The A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. originated with the McKenzie family Flour, Grain and Seed business, started by F. B. McKenzie in the early 1880's. When F. B. McKenzie passed away in 1896, his son, Albert Edward McKenzie, assumed control of the company, and renamed it The Brandon Seed House. With its main office and plant in Brandon, Manitoba, the company specialized in the production and sale of field seeds and service exclusively to seed buyers in the prairie provinces and British Columbia. In later years, a complete line of products including garden seeds, lawn grass, and other allied lines was developed for sale across Canada.
In 1906, the company underwent a change of name when A. E. delete determined that the growth of the country demanded a larger seed institute than could be managed by one man. As a result, the company was incorporated under provincial statutes and the federal Joint Stock Companies Act as A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd., and new personnel were hired.
Under the Joint Stock Companies Act, A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. was required to elect a Board of Directors of not less than three, and not more than nine individuals. Only shareholders of the company were eligible for election, and election was to take place yearly with each shareholder entitled to as many votes as shares owned in the company. The Act also dictated that the directors were, from time to time, to elect from among themselves, a president of the company. They were also able to appoint and remove all other officers of the company and to create company by-laws. The directors were not obliged to pay any dividend on shares if the company should became insolvent. Under the Act, the stock of the company was deemed a personal estate and was only transferable as such. In addition, the company could acquire, hold, and transfer real estate, and was required to submit annual statements.
A. E. McKenzie was elected President of the newly constituted company. For the memaninder of his natural life he remained in this position and supervised the operation of the company. S. A. Bradford, who was given responsibility for various company departments, filled the position of General Manager. H. L. Patmore became the Vice-President, overseeing the nursery business, while W. A. McCracken was put in charge of the warehouse stock, and shipping department. McCracken also supervised the mail order department.
The Company was intially comprised of three divisions: The Brandon Seed House, Brandon Nurseries, and Brandon Greenhouses. Each division was registered under Dominion Patents. Later, the company was divided into Retail Mail Order, Wholesale and Commission Packet Trade divisions. It also undertook some export business.
By registering the divisions of the company under under federal legislation affecting trademarks and industrial designs, McKenzie and the Board,were able to register both the company’s trademarks and to protect the company’s industrial techniques. Thet company could thus patent the methods and processes of its operations so that no other individual or business could duplicate them.
Located at 30 9th Street, the head office and plant of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. housed all the facilities and staff of the company, with the exception of the regional sales offices and warehouses. The business of the A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. was conducted from a frame warehouse until the current McKenzie building was constructed on the same site after a fire destroyed the original premises. Designed by architect Thomas Sinclair, and built by the Brandon Construction Company, the new building opened in 1911. In time, The A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. came to be known as Western Canada's Greatest Seed House.
During the 1930's, before a new building was erected in 1945, the A. E. McKenzie Co. occupied space at five different locations in Brandon, including the Massey Harris Building, the International Harvester Building and the Security Building. The last of these premises was destroyed by fire in 1972. As a result of its proximity to the Security Building, the main McKenzie Building also suffered heavy fire and water damage. A. E.
McKenzie Co. Ltd. also utilized a warehouse on the north side of Pacific Avenue alongside the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks between 5th and 6th streets. This building and its contents were destroyed by fire (1946). In May of 1949, the company purchased and erected a Quonset structure on the west side of 15th Street between Rosser and Pacific Avenues.
In 1908, the first branch of the A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. was established at Calgary. In the following sixteen years, additional branches were established in Edmonton and Saskatoon (1923), Moose Jaw, Toronto (1934) and Winnipeg (1935). Both the Edmonton and Saskatoon branches were seasonal, operating for a four-month period, March to June inclusive. Business in the Maritime Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick further extended the company's operations by the mid 1940's. In 1946, the company purchased property in Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, 120 miles north of Brandon. This purchase enabled the company to handle larger quantities of Sweet Clover, a popular crop that was grown in the surrounding area. Additional offices were opened in Vancouver and Quebec City in rented premises by the early 1960's.
In the years 1944-1945, the McKenzie Foundation was created. Through the Foundation, arrangements were put in place to transfer shares of the company to the Manitoba Government for the benefit of higher education, specifically Brandon College. In return for this gift, which included 90% of all capital resources of the company together with all of the income earned each year, except for the amount retained annually to ensure sufficient operating capital, the A.E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. received exemption from paying Corporate Tax.
Prior to the establishment of the McKenzie Foundation, in 1945, the National Trust for the benefit of the College held the shares of McKenzie Seeds. On April 7, 1945 the Manitoba Legislature passed legislation whereby A. E. McKenzie retained effective management control of his company, but 1031 shares out of 1145 issued shares were gifted to the Provincial Government. In return, the government agreed that all financial benefits from the shares would go to Brandon College through the A. E. McKenzie Foundation. When Mr. McKenzie passed away in 1964, the primary responsibility of appointing the Board of Directors for McKenzie Seeds passed to the Provincial government.
The remaining 114 shares of the Company were turned over to the Crown on July 16, 1975 in accordance with an agreement between Brandon University, A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. and the Manitoba government. The same agreement also turned the McKenzie Foundation over to Brandon University. Therefore, since 1975 the crown has held all shares of the McKenzie Co. through the Province of Manitoba.
A.E. McKenzie died on September 25, 1964 at the age of 94 and was succeeded as President of the company by J. Lasby Lowes. When Mr. Lowes retired in 1968, A. R. Swanson was appointed by the government to fill the position and was responsible for all operations of the company under a Board of Directors comprised mainly of appointees of the government. It has proven impossible to establish a complete list of those individuals who held the positions of President/General Manager of McKenzie Seeds after 1964. A partial account is as follows: Anthony J. Maruca became President of A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. in 1972. In 1975, the Board of Directors appointed William Moore General Manager, creating a new position to relieve the President of the company from management of plant operations. At the same time, Pat Kelleher was named new interim President. Following the resignation of Kelleher, William Moore assumed the role of President as well. Moore left the company in the early 1980s. He was later convicted of criminal misconduct as President of the company. Keith Guelpa became President/General Manager in the mid 1980's; Raymond West was his successor.
Beginning in 1969, the A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. began phasing out the Field Seed division of their company, including business related to forage crops and cereals. Seed cleaning equipment located in Brandon and and the company’s Calgary and Toronto cleaning plants was sold. The Company concentration its resources on the production and sale of vegetable and flower seeds, and lawn and turf grasses. It acted as a wholesaler and conducted business through chain stores, grocery, hardware and general stores.
Late in 1971, A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. purchased its largest competition in packaged seeds - Steele Briggs Seed Co. from Maple Leaf Mills Inc. for two million dollars. At the time of the acquisition the company changed its name to A. E. McKenzie Co. - Steele Briggs Seeds, in order to benefit from the favorable reputation held by Steele Briggs Seeds across Canada. In the early 1970s, the acquisition of Brett-Young Seeds Ltd., a Winnipeg company that dealt exclusively in the production and sale of field seed, brought the A. E. McKenzie Co. back into the field seed market.
In 1994 the Manitoba Government sold the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. to Regal Greetings and Gifts, Canada's largest non-retail mail-order catalogue company, which is owned by MDC Corporation of Toronto.
