The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, which was established in 1929, is a professional honorary Society of women educators. The Society promotes professional and personal growth of its members and excellence in education. Membership is by invitation only and considered a prestigious honor with a variety of benefits and privileges.
Custodial History
The document was in the possession of Merle Orth, Chair of the Archives Committee for the chapter prior to its donation to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of the organizational charter of the Brandon chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
History/Bio information taken from the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International webpage: [October 5, 2012]. Description by Tom Mitchell.
The Westman Recycling Council was started by a small group of avid recyclers with financial and volunteer help from the Kiwanis Club of Brandon, among others. Volunteers organized the first outdoor recycling depots in June and October 1989. The first event with recorded minutes was the first annual meeting, November 15, 1989.
The organization was incorporated in February 1990, and became a registered charity in 1995. The Mission Statement was: "to support and promote the reduction, re-use, and recycling of material resources for the benefit of Westman's environment and future generations."
The major partner in the work of the organization was the City of Brandon. In 2003, Westman Recycling, in partnership with the City, built a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at the Brandon Landfill; Westman Recycling owned the building on the City-owned land. It was a $4 million structure - financed by federal and provincial grants (about one-quarter of the total) and a mortgage (about three-quarters). Details are in the Board and other Committee minutes and agreements.
In late 2005, Westman Recycling faced a severe cash crunch - as a result of poor markets for recyclables, changes in support funding from the Manitoba Product Stewardship Corporation (MPSC), and a drop in public recycling levels. In February 2006, the City decided to sign a contract with another organization to operate the MRF; after that there appeared to be no role for Westman Recycling.
A general meeting on September 22, 2008 voted to dissolve the organization. At that meeting, the suggestion was made (agreed to by consensus) that the files of the organization be donated to Brandon University to be made available for researchers. A Board of Directors meeting on the same date voted to donate all remaining funds to a perpetual "Westman Recycling" fund with the Brandon Area Community Foundation.
A final wind-up meeting was held on March 26, 2009
Custodial History
The organization was overseen by volunteers / volunteer Board of Directors. The files were first held by volunteers / Board members in their homes. In May 1991, the organization hired David McConkey as Coordinator / General Manager, who was directed by the Board to manage the files on a daily basis from that date forward.
The files were kept in the organization's rented office space in the 1300 block of Pacific Avenue from May 1991 to September 1992, and then in the rented space in the Massey building at 6th Street and Pacific Avenue. The files were kept at the new facility at the landfill from April 2003 to February 2006. They were then stored in the basement of the Marquis Project, 912 Rosser Avenue, until August 2011 when they were donated to the S.J. McKee Archives, Brandon University.
Some files (e.g. minutes from 1995-96) were found to be missing entirely. Other files were disposed of by recycling and/or shredding as they were judged to be confidential (e.g. personnel), of an ordinary business nature only (e.g. invoices), or not useful for future research (e.g. extra copies, routine correspondence, building and equipment plans and other arrangements).
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records that document the origin, activities, demise, and legacy of the Westman Recycling Council. Records include minutes, financial summaries, scrapbooks, newsletters, brochures, media clippings, photographs and miscellaneous documents related to the construction in collaboration with the City of Brandon of Brandon's principal recycling facility.
Administrative history courtesy David McConkey. See additional notes on the organization in the curatorial file. Description by Tom Mitchell.
The Brandon Sno-Goers Snowmobile Club was created in approximately 1970 and was disbanded in approximately 2002. During its lifetime, the Sno-Goers were an organization dedicated to the promotion of recreational snowmobiling. They were also a community service group, which raised funds for local charities, held many winter events and worked with E.M.O. services in the southwestern area of Manitoba. They were members of the provincial organization Sno-Man Inc (Snowmobilers of Manitoba Inc.).
Custodial History
Records were donated to the McKee Archives on September 9, 2005 by Lloyd Shortridge, former president and Sno-Goers member from 1986-2002. The records were in Shortridge's residence prior to their donation.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of minutes (annual meetings, general meetings, director's meetings, club meetings etc.), newsletters, financial records, member lists, correspondence, records related to various club activities, events, and charity fundraising. It also includes the Manitoba snowmobile operator's training manual, exam and answer key, information on snow trails and trail grooming and records for the 1989 Sno-Man convention and sled show hosted by the Brandon Sno-Goers. Fonds contains a number of artifacts, including: 3 pins, 2 badges and the Sno-Goers' flag.
Fundraising included: Heart & Stroke Foundation (Heart Fund Ride), Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada (Poker Derby), Canadian Liver Foundation, Ability Fund March of Dimes, City of Brandon, Canadian Cancer Society, Dreams for Kids.
Description by Christy Henry. All records related to Snopasses (except a few annual reports) were culled, as were recipets and duplicates, Sno-Man newsletters and Sno-Man meeting minutes.
