no. 1. The scope and character of the investigation -- no. 2. Mechanization and farm costs -- no. 3. Agricultural credit -- no. 4. Rural roads and local government -- no. 5. Land tenure -- no. 6. Rural education -- no. 7. Movement of farm people -- no. 8. Agricultural markets and prices -- no. 9. Crop insurance -- no. 10. The Home and family in rural Saskatchewan -- no. 11. Farm electrification -- no. 12. Service centers -- no. 13. Farm Income -- no. 14. A Program of improvement
Item is a portrait of men from the Rivers area who attended a meeting or workshop facilitated by Reg Forbes, Principal of the Agricultural Extension Centre in Brandon, MB. Some of the men in the photo are John Dick, Tommy Seens, Roy Murrey, Reed Spearn and Reg Forbes.