In 2001, McKenzie Seeds is Canada's leading supplier of packaged seeds and related gardening products. It is divided into a Retail Consumer Products division which features well known seed brands including McKenzie Seeds, Pike Seeds and Thompson & Morgan Seeds from England. As well, this division also carries a complete range of lawn seeds and perishables. It also continues to ship the seed racks invented by A.E. McKenzie to numerous retail stores. The second division, Direct Mail, consists of the McFayden and McConnell catalogues which reach over 500,000 Canadian homes each year.
Custodial History
Following the sale of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. to Regal Greetings and Gifts, the records of McKenzie Seeds and its subsidiaries were retained in the McKenzie Plant on 9th Street. In April of 1997, the records were transferred to the McKee Archives at Brandon University. Because the company was a crown corporation, the records of McKenzie Seeds belonged to the Province of Manitoba and might have been placed in the Provincial Archives. However, Provincial Archivist Gordon Dodds permitted the retention of the records in Brandon at the S. J. McKee Archives. The minutes of the Board of Directors, previously transferred to the Provincial Archives, remain in Winnipeg. Until 1960 these minutes, by-laws of the Company, and the letters patent of incorporation (April 7, 1906) were in the possession of the Company's lawyers, Johnson, Garson, Forrester, Davidson, & Steen.
Scope and Content
The fonds consists of textual records, photographs and artifacts from A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. The textual records include minutes, documents, financial records, administrative records, by-laws, legal records, catalogues, sales literature, seed packets, newspaper clippings, appraisals, publications, scrapbooks and miscellaneous sections.
In addition, some of the records within the fonds relate to the operations of McKenzie subsidiaries -- Brett-Young Seeds, Steele-Briggs Seeds, Pike & Co. and McFayden Seeds -- and various properties owned by McKenzie Seeds.
Fonds contains approximately 500 photographs. These depict the operations and employees of McKenzie Seeds and the seed industry in general. Artifacts contained in the fonds include blueprints, newspaper clippings, copper printing plates, seed bags and plaques.
Fonds also includes an artificially created series of records dealing with Brandon College Inc., the A.E. McKenzie Foundation, the Brandon Allied Arts Council and the Brandon Board of Trade. These records stand outside the provenance of the McKenzie Seed Co.
Of particular interest within the textual records are the transcripts of various features of the company's history as dictated, researched and recalled by its second President/General Manager, J. Lasby Lowes. The fonds also contains a collection of company catalogue which is almost complete. Outside of the seed industry, the records dealing with both Brandon College Inc. and the McKenzie Foundation are significant records relating to the history of Brandon College/University and the City of Brandon.
Because the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. was a crown corporation, the records in the fonds are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Related Material
Additional records regarding A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. are housed at the Provincial Archives of Manitoba. In order to gain access to these records it is necessary to contact the Archives of Manitoba.
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. Fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
1.1 Documents
1.2 Minutes/Meetings
1.3 Management Consultant Reports
1.4 Miscellaneous
1.5 Financial Records
McS 2 Office of the President/General Manager
2.1 A.E. McKenzie
2.2 J. Lasby Lowes
2.3 Comptroller
2.4 Properties
2.5 Marketing
2.6 Reference Library
2.7 Miscellaneous Publications/Correspondence
McS 3 Acquisitions
3.1 Brett-Young Seeds/Sabetha
3.2 Steele-Briggs Seed Co.
3.3 Pike & Co.
3.4 McFayden Seeds
McS 4 Seed Marketing Co.
McS 5 Photographs
5.1 McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. Executives
5.2 Construction at McKenzie Seed Co. Brandon (two files)
5.3 Exterior Photographs of the A. E. McKenzie Co. Building
5.4 McKenzie Seed Co. Plant Operations and Workers (2 files)
5.5 McKenzie Seed Co. Equipment and Plant - Head Office 1983
5.6 McKenzie Seed Co. Field Operations and Workers
5.7 McKenzie Seed Co. Strike 1944
5.8 Fires at McKenzie Seed Co. 1910, 1945, 1972
5.9 McKenzie Seed Co. Centennial Exhibition 1996
5.10 Miscellaneous McKenzie Seed Co. Photographs
5.11 People Connected to McKenzie Seed Co.
5.12 Princess Anne's Visit to McKenzie Seed Co. 1982
5.13 Onion Set Production Book
5.14 Irene Cullen Photographs - McKenzie Seeds Employee Photos
5.15 Josiph Airey Photographs - McKenzie Product Photos
5.16 Alan R. Mundie Seed Production Photographs
5.17 Steele Robertson/Steele Briggs Seeds Photographs
5.18 Seed Packet Display Units Photographs
5.19 Product Photographs
5.20 Parade Photographs
5.21 Oversized Photographs
5.21.1 Drawer #1: Executive Photographs
5.21.2 Drawer #2: Office and Equipment/Plant Photographs
5.21.3 Drawer #3: Miscellaneous Oversized Photographs
5.21.4 Drawer #4: Artifacts
McS 6 Miscellaneous
6.1 Centennial Exhibition
6.2 Miscellaneous Publications
6.3 Scrapbooks
MG 1 A.E. McKenzie Fonds
1.1 Brandon College Inc.
1.2 McKenzie Foundation
1.3 Brandon Allied Arts Council
1.4 Brandon Board of Trade
1.5 Miscellaneous
Alfred Angus Murray McPherson was born February 15, 1923 in Brandon, MB. The middle son of Angus and Annie Ethel (Pentland) McPherson, Murray grew up on the family farm in the Brandon Hills District. Following high school he obtained a B.Sc. degree from Brandon College, before enrolling in the Faculty of Eduction at the University of Manitoba in 1947 where he received his B.Ed. and M.Ed. Murray completed his Ph.D. in Educational Curriculum in 1975 at Michigan State University.
Murray's teaching career began at Brandon College as a chemistry instructor. After the year of teacher training he taught in Daupin Collegiate, then Luxton Junior High School and St. Johns High School in Winnipeg. In 1962, Murray joined the University of Manitoba Faculty of Education where he taught methods in mathematics and served as Head of the Deparment of Curriculum: Mathematics and Natural Sciences for sixteen years, before assuming the position of Co-ordinator of Student Teaching. During his career Murray co-edited a series of textbooks for elementary grades and was a strong supporter of the Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers. Following his retirement in 1988, Murray volunteered with Creative Retirement, Mentors Club and Habitat for Humanity. He also remained active in the United Church.
Murray McPherson married Margaret Elinore Raven on July 14, 1951 in Winnipeg. Margaret Elinore (Raven) McPherson was born in Winnipeg, MB on March 11, 1927. Educated at the University of Manitoba, where she earned a B.Sc. (1947), a Dip. Education (1948) and a B.Ed. (1966), Margaret taught school in Dauphin (1948-1953) and the Winnipeg School Division (Spring 1954). Together they had two children: John Angus Murray McPherson (b. March 19, 1955), an orthopedic surgeon in Winnipeg, and Kathryn May McPherson (b. November 20, 1957), a professor of history at York University, Toronto. Alfred Angus Murray McPherson died on November 25, 2001 at the Charleswood Care Centre in Winnipeg, MB. Margaret continues to live in Winnipeg, MB.
