Herbert (Bert) Goodland was born in Birkenhead, England in 1877 and moved to Canada with his parents James and Hannah in the late 1800's. James Goodland died in 1920 and is buried in Brandon, MB.
In 1900, Bert Goodland became Farm Manager at the Brandon Indian Residential School. He also taught Agriculture; a position he held until 1922. Goodland married Marjory Broughton in 1903, and they had one daughter, Dorothy, in 1908.
In 1922, the family moved to Alberta, where Goodland took on a similar job at an Indian Residential School near Edmonton. After his retirement in the 1940's, he and Marjory moved to Chilliwack, BC, where Marjory died in 1955. Herbert Goodland's last years were spent in Ontario and he died there in 1970.
Custodial History
Photographs were created/collected by Herbert Goodland during the period he taught at the Brandon Indian Residential School. The photographs passed from Goodland's wife Marjory to their daughter Dorothy and then to Dorothy's daughter Doreen Oke. Oke donated them to the McKee Archives in November 2011.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of 32 b/w photographs (some loose, some as part of album pages) of the Brandon Indian Residential School. Subjects include school grounds, buildings and students. There are also a few photographs of Brandon and one reproduced image of the Goodland family.
History/Bio provided by Doreen Oke. Description by Christy Henry.
Margaret Menzies was born on July 30th, 1920, at a family farm located in Oakburn, Manitoba. She grew up on the family farm and attended school in both Oakburn and Shoal Lake. She married Donald Menzies on June 4th, 1941. Together they had four children. In 1959, the family moved to Brandon, Manitoba, where they lived for the rest of their lives.
Margaret Menzies was a longtime and active member of the International Toastmistress Club (ITC), and was also involved in the Consumers Association of Canada, Seniors for Seniors, as well as being a member of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Central United Church. Menzies did not graduate from high school in her early years, but managed to continue her education and receive a bachelor of arts degree from Brandon University at the age of 70.
Margaret Menzies passed away on June 9th, 2012.
Custodial History
Records in the collection were brought to the S.J McKee Archives on July 13, 2012, by Gerald Brown, on behalf of the family of Margaret Menzies.
Scope and Content
Collection contains of two scrapbooks created by Margaret Menzies. The scrapbooks contain various cards, itinerary's, and other documents associated with Menzies' membership in the International Toastmistress Club. The items in the scrapbooks date from the mid 1980's to the late 1990's.
Also included in the collection are four local history books. The first is a 100 year history of the town of Oakburn, Manitoba, from 1870 to 1970, published during celebrations of Manitoba's centenniary in 1970. Next is a book about the history of the town of Shoal Lake, Manitoba, which was published in 1959 on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the town of Shoal Lake in 1909. The last two books are the first and second volumes of Ripples on the Lake, which cover the history of the Shoal Lake municipality from 1884. The first volume covers the first 100 years of the history of the Shoal Lake region, being published in 1984. The second volume was published in 2007, covering the history of Shoal Lake since 1984, as well as including new information that was not published in the 1984 version of the book.
Finally, the collection contains one photograph of Margaret Menzies receiving her bachelor of arts degree from Peter Hordern, dean of arts of Brandon University.
Biographical information provided by obituary entry in the Brandon Sun, June 16, 2012. Description by Tyler Warren (October 2012).
The Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition (commonly called the E-Gré Competition) is the most important annual contemporary music competition for exceptional emerging Canadian performing artists in piano, voice, and strings. Since 1976, the E-Gré has promoted the performance of Canadian and contemporary music of the 20th and 21st centuries and has commissioned 31 new works by leading Canadian composers. The S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition received its letters patent in 1974 and its legal incorporation in 1979. The inaugural competition was held in 1976 and continues to be held annually at Brandon University. The competition has undergone a few name changes since its inception. For the 8th annual event of the competition the name changed to the Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition for the Performance of Canadian music. Prior to the 27th competition, the event listed both contemporary music as well as Canadian music. The competition is administered by a board and artistic director.
Custodial History
The records were held by the Eckhardt-Gramatté competition until their donation to the McKee Archives in the summer of 2010 by Pat Carrabré, President of the Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition Board.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records created and collected by the Eckhardt-Gramatté committee in the course of holding the competition each year. The records are related to the promotion and administration of the event and the annual award winners. Items include: legal documentation, including the Certificate of Revival and the incorporation documents for the Eckhardt-Gramatté Competition; press files (1976-1979, 1980-1983, 1984-1987), which include newspaper clippings and photocopies of newspaper coverage, press releases on performance orders/show times, and promotional materials for individual performer; 30 award winners' files containing promotional materials and press clippings related to the award winner; event programs; and promotional posters for every year (except 1979).
History/Bio information taken from the E-Gré national music website available at: http://e-gre.ca. (Date accessed October 26, 2012). Description by Steve Dueck (October 2012).