Storage Location
2007 accessions
Storage Range
2007 accessions
There are some financial records mixed in with the minutes in 1983-1985. There are some minutes for 1980 in the correspondence file.
The Order of United Commercial Travelers of America (UCT) is a fraternal benefits society. It was founded in Columbus, Ohio on January 16, 1888 by eight traveling salesmen (commercial travelers) for the purpose of providing accident insurance for traveling salesmen, protecting the rights of its members and aiding those dependent upon them.
UCT came to Canada in 1898 with the creation of Winnipeg Council No. 154. The organization gradually spread westward with Councils established in Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary and Brandon. Brandon Council No. 448 was granted a charter on December 12, 1908.
Brandon Council No. 448 incorporated in 1984. Soon after they purchased and renovated the UCT Hall (now East Port Hall) at 530 Richmond Avenue East. The goals of Brandon Council No. 448 are "to improve our community, meet new friends, improve fellowship, to discover the best in ourselves and others, and to derive satisfaction from helping others." UCT Brandon Council No. 448 supports a number of organiztions and programs in Brandon; to raise money, the Council holds a weekly bingo (first held on May 9, 1963) and a canteen at bingos. As well, they participate in an anuual ticket raffle within Manitoba.
The governing body of UCT in the United States and Canada is the Supreme Council, which is located in Columbus, Ohio. States or groups of states and provinces are divided into Grand Jurisdictions; Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta make up a Grand Jurisdiction, of which Brandon Council forms a part. The Grand charter was granted on June 10, 1911. Prior to 1911, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta formed part of the Grand Jurisdiction of Minnesota and North Dakota.
Custodial History
The UCT Brandon Council #448 decided to donate their records to the McKee Archives after selling their meeting hall (UCT Hall - now East Port Hall). Records were stored in East Port Hall on Richmond Avenue East until their donation in January 2008.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of: Brandon UCT Council scrapbooks (1974-1999, 1997-2006); Brandon Council minutes (1990-1996); unidentified attendance registers (probably Brandon); Minutes of the Grand Council of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (1911-17, 1919); Proceedings of the Grand Council of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (1914-15, 1917-19,1922-35, 1937-62, 1964, 1966-75, 1977, 1981-83, 1988-89); Minutes and Correspondence of the Grand Council of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (1958-59); Annual Reports to the Grand Council Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta from various councils (1948, 1949, 1950, 1952); Grand Council of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta documents including Cash Book (1911-1948) and Ledger (1911-1948); Proceedings of the Supreme Council (1964-68); Proceedings of the Grand Council of Illinois (1956-57); Proceedings of the Grand Council of Minnesota and North Dakota (1931, 1949); Swift Current Council, minutes (1939-45, 1959-71), membership and financial records (1937-63); Lethbridge, attendance register (1914-1930, 1933-55); Regina, membership [nd]; Miscellaneous documents: Constitution and Bylaws UCT of America, 1962; The UCT Story 1888-1988, compiled by William C. Shortt; and 9 b/w photographs, various sizes.
History/Bio information taken from the UCT webstie available at: (February 2008), from "The UCT Story: Do you Know It?" by James B. Chrisp, and published in the May 18, 1986 edition of the Sunday Sunday, and the Brandon Council #448 pamphlet. Description by Christy Henry and Tom Mitchell.
The Brandon Folk, Music, and Art Society, Inc. has been in existence since 1985, when it was founded by a group of Westman people interested in providing an alternative art and music festival for the western Manitoba region. That group sponsored the first annual Brandon Folk, Music, and Art Festival in September of 1985 and established the community-based, non-profit structure of the Society.
The Society's main goal is to provide musicians, artists and artisans with an opportunity to perform or display their talents on a professional level. The Society provides for its members and aspiring artists by sponsoring an annual Festival, coffeehouses, socials and other performances at local establishments, featuring local and touring performers.
The Society is governed by a volunteer board of directors from many sectors of the local community.
Custodial History
Recrods in accession 19-2008 were in the possession of the Brandon Folk, Music & Art Society prior to their donation to the archives in September 2008.
Scope and Content
Accession 17-2008 (12 cm, 1985-1988) consists of 10 files containing promotional materials, meeting minutes and planning documents for Society's annual music festival.
Accession 19-2008 (63 cm, 1981-2008) consists of: minutes, festival programs, publications, posters, financial records, correspondence; miscellaneous photographs.
History/Bio information taken from Society records. Description by Donna Lowe and Christy Henry.
A number of the letters are samples of "cross writing"
Physical Condition
Some of the letters are fragile, but generally the fonds is in good condition.