The MacPherson family originally came from the County of Sutherlandshire in the north of Scotland. The need for wool during the Napoleonic Wars resulted in the "Highland Clearances" of the early 1800's, which forced the small farmers or "crofters" to leave their farms and to move to the villages, such as Kildonan, Helmsdale and Golspie along the east coast.
In 1814, Hugh MacPherson (1779-1843) with his wife Anne Sutherland (1783-1857) and their family, immigrated to Nova Scotia and acquired a farm at Watervale, a community on the West River at Pictou. Following the issue of the land title, the "Mac" spelling of MacPherson became "Mc."
Alexander McPherson, the son of Hugh and Anne, married Elizabeth Murray at West River on April 10, 1840. They lived on the family farm at Watervale where they had a family of eleven children, a number of whom died in infancy. Their oldest son Hugh (1845-1916) and their youngest, Johnston (1857-1944), later came to Brandon Hills, MB.
Angus Sellars McPherson, a son of Hugh and Margaret (Sellars) McPherson, was born in Brandon Hills, MB on March 1, 1884. A farmer in the area his whole life, Angus married Annie Ethel Pentland in 1913. Together they had three sons: Howard, Murray and Kenneth. Angus died at Brandon General Hospital on September 5, 1953.
Alfred Angus Murray McPherson's mother, Annie Ethel (Pentland) McPherson, was born into a family that originally came from the ancient Scottish Midlothian or the more modern County of Edinburgh, from the Pentland Hills County, and in and around the towns of Pentland and Carrington. Around the year 1700, at the time of the large movement of immigrants from Scotland and England into Northern Ireland, several families of the clan settled in counties Down and Arnaugh in Ireland.
Between 1790 and 1820, a number from both Scotland and Ireland immigrated to Canada settling mainly in Eastern Ontario in the Counties of Hastings, Lennox and Addington and on Amherst Island. Around 1860, some moved to Huron County in Western Ontario to carve homes out of the bush. In 1881, Thomas James Pentland came from Goderich to Manitoba and settled near Douglas. He had learned the trade of a blacksmith and found one was needed so badly he gave up the intention to homestead and built a shop northwest of Douglas, on the South East quarter of Section 17-11-17. He later added a store and house there.
On July 22, 1885, Thomas James Pentland and Annie Isobel McVety were married at the home of the bride's parents at High Bluff and lived northwest of Douglas until 1890, when he made a deal with Isaac and Fred Lewis. Thomas took their homesteads on Section 14-12-18 and they took over the store, which they moved to Oakenside. T.J. Pentland continued to farm there until his death in June of 1919. T.J. Pentland was elected to the Council of the RM of Elton for Ward 1 in the fall of 1884 and served three years as councilor and fourteen years as Reeve.
The McVety and Owens families both came from County Fernanagh, Northern Ireland to Ontario during the first half of the nineteenth century. Henry McVety and Elizabeth Owens were married March 11, 1856, at Belgrave and lived at Morris until the spring of 1882, when they moved to High Bluff, Manitoba and fifteen years later to Bagot. In 1882, their daughter Annie Isobel came to Douglas to teach at the first Elton School situated 2.5 miles north and 1 mile east of present Douglas.
The family of Thomas and Annie Pentland consisted of three sons and three daughters. Fred, who served overseas in the 78th Battalion in the First World War and was killed in September 1917; Harry, who farmed in Justice until 1922, then lived in Brandon until his death in 1948; Ethel (Mrs. Angus McPherson), now living in Brandon; Evelyn (Mrs. N.C. Thompson) now living in Brandon; Wesley, living at Justice on the home farm; and Grace who died in 1908.
Harry Pentland's son, H. Clare Pentland, was born October 17, 1914, on a farm near Justice, MB, where Harry had taken up farming. Clare graduated from Brandon College in 1940, with an Economics degree and attended the University of Oregon, where he completed a Master's degree in 1942. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1961. His dissertation was later published as "Labour and Capital in Canada 1650-1860." A noted economist and a founder of the history of labour in Canada, H. Clare Pentland died on October 13, 1978.
Custodial History
Prior to the death of Murray McPherson, Margaret McPherson's husband, he and his daughter Katherine McPherson, professor of history at York University, searched through various farm houses previously occupied by members of the McPherson family and gathered together family archival materials to safeguard them from destruction. These materials were tranferred to the McPherson residence in Winnipeg and upon the death of Murry McPherson, Margaret became the sole custodian of the records. The decision to place the records at the McKee Archives was arrived at for two reasons. First, the records relate to the Brandon Hills and the history of this region. Second, Murray McPherson attended Brandon College in the 1940s, and felt kinship with the institution. The records came to the McKee Archives courtesy of the good offices of Diane Hageland of the Association for Manitoba Archives. Margaret McPherson donated the records to the McKee Archives on May 4, 2006.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of personal and business records for various members of the McPherson and Pentland families. These were generated in the course of settlement in the Brandon Hills, travel, participation in the First World War and various forms of associational life, in particular the Orange Lodge. The fonds includes correspondence, financial records/ledgers, legal documents, postcards, photographs, scrapbooks, greeting cards, livestock records, Brandon College Sickles, school records, electoral records, diaries, membership records, certificates, income tax records, ration cards, notebooks, newsclippings, autograph albums, poetry, receipts and speeches.
Biographical information for the fonds was provided by Margaret McPherson. Processing done by Deidra Wallace and Christy Henry summer/fall 2006. Description by Christy Henry. Numerous spellings of the surname "McVety" appear in the fonds, including McVetie and McVitie. The oldest documented spelling in documents of a legal nature is McVety. This spelling therefore will appear throughout the finding aid.
Further accruals expected.
Storage Location
2006 accessions
Storage Range
2006 accessions
Original file order has been maintained, while some boxes have been combined to provide a more suitable environment for the preservation of print materials. The boxes have been renumbered accordingly. Due to the original file order, however, the file numbers in the database have been prefaced by their original box numbers. For example, File 3.5 refers to the fifth file of the original third box.
Contains the following files:
13.1 Georgina McPherson newspaper clippings 1897-1949 (arranged by Margaret McPherson in 1952)
13.2 Angus McPherson autograph album 1901
13.3 Ella McKay McPherson 1903
13.4 Jessie Sellers autograph album 1883
13.5 Postcard albums [early 1900's] - some are loose
13.6 Souvenir cards and photo album
13.7 Angus and Ethel McPherson photograph album 1909-1915
13.8 Photograph album [turn of the 20th century] - many of the photographs appear to be of Roseland, B.C.
Part of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
The Brandon Art Club was founded in November 1907, and operated in an art studio on the top floor of the Brandon College Women's Residence. The club appears to have been the creation of Miss. H. Hancock, who became the Director of the Department of Art at Brandon College c. 1907. The club moved to larger facilities made available at the First Methodist Church; the organization remained there until sometime during the Great War when the club relocated to St. Paul's Presbyterian Church and then in 1921, to the Prince Edward Hotel. The club's first public art exhibitions were held at the Prince Edward Hotel. Art classes were held for the first time in 1928. In 1968, the Brandon Art Club merged with the Allied Arts Center, which had been formed in 1959. The Allied Arts Center was located at 1036 Louise Avenue. In April 1984, the Allied Arts Center was moved to new facilities at the Arts Center of Western Manitoba located at 638 Princess Avenue. In 1989, it was renamed the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, and began to function as a "professional, regional art gallery." The Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba relocated to 2-710 Rosser Ave. c. 2001.
