For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
[View of Prince Edward Hotel under construction.]
[Mr. Stuckey put six negatives (3 combined negatives) in one envelope. We have separated them and numbered them DC6f(1) through DC6f(6). From a combined negative.]
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
[View of Prince Edward Hotel under construction; looking south along Ninth Street.]
[Mr. Stuckey put six negatives (3 combined negatives) in one envelope. We have separated them and numbered them DC6f(1) through DC6f(6). From a combined negative.]
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Southeast corner of 10th Street and Princess Ave. Showing: Prince Edward Hotel being demolished, part of Imperial Oil Building, new construction for corner building.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Southeast corner of 10th Street and Princess Ave. Showing: Prince Edward Hotel being demolished, part of Imperial Oil Building, new construction for corner building.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Southeast corner of 10th Street and Princess Ave. Showing: Prince Edward Hotel being demolished, part of Imperial Oil Building, new construction for corner building.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Prince Edward Hotel
From roof of Alexandra Block.
[Mr. Stuckey put six negatives (3 combined negatives) in one envelope. We have separated them and numbered them DC6f(1) through DC6f(6). From a combined negative.]
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
[Prince Edward Hotel with CN mixed (freight and passanger) train at Canadian National Railways station.]
[Mr. Stuckey put six negatives (3 combined negatives) in one envelope. We have separated them and numbered them DC6f(1) through DC6f(6). From a combined negative.]