Photographs in the collection are covered by Canadian copyright law. Researchers are responsible to honour appropriate legislation.
Language Note
Some posters contain French.
Storage Location
2012 accessions
Related Material
Media Kit for the 10th annual competition can be found in the Dr. J.R.C. Evans
collection at the S.J McKee Archives (accession number: 7-2004). All listings below can also be found at S.J. McKee Archives at Brandon University: Francis Chaplin collection: Dean of Music: School of Music: Eckhardt-Gramatté: trio for violin, violoncello and piano (accession number: 13-2008): Ferdinand Eckhardt: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990), Sophie Carmen Eckhardt-Grammatté: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #14: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #15: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #16: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #17: Convocation (c. 1990): W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) # 19: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #12: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #18: W.M.C.A Convocation (Fall 1990) #13: Lawrence Jones Collection (accession number: 9-2011).
Information regarding Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté (née Fridman) Sonia Eckhardt and Dr Ferdinand Anton Ludwig Eckhardt can be found at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections, the University of Calgary Library, Special Collections, the National Library of Canada and the Winnipeg National Art Gallery Archives.
Records are organized chronologically within each type of record.
The Brandon Ladies Auxiliary #112 of the United Commercial Travelers of America received its charter on October 30, 1937 at their first meeting, which took place in the Rose Room of the Prince Edward Hotel in Brandon, Manitoba. At this time the membership of the Ladies Auxiliary #112 consisted of 27 Sisters. Brother Ernie Tatton, Grand Counselor at the time, presented the Ladies Auxiliary with their Bible in May 1938. Winnipeg Auxiliary #48 gave the Brandon Auxiliary their Bible Book Mark and Saskatoon Auxiliary #23 gave them their gavel.
Initial meetings were held in the Rose Room of the Prince Edward Hotel on Saturday evenings, when the Brothers would meet after their weekly travels. Meetings were then moved to the Kelly Block on 8th Street. Here the Sisters would meet downstairs and the Brothers upstairs. Meetings were usually followed by dancing, singing, and lunch downstairs. Meetings were held in the Masonic Temple, the Knights of Columbus Hall, the Orange Hall, the Oddfellows Hall, and eventually in the UCT Hall. Throughout all the location changes, a social hour was still held with the Brothers.
The Brandon Auxiliary always performed the ritualistic and floor drill work. Originally, patrols only joined the Officers when Brandon Auxiliary was hosting a Grand Session. Patrols, with matching outfits, soon became a part of the floor work at every meeting. Officers were required to wear the proper attire. Capes were introduced in 1940 and white shoes, stockings, and dresses in 1941. Membership swelled over the years and 50 years after being inaugurated the Brandon Auxiliary could claim 136 Sisters.
The Brandon Ladies Auxiliary #112 was always very active within the larger community, especially with fundraising and charitable donation. Initially the Brandon Auxiliary supported the Red Cross by sewing and knitting. The Brandon Auxiliary also supported the Canadian Cancer Society at this time by making dressings. Rummage sales and teas were used to fundraise at the time. Teas were used in conjunction with the wives of the Steam Plant to purchase equipment for the first school in Brandon that taught developmentally delayed children. The Brandon Auxiliary also did fundraising teas, Walk-a-thons, bazaars, and raffles for the Camroc workshop, which was built for older handicapped students.
Bingo games were used to raise funds as well. Other projects of the Brandon Ladies Auxiliary include:
1. Builders of Women – provides help to needy girls and women and gives a scholarship out at the Festival of the Arts. In 1969 the Ladies Auxiliary refurnished the third floor of the YWCA.
2. Cancer – assistance with the annual canvas, ride and run events, putting on an event with a speaker and film, and a survey of sisters who had their annual pap test.
3. Handicapped Children – purchase of equipment for the handicapped classes at George Fitton School and the COR Enterprises (formerly Camroc) workshop. One sister was a volunteer for their swimming and bowling classes, among other things.
4. The Three Benevolent Funds
5. May E. Tisdale Educational Fund – donated to this fund every year, usually in memory of deceased sisters.
6. Brandon General Hospital Special Equipment Fund – every year a sum was included in the Ladies Auxiliary budget to purchase special equipment for the Brandon Hospital.
Civic Service donations included the Mental Health Centre Christmas gifts, three Christmas hampers for needy families, Canadian Diabetes Association, Manitoba Heart Fund, and Brandon Figure Skating Club.
In 1962, the Auxiliary's 25th birthday, their first Dessert Party and Bake Sale was held. This had the stated objectives of growing and working together as a group and raising money for the organization. This became an annual event. Sisters who had attended for 25 years were honoured at the Auxiliary's 36th birthday celebration. Every birthday after that, sisters who had attended for 25 years were guests at the dinner and presented with a corsage and a gift. Sick and bereaved were also remembered at these functions. In the 1980s the Ladies Auxiliary continued to support the UCT Brandon Council #448 in the Annual Travellers Day Parade, Grand Sessions, and other functions.