Custodial History
Ann Murdoch donated a copy of "My Dear Will" to the McKee Archives in February 2008. The formal donation of the Baker family letters occurred on September 27, 2008 at a reception in the Gathering Space at the John E. Robbins Library.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of a collection of about 200 letters primarily written by William Baker (although letters written by other family members are also included), who left Liverpool and settled in Oak Lake, to his son William who remained in England. The letters offer insights on a wide range of subjects including the conditions of immigrants and the Riel "situation".
The fonds also contains a supplement to "My Dear Will: Reflections of Prairie Pioneer Life." This latter publication consists of transcribed copies of the letters in the Baker family fonds. The letters were originally transcribed by Ronald James Parsons and his wife Rita Olive Parsons (nee Blake) and published, along with some letters, photographs and other documents for family c. 1997. The booklet was updated in 2007 by Ronald and Rita's daughter, Ann Murdoch. The Supplement was prepared by Ann Murdock and her sister Dawn Powell.
Description by Christy Henry.
Finding Aid
My Dear Will booklet
Storage Location
2008 accessions. Booklets and family tree stored in Rare Books: RC 3399.B73Z495 2007 v.1 and v.2.
1965-1980, predominant 25 May 1965 - 30 September 1976
Physical Description
12 cm textual records
6 b/w photographs (loose)
1 artefact
Physical Condition
Some of the items in the scrapbook have come loose from their pages, some documents are stained from a liquid, likely coffee
History / Biographical
In 1965, Chris Verhoef, member of the Overture Concert Association, Allied Arts Centre, and Brandon Citizens' Commitee for the Performing Arts, called for a meeting of Western manitoba citizens interested in the prospect of a Philharmonic Choir for the region. The meeting took place on 26 May 1965; the steering committee that gathered, led by Margaret Goodman, undertook the formation of the Choir. The Choir would have an Executive consistign of at least four members, and a committee consisting of a minimum seven members. Each executive member would be elected on an annual basis. The Choir's executive, in collaboration with the conductor, would determine the choir's repertoire for the year. The establishment of the Western Manitoba PHilharmonic Choir (WMPC) sought to encourage amateurs to sing for enjoyment, provide the opportunity for a choir to perform choral compositions in collaboration with a symphony orchestra and promote and sponsor the musical arts in the Western Manitoba region. Membership to the choir would be open to all citizens of the region, and members would be accepted based on the discretion of the conductor. The first meeting of prospective members took place on 27 September 1965 in St. Matthews Cathedral parish Hall where more than 90 people gathered and registered to become a member of the WMPC.
Chris Verhoef led the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir into its first season as President of the choir's Executive Committee. For the organization's first season, the WMPC hired two members of the Brandon College School of Music: Lucien Needham for the position of conductor and Louise Chapman for the position of accompanist. Brandon College, as well as other donors sponsored the choir for its first season. The Choir held its debut performance in collaboration with the Winnipeg Sympnay Orchestra (WSO) on 12 March 1966, and the Choir's performance of Vivaldi's Gloria and Handel's Dettingen te Deum attracted an audience of more than 1400 people. The performance was well received by the public. The debut performance's asuccess earned the CHoir a rcommendation for a grant from the Manitoba Centennial Corporation that would sponsor a special concert during the centennial year. Furthermore, the Canada Council supported the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, by the means of special funds, to make the Symphony's appearance witht he Philharmonic Choir possible.
For the WMPC's second season, membership rose to 111 amateur singers. Verhoef remained as President of the Executive, while the Brandon Citizens' Committee for the Performing Arts provided sponsorship. Following the Choir's performance of Schubert's Mass in Eb Major on 17 November 1966, the membership increased to 132 singers. On 20 January 1967, the WMPC's first taped broadcast was released over CBC and CKX. The broadcast's success resulted in an offer from CBC to record another broadcast for a similar release. The Kiwanis Club of Rivers invited the Choir to perform in Rivers on 25 january 1967. On 7 April 1967, the Choir performed Haydn's oratorio, The Creation, in the Brandon College Gymnasium.
The choir elected Murray Ames as President to lead it through its thrid and fourth seasons. In its third season, the WMPC, conducted by Leonard Mayoh, performed Handel's Messiah on 22 November 1967 in the Brandon University Gymnasium. The Choir's spring concert, name the "Chris Verhoef Memorial Concert," in honour of Chris Verhoef who had passed away December 1967, featured works by Bach, Brahms and Perry. Held on 9 March 1968, in the Brandon University Gymansium, the concert featured Brandon university student James Stewart as soloist and was received with great praise. In addition to the memorial concert, the WMPC also established a $500 scholarship for a Brandon University music student to honour Verhoef's substantial contribution to the community.
The first concert of the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir's fourth season was held on 10 December 1968, in the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre at Brandon University and featured selections from Handel's Messiah. A piano trio comprised of Francis Chaplin (violin), Malcom Tait (cello) and Gordon Macpherson (piano), as well as a brass trio, also performed at the chori's winter concert. In its fourth season, the WMPC performed two concerts in the second half of its season. On 15 FEbrurary 1969, in cooperation with CKX Radio and Television, the choir performed works by Mozart, Hindemith, and Mahler in collaboration with the Winnipeg Sympony Orchestra conducted by George Cleve. Later in the season, the choir performed Brahms' Requiem Mass, once again in collaboration with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. R. Parker filled the position of President of the Executive for the duration of the Choir's fifth, sixth and seventh seasons. The fifth season saw the WMPC performing four concerts. Conducted by Leonard Mayoh, it opened its season on 11 october 1969 with a performance at the Grand Finale of the Grand Opening of the Western manitoba Centennial Auditorium, performing theoverture to Mozart's The Magic Flute and Beethoven's Symphony No. 9. Their Christmas concert, also conduceted by Mayoh, took place on 10 December 1969. The Choir's third concert of its fifth season was held on 31 january 1970, in cooperation with CKX RAdio and Television, and featured works by Mendelssohn, Ravel, and Schubert, in collaboration with the WSO under the direction of conductor George Cleve. The season concluded with another concert in collaboration with the WSO on 7 March 1970, conducted by Leonard Mayoh. This concert featured works by Vaughn Williams, Handel and Poulenc.
Seasons six and seven consisted of two concerts each. The Choir held its fifth annual Christmas Concert on 5 December 1970. Led by Leonard Mayoh, it performed its spring concert on 10 April 1971 in collaboration with members from the Winnipeg Symphony, featuring selections by Bach and Mozart in the Western manitoba Centennial Auditorium. Into its seventh season, the Choir performed Bach's Christmas Oratorio on 4 December 1971 in the Central United Church. For its final concert of the year, the WMPC revisited a piece that had been the main focus of its second season: Haydn's oratorio, The Creation. The Choir performed this Haydn masterwork on 8 April 1972 under the direction of Piero Gamba.
Helen Riesberry led the choir through its eigth and ninth seasons as President of the Executive. In its eigth season, the WMPC held its annual Christmas concert on 12 December 1972 in collaboration with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in the style of a sing-along led by Mitch Miller. The choir's spring concert featured another masterwork, Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, conducted by Piero Gamba. The WMPC and members of the WSO performed the Requiem Mass on 28 April 1973 at the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. Despite the lack of attendance at rehearsals since the Christmas concert, the WMPC presented an overall effective performance of the challenging Requiem Mass.
In its ninth season, Derek Morphy took over the position of conductor from Leonard Mayoh. Morphy had his debut performance as conductor with the WMPC at the annual Christmas concert on 17 December 1973. In March 1974, in collaboration with members from the WSO, Morphy led the Choir in its performance of Mendelssohn's oratorio, Elijah, in the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. later in the season, the choir performed a concert entitled "Reflections," a choral programme for Lent and Easter, accompanied by organist Arthur Bower.
Nearing the end of its ninth season, the Philharmonic Choir encountered severe financial challenges. The Choir released a notice in the newspaper that the anticipated $3000 grant from the Manitoba Arts Council had been cut to $1000, leaving the Choir $3100 in debt. The notice explained that the Choir needed funds in order to enable operation and continue hiring the WSO for concerts. The WMPC executive and committee held a Leonard Mayoh Night in an attempt to gain funds and donations. Although the Manitoba Arts Council raised thegrant to $2000 and the City of Brandon contributed $500, the Choir's financial situation remained in a dire state as its ninth season came to a close.
The Choir elected Edith Hayden to lead it through its tenth and eleventh seasons as President of the Executive. The opening of the tenth season challenged the WMPC. In addition to its financial woes, the Choir's Executive struggled to overcome the lack of attendance at rehearsals and the shortage of male voices. The WMPC had experienced membership issues in earlier seasons as well. In its third season, despite a membership of 130 individuals, the choir had struggled to create a balanced sound due to a lack of male membership and therefore a lack of lower voices. In its sixth season, the Choir opened their concert year with an appeal for members. In an effort to improve the choir's financial affairs, the Choir Executive and conductor decided against hiring the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra for the time being. In an attempt to improve the situation, Derek Morphy wrote a letter to the members of the Choir outlining his concern that he may not be meeting their expectations as a conductor but hoped to generate positive and hopeful prospects for the future of music-making together.
The Choir's annual Christmas concert featured a collaboration with the Brandon School Division Music Department and Brandon School Orchestra and Band Association, as well as dancers choreographed by Barbra Enhes. The WMPC performed Haydn's Mass in D minor at its spring concert on 27 April 1975, accompanied by Arthur Bower. By the end of the season, the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir's financial situation had begun to improve.
The WMPC hired conductor peter Allen to lead the Chori through its final season of operation. The Choir held its annual Christmas concert in the Central United Church on 7 December 1975, and featured Vivaldi's Glora, accompanied by pianist Barry Anderson. The choir perfomed Deller's Psalm 148, Teleman's Cantata for the Fourth Sunday after the Feast of the Three Kings, and Dvorak's Stabat Mater at its spring concert held at the Central United Church on 25 April 1976.
Despite its best efforts, the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir's first rehearsal of its twelfth season saw just 26 members in attendance. As a result of lack of membership, the Choir Executive decided to disband the WMPC for its 1976/1977 season, with plans to reassess the situation in September of 1977 for the prospect of a 1977/1978 season. Matters were further complicated by financial considerations; by June 1977 the choir's financial situation had worsened as a result of the administrative fees that the WMPC covered for the duration of its unexpected inactive 1976/1977 season. Unlike past years, there were not any ticket sales to cover such expenses.
Following its year off, membership interest in the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir did not increase and the decision was made not to return for another season. In 1980, the WMPC revoked its registration as an organization and officially ceased to exist.
Custodial History
Records in the 8-2001 accession were donated to the McKee Archives in 2001, by three representatives of the Philharmonic Choir: Dr. Bill Paton, Botany Department, Brandon University; Mrs. Edith Hayden, WMPC President; and Mary Davidson WMPC Archives Committee. Records in accession 13-2016 were given to Terry Stamper in the School of Music by Marilyn Hayden and then transferred to the McKee Archives on September 21, 2015.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records that document the origin, activities, and ultimate disbandment of the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir. These records were created and accumulated during the eleven year existence of the WMPC.
Records include: the organization's constitution and history from 1965-1968; financial records, which include grants received from the Manitoba Arts Council, Canada Council, and City of Brandon, as well as materials documenting the organization's financeial struggles from 1974-1976; minutes from executive and committee meetings from 18 June 1973 to 24 June 1974; correspondence in the form of letters between the president of the executive and the choir members, and between the conductor of the choir and its members; membership lists from each season of the WMPC; and concert programmes from every major Christmas and Spring concert that the organization performed. Fonds also contains mewspaper notices, advertisements and reviews of various performances, as well as posters advertising perfomrances of the WMPC in the 1967/68, 1970/71, 1971/72 and 1973/74 seasons; the posters advertise the choir, collaborators, patrons and featured works.
Also included in the fonds is a scrapbook detailing the choir's history. Each page of the scrapbook is decorated with hand painted images of plants native to the southwestern Manitoba region. The scrapbook includes concert programs and photographs of the choir from all years of the organization's operation. The scrapbook also contains an assorment of informal photographs from various WMPC events. There are also six black and white group photos of the WMPC from various seasons.
Finally, the fonds contains one artifact, a leather bag/zippered file folder with "WMPC" printed on it.
History/Bio information was provided by representatives of the Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir. Copies of the history can be found in the fonds. Description by Jessi Gilchrist (October 2016).
Most of the photos are in peel and stick albums and the albums have a number of condition issues
History / Biographical
Valleyview Leisure Club (VLC) began in April 1978 as a senior's activity group in conjunction with Valleyview Community Centre. The impetus for the creation of the group was a meeting between John Svenson, Regional Director for Westman Seniors, and seniors in the Valleyview area who met to discuss the organization of a seniors club. At the time the club was established, space was limited at the Community Centre because some school classes were held there during the construction of Riverheights School. However, a New Horizons grant enabled the VLC to remodel and furnish the basement area of the Valleyview Community Centre for the Leisure Club. A Grand Opening of the space was held in May of 1980; there was a special luncheon and the offical ribbon was cut by Hon. Ed McGill.
The Valleyview Leisure Club was run by a board and its associated committees and governed by a constitution. Members were charged an annual membership fee, as well as user fees for the various activities. In the early years, the CLub had monthly membership business meetings in conjunction with an evening meal and entertainment. The use of the basement area was varied and included: cards; shuffleboard and other games; craft activities; fundraisers; raffles; dances; and luncheons, dinners and potlucks. The space was also rented out for private functions, particularly special birthdays and anniversary's of community members. The Club made annual contibutions to the parent Community Centre, as well as helping the Community Centre functions (winter carnival etc.)
In the course of time, the activities of the VLC became more focused on cribbage and bridge, with several regular groups scheduled at regular weekly time slots. At the time of the organization's disbanding, the following groups were active: Friday afternoon contract bridge - the "original" bridge group at the Centre; Tuesday afternoon cribbage; Thursday afternoon "Retired Educators" contract bridge - this group had played in vacant space at Neelin School up until around 1989. Its membership was eventually opened up to anyone who wanted to play in that time slot; Wheat City Duplicate Bridge Club - formed in the City as a sanctioned club and had a number of locations around town. When it moved to the Leisure Club, it came as a renter only, but chose in 2012 to join as VLC members; and Monday afternoon duplicate bridge - in an effort to increase the number of duplicate bridge plays, a "beginners" duplicate group was established with lessons, which proved to be a popular decision. The group thrived and most of the Thursday evening playser began to paly at this time also/or instead.
