For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Twin Falls Creek (35): September 1961 to August 2, 1975
*An additional 42 slides in this group are located in Box 7
Gallup, New Mexico - Cortez, Colorado (5): 1957
Mesa Verde (14): 1957
Arizona - New Mexico (21): no dates
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (31): August 27 - Setpember 1, 1970
Little Qualicum Park, B.C. (14): September 17, 1969 & April 20, 1974
Honeymoon Bay, B.C. (11): Aprill 21 & 23, 1974
Yoho National Park - Mt. Paget Trail (49): September 30, 1962 to June 17, 1978
Trans-Canada Highway B.C. (79): September 3, 1964 to June 13, 1978
Victoria, B.C. (8): September 1965 to May 4, 1974
Miscellaneous, Victoria Island, B.C. (16): September 1965 to May 2, 1974
Glacier National Park (68): September 26, 1969 to September 7, 1982
Pacific Rim National Park (32): September 13, 1969 to April 28, 1974
Victoria B.C. Marineland 66 (16): September 1965 to September 1969
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Victoria B.C. Sealand 72 (22): September 17, 1972
North of Vancouver, B.C. (14): September 8, 1966
Fence Art, Victoria 1966 (22): September 11, 1966
Victoria Thetis Lake Park (13): April 22 - May 4, 1974
Parks on Victoria Island, B.C. (16): September 1965 to May 5, 1974
Southern Routes B.C. (12): October 2, 1962 to September 1969
Okanagan Valley, B.C. (48): June 6, 1962 to September 20, 1966
Yoho National Park - Sherbrooke Trail (3): September 12, 1963
Yoho National Park - Miscellaneous (32): June 8, 1962 to June 14, 1978
Mt. Baker - Washington (110): September 27, 1965
Olympic National Park - Beaches (198): September 7, 1963 to September 15, 1972
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Olympic National Park - Forests (97): September 3, 1964 to September 13, 1972
Olympic National Park - Mountains (26): September 4, 1964 to September 25, 1965
Olympic National Park - Hurricane Ridge (35): September 3, 1964 to September 13, 1972
Washington - Miscellaneous (23): September 11, 1964 to September 18, 1966
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Glendenning (10): October 5, 1980
Assiniboine River (37): July 14, 1963 to December 25, 1979
Souris River (57): 1962 to August 16, 1977
Manitoba Harvest Scenes and Manitoba Autumn Colours (129): March 4, 1962 to October 4, 1979
Manitoba Sidney - Firdale (4): September 5, 1976 to September 19, 1976
Manitoba Whiteshell (18): August 23, 1959 to June 23, 1974
Small Rivers & Creeks (27): 1955 to April 17, 1977
Manitoba Carberry Hills (Onah) (25): Fall 1976
Manitoba Baldhead Hills (26) October 6, 1968 to August 21, 1979
Manitoba Sprucewoods (48): August 23, 1964 to June 9, 1976
Manitoba Winter (30): August 23, 1959 to June 25, 1974
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Manitoba North & West of Brandon (20): July 11, 1962 to June 26, 1979
Northwest Brandon, Duck Mountains Rossburn (26): May 17, 1964 to August 4, 1971
Manitoba Winter & Spring (25): April 30, 1961 to February 24, 1974
Manitoba Routes to Thompson (22): July 3, 1972 to June 24, 1973
Manitoba Kelsey Trail (46): May 17, 1964 to June 22, 1973
Manitoba East of Winnipeg (14): July 5, 1964 to July 1, 1970
Manitoba E.T. Seton Park (18): July 15, 1962 to August 8, 1965
Steeprock Bay & River (6): May 17, 1964 to June 21, 1973
Flin Flon, Manitoba (10): July 31, 1966 to July 4, 1972
Rocky Lake, Manitoba (18): July 31, 1966 to June 22, 1973
Manitoba South of Brandon (8): May 31, 1961 to October 6, 1963
Manitoba Lake Winnipegosis (12): July 27, 1958 to June 21, 1973
Manitoba Natural Impressions (50): July 16, 1965 to October 19, 1975
Manitoba Turtle Mountains (50): July 25, 1962 to July 12, 1972
Riding Mountain Moon Lake (23): July 10, 1966 to September 30, 1973
Riding Mountain Lake Katherine (14): July 4, 1973 to September 2, 1973
Riding Mountain Southwest Shore (22): July 17, 1966 to June 29, 1974
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Riding Mountains Ice in Clear Lake (22): May 12, 1965 to May 5, 1968
Riding Mountain Arrowhead Trail (7): August 1, 1971 to July 15, 1972
Riding Mountain B&B Trail (8): September 23, 1973 to September 30, 1973
Riding Mountain Ominik Trail (11): July 15, 1972 to October 8, 1972
Miscellaneous Horticulture Ontario 80-81: May 26, 1980 to May 10, 1981
Scarborough, Ontario (31): June 2, 1980 to May 17, 1981