In the early 1990s the United Commercial Travelers voted to allow women to join the Councils. This marked the beginning of the end for the Auxiliaries. However, ladies who had no connection to a Council could join an Auxiliary now whereas before only a wife, sister, or granddaughter of a Council member could join.
The final Grand Auxiliary Sessions were held in Brandon in May 2003. By this point only three auxiliaries were still active across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta and all had difficulty recruiting new members. Most of the membership at this time was elderly and unable to take office or work at teas and other such events. Calgary and Regina's Auxiliaries were down to less than twelve members. Brandon still had more than 90 on the membership roll but only about 20 attended meetings regularly and it was becoming difficult to fill Officer positions.
The final Dessert and Bake Sale was held in October 2002 and was the 40th such event. With the demise of the Grand Auxiliary in 2003, it was decided that Brandon would continue to operate; however, after a year it was decided that Brandon would no longer operate as a formal auxiliary. Monthly luncheons would now be held with December being a Christmas Party supper. The last formal meeting was held in the Parkview Seniors complex on March 22, 2004.
The money in the Grand Auxiliary's account was distributed to the three remaining auxiliaries based on how much had been contributed over the preceding ten years. Brandon received $2,500 and had about $5,000 in their account. When formal meetings were discontinued it was decided to donate $5,000 to the “A Bed for You, A Bed for Me” campaign of the Brandon General Hospital. Approximately $1,100 was given to their Chairs from Mentally Challenged and Builders of Women to use as they pleased.
All members on the membership roll were contacted and asked if they wished to remain members. Several decided not to but 50 members remained. Each member under 80 paid a $5 membership fee in April or October. Beginning in 2004, $1 was collected from every member that attended a luncheon to pay for stamps and cards sent to those who were ill, lost a loved one, turned 80, etc. Fundraising is limited to selling Riverview Curling Club Lottery Calendars for which the Ladies Auxiliary #112 received $4. In 2005 $128 was collected and $25 donated to five different charities.
In 2006, sisters of the Auxiliary still worked at the Fairview Daffodil Tea for Cancer, put on the January birthday party at Hillcrest Place, worked the Big Craft Sale at the Keystone Centre in October, worked with the Salvation Army Kettles at Christmas, and sold carnatons for multiple sclerosis and daffodils for the Cancer Society. Luncheons held averaged about 20 members and 25 at Christmas.
Custodial History
Records were created and collected by the members of the Brandon United Commercial Travelers Ladies Auxiliary #112. The collection was donated to the S.J. McKee Archives in March 2007.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records that document the origin, activities, and ultimately the disbandment of the Brandon Ladies Auxiliary #112 of the Order of the United Commercial Travelers of America. These records were created and accumulated during the nearly 70 year existence of the UCT Ladies Auxiliary #112.
The collection consists of the minutes of their meetings from November 1939 to November 1991, photographs of the members, and sign-in books from October 1937 to March 1991. It also contains the account ledger from April 1972 to March 1997. Several scrapbooks containing photographs and newspaper clippings related to the activities and members of the Ladies Auxiliary and the United Commercial Travelers, spanning the nearly 70 lifespan of the organization, are also included in the collection.
Both the United Commercial Travelers Council #448 and the United Commercial Travelers Ladies Auxiliary #112 were very active in raising funds for various charitable organizations. Money was raised for the Brandon General Hospital, as well as for George Fitton School to assist with their special education program. Organizations such as the Red Cross, the Canadian Cancer Society, special needs organizations, United Way, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, and several other organizations all received the benefits of UCT fundraising. Scholarships were also given out. Teas, dessert and bake sales, sewing and knitting, rummage sales, Walk-a-thons, bazaars, and raffles were all used to raise money for charitable donations.
Collection also contains various artifacts including a gavel, the original charter of the Ladies Auxiliary #112, nomination balls, officer's badges, a Bible, and the cloth used for the draping of a deceased member's charter. Also included is a handbook detailing the rituals carried out by the United Commercial Travelers of America.
History/biographical information provided by Sister Bernice Nerbas of the UCT Ladies Auxiliary #112. Copies of their history are found in the collection. Description by Joseph Dauphinais (October 2013).
The Order of the United Commercial Travelers of America (UCT) fonds (5-2008), 4 photographs in the CKX fonds (11-2010.U5, 11-2010.U6a, 11-2010.U6b, 11-2010.U6c), Jack Stothard collection (4-2013)
Laura Anne Orchard was born on July 31, 1909 at Graysville, MB to Jeannie and Harold Orchard. She was the fourth of six children. In 1912, the family moved to Glenorchie Farm in the Morton district near Miami, MB.
Laura attended Morton School and Miami High School, completing Grade XI, then attended Manitou Normal School in 1928-1929. She taught in one-room schools: Bracken near Laurier (1929-1930); Rothesay near Isabella (19301-1931 or 1932); and Badger near Roland (1932-1933).