The VLC hosted a Spring and a Fall Bridge Tournament each year, open to anyone, with invitations going to surrounding areas. As well as cash prizes, a cash donation was given to a local charity. In latter years these donations were $500 per tournament. An annual Christmas Dinner was another popular event. It was a catered event, at least in the later years, and was offered at a subsidized price to members. The club also made a donation to Christmas Cheer at this time.
At some point in the organization's history the VLC came to be seen as a tenant of the Valleyview Community Centre, paying a rent of $3000 per year for its use of the basement space, as well as some maintenance expenses. When the Valleyview Community Centre voted to raise the rent to $12,000 per year within two years, the VLC sought other options.
The VLC settled on Prairie Oasis Senior Centre for a nubmer of reasons. First, it offered to provide space for each of the club's existing card groups at the same time slots with no membership fees. Second, the move would also eliminate the increasingly difficult task of fielding a board of directors to run the club. Finally, the Prairie Oasis location offered the advantage of level access; the basement location of the VLC had excluded several of the club's former members with mobility issues.
Effective September 1, 2014, the Valleyview Leisure Club was dissolved. The club disposed of equipment either by donating it to Prairie Oasis or to Valleyview Community Centre. Once all debts were cleared the Board voted to distribute the cash assets to the following local charities: Big Brothers and Sisters; Food For Thought; Humane Society; Prairie Oasis Senior Centre/Meals on Wheels; Salvation Army; Samaritan House; Seniors For Seniors Co-op Inc.; The Soup Kitchen; Westman Regional Hospital; Westman Hospice; and Y Kids.
Custodial History
Records were created and collected by Valleyview Leisure Club and donated to the S.J. McKee Archives by Barry Reilly following the disbandment of the club in 2015.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records created and maintained by the Valleyview Leisure Club to document their activities and membership. The records detail club events, finances, insurance and meetings.
Records include meeting minutes, agendas, posters, correspondence, budget plans, grants, constitutions, newspaper clippings, membership lists, phone directories, membership rosters, financial statements, secretarial records, photo albums and other miscelleanous records.
History/Bio information was provided by the Valleyview Leisure Club. Description by Amanda Gramchuk (October 2016) and Christy Henry.
Some of the pages and photographs in the scrapbooks have become loose
History / Biographical
Southwest B "Region" Women's Institute is a regional board within Manitoba Women's Institute.
According to their website, Manitoba Women’s Institute (MWI) operates under an umbrella structure of a provincial board and regional boards as directed in the Constitution and Bylaws. The provincial board serves to co-ordinate the activities of the organization on a provincial scale and link with other provincial, national, and international organizations. Regional boards are responsible for activities within their regions and for assisting with communication between the provincial board and the membership. Local institutes serve members in local communities or local geographic areas.
The Southwest B "Region" Women's Institute covers the area south of the Trans Canada Highway and from Killarney west to the Saskatchewan border. Historically it has encompassed locals from the follwing areas: Bardal, Boissevain, Broomhill, Dand, Deloraine, Dublin, Ebor, Elgin, Elva, Hartney, Kemnay, Lauder, Lyleton, Medora, Melita, Napinka, Pierson, Regent, Souris, Springvale, Tilston, Wakada and Whitewater.
Custodial History
Records were in the possession of the Southwest B Region Women's Institute until thier donation to the McKee Archives in 2014.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records created by the Southwest B Region Women's Institute during the course of their activities and operations.
Records include: eight minute books (1926-1997); a small scribbler listing Convention and some Board meeting attendance (2001-2013); and two Treasurer's/cash record books (1940-1944 and 1951-1992). The photographs are portraits of the Women's Institute Leadership Class (1961 and 1962), attendees on stage at the F.W.E.C Convention, Wolfville NS (July 1964) and the Manitoba delegation to Wolfville NS (July 1964).
History/Bio information was taken from the records and from the Manitoba Women's Instutite webpage ( Accessed January 2017). Description by Christy Henry.
Finding Aid
A detailed list of meeting dates for the minute books was provided by the donor. It is located in the donation file.
Storage Location
2016 accessions
photographs in RG 5 photograph drawer by accession number
The inaugural meeting of the Western Manitoba Home Economics Association (WMHEA) was held in September 1971, with 48 members. In 1973, the WMHEA members voted to affiliate with the Canadian Home Economics Association (CHEA).
