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Lovstrom Block B - summary
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
Block B consisted of 20 contiguous 1m2 units excavated to 30 cm below surface. (except unit 58 which was excavated to 35 cm bs to obtain extended soil profile). The block is situated in recent oak and poplar forest at the head of a ravine leading to Jock’s Creek, adjacent to an area cleared for market gardening. As was the case with Block A, the understory is heavily overgrown with hazelnut, chokecherry, saskatoon, and a poison ivy/sarsaparilla ground cover. The soil levels below the sod in Block B consisted of a black, silty, and gritty loam layer from 5 cm to 23 cm below surface, a yellow and sandy clay from 23 cm to 30 cm below surface, and glacial till at 30 cm below surface. As in Block A, limestone cobbles were found throughout the occupation level around the bone. It is evident that bioturbation – primarily tree roots and rodent burrowing – have significantly altered patterns of original deposition of lithics, ceramics and small bone. The faunal layer lay close to the surface, situated entirely in the black loam 5 cm – 23 cm below surface. The 23 cm depth also marked the end of the dark silty loam. At 10 cm below surface, a discernible patterning of the bone appeared. Concentrations of bone in narrow rows ran in an irregular pattern from the northwest to the southeast part of the block. This pattern was most apparent in the north end of the block which is the highest point in the block. In the same 1m2 unit, patches of weathered, very poorly preserved bone would be found lying close to patches of well preserved bone. It is believed that this variability in preservation results from uneven rates of burial due to taphic activities of pocket gophers or other agents of bioturbation. The same pattern of uneven preservation occurs over much of the locale but is most evident in Block B. Diagnostic lithics included eleven projectile points that were predominantly Plains or Prairie Side-notch types, but included two unnotched triangular points. Cord-wrapped impressed rim sherds and body sherds were recovered. The ceramics are variants of the Woodland Blackduck horizon. RC dates: XU49 – 675/80 BP XU 59 – 705/75BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Lovstrom Block B - summary
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom Block B
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Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
33 cm
History / Biographical
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This artificially created sub-series contains a variety of legal and official documents related to the operation of the Manitoba Wheat Pool and MPE. Records include the following: 1. Agreements, General By-laws, and Contracts 1924-1972 2. General By-laws 3. Incorporations and Dissolutions 4. Operating Agreements, Agreements for Sale 1940-67 5. MPE Complete Legislation 6. Miscellaneous Documents 7. Elevator Policy, Agreements, Incorporation Certificates / Indebtedness 8. Quantitative Appraisal of Wheat Pool Building (left in original binding) 9. 9th Victory Loan Souvenir: A Portfolio of Reproductions of the Documents of Surrender 10a. Federal Agreement 1972 p.1-126 10b. Federal Agreement 1972 11a. Terminal Expansion 1961 – 1963 11b. Terminal Expansion 1961 – 1963 12. By-Laws and Constitutions 13. MPE & Connaught Laboratories Agreements 1964-66 14. MPE & Connaught Laboratories Agreements 1964-66 15. “Pool Pac” Trade Mark 1964, 1971, 1979 16. Patent #501894 Dust Control Apparatus 1954 17. MPE Agreement w/ Daniel Augustus Kane (General Superintendent appointment) 1928, 1933 18. Manitoba Co-operative Wheat Producers Ltd. Agreement w/ Richard M. Mahoney (Manager) 1924, 1925, 1928 19. MPE Acts 20. MPE Acts 21. Party & Supplementary Agreements 1931-1936 22a. Historical Documents of the Manitoba Wheat Pool 1924 - 1927 22b. Historical Documents of the Manitoba Wheat Pool 1927 - 1930 23a. Miscellaneous Documents 1925 -1996 23b. Miscellaneous Documents 1979 -1998 24. Association Documents 1940 - 1966 25. Deed of Trust and Mortage August 2 1928 26. Wheat and Coarse Grains Overpayments 1929-1930
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2009, 2010)
Name Access
F.W. Ransom
R.M Mahoney
C.H. Burnell
W.J. Parker
P.F. Bredt
D.A. Kane
Manitoba Pool Elevators
Manitoba Wheat Pool
Central Office
Subject Access
Victory Loan
Letters Patent
Storage Location
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds Series B: Central Office records
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Gordon Lindsay collection
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.36
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
2.5 cm
Physical Condition
Generally good. Some tears. Issues located first and last in the folders Lindsay stored them in are missing sections where the page stuck to the folder.
History / Biographical
James Gordon Lindsay was born June 16, 1925 in Minneapolis, Minnesota where his father, James Lindsay, a Brandon pioneer from Northern Ireland, had been working for the Coca Cola Bottling Company. In November 1925, the Lindsay family moved back to Brandon where they lived at 547 16th Street. Lindsay attended Park School, Earl Oxford Junior High School and Brandon Collegiate. In September 1943, he entered 2nd Year at Brandon College, joining the Class of 1946. Due to past experience in publishing the BCI yearbook, he was drafted into The Board of Publications and named Co-editor of the Quill along with third year student Genevieve Fuloski. Lindsay and Fuloski held their positions for two years. Because of the war, money and supplies were in short supply and the Quill at one point was reduced to mimeographed pages. While Editor Lindsay wrote The eggshell-Slightly Cracked column. Lindsay was named Senior Stick in 1945 and graduated from Brandon College with a B.Sc. in 1946. He obtained both his MSc (1948) and PhD (1951) in Physical Chemistry from McMaster University. During his time in Hamilton, Lindsay met Shirley Woolmer and the couple married on September 2, 1950. They moved to Arvida, Quebec in 1951 where Lindsay accepted an offer from Aluminium Laboratories Limited, the research arm of Alcan Aluminium Ltd. The couple remained in Arvida for twenty-two years, during which time they had four children: Sharon, Heather, Geoffrey and David. In 1973, Lindsay was transferred to Alcan's head office in Montreal where he spent the next three years co-ordinating alumina research in Alcan plants around the world. In 1976, he accepted a transfer to Alcan Jamaica as Chief Technical Officer and Manager of Technical Development. He and Shirley spent nearly eight years in Jamaica before returning to Canada in 1984. After a yaer at Alcan's Research Centre in Kingston, ON Lindsay took early retirement. During their years in Jamaica Lindsay had been introduced to Rotary and he continued his association with the organization in Kingston where for fifteen years he was Bulletin editor of the Kingston-Frontenac Rotary Club. In addition to Rotary, Lindsay (along with his wife) took up genealogy in his retirement and after fifteen years of extensive travel and research he became his Lindsay family's historian and author of The Lindsays of Dundonald. For three years in the late 1980s Lindsay served as a representative on the Brandon University Alumni Executive for Eastern Canada. Along with his wife he attended two class reunions at Brandon University including his 50th Re-convocation in 1996. At present (June 2010) Gordon Lindsay continues to live in Kingston, ON with his wife.
Custodial History
Materials remained in Gordon Lindsay's possession from time of creation until he donated them to the Archives on September 4, 2009.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of copies of the Quill, including: 1942-1943: No. 11 (January 26, 1943) 1943-1944: Nos. 2, 12, 14 (October 20, 1943, February 2, 1944, February 16, 1944) 1944-1945: Nos. 1-5 and 7-12 1945-1946: Nos. 1-10 (11 issues as there are two labelled No. 4)
History/Bio information provided by Gordon Lindsay. Description by Christy Henry.
Subject Access
student activities
Storage Location
Encorporated into RG 6 Brandon University fonds The Quill editions
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Carole Paintin-Dence collection
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1900-1964; predominant 1948-1964
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.12
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1900-1964; predominant 1948-1964
Physical Description
85 cm textual records
21 color slides
History / Biographical
Carole Paintin-Dence was raised in Souris, Manitoba and attended Brandon College in the early 1960s. While at Brandon College she was active in the Glee Club, I.R.C. and French Clubs. She was also Quill reporter for the Music Department.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of a small collection of Brandon College memorabilia and slides. The memorabilia includes programs from various Brandon College Student Association events, Alumni News, and a copy of "The New Brandon College School of Music" by Peggy Sharpe. The slide images include: the opening of the Music Building 1963 (3) - Sir Ernest MacMillan, Lady MacMillan and Lorne Watson; raising the class flag 1964 (2); the JRC Evans Lecture Theatre 1964 (1); Brandon College Original Building 1964 (1); Freshie Parade 1962 (1) - glee club float and 1963 (3) - "wedding of Jack & Jill"; French Immersion class Summer 1964 (4) - Mme Ragot, Neil Forsyth, Henri Francq; party for John 1963 (2) - Ken May, Morlene Sparrow, John Sushelnitsky, Norma Walmsley, Poppy Cumming, Chris Cassels, Pat Brake, Eleanor Riesberry; W.U.S. parties (4) - Joan Garnett, Norma Walmsley, Claude Paintin, Brian Foster, Rae Westcott, Clark Brownlee, Nina Kosakawiecz, Berth Paintin Collection also includes school texts and pedagogical guides - forty-seven in total - dealing with reading, spelling, social studies and particularly music.
Description by Christy Henry.
Name Access
World University Service
Subject Access
freshie week
building openings
class flags
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.12 Carole Paintin-Dence
Related Material
Paul Panton fonds
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Frances Percival (nee Fraser) fonds
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.6
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
70 b&w photographs (various sizes) 7 mm textual records
Physical Condition
History / Biographical
Frances Elizabeth Percival (nee Fraser) attended Brandon College in 1928-1929. She was from Wawanesa, Manitoba and passed away on August 3, 2004 at the age of 93 years.
Custodial History
The records were donated to the McKee Archives by Joy Lalonde, a realtive of Fran Percival's, in 2005.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of three dance cards from the Brandon Normal School, a photograph album of Brandon College students and activities (many of them identified) and an autographed copy of the 1929 Brandon College Annual Graduation Program.
Description by Christy Henry.
Name Access
Fran Fraser
Subject Access
arts students
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.6 Frances Percival (nee Fraser)

Photo Album and Name Sheet.pdf

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Evan McDonald Whidden fonds
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1915-1936; predominant 1917-1922.
Accession Number
1-2001, 8-2003, 9-2006
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 1 1.8
Accession Number
1-2001, 8-2003, 9-2006
multiple media
Date Range
1915-1936; predominant 1917-1922.
Physical Description
6 cm. textual records; 1921 Brandon College Quill (Commencement Number); approx. 150 photographs
History / Biographical
Evan McDonald Whidden (1898-1980) was born in Galt, Ontario. He was educated at Brandon College. Following service in the Great War he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from McMaster University (Brandon College) in 1921. He obtained a Master of Arts in history (McMaster [n.d.]) and in 1928, a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Yale. Whidden married Frances Margaret Billington in 1941. Together they had three children: Howard John (b.1943), Roberta Katherine (b. 1945) and Eric Christopher (b. 1947). Dr. Whidden served in Baptist churches in Saskatchewan and Manitoba before joining the faculty of Brandon College in 1936. In 1938, he was appointed Thomas J. Armstrong Professor of church history at Acadia University. He became Dean of the School of Theology at Acadia in 1954, and served in that capacity until 1963. He retired from the faculty of Acadia University in 1967. Dr. Whidden has written in the field of church history and education. He was awarded honorary degrees by the Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, N.S. (1950), McMaster University [n.d.] and Acadia University (1969).
Custodial History
Since his death in 1980, the fonds has been in the custody of his widow, Mrs. Frances Margaret Whidden. The first accession was donated to the McKee Archives in April, 2001; the second in 2003; and the third in May 2005.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of Evan Whidden's reports to family members, in particular to his father and mother, on his experience as a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the years 1917-1919. Records also include correspondence from his mother, Katherine Louise Whidden (nee Ganong), to Evan during these years. In these reports, Whidden records his impressions of military life through his training in Canada and England and his experience of war in Europe with the Canadian Expeditionary Force from 1917-1918. He was involved in the conflict only briefly at the conclusion of the war. His letters provide an account of life in France, Belgium and Germany in 1918. The fonds also contains correspondence dating from the early 1920s from Chester New, a history professor at McMaster, who had previously taught at Brandon College. Fonds also contains correspondence from Whidden's father, Howard Primrose Whidden, President of Brandon College 1912-1922 and, from 1922-1949, Chancellor of McMaster University. This correspondence deals principally with the progress of Evan Whidden's education and his choice of a career in the church or the academic world. Fonds contains several publications containing the work of Evan Whidden, mostly on religious themes. It also includes newspaper clippings and convocation programs dealing with Dr. Whidden's graduation from Yale and the presentation of honorary degrees to him at Pine Hill and Acadia. The fonds contains newspaper stories on the occasion of the retirement of Howard Primrose Whidden following his lengthy career as President of McMaster University. Death notices for Dr. H.P. Whidden and his wife are also to be found. Finally, fonds containts approximately 150 b&w photographs of group portraits, individual portraits and activites at Brandon College and a copy of the 1921 Commencement Issue of the Brandon College Quill.