After Laura married Hugh Loyns in 1934, they farmed near Roseisle, MB and raised two children, Shirley, who became a high school teacher, and Alwyn, who became a university professor.
Laura continued to work with young people through 4-H Clubs. She also served on Eldviado school board, the one-room school where her children attended. In 1958, Laura returned to teaching at Roseisle Consolidated School District until 1961. When Laura and Hugh left the farm to live in Vanderhoof, B.C., she worked as a resource teacher in Vanderhoof Elementary School from 1965-1974. Though she never completed Grade XII, she did continue to keep abreast of teaching methods through correspondence courses, workshops, and summer sessions.
In the late 1970's, Laura and Hugh retired to Chilliwack, B.C. Laura Anne Orchard died at Chilliwack on July 28, 1983.
Custodial History
The records in the collection were in the possession of Shirley Hicks, Laura Anne Orchard's daughter, until donated to the S.J. McKee Archives in September 2013.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records related to Orchard’s time at Manitou Normal School. The textual records include: An autograph book with signatures of all the students at Manitou Normal School; Department of Education Entrance examinations for drawing (1929), composition (1929,1930), science (1929), and physiology and hygiene (1930) ; a copy of the Manitou Normal School Closing Ceremonies programme (1929); a notebook on how to teach reading (c.1929); a lesson plan notebook containing notes on various subjects including Manitou Normal School executive, Students, Arithmetic, Primary Reading, Grammar, History, Poetry, Spelling, Geography, Geometry, Science, and class scores.
The collection also contains ten black and white reproduction photographs including: the 1928-1929 Manitou Normal School composite portrait; the Manitou Normal School building; Manitou Normal School Executive; Mr. Gordon, School Principal (1927-1930); various students; and an individual photo of Laura Orchard.
History/Bio information was provided by Shirley Hicks. Description by John Ball (2013).
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 7 Faculties and Schools, Sub-series 7.1 Faculty of Arts, Sub sub series 7.1.1 Dean of Arts for biographical information for Michael Blanar.
Custodial History
Collection was in the possession of Dr. Michael Blanar until he donated the records to the S.J. McKee Archives in May 2002.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of textual records and five microfilm reels related to Dr. Blanar’s post-graduate research. It is assumed that the records were collected during the course of Blanar’s research for his dissertation entitled “Early British Travellers in French Canada (1960).”
Textual records include three Dominion of Canada notebooks containing handwritten Saulteaux verbs, and animate nouns. Included is a dark red booklet titled “Ojibwe.” The book contains Ojibwa translations of English words. The book comes from St. Peter Clavers Industrial School in Spanish, Ontario, and may have acted as an instructional book as it also contains French and English. Collection also contains a transcript of an Ojibwa dictionary and three file folders titled “Manuscripts,’ “John Long Research,” and “Maps” which contain additional research material. Contents of “Manuscript” folder are original typed manuscripts. “John Long” and “Maps” file folders contain copies of materials held at Library and Archives Canada, as well as hand drawn documents and hand written documents detailing contents of folders.
In addition to the textual records there are five microfilm reels. Three microfilm cases are labeled “The British Reference Division,” one case labeled “Public Archives Canada, central microfilm operations,” and the last case is from an unidentified source labeled “Longs voyages and travels”. Four of the five microfilm cases are also numbered. The British Reference Division microfilm case numbered “1346 i 43” contains a copy of a book titled “The Cacique of Ontario.” British Reference Division microfilm case numbered “104706640” contains a copy of a book titled “The Four Kings of Canada.” British Reference Division microfilm case numbered “9073279” contains a copy of a book titled “The Indians.” The Public Archives Canada microfilm case numbered “c-3006” contains copies of original documents in French and English. Documents include letters, diary pages, maps, and business ledgers. Microfilm case labeled “Longs voyages and travels” contains a copy of a book written by John Long titled “Voyages and Travels of Indian Interpreter and Trader.”
Description by Aaron McKay (October 2013). The Ojibwa language dictionary and notebook make references to Fredric Baraga (1797-1868), a missionary priest from Slovenia who recorded the Lake Superior Ojibwa language dialect. Baraga’s findings were published into an Ojibwa language dictionary.
Some pages in the scrapbooks have fallen out and some of the glued pieces are no longer attached to pages
History / Biographical
Dilys Collier (nee Pearce) was born 4 December 1937, in the Rural Municipality of Daly near Rivers, MB. Before studying at Brandon College, Collier was educated in Bradwardine, MB. Collier graduated from Brandon College with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Pedagogy in 1958 and 1959 respectively. In 1961, Collier married a Brandon College classmate, Clare Coburn. She spent much of the next two decades working as a homemaker and mother to her three children.