Custodial History
Records were in the possession of Margarite Hughes and other officers of the Western Manitoba Home Economic Association prior to their donation to the SJ McKee Archives on July 17, 2010.
Scope and Content
Fonds includes: minutes (September 1971 - May 2010); lists of executive members; membership lists; financial records; newsletters; scrapbooks; correspondence; records of special events; miscellaneous publications; and organizational banners.
Greenway was located seven miles east of Baldur in southwestern Manitoba. The hamlet started out as a branch point in a railway spur and took its name from Thomas Greenway, one of the early premiers of Manitoba. The Greenway Fair was held annually in Greenway until 1973, when it was moved to Baldur where better facilities were available.
Custodial History
The records were donated to the Archives by Glen Olmstead prior to 1997 (approximately 1990). The fonds was originally in the possession of Doris Stone.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of newsclippings, a membership to the Greenway Agricultural Society, a paper napkin from the 60th Anniversary (1914-1974) of the Greenway United Church, "The History of Greenway 1889-1975", the program for the Manitoba Centennial Service 1970 held at Glenora Anglican Church, Greenway Agricultural Society prize lists from 1923, 1945-1951, 1953-1954, 1957-1990, two publications on the standards for judging foods, clothing and handicrafts at fairs and exhibitions and a copy of the program for the Greenway cairn dedication.
The Brandon Hills Busy Bees was formed in 1916 by eighteen women. The aim of the group was to assist with the war effort during World War One. At the end of the war it was decided to carry on the club and do community and welfare work. The Busy Bees met twice a month and, during World War Two, one meeting a month was devoted to Red Cross work.
In 1969, the younger members of the Brandon Hills Busy Bees decided to form their own organization called the Brandon Hills Community Fireflies.
The remaining members of the Busy Bees continued in their work until they disbanded as a society on September 14, 1988. At their last meeting it was decided to donate their records to the McKee Archives (minutes September 14, 1988).
Custodial History
In the minutes for the September 14, 1988 meeting of the Brandon Hills Busy Bees, Mrs. Mollie Baker made a motion to donate the record books of the organization to the Archive at Brandon University, and for Mrs. Nell Baker and Mrs. Lillian Coate to take them there. The motion was seconced by Mrs. Jean Kreller. Prior to their donation to the McKee Archives in 1988 the records were in the possession of members of the Brandon Hills Busy Bees.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of minute books with membership lists, accounts, newsclippings, correspondence, and reports, recipies (Treasurer's BK 1917-1919), treasurer's books, donation records, 2 photographs (1916 and ca. 1970s), a history of the Busy Bees 1916-1976 and calendars for the Womens' Auxiliary to the Grain Growers (Oakville, MB) for 1916-1918.
The mintue book for 1976-1981 also contains the minute book of The Red Cross Emergency Unit, Brandon Hills for December 1943-1947.
Description by Christy Henry.
Storage Location
2006 accessions
Storage Range
2006 accessions
Related Material
Albert Angus Murray McPherson collection (21-2006)
Fonds consists of minutes, the pages of the charter dinner guest book, "Go for the Gold" membership marathon instructions and poster, and a scrapbook containing photographs, momentos and a history (summary) of the Priarie Horizons Toastmistress Club 1976-1982.
Name tags and pins culled. Description by Christy Henry.
Fonds consists of correspondence, newsclippings, reminiscences, historical information about Grand Valley, name and address lists for students and teachers, invitations to Grand Valley School District reunions (1935 and 1968), the program for the dedication ceremonies and reunion picnic (1968), and the guest book for the 1968 reunion and cairn dedication. The latter includes 3 photographs.
See fonds-level description of the Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Custodial History
See fonds-level description of the Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Scope and Content
Series consists of inaugural speeches, quarterly reports, documents about the closure of CFB Rivers, documents about Magnacca's proposal to build a new road to CFB Shilo, and documents about military and governmental celebrations in Brandon during the 1960s.
Storage Location
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 1
Storage Range
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 1
Box 1
1.1 Clipping: “City Getting Black Eye in Rural Areas?” [1963]
1.2 Notes from the mayor’s office 1964-5
1.3 Mayoral speeches 1964-5
1.4 Documents re: closure of CFB Rivers 1966-9
1.5 Papers of the Special Committee of the Future of CFB Rivers 1966-1968
1.6 Minutes of meetings re: clusure of CFB Rivers 1966
1.7 Clippings re: closure of CFB Rivers 1966-75
1.8 Correspondence re: closure of CFB Rivers 1963-9
1.9 Mayor’s office notes re: CFB Rivers [1966]
1.10 Documents re: proposal to build road to CFB Shilo 1962-9
1.11 Correspondence re: aircraft displays 1969
1.12 Documents re: Freedom of the City Ceremony 1967
1.13 Documents re: Squadron 408 1962
See fonds-level description for Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Custodial History
See fonds-level description for Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Scope and Content
Series consists of antiquarian objects, such as postcards and theatre programs; an anonymous manuscript entitled "There's Something About British Israel;" clippings about Louis Riel; documents about Thomas Mayne Daly, notably Magnacca's manuscript entitled "Our First Mayor;" and documents of the Daly House Museum.