Custodial History
These records were created at different times between 1907 and 1993, and remained in the possession of the administration of the above mentioned organizations until May 2001, when they where donated to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains administrative records, minutes, personal files, correspondence, newsletters, photographs, summaries of collections and exhibits, scrapbooks, programs, submitted papers, and other miscellaneous records. All are a record of the growth and evolution of the Art Club, its administration, and of the art community in Brandon.
The A.E. McKenzie Company fonds (RG 3 MG 1, 1.3) located in the McKee Archives contains some records, primarily correspondence and minutes, relating to the Brandon Allied Arts Council.
Born on February 10, 1924, in Elgin, Manitoba, Audrey Ellen Silvius (nee Honeyman) was raised in Fairfax, Manitoba on the Honeyman homestead. In 1964, she received her Indian name, Blue Star. Silvius completed her high school education in Fairfax before moving to Winnipeg in 1943, to earn her Nursing degree from Grace Hospital. She later completed her post-graduate degree in Psychiatric Nursing at the Brandon Mental Health Centre. Married to Merritt W. Silvius, Audrey Silvius raised four children, David, Kay, Lorna (Downie) and Gail (Campos) while working in her chosen field. In addition to her family and her career, she was also involved with the Brandon Council of Women and the United Church in Brandon. Silvius was the first executive director of the Brandon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre, a founding member of the local branches of the Marquis Project and Amnesty International and initiated a project called Tools for Peace. She was also involved in various other peace and human rights organizations. In 1987, she received the Order of the Buffalo Hunt from the Province of Manitoba in recognition of her work relating to women’s issues. In 1992, she was awarded a Confederation medal for community service.
Custodial History
The records found within the collection were collected by Audrey Silvius from a number of people, including Jean Halliday, Grace Godmaire and Norma Walmsley, involved in various projects with her throughout the years. Prior to their donation to the McKee Archives at Brandon University in October and November 2000, the records were stored at Mrs. Silvius’ home.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of meeting minutes, agendas, speeches, correspondence, newsletters, brochures, written publications and newspaper clippings. Four photographs and one pencil drawing are also included within the collection.
The records deal with the creation, activities, and history of the Brandon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre, as well as the activities of its Board of Directors. In addition, materials located within the collection can be divided into two areas: (1) those that relate to various organizations associated with the Friendship Centre itself, such as the Council of Christians and Jews and the Brandon Council of Women; (2) materials related to projects of important individuals involved with the Friendship Centre, such as the South Western Manitoba Recreation Council and the 4F Club of Minnedosa. Other records deal with general aboriginal issues in Canada during the time frame of the Audrey Silvius collection.
CAIN No. 202607. Description by Christy Henry (2000).
The collection is divided into ten (10) series:
1. The Brandon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre
2. The Scout – Friendship Centre newsletter
3. The Brandon Council of Women
4. Council of Christians and Jews
5. Aboriginal Glee Club/Dancers
6. The South Western Manitoba Recreation Council
7. 4F Club of Minnedosa
8. Miscellaneous Publications related to Aboriginal Issues
9. Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings related to Aboriginal Issues
10. Photographs and pencil drawing
These items were received from Ms. Cooper’s father C.G. "Kelly" Stone , Class of 1921 and her mother Tena Turnbull, Class of 1921 and her aunts Jane Turnbull, Class of 1916 who later taught at the College and Bessie Turnbull , Class of 1918.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of 5 photographs; an article Campus News 1967 on "In memorium Dr. Jane"; and a photocopy of a letter from the Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir (John Buchan) regarding Jane Turnbull’s book "Essential Traits of French Canadian Literature". A note and xerox copy of a photograph of Ernestine Whiteside March 1914 to Jennie Turnbull.
The photographs include:
1. one b/w photo 8 cm x 6 cm Initiation Brandon College 1916
2. one b/w photo 8 cm x 13.5 cm class of 1921
3. one b/w photo 5 cm x 8 cm Class of ’21
4. one b/w photo 17 cm x 26 cm the College Band 1915-1916
5. one sepia photo 15 cm x 23 cm Class of 1919
Descpription available on CAIN under Charles G. Stone fonds.
approximatley 65 cm textual records;
approximatley 30 photographs
History / Biographical
Bessie Marie Hill was born in 1933. She graduated from Winnipeg Normal School in 1953. Throughout her forty year teaching career, she taught at Hagyard (1953-56), Melita (1956-62), Shilo (1962-65), Kenora (1965-68), DND Germany (1968-76), Kenora (1976-80), Assiniboine South School Division - Laidlaw (1980-84), and Assiniboine South School District - Royal (1984-92).
Florence Mabel (Nelson) Hill was born on June 19, 1907 in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan. She attended the Brandon Normal School in 1924-1925, then taught at Rose Lea School (1925-1929), Errol, at Lenore (1929-1931) and Ravine School (1955-1956). In 1931, she married Gordon Orval Hill (1898-1969). Together they had three children: Allan Hill, Bessie Marie Hill and Georgina Bernice (Hill) Matiation. Florence Mabel Hill died in Lenore, Manitoba on December 23, 1992 in her 86th year.
Sarah Viola Hill was born on June 28, 1900, and was Florence Mabel (Nelson) Hill's sister-in-law. Viola attended the Brandon Normal School in 1916-1917, and took graduate studies at the University of Manitoba. During her thirty-nine year teaching career she taught at Hagyard, Oak Lake (1917-1918), Cottonwood (1918-1919), Rose Park (1919), Grand Coulee (1919-1920), Virden (1920-1922), Lumsden, Saskatchewan (1922-1925), Lenore (1925-1934), Gunton (1934-1936), Birtle Indian Residential School (1936-1941), Ravine, Lenore (1947-1950), The Pas (1950-1956) and Woodnorth (1956-1966). During the war years, Viola worked as part of the Civil Service in Ottawa in the Department of Finance (1941) and later in Vancouver, B.C. Sarah Viola Hill died on January 19, 1988 at Virden District Hospital.
For biographical information on Georgina (Hill) Matiation, see the Georgina (Hill) Matiation collection (29-1998).
Custodial History
Records in all accessions were in the possession of Bessie Marie Hill until she gave them to Gerald Brown who delivered them to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Accession 33-1999: 1 photograph; 6 cm textual records (c. 1900-1952; predominant 1925-1930)
The accession includes one b/w photograph (30x 36 cm) of the Brandon Normal School 1926.
Textual records include a Herbarium and Plant Description workbook including pressed samples (1900); Florence Nelson’s Dominion Drawing Book 1925-1926; Florence Nelson’s Handwork, 1925-1926; Florence Nelson’s Professional Second Class Teacher’s Certificate, 1928; Florence Nelson’s Reading Course Certificate in The Teaching of History, Educational Measurement; A schoolmaster of the Great City, Manitoba Department of Education Examination 1922 in Drawing; Manitoba Department of Education Inspectors Tests June 1952 Literature Level One; The Canadian Teacher Vol. 34, No. 3, October 1929.