After she and her husband separated in 1979, Collier decided to go back to school. In the next ten years, Collier completed a Bachelor of Education degree (1980), a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Regina (1982) and a Master of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan (1987). Across her working career, Collier held many posistions including public school teacher, adult educator, social worker, researcher and personal counselor. Along with her work, Collier volunteered extensively with the Knox United Church and the Brandon Cooperative Nursing School. Through the years, she worked for a variety of organizations, including The Saskatoon Family Service Bureau and the REgina John Howard Society. Collier has lived and worked in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Swansea, Wales.
Currently (January 2017), Collier is retired and lives in Mission, BC with her husband of thirty-four years, Kenneth Collier.
Custodial History
The records were created and collected by Dilys Collier during her years as a student and alumna of Brandon College/University. The records were stored in her home huntil they were donated to the McKee Archives in 2013.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records created and collected by Dilys Collier as a means to document her life as a Brandon College student in the 1950s.
Included are three scrapbooks and two folders containing: newspapers and newspaper clippings from The Brandon Sun and The Quill, dealing primarily with Brandon College students, faculty and events; Brandon College administrative records such as the Clark Hall Rules, Collier's proof of registration records, her Brandon College acceptance letter, class schedules and exam timetables; photographs and programmes that cover events such as Freshie Week, dances and other student functions on campus; records documenting campus student activities, including the words to Hail Our College and various College Yells performed after student dances and other functions; decorations from fall proms and Valentine's Day dances, as well as Convocation (1958); programmes from various College convocation ceremonies; various cards Collier received, including those for her birthday and Valentine's Day; election advertisements, primarily for those students running for Student Administration "Stick" positions.
The collection also contains a green taffeta, net and rhinestone gown purchased by Collier to wear to some of the formal dances held at Brandon's Prince Edward Hotel.
History/Bio information was provided by the donor in late 2016/early 2017. Information on the green gown can be found on prairiehistory.ca. Description by Brian Erixon (October 2016) and Christy Henry.
Fleming School, located at 2320 Louise Avenue, Brandon, MB, was a part of the Brandon School Division from its creation in 1914 until its closure in 2005. The school was named to commemorate the life of pioneer Dr. Alexander Fleming. Fleming, who was a Scottish born immigrant, came to Brandon in 1881, where he worked as Brandon's first medical doctor and pharmacist. He also held the role of chairman for the Brandon School Board. Fleming died in Brandon on November 26, 1897.
Rapid population growth in the City of Brandon in the early part of the 20th century resulted in a need for additional school buildings; Fleming School was among the schools established during this period. Designed by W.H. Shillinglaw, the structure was constructed out of concrete, wood and brick, and included a basement. When the school first opened, it was composed of six classrooms; after two renovations in 1953 and 1962, the school expanded with more classrooms and a gymnasium. At the time of its closure, Fleming School could accommodate seven classes, covering grades kindergarten to grade six.
Around 2004, the Brandon School Division decided to close Fleming Elementary School. Prior to the closure a celebration was held on January 14, 2005, to honour the school's 90th Anniversary. Following the school's official closing, students were reallocated to Earl Oxford Elementary School (540 18th Street). Some of the former staff found work in other schools within the Division, while Craig Manson, the last principal of Fleming School, became principle of Green Acres Elementary School.
The building formerly used as Fleming Elementary School became a high school for the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation in late 2006. The Band bought the building in late 2010.
Custodial History
Records were collected and created by Fleming School staff and administration, many for the 90th anniversary and closing of the school. Craig Manson, the last principal of Fleming School, gave the records to David Wilson, who donated them to the S.J. McKee Archives in 2015.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records that document the history of Fleming School. Many of the records were created and gathered specifically by Craig Manson and others for the school's 90th anniversary; on November 19, 2006 an ad written by Grant Hamilton was placed in the Brandon Sun with Jean Pickard asking for potential archives from Fleming School to be donated by contacting Keith Heide at the Brandon School Division. The archives were to be used in a display on education in Brandon to be located in the Town Centre in June 2007. Other records were collected and created by the school's staff and administration to document the activities and student of their school.
Textual records include newspaper clippings, staff and administration lists (1914-2005), programs, calendars, correspondence, anecdotes, as well as records related to the events surrounding the 90th anniversary and the closure of the school. The 90th anniversary celebration materials include Craig Manson's speech and agenda, the lyrics to the school song, and a list of people in attendance. The newspaper clippings, with capture the experiences of Fleming students, are evidence of the staff's interest in the lives of their current and former students.
Also included in the textual records is in depth genealogical research for the Fleming family. The research includes birth and death dates, photographs of grave sites and residences of Fleming family members, as well as some correspondence around the school's 90th anniversary. The photographs in the album include both originals and photocopies.
Photographs in the collection, like the newspaper clippings, document the activities and events of Fleming School, its students and staff. They include candid's from the classroom, various ceremonies (including the 90th anniversary), and the celebration of holidays (especially Halloween). There are also a number of class and staff portraits.
The collection also includes audio visual materials. The VHS recording entitled "Fleming School 90th Birthday Tea," runs approximately 75 minutes and was videoed by Ian Carkener. The DVD, which runs 42 minutes, was created by the staff and students for the 90th anniversary celebration. It has three components: "Through the Decades" shows students re-enacting school scenes from earlier decades; "Students at Work and Play," shows the 2004-2005 students in their classroom environment during holiday celebrations, school ceremonies and working on assignments; and "Reflections," which includes a slide show of photographs of Fleming School throughout the years set to music.
Finally, the collection includes four artifacts: one 90th anniversary celebration balloon with an image of the school building and the its years of operation printed on it; a school magnet with the school phone number and an image of the brick school building; and two pins. The first pin is circular with a black background and gold details including the school's name, three silhouettes and three maple leaves. The second pin appears to have a hornet or bee emblem with the number 72.
History/bio information was taken from the records, as well as the Manitoba Historical Society's website (Alexander Fleming, Fleming School - accessed on September 30, 2016), the Brandon School Division website (Fleming School - accessed on September 30, 2016) and Grant Hamilton's article "Gathering school archives while they can" (Brandon Sun, November 19, 2006). Description by Megan Treloar (September 2016) and Christy Henry.
Jack Stothard was born on February 16, 1932 in Brandon, MB. He attended public schools in the city (Central School, Park School, and Earl Oxford) and graduated from Brandon Collegiate Institute (BCI). Stothard married Velma Pollock in 1957 and together they had two daughters: Debra and Kimberly. Stothard was employed in the plumbing and heating business until 1960, when he joined Manitoba Hydro. In the course of his employment with Manitoba Hydro, he became Station Superintendent of the Brandon Generating Station. Stothard retired in 1995. Stothard was a member of the Canadian Numismatic Association, the Canadian Association of Token Collectors and the Toronto Postcard Club. Jack Stothard died on November 3, 2021 in Brandon, MB.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2003 was in the possession of Stothard until donated to the McKee Archives in 2003. Accession 12-2006 was acquired by Lawrence Stuckey at some point after the photograph was taken. Stuckey later sold a copy of the photograph. This copy was later acquired by Jack Stothard in the course of his collecting of Brandon postcards. Stothard donated the image to the McKee Archives in 2004. Accession 8-2007 was prepared by Jack Stothard in the course of 2007. He provided a copy to the Archives upon its completion. Accession 8-2008 was in the possession of Fred McGuinness until he gave jit to Jack Stothard in February 2008. Stothard donated the records to the McKee Archives on February 12, 2008. Accession 18-2008 was donated to the McKee Archives by Stothard on August 18, 2008. Accession 11-2009 was donated to the McKee Archives by Stothard on February 20, 2009. Accession 4-2012 was donated to the McKee Archives by Stothard on August 24, 2011. Accession 4-2013 was donated to the McKee Archives by Stothard in March 2013. Accession 8-2016 was donated to the McKee Archives by Stothard on January 21, 2015.
Scope and Content
Accession 1-2003 contains brief research reports prepared by Stothard on various topics concerning historical Brandon. These include: a listing of hotels, inns and motels that have operated in Brandon since the 1880s; reports dealing with the Café Aagard, Central United Church, the 1913 Dominion Exhibition, Brandon, the Empire Hotel, Brandon’s Central Steam Heating System, the Post Office and the Clement Block. It also contains one booklet: Facts About Brandon: An Industrial Survey of the City of Brandon. Winnipeg: Department of Industry and Commerce [n.d.]
Accession 12-2006 consists of one photograph of the Great Northern Engine 208, built by Rogers Locomotive Company 1887. Cylinders 18 x 24, Drivers 63". G.N. line Church's Ferry, N.D. to Brandon, Manitoba. Opened 1906, Closed 1936.
Accession 8-2007 consists of a brief typed report entitled "The Day the Lights Went Out in Brandon - Strike of 1919" by Jack Stothard. Document provides an account of the sources and delivery of hydro electric power to Brandon beginning in the early 1900s and the brief power outage at the beginning of the Brandon General Strike May 25, 1919.
Accession 8-2008 consists of "The Brandon Sun Challenge Cup" ledger, which contains two b/w photographs, newspaper clippings and information on the history and first race (1908) of the cup; 3 additional b/w photographs of different races; and the Brandon Old Timers Association record book (c. 1900).
Accession 18-2008 consists of a copy of Stothard's Brandon Postcards index. The index is divided into various sub-headings and consists of colored reproductions of postcards in Stothard's collection. The index contains pages that were discarded by Stothard as he updated his inventory, therefore the index is only up to date as of August 18, 2008.
Accession 11-2009 consists of a typed research report entitled "Brandon Police Department Stations and Locations" by Jack Stothard. The report outlines the location of the Brandon Police Department from 1882 - 2008, and also includes a section on "What the Future Holds."
Accession 4-2012 consists of pages for Stothard's Brandon Postcards index (18-2008) and a photocopy of a Brandon Municipal Railway ticket.
Accession 4-2013 consits of eight binders of handwritten notes/facts about Brandon compiled by Jack Stothard. The notes are a collection of names, places, things, events and items related mostly to the first 100 years of Brandon (1882-1982), although the notes continue into the 2000's. Some notes centre on the late 1930's to early 1950's during the period of Stothard's youth. The information in the binders was taken from a variety of publications, while some notes are Stothard's own comments. A list of sources, as well as a cross reference index for all eight binders, can be found in Book No. 1.
The accession includes: Book No. 1 - Notes of Brandon (A to B); Book No. 2 - Notes of Brandon (C to F); Book No. 3 - Notes of Brandon (G to O); Book No. 4 - Notes of Brandon (P to Z); Book No. 5 - Notes of Brandon: Churches, Hostpitals, Hotels; Book No. 6 - Notes of Brandon: Police Department, Fire Department; Book No. 7 - Notes of Brandon: Brandon City Council, City of Brandon etc.; Book No. 8 - Notes of Brandon: Brandon College/University, Brandon Schools, ACC, Brandon School Board. Accession also includes pages from Stothard's Brandon Postcards index (18-2008).
Accession 6-2016 consists of local history books, pamphlets, bakery tokens, local magazines, one binder containing handwritten notes/facts about Brandon compiled from the Brandon Sun's "Looking Back" column, and an accordian file box containing newspaper clippings about Brandon.
The accession includes the following local history books: Betty Watson's "One Day in Brandon Manitoba 9/9/99" (Brandon, Manitoba: Bart Art Books, 1999); P.N. Breton's "Popular Illustrated Guide to Canadian Coins, Medals, &. &.," (Winnipeg: Canadian Numismatic Publishing Institute, 1963 [reprint]); "Facts About Brandon: An Industrial Survey of the City of Brandon," (Province of Manitoba: Department of Industry and Commerce, [1946]); The Polish Gymnastic Association Sokol's "75th Anniversary: From the Past to the Future!" ([Brandon, Manitoba: Polish Gymnastic Association Sokol, 1988]); and Brandon Kinsmen Club's "'Together...Once Again': A History of the Kinsmen Club of Brandon, Manitoba, 1925-1975 (Brandon, Manitoba: The Historical Committee of the Kinsmen Club of Brandon, 1975).
Pamplets and magazines include: Brandon Generating Station (1957) and (1969), The Brandon Quota Club presents...A Century in Revue (1982), Canadian Rail No. 168/July-August 1965 [featuring Brandon Municipal Railway], Prairie City Issue No. 3/1994, and Prairion May/June 1997.
The binder is titled Book No. 9 - "Year by year: miscellaneous items from 1969 to 2000"; an asterik (*) indicates notes have been made on each subject or item in the other Books. Each section is housed in
The files in the accordian file box have been rehoused and include the following topics: banks, Brandon 125 beer, Behlen Industries, breweries, Brandon Shoppers' Mall, calendars, Canadian Motors Ltd., Canexus/Nexen, Canada Games - Summer and Winter, Canadian Tire, CKX Radio & TV/CKLQ, Corral Centre, flour mills, hospitals, Keystone, Maple Leaf, Fred McGuinness, miscellaneous, A.E. McKenzie, people, railways, Simplot, Westman Recycling (new facility), weather-storms-floods, and extra copies of postcards.
Description by Christy Henry. Accession 4-2013: Book No. 1 contains a photocopied photograph of Aagaard's Cafe, photographs of the Dominion Bank and Barney's Drive Inn and a photo reproduction of the Bass Building. Book No. 2 contains a photograph of the Provincial Goal. Book No. 3 contains photographs of T. Eaton Company (4 construction photos) and a photo reproduction of tents on the Exhibition grounds (c. 1940). Book No. 4 contains photoraphs of the Oak Theatre and Western Motors. There are also photopied photographs of The Fun Shop.
Fonds consists of minutes, the pages of the charter dinner guest book, "Go for the Gold" membership marathon instructions and poster, and a scrapbook containing photographs, momentos and a history (summary) of the Priarie Horizons Toastmistress Club 1976-1982.
Name tags and pins culled. Description by Christy Henry.
31 cm textual records;
1 b&w photograph - approx. 50 x 20cm (torn in half);
1 ribbon from the International Pool Conference of 1928
History / Biographical
Leslie Victor Robson was born in Deleau, Manitoba in 1893. Following graduation from the Manitoba Agricultural College in 1915, he began a career in farming near Deleau, Manitoba. Robson married Edna Chapman in 1917. He was active in farm organizations, the co-operative movement and the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. Robson focused his farming activities on raising purebread polled herefords. His stock was exhibited across Canada and the United States and sold in Great Britain, Japan and Czechoslovakia. In 1977, he was made a member of the Canadian Hereford Honour Roll. Leslie Victor Robson died in 1977.