Trip 80 Edwards Gardens (9): June 4, 1980 to May 5, 1981
Trip 80 Royal Botanical Gardens (33): June 3, 1980 to May 13, 1981
Saskatchewan Mines (17): July 2, 1961 to July 24, 1966
Saskatchewan Flin Flon - Prince Albert (7): July 2, 1968
Saskatchewan Saskatoon (16): July 3, 1968
Saskatchewan Duck Mountains Lake Madge (17): May 18, 1964 to July 10, 1966
Winnipeg City Parks (44): May 19, 1963 to April 23, 1977
Saskatchewan (22): June 20, 1965 to October 16, 1982
Peace Gardens (35): May 24, 1961 to September 18, 1974
South Dakota's Black Hills (46): July 7, 1954 to September 17, 1961
*An additional 8 slides in this group are located in Box 4
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
See MG 3 1.7 John Welsted fonds for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See MG 3 1.7 for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
Box contains mainly physical and human geography (of Manitoba) slides. Slide subjects in this box include:
Assiniboine flooding in date order - Brandon; Brandon - the Assiniboine; dams; Brandon Hills; land forms - SW - Manitoba; Bald Head Hills - Spruce woods; Flin Flon; Manitoba flooding; floods/flood protection - Maniotba; Manitoba, areas of; signs and monuments; landforms of SW Manitoba; Souris River; Assiniboine at Brandon; towns and villages - Manitoba; barns; Brandon - Ukrainian area; Manitoba satellite views; and Hutterites.
See MG 3 1.7 John Welsted fonds for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See MG 3 1.7 for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
Box contains mainly physical and human geography (of Manitoba) slides. Slide subjects in this box include:
Fieldwork; floods and flood protection - Canada; Manitoba physical airphotos; Manitoba small water projects; weather and climate - for archives; Lake Agassiz; Canada Games 1997; Winnipeg; Souris River; pelican lake paper; clouds - Manitoba; Lake of the Prairies; Pelican Lake; Manitoba flooding; Brandon and the Assiniboine; vegetation - Manitoba; Portage diversion; Souris-Pembina trench; Red River; Riding Mountain; and Devils Lake.
See MG 3 1.7 John Welsted fonds for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See MG 3 1.7 for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
Box contains physical and human geography (of Manitoba), as well as physical and human geography (other than Manitoba) slides.
Physical and human geography (of Manitoba) subjects in this box include:
Brandon housing; Brandon - the Assiniboine; atmospheric pollution - Brandon; brandon; Brandon commerce and industries; Brandon - Prince Eddy; Brandon - Rosser Ave.; Brandon - 9th and 10th Streets; Brandon elevators; views from BU (Brandon University); Brandon maps and diagrams; Manitoba maps; Assiniboine - other than Brandon; "animals" - Manitoba; and Riding Mountain - West Lake, Interlake.
Physical and human geography (other than Manitoba) subjects in this box include:
Coastal erosion and protection; coasts - general; beaches; tidal deposits; Ottawa-Hull; Saskatoon; Regina; Montreal; Newfoundland; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; St. Johns; Halifax; Toronto; Ontario; Alberta and British Columbia; Canadian cities; Canadian landforms; St. Lawrence Seaway; Table Mountain - Newfoundland; hydro Canada; remote sensing; sewage; periglacial; coasts - air views; log transport; dunes; deltas; floods and flood protection - others; highland coasts; and water erosion and transport.
Physical and human geography (of Manitoba) slides from original box 1. Physical and human geography (other than Manitoba) slides from original box 2.
See MG 3 1.7 John Welsted fonds for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See MG 3 1.7 for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
Box contains physical and human geography (other than Manitoba) slides. Slide subjects in this box include:
Saskatchewan; Quebec; Luxembourg; Belgium; Introduction to Denmark; Netherlands; Italy; England - Norfolk and Suffolk; England - Cambridge; England; English landforms; Eire, Scotland, Wales, Sweden; Eastern Europe and USSR; Australia; striations, grooves, gouges etc.; shore platforms; rainsplash; stacks; rain gully erosion; caves and arches; archaeology; cliffs; mass wasting; Brisbane dams; volcanic cones and craters; springs; gorges and canyons; and terraces.