Storage Location
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 2
Storage Range
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 2
Box 2
2.1 2 Brandon Mail newspapers 1884
2.2 Postcards and invitations 1888-1911
2.3 Theatre programs from London, England 1896
2.4 1 Citizen’s Examiner newspaper 1926
2.5 Clippings re: Coronation Day 1937
2.6 Clippings re: Louis Riel 1967-72
2.7 Scrapbook about Manitoba history [197-]
2.8 Biographical information about T. Mayne Daly 1962-79
2.9 Biographical information about T. Mayne Daly [1978]
2.10 Biographical information about T. Mayne Daly 1978
2.11 Manuscript: “Our First Mayor,” by S. A. Magnacca 1978
2.12 “Our First Mayor” and a pamphlet about Daly 1979
2.13 “Our First Mayor” and a clipping re: H. Mayne Daly 1978
2.14 Correspondence re: publishing of “Our First Mayor” 1978
2.15 Documents of the Daly House Museum 1977-9
2.16 Documents of the Daly House Museum 1978-81
2.17 Correspondence of Grace Magnacca and the Daly House Museum 1981
2.18 Documents of the Manitoba Historical Society 1978-9
2.19 Manuscript: “Something About British Israel,” anonymous [191-]
2.20 Documents re: St. Matthew’s Cathedral 1952-63
See fonds-level description of the Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Custodial History
See fonds-level description of the Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Scope and Content
Series consists of clippings about military activities, especially those of soldiers; audiocassettes of speeches and radio broadcasts; documents about celebrations at Shilo; and newsletters of the Brandon Flying Club.
Storage Location
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 2
Storage Range
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 2
Box 2
3.1 Audiocassettes of British broadcasts and local mayoral speeches [196-]
3.2 Photocopies of The Quill [1916 and 1919] and a speech to university students about the military [196-]
3.3 Clippings re: S. A. Magnacca and soldiers 1961-75
3.4 Clippings re: military activities 1935-75
3.5 Clippings re: military activities 1956-75
3.6 Documents re: governmental celebrations 1964-9
3.7 Programs of military functions 1967-78
3.8 Brandon Flying Club newsletters 1974
3.9 Posters and documents of Shilo celebrations 1967-752.1
See fonds-level description Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Custodial History
See fonds-level description Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Scope and Content
Series consists of 21 photos. Included are pictures of Stephen Adolph Magnacca as mayor (1961-1969), Freedom of the City photos (1967), and a print of Thomas Mayne Daly (ca. 1880s).
31 cm textual records;
1 b&w photograph - approx. 50 x 20cm (torn in half);
1 ribbon from the International Pool Conference of 1928
History / Biographical
Leslie Victor Robson was born in Deleau, Manitoba in 1893. Following graduation from the Manitoba Agricultural College in 1915, he began a career in farming near Deleau, Manitoba. Robson married Edna Chapman in 1917. He was active in farm organizations, the co-operative movement and the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. Robson focused his farming activities on raising purebread polled herefords. His stock was exhibited across Canada and the United States and sold in Great Britain, Japan and Czechoslovakia. In 1977, he was made a member of the Canadian Hereford Honour Roll. Leslie Victor Robson died in 1977.
Custodial History
This fonds was donated to the McKee Archives in 1995 by Clarke M. Robson of Deleau, Manitoba.
Scope and Content
This fonds contains booklets and issues of newspapers from the Canadian prairie provinces concerning the CCF, the Independant Labor Party, the UFM, the Canadian farming co-op movement, Manitoba Pool Elevators, and the early NDP. Also included are publications of the CCF including "The Commonwealth," the Canadian Department of Agriculture, the League for Social Reconstruction, the NDP, the UFM, and Manitoba Pool Elevators. The single photograph is a group picture of mostly men taken at the International Wheat Conference of 1926 in St. Paul, Minnesota. It includes Colin H. Burnell, Fawcett W. Ransom, and Dick Mahoney.
The Cinema Club of Brandon was formally created in May 1954, and operated for two and one-half years before dissolving due to lack of interest. The club was formed for the purpose of providing private screenings, on a non-profit basis, of films that normally would not have been exhibited in commercial theatres in Brandon. Films had to be assessed by the club membership as outstanding in quality. During its existence, the club sponsored the screening of two to three movies every second Sunday.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds includes a minute book that contains a record of each meeting held by the Brandon Cinema Club and a list of the elected executives. It also includes a file of newspaper clippings from the Brandon Sun about the Cinema Club.