This series contains three sub-series: Layouts & Furnishings, Receipt of Gifts, etc. and Archives. The first sub-series, Layouts and Furnishings, consists of photos of the Brandon College and University libraries from the 1940’s to the present time. These photos highlight interesting areas of the library and include past and present library staff members. The second sub-series contains photos taken in the library during presentations of gifts, and other important events, such as the naming of the Robbins Library. The third sub-series contains photos taken in the McKee Archives, at its former location in the Jeff Umphrey Building, and since 1997, in its new location on the mezzanine floor of the John E. Robbins Library.
Cooperative democracy through voluntary association of the people as consumers : a discussion of the cooperative movement, its philosophy, methods, accomplishments, and possibilities, and its relation to the state, to science, art, and commerce, and to other systems of economic organization
Dictionary of quotations from ancient and modern, English and foreign sources : including phrases, mottoes, maxims, proverbs, definitions, aphorisms, and sayings of the wise men, in their bearing on life, literature, speculation, science, art, religion, and morals, especially in the modern aspects of them
First lessons in composition : in which the principles of the art are developed in connection with the principles of grammar; embracing full directions on the subject of punctuation, with copious exercises
The year-book of facts in the Great Exhibition of 1851 : its origin and progress, constructive details of the building, the most remarkable articles and objects exhibited, etc.