence, 1929 - 1969 Membership list, 1929 - 1930, 1978 Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Strathclair
File numbering is not congruous between sub-series arranged prior to 2009 and sub-series arranged or added to after 2009. This will be corrected in the future
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This artificially created sub-series contains a variety of legal and official documents related to the operation of the Manitoba Wheat Pool and MPE. Records include the following:
1. Agreements, General By-laws, and Contracts 1924-1972
2. General By-laws
3. Incorporations and Dissolutions
4. Operating Agreements, Agreements for Sale 1940-67
5. MPE Complete Legislation
6. Miscellaneous Documents
7. Elevator Policy, Agreements, Incorporation Certificates / Indebtedness
8. Quantitative Appraisal of Wheat Pool Building (left in original binding)
9. 9th Victory Loan Souvenir: A Portfolio of Reproductions of the Documents of Surrender
10a. Federal Agreement 1972 p.1-126
10b. Federal Agreement 1972
11a. Terminal Expansion 1961 – 1963
11b. Terminal Expansion 1961 – 1963
12. By-Laws and Constitutions
13. MPE & Connaught Laboratories Agreements 1964-66
14. MPE & Connaught Laboratories Agreements 1964-66
15. “Pool Pac” Trade Mark 1964, 1971, 1979
16. Patent #501894 Dust Control Apparatus 1954
17. MPE Agreement w/ Daniel Augustus Kane (General Superintendent appointment) 1928, 1933
18. Manitoba Co-operative Wheat Producers Ltd. Agreement w/ Richard M. Mahoney (Manager) 1924, 1925, 1928
19. MPE Acts
20. MPE Acts
21. Party & Supplementary Agreements 1931-1936
22a. Historical Documents of the Manitoba Wheat Pool 1924 - 1927
22b. Historical Documents of the Manitoba Wheat Pool 1927 - 1930
23a. Miscellaneous Documents 1925 -1996
23b. Miscellaneous Documents 1979 -1998
24. Association Documents 1940 - 1966
25. Deed of Trust and Mortage August 2 1928
26. Wheat and Coarse Grains Overpayments 1929-1930
Border Fertilizers Ltd was a parnership agreement between the Pool and M.G. Smerchanski to provide better fertilizer services to Pool members. MPE entered the agreement in 1963 but sold their shares in 1969 due to heavy losses.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of legal documents, financial statements, proposals and reports.
The Wasagaming Foundation was founded in 1964 to plan an educational centre at Clear Lake, part of which would become Camp Wannakumbac in 1965. The Foundation was the joint effort of MPE, Federated Co-opertives Limited, Manitoba Farm Bureau, and United Grain Growers.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series consists of two files of the Wasagaming Foundation.
This commission was appointed in late 1944 and made it's reports and recommendations in late 1945. The commission's tasks were the following: (1) give a legal opinion on existing taxation legislation affecting co-operatives, (2) reccomend taxation legislation in respect to co-operatives, with due regard to current tax burdens on privately owned busniess, (3) provide a picture of the actual structure of co-operative enterprise in Canada, its growth, and the effects of taxation upon it.
The commission's findings were, briefly: (1) Section 4, paragraph (p) of the Income War Tax Act is so ambiguous as to justify its repeal, (2) commission reccomended legislation permitting both co-operative and joint stock companies to deduct patronage dividends in computing taxes, whether paid out or available on demand, (3) appendicies of research staff findings that provide statistical and historical information on the origin, growth and distribution of co-operatives in Canada.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 31 of the Royal Commission on Co-operatives, the brief and report on the Commission, an outline of argument on behalf of certain co-operative organizations.
A commission to inquire into the formation and operation of the Manitoba Pool up until 1931. Charges were brought against the Pool by J.R. Murray, then Assistant General Manager of UGG. The four charges were, briefly: (1) producers had been mislead into forming elevator associations, (2) members are bound by contract to the association, (3) financial statements sent out to associations are inaccurate, (4) Pool members are not getting as good a deal as they would on the free market.
The first two charges were deemed provable by the commission, while the last two were not. It was noted by the commissioner that no pool members had come forward with complaints.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 25 of the Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators.
It has been impossible to establish an administrative history for Pike & Co. other than that it was a small distributor of packet seeds located in Edmonton, Alberta. The acquisition was made in 1982 on the recommendation of McKenzie President William Moore. In 2001, Pike & Co. continued to be a part of the mail order division of McKenzie Seeds.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of one file containing a proposal to acquire shares of Pike & Co., and a document entitled organizational shares.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 3 Acquisitions
Related Material
Financial records for Pike & Co. for 1983 are located in Series 1 (Board of
Directors), sub-series 5 (Financial) of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds in the file entitled 'Complete Financial Record 1983, McKenzie Seeds'.
Catalogues and seed packets for Pike & Co. are located in Series 2 (Office of the President/GM), sub-series 4 (Marketing) of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds.
The book "By Gossip and Myth" by Prof. George MacDowell in Series 6 (Miscellaneous), sub-series 2 (Miscellaneous Publications) of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds, also contains a small amount of information regarding the purchase of Pike & Co.
Block C was situated in sparse oak forest with an understory of saskatoon, hazelnut and a thick ground cover of poison ivy and sarsaparilla. The block measured 3m and 3m and contained nine excavation units. All units were excavated to 35cm below surface. The soil horizons were much like the other blocks, except for a rusty brown stain in the first level, giving the upper black loam a mottled appearance. The brown patches were clay mixed with loam and were harder than the surrounding matrix. No definitive interpretation of these phenomena was attempted but this effect may be the result of natural brush or forest fires. Under the 5cm so d/humus (Ah) layer, the loam horizon extended approximately 5cm – 25 cm below surface, and averaged 20 cm thick. Bone was concentrated within this horizon between 10 cm – 20 cm below surface.
Block C was notable for its concentrations of articulated bison bone. Most noteworthy was an articulated unit composed of lumbar vertebrae, pelvis, and sacrum. Several thoracic vertebra/proximal rib end concentrations were also recovered. There were more vertebrae and rib sections recovered in the units in proportion to other bones. A few sherds, some debitage and a single Prairie Side-Notched point fragment were among the recoveries. Based on the quantity of bone, the density of the bone layer, and the articulated butchering units the area has been interpreted as a bone midden.
Faunal material was analysed by Jessica MacKenzie for her Honours Thesis: "A reconstruction of butchering processes in Block C from the Lovstrom site DjLx-1 in Southwestern Manitoba."
Radiocarbon date: 850/115BP XU 79.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
During the independent existence of Manitoba Pool Elevators, the Manitoba Co-operator, published by the Manitoba Co-operative Conference Ltd., was the official organ of the cooperative movement in the province. The sub-series consists of issues of The Manitoba Co-operator from 1931-1936 and 1943-2001.
Edwin Association Minutes 1928-1981; Sub-district #101 Minutes Oct 6 1969-July 18 1978; Agent's Letters Dec 24 1928-July 15 1947; Cirrculars Spet 19 1969-August 15 1978; Correspondence Nov 7 1960-Sept 8 1978; Memo of Association and By-laws 1928-1953; Member Certificates 1947-1953; Newsletters Jan 1976-August 1978; Attendance records 1946-1962; Financial 1929-1983; Miscellaneous (correspondance, Grain Handling Commission, Crop Development and Seed Clubs, publications) 1951-1978; Membership Lists 1955-1978
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Edwin Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives