Karsh portrait of J.E. Robbins, plaque, Clark Hall Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library, etc.Georgia Lightbody Whitman (?) Dr. J.E. Robbins, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, Glen P. Sutherland, alumnus and Co-Chairman 75th Anniversary Committee
In accordance with "The Brandon University Act (1998)" the Brandon University Senate consists of the following members: (a) the chancellor of the university; (b) the president of the university; (c) the vice-presidents of the university; (d) the deputy minister of the department whose minister is responsible for The Council on Post-Secondary Education Act, or his or her designate; (e) the deans of each faculty and school in the university; (f) the director of the Educational Technology Unit or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions (g) the chair of the Bachelor of General Studies degree program or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (h) the University Librarian or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (i) the Dean of Students or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (j) one member of the board appointed by the board; (k) one representative from each faculty or school who has been on the staff of the university for at least two years, elected by and from the staff of that faculty or school; (l) six professors or associate professors of the university, elected by the professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers; (m) two assistant professors or lecturers of the university who have been on the staff of the university for at least two years, elected by the professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers; (n) one member of the rank of professional associate of the university elected by the members of that rank; (o) eight students elected or appointed as follows: (i) one appointed by the executive of the Brandon University Students’ Union who is a member of that executive. (ii) one elected from each faculty or school of the university, (iii) the remainder elected from the student body of the university at large.
Elected and appointed members of the senate, other than student members, are to hold
office for two years, beginning on July 1 of the year in which they are elected or appointed. Student members of the senate are to hold office for one year, beginning on the first day of July of the year in which they are elected. Ex officio members are to hold office until they cease to hold the position that qualify them for membership. An elected or appointed member of the senate is eligible for re-election or re-appointment, but the senate may set a maximum number of consecutive terms of office that any member may hold.
The president of the university shall be the chair of the senate. If the president of the university is absent or unable to act as chair, the vice-president (academic and research) or, in his or her absence, an academic dean appointed by the president, shall be the chair at meetings of the senate. The registrar of the university or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions shall be the secretary of the senate.
The senate shall meet at least four times a year and may meet more often if its rules so provide. The secretary of the senate shall call special meetings at the request of the chair or at the written request of at least four members of the senate.
The senate is responsible for the academic policy of the university. The senate may (a) establish rules and procedures for the conduct of its proceedings, including fixing a quorum; (b) elect the chancellor of the university; (c) appoint any standing and other committees that it considers necessary; (d) consider and determine all courses of student, including requirements for admission, examination and graduation; (e) recommend to the board the establishment of additional faculties, school, departments, chairs and courses of instruction; (f) determine the degrees, honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the university, and the persons to whom they are to be granted; (g) award scholarships, medals and prizes; (h) make rules and regulations respecting the academic conduct and activities of students; (i) consider and make recommendations to the board about any other matters that the senate considers appropriate for achieving the objects and purposes of the university.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into six sub-series, including: (1) Senate minutes; (2) Committees of Senate; (3) General Faculty Council; (4) Ad Hoc Committees of Senate; (5) Convocation services, Baccalaureate services, Banquets; and (6) Brandon College/University calendars.
Information in the History/Bio field was taken from "The Brandon University Act (1998)" at http://www.brandonu.ca/administration/governors/documents/BU_Act.pdf (December 2005).
R. BRUCE MCFARLANE (1968 - 1976)
No biographical information yet.
CAM CONNORS (1978 - 1982)
Campbell Connors was born in England and raised in South Africa. He came to Canada in 1963, and attended the United College in Winnipeg (now the University of Winnipeg). Connors had planned to return to Zimbabwai, but after the Declaration of Independence in 1966, he was unable to. Subsequently, he became a United Church minister in Russell, Manitoba for four years. In 1971, he was invited to head a special Mature Students project at Brandon University, and in 1976, he became that institution's Dean of Student Services.
TOM MITCHELL (1985 - 1989)
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 5 Office of the Registrar, 5.1Registrar's files for biographical information on Tom Mitchell.
BETH WESTFALL (1989 - 1992)
Additional biographical information for Beth Westfall is located at RG 6, series 9 (Office of Extension).
On September 1, 1989, Westfall became the first female dean at Brandon University when she accepted the position of Dean of Student Services. Westfall left Brandon University in 1992 to accept a position as President of Keewatin Community College, in The Pas, Manitoba. At present (January 2007), Beth Westfall Davies is the Senior Education Administrator of Northwest Community College in British Columbia.
DARCY BOWER (1994 - 2005)
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 5 Office of the Registrar, 5.1Registrar's files for biographical information on Darcy Bower.
JANET S. WRIGHT (2005 - July 31, 2008)
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 7 Faculties and Schools, 7.2.1 Dean of Science for biographical information on Janet Wright.
DAVID ROWLAND (August 1, 2008 - July 31, 2013)
David Rowland is a native of Toronto, ON. He obtained his B.Sc. in Physical Education from Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina in 1997. He completed his Master of Education degree in Special Education at the University of Charleston in 1999.
From 2000-2005, Rowland was the Assistant Dean of Students at the College of Charleston before taking the position of Dean of Students at Mount Allison University in 2006. His term as Dean of Student Services at Brandon University began in 2008.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of correspondence and minutes.
History/Bio information on Cam Connor was taken from Connexion December 1971 and an article in "The Quill" (September 27, 1979). Biographical information for Beth Westfall was taken from articles in "The Quill" (August 30, 1989) and from the government of British Columbia's Board Member biography page on Beth Westfall Davies located at: http://www.fin.gov.bc.ca/oop/brdo/memView.asp?Member=142002 (January 2007). History/Bio information for David Rowland taken from the September 1, 2008 issue of the Quill.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 12: Student Services
W.M.C.A.Convocation (Spring) 79. L to R (front row) W. G. Dinsdale; P.C.M.P (Bran Services), K. A. Cosens; M.L.A Minister of Education, E.R. McGill; M.L.A. (Brandon West), Eleanor Cunningham; Dir. Alumni Affairs, G. Longphee, Dr. H. Perkins
W.M.C.A.Convocation 1976 ? Faculty procession Left (front to back): R.H. Hannah, P. Hallamandaris, P.G. Klassen, Eileen McFadden, ? Right (front to back): C.W. Anderson, ?, J. Hardy, ?, Gordon Senoff?, ?,? Photograph is looking southwest-west.
W.M.C.A – Fall Convocation. Stanley Knowles receives a Certificate of Appreciation. L to R: Dr.E.J. Curly Tyler, Dr. Stanley Knowles, Dr. Dennis Anderson.