The death of Robin Hood -- The escape of Robin Hood -- Robin Hood and Allan-a-Dale -- Robin Hood and Little John -- Robin Hood and Sir Guy of Gisborne -- Robin Hood and the butcher -- Robin Hood and the fighting friar -- Robin Hood and the king -- Robin Hood and the poor knight -- Robin Hood and the widow's three sons -- Robin Hood goes fishing -- The sheriff among the outlaws
The year-book of facts in the Great Exhibition of 1851 : its origin and progress, constructive details of the building, the most remarkable articles and objects exhibited, etc.
Brandon University Archaeology field school assistant Jessica McKenzie worked at the Graham and Atkinson sites in 2006. Pages 1 to 44 relate to the Graham site.
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Field journal by Brandon University Archaeology field school assistant Jessica McKenzie. Journal contains information about excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather. Pages 1-44 relate to the Graham 2006 site.
In 2007 the Brandon University Archaeology Field School was held at the Crepeele site in the Crepeele locale. Denise Ens instructed the school with Kate Decter & Jessica MacKenzie assistants.
Seventeen units were excavated XU 30 - 46. Faunal (animal bone), lithics, fire cracked rock, diagnostic lithics and ceramics were recovered from the site. There are over 3050 records in the catalogue.
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Record of excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather noted by teaching assistant.
Postcard was donated to the McKee Archives by Allen Drysdale, archivist at Beautiful Plains Archives in October 2011. Drysdale received the postcard as part of a larger donation to his archives.
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Item is a colour postcard of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Company in Brandon, MB. The postcard was sent to John Dorset, Elphinstone, MB from his brother Sid (?).
See fonds level of the CKX records for custodial history.
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Image is looking southwest across Brandon College campus. Visible are Clark Hall, the Brandon College Building, the Citizens' Science Building and the A.E. McKenzie Building.
See fonds level of the CKX records for custodial history.
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Image is looking northwest across Brandon College campus. Visible are the H-Huts and the Citizen's Science Building. Behind the Citizen's Science Building are the Brandon College Building and Clark Hall.
See fonds level of the CKX records for custodial history.
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Image is looking south southwest across Brandon College campus. Visible are Clark Hall, the Brandon College Building and the Citizens' Science Building.