Name Access
Evan Whidden
Chester New
Howard Whidden
Subject Access
Brandon College 1920s
Storage Location
MG 1 Brandon College Teaching and Administration 1.8 Evan McDonald Whidden
Related Material
Whidden's father, Howard Primrose Whidden served as President of Brandon College 1912-1922. His records are located in RG 1, series 2.2 (Brandon College fonds, Office of the Pesident). Records from Evan Whidden's time as College Dean are located in RG 1, series 6 (Brandon College fonds, Office of the College Dean).
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Raymond R. Bailey fonds
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1940-1944, 2005
Accession Number
10-2006, 11-2006.
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.7
Accession Number
10-2006, 11-2006.
textual records
Date Range
1940-1944, 2005
Physical Description
1 file (0.5 cm) 1 book, 491 pp.(3.75 cm) 3 yearbooks
Physical Condition
Very good
History / Biographical
Ray Bailey was born in Brandon Manitoba in 1922. A Bachelor of Science degree from Brandon College in 1944 completed his education there. Following a short stint as a Chemist he entered the University of Manitoba. There, in 1946, he earned a Diploma in Education. Subsequent study brought a Master of Education degree in 1966. In 1973, he was awareded a Canada Council grant for additional studies. He began his teaching career at Killarney, MB in March 1946, teaching science. Later he held teaching and adminitrative positions in Melita, Morris and Seven Oaks School Divisions. He retired as Principal of Arthur E. Wright Elementary School in 1986. Bailey was active in the Manitoba Teachers Society and the Manitoba Library Trustees Association. In 1973, the city of Winnipeg gave him a community service award. In 2005, he was a recipient of the Brandon University Alumni Association's Distinguished Alumni Award. He married Joan Pettipher in 1949. They had four children, Ronald, Ann, Mary and Robert. Joan Bailey died in 1988. Raymond Bailey lived in Winnipeg with his wife Barbara until his death on July 23, 2015.
Custodial History
Book was acquired at a book launch sponsored by Pennywise Books, Brandon, Manitoba in January 2006. The Brandon College documents were probably collected by Bailey during his time as a student in the early 1940s. He donated them to the McKee Archives in November 1994. The yearbooks were delivered to the Archives by Gerald Brown for Bailey in April 2008.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of an autographed copy of Bailey's book "tadpole to Little Frong (in a big pond)." It also includes three Brandon Collegiate Institute yearbooks the New Era for 1938-40, one file of Brandon College records, including eligibility lists for the Students' Association, a Physics IV test, a letter to Bailey excusing him from non-combat duty due to his work as an assistant in the Chemistry Department, a dance program for the Valentine Formal (1943), a freshman reception list and a program/invitation to a musical evening at the home of Martin Johns, Professor in the Physics Department.
History/Bio information taken from the author description in Bailey's book. Description by Christy Henry.
Name Access
Raymond Bailey
Subject Access
the Depression
Manitoba history
War years
Brandon College
Location Copy
Photocopies of some of the lists are located in the file with the originals.
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.7 Raymond R. Bailey
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Harold Arthur Kinniburgh fonds
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.8
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
2 mm textual records 1 b&w photograph (8x10)
Physical Condition
History / Biographical
Harold Arthur Kinniburgh was born in New Zealand in 1883. He spent two years in Brandon working at the Experimental Farm during the summer and studying at Brandon College during the winter. After his years at Brandon College he worked in Canada in the dairy industry from two years and then returned to New Zealand for the balance of his life. He devoted his time to developing a dairy farm in New Zealand. Harold Kinniburgh died in 1953.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of copies of correspondence written by Kinniburgh to his mother in New Zealand while he was attending Brandon College. The photograph is a copy of the 1905 First Year Academic class at Brandon College.
Description by Christy Henry.
Name Access
Harold Kinniburgh
Subject Access
Brandon College 1905
Brandon College men's residence
Location Original
Kinniburgh's family in New Zealand contact: Jeanette Johnston 10 Hampton Place Hamilton, New Zealand
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.8 Harold Arthur Kinniburgh
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John Robert Charles Evans
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
6.42 m
History / Biographical
Dr. Evans was born in Nanaimo, B.C. on March 15, 1891. In the fall of 1907, at the age of sixteen, Dr. Evans entered the Academic Department of Brandon College. He played an integral part at the College, participating in academics, sports, and various other college functions and organizations. In his final year he was Senior Stick, the highest position in the Student Government. In 1913, Dr. Evans graduated from Brandon College. Immediately after graduation he was hired to teach Science and Academic Mathematics. In 1917, he became Principal of the Academic Department, while continuing to teach Mathematics and Science. Dr. Evans took leave in 1920 to study post graduate work at the University of Chicago. During the summers, he was the Acting Dean of the Department of Geology in Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in Geology in 1923, and returned to Brandon College. His new positions at the college were of Professor of Geology and Resident Master. He also taught some Chemistry. On August 1, 1927, Dr. Evans married Adelene M. Bailey (Class of 1921, Music 1924) at the Joseph Bond Chapel in Chicago. He took over as College Dean in 1928 after the position became vacant. In September of 1928, Dr. Evans accepted the position of President of Brandon College, thus becoming its fifth president since the college’s inception. Dr. Evans was head of the college at a very difficult time. He guided the College through the Depression and repeated threats of closure from the Baptists. Dr. Evans resurrected the Department of Theology in the mid-1930’s. He helped with the reorganization of Brandon College as a non-denominational college in 1938, and its new affiliation with the University of Manitoba. During World War II, Dr. Evans started a War Emergency Fund, aimed at keeping the College from sinking into debt during the war years as enrollment shrank. With increased financial support from the government, Dr. Evans began expansion plans for the College. In 1958, he created the Dr. J.R.C. Evans Student Loan Fund in conjunction with the Alumni Association in order to provide worthy students with interest-free loans. It was also in 1958 that Dr. Evans was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Coronation Medal for his outstanding contribution to education in the British Commonwealth. On July 29, 1959, Dr. Evans died suddenly at his summer home in Robson, B.C.. On his desk was the programme for the sod-turning ceremony for the new Arts and Library Building and Lecture Theatre. When it was completed, the Lecture Theatre was christened the Dr. J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre on behalf of the man who had made sure that it would be built. The Theatre had been his dream, a place to hold Chapel and Assemblies, as the student body grew in number.
Scope and Content
Dr. Evans collection is quite substantial, owing to the fact that he was President of Brandon College for thirty one years. His collection is primarily made up of correspondence between Dr. Evans and various people. The letters deal with students, teachers, finances, fundraising, the Bursar, the Registrar, and legal matters. The collection also includes the minutes from various meetings, including Board of Director meetings and National Conference on Canadian Universities. There are accounts dealing with World War II, its affect on campus, the C.O.T.C, and the lending of part of Brandon College to the R.C.A.F. during the war. The complete withdrawal of Baptist support for Brandon College is well documented in this collection, as is the ensuing affiliation of the College with the University of Manitoba. The Brandon College Campaign and other fundraising endeavors are documented in Evans’ papers as well. Evans was bent on the expansion of Brandon College, and there is a lot of correspondence dealing with this topic. There are various financial accounts and financial histories of Brandon College in Evans’ collection.
Name Access
J.R.C. Evans
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 2: Office of the Principal/President
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Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1919-1967, 1948-1965
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
1919-1967, 1948-1965
Physical Description
9 cm
Scope and Content
These are the minutes of meetings of the Literary Board.
Subject Access
literary board
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
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Main Executive Committee
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1931-1945, 1957-1967
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
1931-1945, 1957-1967
Physical Description
8.5 cm
Scope and Content
These are the minutes from the meetings of the Main Executive of the Student Association.
Subject Access
Student Association
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
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Rev. Dr. Samuel James McKee
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Accession Number
Other Numbers
MG 1 1.1
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
27.5 cm
History / Biographical
Samuel James McKee was born near Wellesley, Ontario on July 17, 1849. By 1872, he had graduated from Toronto University. That same year he accepted a position at the Canadian Literary Institute in Woodstock, Ontario. Although he accepted this post with reservation, McKee soon found himself converted to the Baptist faith and was a true believer. In 1881, his doctor advised him to move West because of his poor health. He and his wife Laura moved to Rapid City, Manitoba and established a farm there. His brother-in-law, Rev. Davis was busy establishing the Rapid City Academy during this time, and when Davis had the chance to move to Moose Jaw, he prevailed upon McKee to take over the Academy. Under McKee's guidance the Academy flourished. By 1890, he decided that he could reach more people if he relocated the school Brandon, Manitoba, which was located on the C.P.R. line. The S.J. McKee Academy did quite well in Brandon, although it had trouble finding a permanent home. By 1899, the school was located in the Stewart Block on Ninth Street and Rosser Avenue. McKee's wife taught music, and there were always potential ministry students in his classes. In 1899, the Baptists finally decided that they wanted a College in Manitoba that would help preapre students for potential ministry service. It was decided to locate the school in Brandon, as McKee, a staunch Baptist, already had a flourishing Academy there. The Baptists and McKee amalgamated and Brandon College was created. When the school opened in October 1899, McKee was on the Board of Directors as well as teaching Classics, Mental Science and French. He also acted as the unofficial Vice-principal of the school. McKee taught several different subjects during the next few years, and in 1910 accepted the newly created post of Registrar. He retained this position for the next decade. As well, McKee acted as the Bursar in 1911-1913, 1914-1915, and 1919-1920. He retired in 1920 and moved to Vancouver. McKee was given the title Professor Emeritus in Philosophy. He was made an honorary member of the Board of Directors in 1925. McKee and his wife had five daughters and three sons. Three daughters that died soon after the move from Rapid City due to a typhoid epidemic. His son, George Eugene, graduated from Brandon College in 1902. A son, John Harris McKee, became the Bursar of Brandon College in 1915 after obtaining his B.A. in 1914. Another son, William Carey McKee, graduated from Brandon College in 1914, and received his M.A. in 1915. He was studying Law in Calgary when he enlisted with the Army. Carey McKee was killed in action on August 26, 1918. A fourth son, Robert Allan also attended Brandon College. He enlisted when Carey did, but he was declared medically unfit for service in Winnipeg in 1917. He eventually returned to Brandon, but was sick for a very long time. He died on Febrary 13, 1919, from a growth on his brain that had weakened him greatly. McKee's daughter Mildred also attended Brandon College. After her husband was killed in action in November of 1918, she returned home to her parents. Eventually she obtained a degree in Household Science. There is another daughter mentioned, Lydia. McKee also states in a tax return form that he has a permanently epileptic child in a home. It is not known if this child was Lydia or not. S.J. McKee died in September 1937 at the age of 88.
Custodial History
To commemorate the move of the McKee Acadamy to Brandon, Manitoba in 1890, Brandon University renamed the Brandon University Archives the S.J. McKee Archives in the fall of 1990. At that time, the McKee family was represented by S.J. McKee's grandson William, who donated the S.J. McKee papers to the Archives. Up until 1990, the records had been in his custody, having passed from S.J. at the time of his death to William's father.
Scope and Content
S.J. McKee's files are very unique. He has records detailing many aspects from Rapid City Academy and the desire for educating the West. He has a lengthy document entitled "The Beginning of our Educational Work in the West" in his records. It details the creation of Prairie College, its demise, and the building of the Rapid City Academy. There is a lot of correspondence, not just to and from S.J. McKee, but to and from his children as well. There are Land Titles papers, Mortgages, Last Will and Testaments, and various other legal documents dealing with the McKee family. There is a ninety page paper that his son, Carey, wrote in 1915 entitled "Immigrants and Their Assimilation." There are several files dealing with Carey McKee, and also with the death of Midred's husband, Robert Alexander Cunningham. The Minute Book of the Brandon College Literary Society from 1903-1905 is located in the McKee files. McKee also kept various newsclippings and certain issues of "The Western Baptist," "The Northwest Baptist" and "The Sunday School Times." As well, there are some used account and receipt books. His records are extremely interesting in that McKee was really one of the founding fathers of Brandon College. The documentation that still exists with regard to Rapid City Academy is quite astounding, down to the legal agreement he and G.B. Davis made with Duncan L. McLaren regarding using some of his land to build the school on. His recollections on the beginnings of education in the west are clear and concise. As well, the sense of family and devotion to God are evident in almost all of the letters between family members.
Name Access
S.J. McKee
Carey McKee
Rapid City Academy
Prairie College
Brandon College
The Western Baptist
The Northwest Baptist
The Sunday School Times
Subject Access
literary society
Finding Aid
File level inventory available
Storage Location
1997 accessions
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Esther Magdalene Moore collection
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 1 1.5
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
8 cm
History / Biographical
Esther Moore was born in Norfolk, Nebraska and moved to Canada at age 3. There is a vague reference to her being related to the composer Dvorak in The Quill of 1913. She registered as a music student at Brandon College in 1909. In 1910, Miss Moore received a medal for sight-reading and accompanying in Edmonton. She took her examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music in 1910, and her Senior examinations in 1911. She completed her theory work in 1913, as well as finishing the academic requirements. In 1913, Esther Moore became the first graduate of the Music department at Brandon College. After graduation, Miss Moore taught music in Unity, as well as being the choirleader and organist. She returned to her home in Olds, Alberta for a rest from teaching. However, she was not idle for long. She took up teaching again, and she was the organist and choirleader at church. She also began a Glee Club. Between these responsibilities Miss Moore finished a course in the Household Science Department at the Olds Agricultural College. She returned to Brandon College to take postgraduate work, becoming the first Brandon College student to receive her L.T.C.M. in 1916. In 1922 Miss Moore began to teach piano at Brandon College. She received her Bachelor of Music in 1925, and her Master of Music in 1926.
Custodial History
Records were accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1998. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Esther Moore’s records consist of newspaper clippings, recital programmes, concert programmes, and commencement programmes. As well, there are dance cards, invitations, tickets, and the programme for the annual Graduation Banquet for several years. There are Track and Field programmes and a ribbon. There are also Alumni Luncheon programmes for a few years. There is an issue of The Western Baptist from 1926, and the programmes for the installation of Dr. Robbins as President and the opening of the Arts and Library building and the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre in 1960. There is also a letter from William L. Wright, director of the music department at Brandon College.
Name Access
Esther Moore
W.L. Wright
J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre
John E. Robbins
Subject Access
School of Music
graduation banquet
arts and library building
Storage Location
2016 accessions
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Albert Edward McKenzie
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 1 1.7
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
39 cm textual records 4 photographs
History / Biographical
A.E. McKenzie was born in Wilcox Lake, York County, Ontario in 1870 to F.B. and Maria (Carley) McKenzie. His family came to Manitoba in 1883. He was educated in Brandon, Manitoba and graduated from the Collegiate Institute at age 21. In 1897 he founded the Brandon Seed House. McKenzie was present at the cornerstone-laying ceremony of Brandon College on Juy 13, 1900. From that moment on, he was very involved in the College, first as an interested businessman, and later as a member of its Board of Directors. In 1902, McKenzie married Laura Bell in Port Arthur. They had two daughters, Marjorie Bell and Kathleen. In 1906 the Brandon Seed House was incorporated and from then on was known as the "A.E. McKenzie Co. Ltd.." McKenzie became a member of the Brandon College Endowment Committee in 1918. The following year he was on the Finance Committee. By 1925, McKenzie was a member of the Board of Directors. In 1928, he was part of a syndicate that advised the Baptist Union that they were developing an endowment plan to provide continuing financial support to the College and talked the Union into providing $10 000 towards the accumulated deficit. In 1931, McKenzie organized the Brandon Board of Trade to help save Brandon College when the Baptists said they could no longer afford to keep the College. After the By-law failed, he helped to organize the Brandon Citizen’s Campaign to raise enough money so that the College could open the following year. When the Baptists withdrew support in 1938, McKenzie was one of the central figures on the Brandon Board of Trade that decided to save the College from closure. A representative delegation from Southwestern Manitoba of over 60 men descended upon Premier Bracken’s office to try and convince him to help the College. On June 12, 1938 McKenzie said he would set up a $100 000 endowment to Brandon College. He subsequently raised this amount to $300 000. On August 1, 1938 the Board of Trade launched a campaign to raise $15 000 to match what the government was prepared to offer the College. McKenzie was asked to provide Brandon College with $3000 personally. In September of 1938, McKenzie upped his endowment once more to $500 000. The fund raising worked however, and the chater establishing Brandon College Incorporated was assented to on April 17, 1939. On June 6, 1939 a by-law was again presented to the citizens of Brandon, and fortunately it passed. In 1941, McKenzie received an honorary L.L.D. from the University of Manitoba. The A.E. McKenzie Foundation was created in 1945 by the provincial government, who had assumed 90% of the A.E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. stock. On September 25, 1964 McKenzie died at the age of 94. He never retired, but worked full time until two weeks before his death. The funeral was held in the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre. The Arts and Library Building at Brandon College was completed in 1960, and is known as the A.E. McKenzie building, in honour of the man who contributed so much time, effort and financial help to the College during a crucial period in its history.
Custodial History
Records were accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1998. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
A.E. McKenizie’s records in the Brandon College fonds are very useful from an administrative point of view. Because McKenzie was so involved in Brandon College from the very beginning until his death in 1964, it is easy to understand how the College Administration arrived at decisions. There is correspondence between McKenzie and various regarding College and Board of Director business. There are Brandon College financial statements and letters regarding the A.E. McKenzie Foundation. The records contain newspaper clippings, pamphlets and lists of names of members of various Brandon organizations. As well, McKenzie has letters regarding Building Expansion in the 1940’s and minutes of Board of Director meetings. There are also several photographs. One photograph is the 1919 graduation picture of Zoe Hough. Another is tentatively identified as Frances Wolverton, also of the Class of 1919. There are two more photographs of unidentified young women.
Name Access
A.E. McKenzie
A.E. McKenzie Foundation
Brandon College
Zoe Hough
Frances Wolverton
Subject Access
Class of 1919
board of directors
building expansion
Storage Location
MG 1 Brandon College Teaching and Administration 1.7 Albert Edward McKenzie
Related Material
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Seeds Co. Ltd. fonds
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Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1938, 1951-1952, 1955-1956, 1990-1991, 1997-2009
Accession Number
30-1998, 3-1999, 02-2001, 04-2001, 07-2001, 04-2003, 27-2006, 19-2007
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.2
Accession Number
30-1998, 3-1999, 02-2001, 04-2001, 07-2001, 04-2003, 27-2006, 19-2007
multiple media
Date Range
1938, 1951-1952, 1955-1956, 1990-1991, 1997-2009
Physical Description
87.5 cm (57.5 cm textual records and 29 photographs)
History / Biographical
Gerald Brown was born and raised in Vista, Manitoba. He attended Islay and Rossburn schools. In 1955, he attended Brandon College to take the one year Teacher Training Course. He was part of the first graduating T.T.C. class at Brandon College. After graduation he taught in Ninga, MB. He also taught in Brandon and C.F.B. Shilo. In 1965, he moved to Winnipeg to pursue a career in school librarianship and information services until he retired in 1992. By the end of his career he had been Chief Librarian for thirteen years. He received a B.A. from Brandon College in 1964, a B.Ed. from the University of Manitoba in 1965, a Master of Library Science from Western Michigan in 1968, and a M. Ed. from the University of Manitoba in 1972. He is also very involved with music. At present Gerald Brown continues to live in Winnpeg, MB.
Custodial History
Accession 24-2009: Brown compiled these materials from the personal collections of Colin Mailer, Lorne Watson, Norman Kalinski and Gerald Brown. He delivered them to the Archives on November 17, 2009. Accession 5-2013: Materials collected and written by Gerald R. Brown in the course of preparing for and attending the Islay (Vista) School District No. 733 reunion held in Rossburn, MB on August 4-6, 2006.
Scope and Content
Accession 30-1998 consists of newspaper clippings for Brandon College 1955-56 complied by Gerald Brown for the 41st anniversary of the graduation of the Brandon College Teacher Training Class of 1956; photographs of the TTC of 1956; the Reunion Yearbook for the anniversary of the 1956 TTC class; and a copy of the program for the 1998 production of W.S. Gilbert and Sullivan musical The Yeoman of the Guard. Accession 3-1999 consists of a compilation of nine seasons of Gilbert & Sullivan Society pictures, programs, and newsletters. Mr. Brown and other graduates of the Brandon School of Music are among the cast members. Accession 2-2001 consists of copies of the newsletter, Titipu Times, for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Winnipeg, Volume 10, 1-4, a 10th Anniversary Program (2000) and a list of ensemble singers 2000/2001. Accession 4-2001 consists of a scrapbook and programs for the following Gilbert & Sullivan productions: “Patience” (performed April 6-9, 2000 in Winnipeg) and “Pirates of Penzance” (April 5-8, 2001). Accession 7-2001 consists of 4 colour photographs and a one page summary of the activities of the Reunion TTC 1956 during the May 2001 Convocation. Accession 4-2003 consists of colour photographs of the 41st Reunion of the Brandon College Teacher Training Course 1955-56 held in May 2001. Included as well is a "Past History Summary" of the Class of 56 Reunions and a copy of Reflecting on Our Past, a publication of the Brandon School Division. Accession 27-2006 consists of materials collected and written by Gerald R. Brown in the course of preparing for and attending the Islay (Vista) School District No. 733 reunion held in Rossburn, MB on August 4-6, 2006. It includes a copy of "Vista Tales. . . from Islay School District No. 733 in Vista, Manitoba" compiled and edited by Gerald R. Brown (c.2006), a program of events for the reunion, a copy of the reunion worship service program, and 15 postcards entitled "Vista Views," which were sold at the reunion. Accession 19-2007 includes biographical information on Isabelle Mills, former faculty member of Brandon College (School of Music) and the program for HMS Pinafore, presented by the Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Winnipeg (2003). Accession 24-2009 (1938-2009, 30 cm textual records) consists of the records of the Brandon Festival of the Arts. Included are: meeting minutes (Executive, Regular and Annual), reports, financial reports, correspondence; programs and syllabi from the Festival; and Festival highlights and similar programs. Accession 5-2013 (1951-1952, 2006, 5 cm textual records, 3 CDs) consists of hard copies of "Vista Tales. . . from Islay School District No. 733 in Vista, Manitoba Reunion Photo File" and "Vista Tales. . . from Islay School District No. 733 in Vista, Manitoba Alunni & Community Events" compiled and edited by Gerald R. Brown (c.2006). Also includes three CDs containing ditigal versions of all three Vista Tales volumes and a a copy of the 1951-1952 Foxwarren High School yearbook.
Description by Christy Henry and Tom Mitchell.
Name Access
Gerald Brown
Teacher Training Course
Islay School District No. 733
Brandon Festival of the Arts
Subject Access
class of 1956
college memorabila
speech arts
Finding Aid
A detailed inventory (prepared by Gerald Brown) for accession 24-2009 is available.
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.2 Gerald R. Brown
Related Material
Accession 26-2006 (MacPhail fonds) contains school/teaching materials for a number of Vista, Manitoba residents and one Islay School teacher.
Dates for materials in accession 24-2009 are as follows:
Minutes etc.: 1958-1960, 1967-1992, 2001-2002, 2006-2009
Syllabi and programs: 1938, 1958-1970, 1973-1984, 1986-1990, 1992-1999, 2001, 2003-2005, 2007-2008
Festival hilights and similar programs: 1973-1987
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Kathleen Emily Kenner fonds
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1921-1936: predominant 1921-25
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.1
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
1921-1936: predominant 1921-25
Physical Description
7.5 cm
History / Biographical
Kathleen Emily Kenner was born in Pierson, Manitoba on December 6, 1903. Her father, W.S. Kenner, was a General Merchant there. Kathleen had one brother, Ewing. She took her early education in Pierson, then moved to Brandon to take her Grade XI course in 1919. The following year, Kathleen moved to the Clark Hall Annex on Louise and 11th, in order to attend Brandon College (B.C.) as a student in the Music Department. In the fall of 1921, she entered the Arts Department of Brandon College. During her time at the college, Kathleen was very involved with student life. She was elected Lady Stick for the school year 1924-1925, the highest position in student government that a woman could attain. In the spring of 1925, she graduated with her B.A., then begain studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of Toronto. Kathleen taught school in Melfort, Saskatchewan from approximately 1930-1949, and for several years after that was an instructor at the Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School. Sometime during this period, Kathleen left to serve in the Air Force during the Second World War. Kathleen Kenner married William A. Kennedy in 1950, and through marriage she gained one son, John Kennedy, and two daughters, Mrs. Claire H. A. Still and Mrs. Janet Sheridan. Around the same time, Kathleen and William moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba where Kathleen was very active in the church and the community. Kathleen Kenner Kennedy died suddenly on November 28, 1967 at the age of 61.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
The Kathleen Kenner Fonds are organized in three series: Series 1 – scrapbook (6.5 cm.) Series 2 - file of correspondence (8 mm.) Series 3 - newspaper clippings (1 mm.) The scrapbook contains pictures of Kathleen’s life and times at Brandon College and the University in Toronto. There are pictures of students and friends, Brandon College, the University of Toronto, Victoria College, Toronto City Hall, Grandpa Ewing’s Farm in Ontario, grad pictures, a train station, and much more. The pictures show dress, women’s activities, the ladies’ Basketball team, and what Brandon itself looked like in the 1920’s. She also included personal notes, cards, invitations to dinners, dances, and luncheons, poems, dance cards, hockey tickets, and various other university mementos. There are numerous newspaper clippings. One file contains poetry, mainly from her friend Mary McLaughin MacDonald, letters from her father and mother, a list of College yells, and a copy of "Hail Our College". Kenner has various excerpts from The Quill, letters from former students, and a grapho-analyst report (1933) that she received. An interesting possession in this collection are two speeches that Kenner delivered and kept originals of. The first is her reply to being nominated for Lady Stick in 1924. The second is a speech that she made when she invested her duties of Lady Stick to the new Lady Stick, Rose Vasey in 1925.
A portion of the description was written by Kathleen Scammell (2000).
Name Access
Kathleen Kenner
Rose Vasey
Mary McLaughin MacDonald
Lady Stick
Subject Access
student activities
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.1 Kathleen Emily Kenner
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Olive Wilkins collection
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 1 1.3
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
6 cm textual records photographs
History / Biographical
A biography of Olive Agnes Cross Wilkins can be found under the RG 1 Brandon College fonds, BC 9 Clark Hall women’s residence.
Custodial History
Records were accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1998. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records collected by Olive Wilkins during her tenure at Brandon College. The ephemra in the collection includes: play programmes; recital programmes; two photo postcards; invitations; dance cards; place cards; and a necklace. Collection also contains the Treasurer’s Book for the Patriotic Committee (Clark Hall Literary Society 1917-1918) and departmental reports for Clark Hall, the Resident Master, the Music, Business, Academic, and Commercial departments.
Name Access
Olive Wilkins
Thomas Wilkins
T. Russell Wilkins
Patriotic Fund
Clark Hall Literary Society
Memorial Gymnasium
Spanish flu
Subject Access
department heads
dance cards
Finding Aid
Item level inventory available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
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Artifacts - flags and banners
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1922-1999 (not inclusive)
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1922-1999 (not inclusive)
Custodial History
Most of the flags in this sub-series were transferred to the McKee Archives by the Senate Office in October 1999.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consits of Brandon College and Brandon University class flags, as well as banners, pennants and plaques. Contains class flags for the following years: 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928 *missing: 1920, 1921, 1929 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 *missing: 1932 1940, 1941, 1942, , 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959 *missing: 1956 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 1975 *missing: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 1980, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989 *missing: 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987 1991, 1996, 1997, 1998 *missing: 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999
Class flags may not have been made for some of the "missing" years.
Subject Access
class flags
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds Series16: Brandon University/College artifacts
This is an artificially created sub-series.
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Robert Dudley Howland collection
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.16
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
1.46 m
History / Biographical
Dr. Robert Dudley Howland was born June 1, 1909 in Bexley, Kent, England. He attended Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Faversham, Kent. In 1926, he came to Canada where he attended Brandon College, graduating in Arts in 1935. He subsequently attended the London School of Economics where he obtained a doctorate in Economics. During his years at Brandon College, Howland participated in debating and drama. He also acted as a student minister for the Baptist Church. Howland spent his working eyars in various positions in the federal and provincial governments. Energy was an important focus of his work. His introduction to energy problems came in 1944, when he was appointed Secretary of the Carroll Commission on coal. From this experience he accepted appointments in Nova Scotia as Vice-President of their Research Foundation; Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry and Economic Advisor to the Nova Scotia government. In addtion to the Carroll Royal Commission on Coal, Howland was associated with the Royal Commission on Saskatchewan's Coal Mining Industry, was an ecnomist on Canada's Economic Prospects from 1955-1957, and a member of the Royal Commission on Energy. In 1959, Howland was appointed Vice-President of the National Energy Board and Chairman from July 1, 1968, until his retirement in August 1973. Howland was granted an honorary LL.D. by Brandon University in May 1974. Howland had a lifelong interest in the Fabian Society and Fabian Socialism, assembling a rich collection of original edition Fabian publications.
Custodial History
Dr. Howland presented his collection of Fabian publications to Brandon University sometime in the 1970s. The collection remained in the John E. Robbins Library until it was placed in the Archives in 1997.
Scope and Content
The Howland Collection includes a wide range of books, pamphlets, and assorted publications of the Fabian Society assembled by Dr. Howland. The Fabian Society, a socialist society, was founded in 1883-1884, in London. The Fabian Society was created with the goal of fostering the creation of democratic socialism in Great Britain. Unlike revolutionary Marxists, the Fabians placed their hopes for change in evolutionary socialism not revolution. The creation of the Fabian Society is generally attributed to Thomas Davidson, a Scottish philosopher. Its charter members included George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, Annie Besant, Edward Pease, and Graham Wallas. Shaw and Webb, later joined by Webb's wife, Beatrice, were the outstanding leaders of the Society for many years. In 1889, the Society published its best-known tract, "Fabian Essays in Socialism," edited by Shaw. The Fabian Society played an integral role in the creation of the British Labour Party.
The items in the collection have been added to the Brandon University Library catalogue. Description by Mike White.
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students 2.16 Robert Dudley Howland
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Margaret Doran Roberts collection
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1901, 1915, 1924, 1932-1997; predominant 1936-1960
Accession Number
18-2003, 27-2003
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2 2.22
Accession Number
18-2003, 27-2003
multiple media
Date Range
1901, 1915, 1924, 1932-1997; predominant 1936-1960
Physical Description
24 cm textual records ca. 95 photographs memorabilia
History / Biographical
Margaret (Peggy) Doran was born on May 27, 1919 in Brandon, Manitoba to parents Sol and Margaret (Honan) Roberts. Doran grew up in Brandon and was very active in theatre during her high school and college years. Her first theatrical success came at age 20, when she directed Brandon Little Theatre's production of "Send Her Victorious," which received top honours in the Manitoba Drama Festival. Following her graduation from Brandon College in 1941, she trained as a nurse at Montreal's Royal Victoria Hospital during the Second World War and worked at Vancouver General Hospital for almost a year. On August 25, 1945, Peg married Dennis Roberts, whom she had met in high school. Dennis, a music graduate from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, became interested in psychology after serving overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force, so the couple moved to Toronto so that he could pursue a psychology degree at the University of Toronto. After Dennis graduated in 1950, the family moved to Sudbury, where Dennis and Peg became actively involved with the education and cultural life of the city. Peg was especially involved with the Sudbury Little Theatre Guild (SLTG), which was founded in 1948. Between 1950 and 1956, Peg directed or acted in five plays. Her directorial works included: Blithe Spirit, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Glass Menagerie and Antigone. Peg was recognized for her directing of Antigone when she won the Edgar Stone Trophy for Directing in the Dominion Drama Festival in 1955. For the 1956-1957 season, Peg assumed the role of President of the SLTG. During this time, she successfully petitioned the Dominion Drama Festival to create a new region and thus in 1957, the Quebec-Ontario Theatre Association (QUONTA) was founded and Peg acted as its first regional chairperson. Peg's further accomplishments included co-founding and serving on the board of directors of the Sudbury Theatre Centre, as well as acting as drama consultant for the Sudbury Secondary School Board. Peg was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997 and, shortly after, in 1998, she moved back to Toronto. She died there on April 2, 2003. Peg and Dennis had three children: Judith Marion (b. June 23, 1946), Steven John (b. September 8, 1950), and Patricia May (b. April 5, 1955).
Custodial History
After Peg's death in April 2003, materials in the collection were gathered and donated to the S.J. Mckee Archives by her children Judith, Steven and Patricia Roberts on July 19, 2003.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of textual records, photographs and other material that belonged to Margaret Doran Roberts. The textual materials include various personal letters, yearbooks, newspaper articles, journals, graduation diplomas, playbills and other miscellaneous records. The collection also includes approximately 95 photographs, mostly personal photographs of weddings and family, but also professionally taken group photos of the play casts. Other materials in the collection include various artefacts kept by Peg throughout her life.
Description and inventory by Ayn Lewandoski (2003).
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College students 2.22 Margaret Doran Roberts
Related Material
Additional archival material pertaining to Peg and Dennis Roberts is located in the archives at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario.
Inventory of the collection: Pack of matches from Mona's Dress Shop Cigar that belonged to Sol Doran Water colour picture, in frame, of St. Paul's Cathedral by Ev Lindsay Hunt from Brandon (1930s) Earl Haig Graduation bracelet and Grade IX notebook belonging to Peg Doran Nursing diploma and various other memorabilia from Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal Unidentified pictures of war squadron, World War II RCAF Christmas card from Sergeant William S. Day Possible home economic project of Peg Doran filled with cake recipes Photograph: Gordon Savage and Edith Laycock, plus Royal Winnipeg Rifles locket given by Gordon Savage to Peg Doran (with pictures of Gordon and Peg inside) Francis Bernard Roberts' (Dennis' father) materials: correspondence with Mayo Clinic, photographs and negatives of Indian Chief etc. Shares belonging to F.B. Roberts Unidentified photos of children from Brandon (2) "Willa Cather and the West," essay by Dennis Roberts Various letters and memborabilia in letter case including: - personal letters - Brandon College Annual Arts Banquet programme 1941 - Brandon College Annual Commencement programme 1941 - Brandon College Alumni Dinner program 1941 - Season ticket Manitoba Drama League Provincial Finals Festival 1939 - Manitoba Medical College 4th Annual Ball dance card 1902 - Postcard to Peggy - University of Manitoba Arts Building 1939 - Various report cards from Brandon Collegiate - Brandon Little Theatre 1936 production "Hay Fever" programme - Shares from the Brandon Golf and Country Club 1968 - Margaret Doran's United Church of Canada Member's certificate 1933 Blue scribbler from Expression class, filled with various poems, stories, plays etc. belonging to Peg Doran Miscellaneous newspaper clippings ranging from 1940-1979 (when dated) Brandon Sun 75th Anniversary edition Saturday January 19, 1957 Sol Doran's daily journal - 1963 (the year of his death) Picture of Bessie Scott, housekeeper to Sol and Margaret Doran Wedding photographs, Peg Doran and Dennis Roberts - one in glass frame "Through the Gateway to Yesteryear" written by Eric Wells and Gordon Tucker and Friends, with inside inscription from Una Johnston Sheet music (11) of F.B. Roberts, father-in-law of Peg Doran Sheet music (8) of May Roberts, mother-in-law of Peg Doran Sheet music (4) of Peg (Doran) Roberts Unidentified school project, possibly a rough copy of a play, maybe Peg Doran's handwriting Photo of cast of play "Out to Sea" 1940 Tube containing various graduation diplomas of Dennis Francis Roberts Peg Doran's graduation diploma, Brandon College 1941; letter and certificate recognizing the change from Brandon College to Brandon University; recognition certificate of attendance to 50th Reunion (1991) as well as photographs from the event attended by Peg and one of her Brandon friends, Jean Downing Identification bracelet, probably belonging to May Roberts from hospital in London when Dennis Roberts was born Small glass from Smith Drug Store Two teaspoons, with initials G.E.B.- George Edward Bennest - uncle of Doh (Doran) Bennest Hammond, lawyer in Winnipeg (Doh's mother, Nell Doran, married Fred Bennest) Sterling silver child's cup (Peggy) and baby spoon, both belonging to Peg Doran Various photographs Dennis Roberts RCAF memorabilia including a hat, epaulettes, brass buttons etc. Dennis Roberts' Men's Handicap Singles tennis trophy 1932 L.W.G.A. trophy 1933-34, believed to be awarded to Margaret [Mrs. Sol] Doran, an avid golfer Several pages of photographs of family holidays - 1958 - to Cornwall, Ontario to look for Doran relatives before St. Lawrence Seaway flooded low-lying graveyards - 1959 - when family rented a cottage in Clear Lake Two framed photos of Peg Roberts: as a baby and as a toddler Wedding announcement of Peg Doran and Dennis Roberts Dauphin Musical Society photograph 1924 Playbills: Othello (1943); Wonderful Town; and The King & I Winnipeg Blue Bombers Annual Blue & Gold Football Game program 1959 Play scripts: "Symphony in Illusion;" "Buddy Speaks a Piece;" "At the Photographer's;" and "At the Matinee" YMCA Winnipeg song sheet The New Era: 1937 & 1938 The Sickle: 1939, 1940 & 1941 The Quill: Vol. XXIX No. 4 (Oct. 26/38); Vol. XXIX No. 5 (Nov. 4/38); Vol. XXIX No. 6 (Nov. 9/38); Vol. XXXI Nox. 8 (Dec. 12/40)
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20 records – page 1 of 1.