Accession 12-2001: 15 photographs; 55 cm textual records (1916-1950, predominant 1916-1935)
The accession includes a b/w photograph (5x7) of Florence Nelson (Hill); a b/w photo (2 ¾ x 4 ½") of the Birtle Residential School class “when Viola Hill was teaching there"; a b/w (10x14) class portrait of the Brandon Normal School 1916-1917 “Second Class” and 13 b/w photographs of various sizes.
Textual records include a Science Notebook created by Florence Nelson (Hill) c. 1924; 3 documents associated with the work-life and career of Florence Nelson (Hill); 21 Inspector’s “Teacher’s Report” on the teaching performance of Miss Viola Hill [n.d.]; various documents and publications including: Manitoba Department of Education Professional Certification documents; “A Union Jack Figure Drill;” Department of Education (Manitoba) Grade XII examinations in Algebra, Geometry, French, Rhetoric and Prose Literature, History of English Literature, Composition, Additional English – A, Tennyson, Additional English – B, Browning, History; Physical Science: A Handbook of First Aid (Toronto: Bauer & Bauer); Santa Claus Christmas Book [no publisher, nd]; School Broadcast Materials, Manitoba Department of Education in co-operation with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Bernhart P.O. Horst (ed.), The New Teachers’ and Pupils’ Cyclopedia – A Reference Library of History, Geography, Biography, Literature, Economics, Civics, Arts, Sciences, Discoveries and Inventions (Holst Publishing Company); The Source Book: An International Encyclopedia Authority written from the New World Viewpoint. 10 volumes including study guide and index; Walter Keast, Canadian Business Arithmetic, Part I. (Pitman; E.C. Hills & R.T.); Holbrook (ed.), French Short Stories with vocabulary and notes (Copp Clark); Clarence Perkins, Introduction to World History. Educational Book Company.
Accession 5-2003: 15 b/w photographs and four certificates (1955-1956)
The accession includes 15 b/w photographs of members of the Brandon College Teacher Training Class of 1955-56. Textual records include the Graduation Certificate for Georgina Bernice Hill, and other certificates.
Accession 16-2008: 3mm texual records and eight certificates/diplomas (1917-2007). Accession consists of certificates, grades, contracts and correspondence relating to the education and teaching career of Sarah Viola Hill and a newspaper clipping and biographical sketch concerning Bessie Marie Hill.
History/Bio information provided by Bessie Marie Hill. The Normal School photograph from accession 33-1999 has been located with the Normal School collection in the map drawers of the Reading Room.
Storage Location
2003 accessions
Storage Range
2003 accessions
Related Material
Georgina (Hill) Matiation is Bessie Marie Hill's sister. Her records are located at 29-1998.
2.4 m textual records; c. 5 photographs; 1 minute book (measuring 1"x 9"x 14")
History / Biographical
The Brandon Trades and Labour Council was established in 1906, as an affiliate of the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada. The original Council contained thirteen locals, including those of railway workers, sheet metal workers, plumbers and steam fitters, bricklayers, carpenters and joiners, cigar makers, printers, and barbers. By 1912, the Council contained twenty four locals. The Council's principal function was to advance the corporate interests of labour within the framework of a largely unregulated capitalism. After 1955, the Council was affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress, which was created through a merger of the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada and the Canadian Congress of Labour.
Custodial History
Fonds remained in possession of Brandon and District Labour Council prior to donation to the S.J. McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of financial and administrative records of the Brandon and District Labour Council. Records also include collective agreements, correspondence, publications of the Labour Council and affiliated unions, some union local minutes, newspaper clippings, petitions, and various miscellaneous files. Fonds also includes a minute book for the Council (1971-1985) and two union charters.
This plate was the property of Edna and Carl Bjarnason. It was in their possession for some fifty years prior to its donation to the University on October, 2005. The Development Office took possession of the plate at that time and transferred it to the Archives in March 2008.
Scope and Content
The plate measures 26 cm in diameter and is white with blue glazing. The centre of the plate depicts the Brandon College Original Building and the words "Brandon College, Brandon Manitoba." The outside of the plate is a flower motif. On the back of the plate, in the same blue as the front, are the words "Canadian View Series, Brandon Manitoba." There is also a trademark of a bird with a banner reading "Trademark England."
The Brandon Council of Women (BCW) was active between 1895 and 1927, when it disbanded. Principally through the efforts of Mrs. Kaye Rowe of Brandon, the BCW was officially restablished in 1952. The Brandon Council of Women remained active until c. 1973. It brought together fifty-two women's organizations in Brandon, representing 2600 women.
Custodial History
The Brandon Council of Women fonds was transferred to the McKee Archives during the 1970s. It was accessioned in 1998.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of papers and photographs of the International Council of Women (ICW), the National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC), the Manitoba Council of Women (MCW), and the Brandon Council of Women (BCW). The ICW papers include meeting minutes. The NCWC papers include meeting minutes, resolution lists, pamphlets, newsletters, correspondence, financial records, yearbooks, and copies of Acts pertaining to women. The MCW papers contain copies of the MCW constitution, meeting minutes, resolution lists, correspondence, and committee reports. The BCW materials comprise the largest part of the fonds, and include meeting minutes, committee reports, financial records, correspondence, short course agendas, posters, pamphlets, memos, resolution lists, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Carole Paintin-Dence was raised in Souris, Manitoba and attended Brandon College in the early 1960s. While at Brandon College she was active in the Glee Club, I.R.C. and French Clubs. She was also Quill reporter for the Music Department.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of a small collection of Brandon College memorabilia and slides. The memorabilia includes programs from various Brandon College Student Association events, Alumni News, and a copy of "The New Brandon College School of Music" by Peggy Sharpe. The slide images include: the opening of the Music Building 1963 (3) - Sir Ernest MacMillan, Lady MacMillan and Lorne Watson; raising the class flag 1964 (2); the JRC Evans Lecture Theatre 1964 (1); Brandon College Original Building 1964 (1); Freshie Parade 1962 (1) - glee club float and 1963 (3) - "wedding of Jack & Jill"; French Immersion class Summer 1964 (4) - Mme Ragot, Neil Forsyth, Henri Francq; party for John 1963 (2) - Ken May, Morlene Sparrow, John Sushelnitsky, Norma Walmsley, Poppy Cumming, Chris Cassels, Pat Brake, Eleanor Riesberry; W.U.S. parties (4) - Joan Garnett, Norma Walmsley, Claude Paintin, Brian Foster, Rae Westcott, Clark Brownlee, Nina Kosakawiecz, Berth Paintin
Collection also includes school texts and pedagogical guides - forty-seven in total - dealing with reading, spelling, social studies and particularly music.
Cedric Vendyback was born August 28, 1923 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England and was educated at Harehills Council School till the age of fourteen - then becoming a labourer. At the outbreak of World War II, he educated himself for aircrew duties and in 1942 came to Canada where he was trained as a fighter pilot and was commissioned as an officer in the Royal Air Force until demonbilisation in 1946. He flew as a Reservist pilot from 1948 to 1968.
After Training College, Vendyback became a teacher in 1948 and in 1953 began empirical training with Alex Baron as an actor and director until becoming appointed as Associate of the Drama Board, later a Licentiate of The Royal Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. In 1963, he was elected a Member of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators.
