Record of site excavation unit 6 at Graham site 2005.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 6 at the Sarah site 2003.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Radiocarbon date reports have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
North Lauder Radiocarbon Date report by Beta Analytic Inc. for Flintstone Hill #109900.
Radiocarbon dating
The technique of radiocarbon dating was developed by Willard Libby and his colleagues at the University of Chicago in 1949.
Radiocarbon dating is used to estimate the age of organic remains from archaeological sites. Organic matter has a radioactive form of carbon (C14) that begins to decay upon death. C14 decays at a steady, known rate of a half life of 5,730 years. The technique is useful for material up to 50,000 years. Fluctuations of C14 in the atmosphere can affect results so dates are calibrated against dendrochronology. Radiocarbon dates are calibrated to calendar years.
Dates are reported in radiocarbon years or Before Present. Before Present refers to dates before 1950. The introduction of massive amounts of C14, due to atomic bomb and surface testing of atomic weapons, has widely increased the standard deviation on all dates after A.D. 1700 causing these dates to be unreliable.
Accelerated mass spectrometry can more accurately measure C14 with smaller samples and can date materials to 80,000 years.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series contains radiocarbon dates from: Atkinson site and Flintstone Hill.
Record of site excavation test unit 6 at the Lovstrom survey 1985.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 6 at the Crepeele site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Block C was situated in sparse oak forest with an understory of saskatoon, hazelnut and a thick ground cover of poison ivy and sarsaparilla. The block measured 3m and 3m and contained nine excavation units. All units were excavated to 35cm below surface. The soil horizons were much like the other blocks, except for a rusty brown stain in the first level, giving the upper black loam a mottled appearance. The brown patches were clay mixed with loam and were harder than the surrounding matrix. No definitive interpretation of these phenomena was attempted but this effect may be the result of natural brush or forest fires. Under the 5cm so d/humus (Ah) layer, the loam horizon extended approximately 5cm – 25 cm below surface, and averaged 20 cm thick. Bone was concentrated within this horizon between 10 cm – 20 cm below surface.
Block C was notable for its concentrations of articulated bison bone. Most noteworthy was an articulated unit composed of lumbar vertebrae, pelvis, and sacrum. Several thoracic vertebra/proximal rib end concentrations were also recovered. There were more vertebrae and rib sections recovered in the units in proportion to other bones. A few sherds, some debitage and a single Prairie Side-Notched point fragment were among the recoveries. Based on the quantity of bone, the density of the bone layer, and the articulated butchering units the area has been interpreted as a bone midden.
Faunal material was analysed by Jessica MacKenzie for her Honours Thesis: "A reconstruction of butchering processes in Block C from the Lovstrom site DjLx-1 in Southwestern Manitoba."
Radiocarbon date: 850/115BP XU 79.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format.
History / Biographical
Large scale excavations of five block sites took place in 1987 under the direction of Bev Nicholson with Jane Gibson as crew chief. Block C consisted of nine excavation units. Miggs Green was Block C assistant.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position.
Jane Gibson was crew chief for the Lovstrom locale in 1987. Her field journals contain information about all Block/sites excavated. This journal related to Block C on pages 27 to 49.
Scope and Content
Record of excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather noted by teaching assistant.
Record of site excavation unit 71 at Lovstrom Block C.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 72 at Lovstrom Block C.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 73 at Lovstrom Block C.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 76 at Lovstrom Block C.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 77 at Lovstrom Block C.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.