Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and buggies west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 294 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.10) is glued below and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and carriages west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 295 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.11) is glued above and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
[Since its construction, this industrial chemical plant has been known as Hooker Chemicals, Canadian Occidental Chemicals, and Nexen Chemicals Canada. It is currently operated by Canexus Chemicals Canada. P.E. 03/07/09]
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Canadian Occidental Chemicals
[Mr. Stuckey put two negatives in the same envelope. We have separated them and numbered them HA15(1) and HA15(2).]
[Since its construction, this industrial chemical plant has been known as Hooker Chemicals, Canadian Occidental Chemicals, and Nexen Chemicals Canada. It is currently operated by Canexus Chemicals Canada. P.E. 03/07/09]
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Canadian Occidental Chemicals
[Mr. Stuckey put two negatives in the same envelope. We have separated them and numbered them HA15(1) and HA15(2).]
Built as a tribute to the founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941), Baden-Powell House serves as a scouting hostel and conference centre in South Kensington, London, England. (Source:
Scope and Content
Photograph shows a group of boyscouts presenting a plaque to the Deputy Warden of Baden Powell House. The plaque reads: The Day the Medicine Man Lost His Hat... One of the boyscouts is Fred McGuinness, Jr.
Writing on the back of the photograph reads: 16th August, 1965, Canadian Boy Scouts from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, present a plaque to Baden Powell House, Queensgate, London. (L-R) Mr. R. Flower, Deputy Warden of Baden Powell House receives the plaque from Stephen McQuarie (14), Fred Olmstead (15), Fred McGuinness (14), George Russell (14) from Medicine Hat and Pat Lannigan (16) [at back] from Camrose, Alberta.
Stamp on back of photograph reads: 1737/4A from Editorial Press, 2 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4
Built as a tribute to the founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941), Baden-Powell House serves as a scouting hostel and conference centre in South Kensington, London, England. (Source:
Scope and Content
Photograph shows a group of boyscouts presenting a plaque to the Deputy Warden of Baden Powell House. The plaque reads: The Day the Medicine Man Lost His Hat... One of the boyscouts is Fred McGuinness, Jr.
Photograph was taken 16th August, 1965, showing Canadian Boy Scouts from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, presenting a plaque to Baden Powell House, Queensgate, London. (L-R) Mr. R. Flower, Deputy Warden of Baden Powell House receives the plaque from Stephen McQuarie (14), Fred Olmstead (15), Fred McGuinness (14), George Russell (14) from Medicine Hat and Pat Lannigan (16) [at back] from Camrose, Alberta.
Stamp on back of photograph reads: 1737/7A from Editorial Press, 2 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4