In 1971, he was selected for and offered a position as a professor at Brandon University where he opened a new drama department in January 1972.
Vendyback retired in 1992 and currently (June 2012) lives in Kelowna, B.C., where he works as a free-lance director and lecturer.
Custodial History
Records were in the possession of Cedric Vendyback from their creation until he donated them to the McKee Archvies in 2011 and 2012.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records related to the activities of the Brandon University Drama Society (BUDS) and the Brandon University Drama Department collected by Cedric Vendyback during his years as head of the department. The Society performed plays in the then Drama Building, the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre and the Westman Centennial Auditorium.
Accession 16-2011 (1972-1978) consists of a photograph album of photographs, playbills and related newspaper clippings for Brandon University Drama Society productions staged between 1972 and 1978.
Accession 10-2012 (1972-1985) consists of: production reviews from various newspapers and playbills for BUDS productions; a historical fact sheet provided by the donor regarding the Drama Department's service to the community; student evaluation extracts; and the course description for Play Production.
History/Bio provided by Cedric Vendyback. Description by Christy Henry.
Script/music/lyrics: pages are somewhat foxed and dog-earred. Scrapbook: some items are fragile, torn or creased. Many items are loose within the pages of the scrapbook. Photographs: good.
History / Biographical
Clare Wallace Coburn was born in Winnipeg, MB on January 4, 1937. He attended Brandon College from 1954 to 1959, graduating with a science degree with the Class of 1959. During his years at Brandon College Coburn served as co-convenor of Freshie Week and the Freshie Parade, Manager of the Board of Publications, Class President, and Secretary of the Finance Board.
For the first three years after leaving the College he worked as a chartered accountant. Coburn then went into business with his father and brother manufacturing the Atom-Jet Humidifier; over time the focus of the company shifted to seeding and fertilizing equipment and seeding activity.
Clare Coburn married Dilys Pearce, with whom he had three children. Following his divorce from Pearce, Coburn married Darlene Wallin. Clare Coburn died on October 30, 2013 in Brandon, MB.
Custodial History
Clare Coburn found the materials in accession 6-2010 a storage area in the basement of Clark Hall in 1957. There was some thought of re-staging the production so he took the script. In 2009 he re-discovered the script in a trunk in his house. Coburn gave the materials to Carla Eisler in Alumni Relations in July 2009. Eisler transferred them to the Archives on July 28, 2009.
Accession 5-2014 was donated to the McKee Archives on November 2, 2010.
Scope and Content
Accession 6-2010 consists of a copy of the script, music and lyrics for Mr. College Spirit.
Accession 5-2014 consists of a scapbook made by Coburn to document his years at Brandon College. Scrapbooks includes: freshie week (1954), athletic (Hockey team 1954-1955, Cheerleaders 1954-1955) and graduation (1956 class portrait in the Prince Edward Hotel; 1956 graduates portrait;1958 class portrait in the Prince Edward Hotel; 1958 graduates portait; 1958 Senior Stick Jack Jubenvill and Lady Stick Elaine Fraser at graduation banquet; 1958 Shirley Young and Clare Coburn at graduation banquet; 1958 faculty group portrait at graduation banquet) photographs; various programmes (Homecoming football game - Notre Dame Hounds vs. Brandon College Caps; 1955-1957 Annual Commencement; 1956-1959 Graduating Banquet; 1957 and 1959 Brandon College Teacher Training Course Graduating Banquet; 1956 Brandon College Graduation Exercises Normal School Teacher Training Course; Brandon College Literary Board - "Time Out for Ginger" (1955), "Life with Mother" (1956); dance cards (1957 and 1958 Graduating Banquet, 1957 Teacher Training Graduating Banquet); tickets (1957 and 1958 Graduation Banquet; 1957 Teacher Training Course Banquet; 1957 Valentine Valse at the Agricultural School); 1956-1957 Student Handbook; 1955-1956 student election ephemera; the original Class of 1958 yell composed by Dick Tingley and Keith Haskins; examination timetables (1955, 1956); "The Feather" newsletter (february 1959; 1955-1956 Color Night shield decoration; Coburn's 1954-1955 Athletic Board pass; Coburn's 1955-1956 class timetable; a sheet of Brandon College cheers; a copy of the Graduation Hymn (George Willis); a sheet of Brandon 75th Anniversary stationary; newspaper clipping re Graduation Banquet (1957); a letter to students written by Coburn as Manager of the Board of Publications re purchasing the annual yearbook (from 1957); three copies of the 1956 Sickle.
History/Bio information provided by Clare Coburn via the Alumni Office and his obituary. Description by Christy Henry.
Good. A number of the items in the collection show evidence of tearing around the edges, missing covers etc. The photographs show bends and tears.
History / Biographical
Clarence Frank Hopkin was born September 11, 1913 in Brandon, MB. He worked for the family bakery (Hopkin's Bakery), which was located on the southside of Rosser Avenue downtown, for the railroad in the mail cars and the Brandon Post Office. At the same time Hopkin's worked for the Post Office he and his wife operated Hopkin's Home Bakery from their house after the downtown bakery had ceased operations.
Hopkin's was a member of the First Baptist Church and a Golden K Kiwanis Club member. He took an active interest in community theatre, attending and participating in a number of plays. In 1994, Hopkin received the Mayor's Volunteer Service Award for Education in recognition of his volunteer work at Betty Gibson School where he read to and with the students there.
Hopkin married Ivy Margaret Ward on June 2, 1945 in Brandon. Ward was born in 1913 and predeceased her husband in 1986. Together they had two children: Keith and Elaine.
Clarence Frank Hopkin died in Brandon on March 17, 2009.
Custodial History
Records were collected by Hopkin's and possibly other family members at the house on 7th Street where the family lived for approximately 100 years. After Hopkin's death in March 2009, his daughter Elaine and granddaughter Holly contacted the Archives regarding donation of some of the materials to the McKee Archives. Visits were made to the Hopkin's house by Archives staff the week of April 13-17, 2009, at the end of which the records in the accession were officially donated to the Archives.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records collected by Clarence Hopkin over the course his life, which document his personal interests and certain community events.
Included in the collection are: scrapbooks (mostly newspaper clippings); play programs from productions staged by the Brandon Little Theatre; cookbooks; four play scripts; copies of the BCI New Era yearbook (1926, 1928 (may not be complete - missing cover), 1929); 1946 Brandon Business and Professional Classified Directory; Brandon College/University programs from recitals, plays and convocations; materials related to the radio show broadcast by First Baptist Church; Harrison High Literary Society play programs; miscellaneous programs to events held in the city; Brandon City District Drama Festival and The Mantioba Drama League Provincial Festival programs; The Brandon Canadian Concert Association programs; information on the Brandon Street Railway and the Criddle family; advertisement cards from Brandon businesses; a typescript copy of "How Englishmen Get That Way;" and a radio broadcast talk by Christopher Ellis.
It also contains copies of: Northern-Lights and Shadows by J.S. Clark; A Bundle of Burnt Cork Comedy by Harry L. Newton; Picturesque Brandon; Petit Pettitt: Biography of a Brandon Oldtimer by Joan T. Thompson; and Pioneer Patches by Mildred Donley.