See MG 3 1.7 John Welsted fonds for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See MG 3 1.7 for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
Box contains physical and human geography (other than Manitoba) slides. Slide subjects in this box include:
Australia; New Zealand; U.S.A.; St. Pierre and Miquelon; France; Germany; Vancouver; London; Britain - mainly coasts; clouds; vegetation; water erosion and deposition; coasts; waterfalls and rapids; coasts - erosion; glaciation; Bay of Fundy; rivers - meandering and braiding; and irrigation.
Slides up to and including "vegetation " are from original box 3. Remaining slides are from original box 4.
See MG 3 1.7 John Welsted fonds for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See MG 3 1.7 for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
Box contains physical and human geography (other than Manitoba) slides. Slide subjects in this box include:
S. Saskatchewan scheme; mass wasting; limestone scenery; 160? glaciers; measurement water; badlands and hoo doos; weathering; 278 mass wasting; 278 coasts deposition and vegetation; 291 water and wind soil erosion; and 278 rocks and relief.
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
South Dakota's Black Hills (8): July 7, 1954 to September 17, 1961
*An additional 46 slides in this group are located in Box 3
South Dakota's Badlands (4): July 3, 1954
North Dakota (41): September 6, 1959 to August 16, 1976
Ontario-Quebec Trip (5): May 23-24, 1971
Kenora, Ontario (South & East) (58): July 15, 1962 to June 14, 1964
Qu'Apelle Valley (Saskatchewan) (12): July 2, 1961 to July 1, 1973
South Dakota (6): September 6, 1959
North Dakota Badlands, Theodore Roosevelt National Monument (19): September 6, 1959 to October 9, 1966
Toronto, Ontario (25): May 30, 1980 to May 10, 1981
Point Pelee, Ontario (9): May 28, 1980
Port Dover, Ontario (5): May 24, 1980 to May 3, 1981
Windsor, Ontario (15): May 27, 1980 to April 10, 1981
Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming) (111): August 27, 1970 to September 1, 1970
Ottawa (5): 1971
Scotsbluff, Nebraska (43): May 28, 1962 to July 16, 1962
Yellowstone (7): August 23, 1955
Yellowstone (41): May 28-29, 1962
Nebraska (28): June 28, 1954 to September 1967
*An additional 12 slides in this group are located in Box 5
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Nebraska (12): June 28, 1954 to September 1967
*An additional 28 slides in this group are located in Box 4
Mt. Evans Road Colorado (19): September 1960 & September 12-13, 1970
Berthoud Pass Colorado (5): September 11, 1970
Milner Pass Colorado (6): September 8, 1970
Dinosaur Park Colorado (10): September 7, 1970
Trail Ridge Colorado (5): September 8, 1970
Trail Ridge Colorado (36): September 1960
Rollins Pass Colorado (22): May 1956 & September 9-10, 1970
Grand Teton & Vic. Wyoming (12): September 1961 & September 1-3, 1970
Beartooth Pass Montana (13): August 26, 1970
Colorado (32): May 9, 1956 to September 16, 1970
Craters of the Moon Idaho (49): September 1961 to June 4, 1962
Wyoming (17): June 22, 1954 to September 3, 1970
Medicine Bow National Fort Wyoming (14): June 22, 1954
Michigan-Wisconsin (12): May 19, 1971
Idaho (36): September 1961 to September 14, 1970
Quebec City (54): dates unknown
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides:
Mt. Tremblant Park Quebec (28): May 31 - June 1, 1971
Sugar Camp (J.W.) Quebec (6): July 17, 1971
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal Quebec (6): June 3, 1971
Montreal and Area (49): September 1967 to June 4, 1971
Banff National Park - Larch Valley (29): September 4, 1963 & September 18, 1964
Banff National Park - Sentinel Pass (13): September 4, 1963 & August 1, 1975
Banff to Calgary (34): September 1961 to September 1969
Banff National Park - Lake Louise (18): September 1961 to September 13, 1968
Banff National Park - Moraine Lake (10): September 1961 & September 8, 1963
Banff National Park - Athabaska River (8): September 1961
Banff to Jasper (23): September 1961
Banff National Park - Plain of Six (17): August 4, 1975
Banff National Park - Columbia Icefield (30): September 1961 to September 11, 1968
Banff National Park area (26): September 1961 to June 27, 1969
Banff National Park - Bow River (5): September 1961 & June 23, 1978
Banff National Park - Victoria Glacier (21): September 8, 1963 & September 13, 1968
Yoho Pass (40): September 25, 1962 to August 2, 1975
Yoho National Park - Wapta Falls (9): September 27, 1962 & September 2, 1963
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection