The year-book of facts in the Great Exhibition of 1851 : its origin and progress, constructive details of the building, the most remarkable articles and objects exhibited, etc.
New university arithmetic : embracing the science of numbers, and their applications according to the most improved methods of analysis and cancellation
First lessons in composition : in which the principles of the art are developed in connection with the principles of grammar; embracing full directions on the subject of punctuation, with copious exercises
Photograph includes members of the Lodge including (listed on reverse of photograph) Joe Irwin, Bob Hastings, Dr. Dickson, Johnny Montgomery, Joe Robinson, John A. MacDonald, P.C. Duncan, A.B. Mcleod, Baptist Minister?[sic], Dr. McDiarmid, Lisle Christie, Rev. Flewelling, Mr.[sic] Burns.
Only weeks after they had been ordered by Agent McLaughlin (center) to arrest Sitting Bull as an attempt to calm the growing unrest from the Messiah Craze (Ghost Dance), the Sioux police pose victoriously for Barry's camera. The arrest attempt was disastrous, resulting in the deaths of six Indian police, Sitting Bull, his son Crow Foot and eight of Crow's followers. The panic which followed culminated in the infamous Wounded Knee affair two weeks later. Red Tomahawk (front center) killed Sitting Bull. (Harbaugh, P., 1982)
The universal dictionary of the English language : a new and original compilation giving all pronunciations in simplified and in more exact phonetic notations, extensive etymologies, definitions, the latest accepted words in scientific, technical, and general use, with copious illustrative phrases, and colloquialisms
Quebec : Quebec Federation of Regional Unions of Caisses populaires Desjardins
Physical Description
73 p. : ill. ; 22 cm
"This publication is dedicated to the founders and leaders of the Federation of Quebec of Regional Unions of Caisses populaires Desjardins and to all the volunteer workers in the Caisses populaires and Regional Unions who have worked tirelessly for the development of Caisses populaires Desjardins until the Desjardins Cooperative Movement is now the finest economic and social success in French Canada"