Collection also includes four photographs and one negative. Negative: Brandon Collegiate Form 3A, 1928-1929. Photographs: City Hall looking southeast; Grain elevator on Pacific Avenue; Brandon Central Fire Station; interior parlour photograph.
History/Bio information provided by Hopkin's daughter Elaine in April 2009.
Some pages in the scrapbooks have fallen out and some of the glued pieces are no longer attached to pages
History / Biographical
Dilys Collier (nee Pearce) was born 4 December 1937, in the Rural Municipality of Daly near Rivers, MB. Before studying at Brandon College, Collier was educated in Bradwardine, MB. Collier graduated from Brandon College with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Pedagogy in 1958 and 1959 respectively. In 1961, Collier married a Brandon College classmate, Clare Coburn. She spent much of the next two decades working as a homemaker and mother to her three children.
After she and her husband separated in 1979, Collier decided to go back to school. In the next ten years, Collier completed a Bachelor of Education degree (1980), a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Regina (1982) and a Master of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan (1987). Across her working career, Collier held many posistions including public school teacher, adult educator, social worker, researcher and personal counselor. Along with her work, Collier volunteered extensively with the Knox United Church and the Brandon Cooperative Nursing School. Through the years, she worked for a variety of organizations, including The Saskatoon Family Service Bureau and the REgina John Howard Society. Collier has lived and worked in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Swansea, Wales.
Currently (January 2017), Collier is retired and lives in Mission, BC with her husband of thirty-four years, Kenneth Collier.
Custodial History
The records were created and collected by Dilys Collier during her years as a student and alumna of Brandon College/University. The records were stored in her home huntil they were donated to the McKee Archives in 2013.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records created and collected by Dilys Collier as a means to document her life as a Brandon College student in the 1950s.
Included are three scrapbooks and two folders containing: newspapers and newspaper clippings from The Brandon Sun and The Quill, dealing primarily with Brandon College students, faculty and events; Brandon College administrative records such as the Clark Hall Rules, Collier's proof of registration records, her Brandon College acceptance letter, class schedules and exam timetables; photographs and programmes that cover events such as Freshie Week, dances and other student functions on campus; records documenting campus student activities, including the words to Hail Our College and various College Yells performed after student dances and other functions; decorations from fall proms and Valentine's Day dances, as well as Convocation (1958); programmes from various College convocation ceremonies; various cards Collier received, including those for her birthday and Valentine's Day; election advertisements, primarily for those students running for Student Administration "Stick" positions.
The collection also contains a green taffeta, net and rhinestone gown purchased by Collier to wear to some of the formal dances held at Brandon's Prince Edward Hotel.
History/Bio information was provided by the donor in late 2016/early 2017. Information on the green gown can be found on Description by Brian Erixon (October 2016) and Christy Henry.
Accessioned in 2007 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history unknown.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of the Brandon College Annual Graduating Banquet programs for 1926 and 1927. The 1926 program contains the autographs of the graduating class members. The 1927 program contains a letter to Freeman from Gertrude Godley (Class of 1927).
The collection also includes a Souvenir Class of 1926 book made by Freeman. It contains the College yell; a drawing of the Class of 1926 badge; the Class of 1926 colours, motto and yell; the Class song; Brandon College student and faculty autographs (including Annie Wright, Harris MacNeill and J.R.C. Evans); the Class lit programme; and a list of winter parties. The sourvenir book also contains five black and white photographs: one of Clark Hall and the Original Building, and four of what is probably various Class of 1926 members (one is labelled "Roland Christian"). Finally the book contains Donald Freeman's examination marks in Part 2 Matriculation for Arts from the University of Manitoba (1921).
Cover of Young School minute book is moderately damaged, but pages are in good condition with only minor water damage and a few ripped pages.
History / Biographical
Dorothy Cox (nee Frost) moved from Elm Creek to Justice in 1946 to work as a schoolteacher. In 1948, she married Laval Cox and together they had four children: Larry, Herd, Rosalie and Heather.
In 1949, Dorothy and Laval purchased Gibb Gillespie's PSV business and began hauling grain, cattle and agricultural equipment. Dorothy went back to teaching in 1959, first at Justice and then Elton Collegiate. After retiring from teaching in 1978, Dorothy started a greenhouse, which operated for 21 years.
All six members of the Cox family were active in community events and organizations. Dorothy was involved in establishing the baby band in 1951; her sons Larry and Herb were members. Along with Laval, Dorothy was a leader of the Cubs in 1955-1956 and again in 1958-1959. Laval was the leader of the local hockey club in 1958, and of a bible study group in 1960. Larry, Herb and Rosalie were avid skaters in 1960-64. Heather and Rosalie were enrolled in senior grades of Sunday school in 1970.
Custodial History
Records were collected by Dorothy Cox, a resident of Justice, over a number of years. She donated them to the McKee Archives on April 4, 2012.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records related to the history of the Justice district. It includes a history of the Justice Church (1910-1970); minute and expense books for the Justice Hockey Club (1949-1966); a minute and expense book for Young Protestant School (1884-1898); a copy of the Justice 100th Anniversary community history (2009); and four color photographs of Justice Church.
History/Bio information taken from the content of the collection. Description by James Heaman (2012).
Generally good. Some of the photographs have tape on them.
History / Biographical
Churches of the Prairies was a project undertaken by Doug Brolund and his brother. The project involved gathering information on the churches of the prairies (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta). They were interested in the time between 1800 to 1925. Their aim was to collect historical, architectural and photographic material, as well as information concerning the people involved in the building, the ministry and in the using of the churches. The information was to be collected, put into order and made available and retrievable to anyone wishing to use it.
The purpose of the bank of information was to be the publication of a book or books. The Brolunds' believed in the importance of preserving our heritage, of honouring those who were involved in the building of the churches and believed the material would prove to be invaluable in the future to other organizations. To gather information, they sent out letters asking for any information, photographs, news clippings and stories on the churches of the prairies. The project ended when Doug Brolund was left on his own to complete the work. He concluded that it was simply too much for one person to accomplish.
Custodial History
In the early 1980s Doug Brolund donated the text and photographs that had been assembled to the McKee Archives. He was convinced that the material was too valuable to simply discard.
Scope and Content
The collection consists of information (such as news clippings, church histories, correspondence and for Saskatchewan and Manitoba, inventory site forms) on and/or photographs of various churches across Canada. The files for Alberta; British Columbia; Ontario, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec are quite small and generally contain pages from old calendars and newsclippings, although there are a few photographs (some of them unidentified) and church histories. The Alberta file also contains a copy of the Provincial Register of Historic Sites ca. 1979.
The file for Saskatchewan contains information on and/or photographs of churches in the following towns/areas: Kennell, Castleton, McAulay, McLean, Neudorf, Eatonia, Eston, Carnduff, Wheatland and Carievale. There are also photographs of Welwyn Church, Trinity United, Florence School, Coshen? School and Wamphray Presbyterian (RM of Edenwold). The file also contains the finding aid for Saskatchewan developed by the project members.
The material on Manitoba churches is the most extensive. There is a copy of the finding aid for Manitoba developed by the project members. The files are arranged alphabetically, with separate files for Brandon, Portage la Prairie and Winnipeg. There is information on and/or photographs of churches in the following towns/areas: Aspelund Free Church, Arden, Angusville, Alexander, Birtle, Brookdale, Boissevain, Belmont, Mount Hope School District, Beulah, Beausejour, Clanwilliam, Carberry, Petral, Chater, Carrol (Bunclody), Decker, Deloraine, Dauphin, Darlingford, Douglas, Hargrave, Elgin, Elton, Elkhorn, Erickson, Forrest, Hamiota, Hunterville, Hilton, Horod, Hilltop, High Bluff, Horton (Desford), Hartney, Ingelow Isabella, Kola, Killarney, Kenton (and area), Justice, Lockport, Lenore (Breadalbane), Lynn Lake, McConnell, Minnedosa, Melita, Miniota, McGregor, Newdale, Ninga, Neepawa, Ninette, Oakner, Onla, Oakburn, Oak Lake, Pipestone, Rosser, Rapid City (and area), Rivers, Riding Mountain, Rounthwaite, Rossburn, Russell, Polonia, Sandy Lake, Scandinavia, Solsgirth, Souris, Hellmouth, Seech (and area), The Pas, Saint Agathe, St. Pierre, St. Anne, Teulon, St. Andrews-on-the-Red, Swan River, Shilo, Sparling, Virden, Westnbourne, Vista, Wabowden, Wawanesa, Waskade, Brandon, Brandon Hills, Portage la Prairie, Portage la Prairie (Oakland) and Winnipeg.
File 24 contains negatives. There are also some negatives for New Brunswick churches in File 23.
The Brandon file also contains a minute book of the First Church United Circle. For information on the Brandon Synagogue, see the Brandon Synagogue file in the institutional biographies. For technical architectural descriptions of some Brandon Churches, see "A Guide to the City of Brandon, Municipal Heritage Building Inventory" in the institutional biography files. The Winnipeg file contains a copy of "Souris Valley Plains - a history" by Lawrence B. Clarke. A number of the Winnipeg churches are unidentified. Description by Christy Henry.
The Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition (commonly called the E-Gré Competition) is the most important annual contemporary music competition for exceptional emerging Canadian performing artists in piano, voice, and strings. Since 1976, the E-Gré has promoted the performance of Canadian and contemporary music of the 20th and 21st centuries and has commissioned 31 new works by leading Canadian composers. The S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition received its letters patent in 1974 and its legal incorporation in 1979. The inaugural competition was held in 1976 and continues to be held annually at Brandon University. The competition has undergone a few name changes since its inception. For the 8th annual event of the competition the name changed to the Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition for the Performance of Canadian music. Prior to the 27th competition, the event listed both contemporary music as well as Canadian music. The competition is administered by a board and artistic director.
Custodial History
The records were held by the Eckhardt-Gramatté competition until their donation to the McKee Archives in the summer of 2010 by Pat Carrabré, President of the Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition Board.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records created and collected by the Eckhardt-Gramatté committee in the course of holding the competition each year. The records are related to the promotion and administration of the event and the annual award winners. Items include: legal documentation, including the Certificate of Revival and the incorporation documents for the Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition; press files (1976-1979, 1980-1983, 1984-1987), which include newspaper clippings and photocopies of newspaper coverage, press releases on performance orders/show times, and promotional materials for individual performer; 30 award winners' files containing promotional materials and press clippings related to the award winner; event programs; and promotional posters for every year (except 1979).
History/Bio information taken from the E-Gré national music website available at: (Date accessed October 26, 2012). Description by Steve Dueck (October 2012).
Photographs in the collection are covered by Canadian copyright law. Researchers are responsible to honour appropriate legislation.
Language Note
Some posters contain French.
Storage Location
2012 accessions
Related Material
Media Kit for the 10th annual competition can be found in the Dr. J.R.C. Evans
collection at the S.J McKee Archives (accession number: 7-2004). All listings below can also be found at S.J. McKee Archives at Brandon University: Francis Chaplin collection: Dean of Music: School of Music: Eckhardt-Gramatté: trio for violin, violoncello and piano (accession number: 13-2008): Ferdinand Eckhardt: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990), Sophie Carmen Eckhardt-Grammatté: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #14: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #15: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #16: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #17: Convocation (c. 1990): W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) # 19: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #12: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #18: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #13: Lawrence Jones Collection (accession number: 9-2011).
Information regarding Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté (née Fridman) Sonia Eckhardt and Dr Ferdinand Anton Ludwig Eckhardt can be found at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections, the University of Calgary Library, Special Collections, the National Library of Canada and the Winnipeg National Art Gallery Archives.
Records are organized chronologically within each type of record.
Edith Mary Laycock was born on June 25, 1913. She attended Brandon Collegiate from 1929 until her graduation in 1931. Ms. Laycock attended Brandon College from 1931-1934, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1935, she attended the Wheat City Business College and graduated from the Stenographic Course. Ms. Laycock was employed by the Canadian Pacific Railway as a stenographer for many years and belonged to the Canadian Pacific Expressmen's Mutual Benefit Society from 1939.
Edith Laycock was very interested in drama. While attending Brandon Collegiate and Brandon College she participated in school and college plays. She was involved in drama and theatre throughout her aadult life. Edith Laycock directed many of Brandon College's major productions beginning in 1950. She was also the director of many of the plays put on by the Brandon Little Theatre from 1950. Ms. Laycock also performed in the Little Theatre productions when she was not directing.
Ms. Laycock was also involved in many other elements of Brandon life. She served alternatively as the vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and production manager of the Little Theatre throughout the 1940's and 1950's. She was the Social Manager for the Brandon Festival Committee in 1948, the Publicity Chairperson for the Brandon Music Festival Association in the 1950's, and the Secretary of the Brandon Overture Concert Association. Laycock also wrote play reviews for the Brandon Sun in the 1950's. She was the director of the Manitoba Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. In the 1960's Laycock was a member of the Brandon Council of Women and Chairperson of its Arts and Letters Committee. She was also the Vice-President of the Brandon Art Club in 1960. Edith Laycock also held a 12-week class in creative dramatics for children at the Allied Arts Centre in the early 1960's.
Edith Laycock died in Brandon on December 17, 1987.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1998. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
This fonds consists of memorabilia kept by Edith Laycock. A large part of the collection consists of programs from plays that Laycock performed in or directed during the 1950's and 1960's. There are also numerous newspaper clippings about Laycock's plays including reviews, pictures, and advertisements. This collection also includes a folder of programs from the Brandon Little Theatre productions in the 1950's, as well as clippings about the Little Theatre. There are also numerous articles about miscellaneous drama and art events throughout Brandon, Manitoba, and Canada. The fonds also includes Laycock's daybook from 1962, and travel notes from Laycock's 1952 trip to Great Britain and Europe. The latter contains a passenger list for the Empress of Scotland, August 5, 1952. The collection further includes Canadian Pacific Railway passes dating from 1947-1963 and a copy of the Canadian Pacific Pension Plan. Fonds also contains material from the various organizations that Laycock was involved with including the Brandon Council of Women and Beta Sigma Phi. Fonds includes 12 photos that appear to be family photos from Laycock's childhood. Finally, the fonds contains various copies of plays that Laycock performed in or directed.