Custodial History
This fonds was donated to the McKee Archives in 1995 by Clarke M. Robson of Deleau, Manitoba.
Scope and Content
This fonds contains booklets and issues of newspapers from the Canadian prairie provinces concerning the CCF, the Independant Labor Party, the UFM, the Canadian farming co-op movement, Manitoba Pool Elevators, and the early NDP. Also included are publications of the CCF including "The Commonwealth," the Canadian Department of Agriculture, the League for Social Reconstruction, the NDP, the UFM, and Manitoba Pool Elevators. The single photograph is a group picture of mostly men taken at the International Wheat Conference of 1926 in St. Paul, Minnesota. It includes Colin H. Burnell, Fawcett W. Ransom, and Dick Mahoney.
Gabriel Richard Rowe was born in Coleman, P.E.I. in 1897. In 1918, he enlisted in the Canadian Army. After the Great War, he moved to Viscount, Saskatchewan were he was principal of a high school. In 1924, Rowe moved to Brandon where he served as principal for various schools until his retirement in 1964. G.R. Rowe attended the University of Manitoba graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1935, a Bachelor of Education 1952, and a Master of Education degree in 1957. Rowe also studied at the University of Minnesota, Harvard, and the University of British Columbia. Rowe served as President of the Manitoba Teachers' Scoiety from 1948 to 1949. He served as a member of the International School Master Association, the Brandon's Citizens' Committee of the Arts, and the Brandon General Hospital Board. He died in Brandon on January 6th, 1968.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 1997 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds includes photographs, certificates and diplomas, career resumes, testimonials, draft obituaries, and correspondence, relating to G.R. Rowe's professional teaching career, and in small part to his personal life.
The Women's Institute was founded in 1897 in Stoney Creek, Ontario, by Adelaide Hoodless. By 1913, institutes had been established in every Canadian province. In 1919, provincial representatives met in Winnipeg to form the Federated Women's Institute of Canada. The Women's Institute was designed to promote quality of life in rural Canada and to foster the advancement of rural women. The first Women's Institute in Manitoba was organized in 1910, in Morris, Manitoba. The Crocus Women's Institute was created in the fall of 1946. The charter for the group was issued on November 25, 1946. One of the first projects of the group included sending food parcels to Britain until war rationing was discontinued. The main focus of the Institute was the local school: the Institute sponsored essay contests and provided furniture for the school. The Institute also sponsored a garden club and held a garden show for many years. Finally, the group had an annual Christmas Cheer project. The Crocus WI disbanded in 1984.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 2002 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains member lists in the form of roll calls from 1946-1984. There are also Women's Institute Programs from the years 1946-1984. Fonds also includes the organization's minutes, financial records and annual reports from 1946-84, a scrapbook for the years 1946-1984, and the Certificate of Organization for the Crocus Women's Institute, dated September 5, 1950.
Related women's institute collections in the McKee Archives include:
Manitoba Women's Institute; Minnedosa Women's Institute; Cordova Women's Institute; Clanwilliam Women's Institute; Rathwell Women's Institute; Strathclair Women's Institute; Crocus Women's Institute; Southwest A Region - Manitoba Women's Institute; Douglas Women's Institute
William Wallace was born in Scotland around 1859. In 1881, when William was twenty-two, he emigrated to Canada with his father and brother. Once here they settled near what is today Forrest, Manitoba. The following spring they moved to the northwest margin of settlement in Manitoba, homesteading in the Shellmouth area. Wallace remained a resident of the region for the rest of his life. William Wallace was active in community affairs. He was appointed to the post of Secretary-Treasurer of the Shellmouth Municipality in 1887, and he held the position until 1904. In 1909, Wallace was injured in a railway accident, and he had to give up farming. He moved to Shellmouth and took up the position of postmaster, which he held for twenty-seven years. He died in 1945, and is buried at Shellmouth cemetery, Manitoba.
Custodial History
The letters contained in the fonds remained in the possession of Margaret Wallace, who was the original recipient of the correspondence. She emigrated to Canada in 1904. At some point the letters passed to William Wallace who kept them in his possession in Shellmouth. In 1941, William contacted Professor E. J. Westcott of Brandon College regarding the fonds. He offered it to the College for safekeeping. Westcott accepted the letters. Westcott passed the letters on to various officers and staff at Brandon College and then Brandon University. Since 1982, the collection has resided in the S. J. McKee Archives at Brandon University.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of hundreds of letters that William Wallace and his brother, Andrew, wrote to their sister, Maggie, from 1881 until 1904. The first letter, dated 22 March 1881, was written by both William and Andrew aboard the S.S. Prussia as they sailed to North America from Scotland. The last letter was written on 4 January 1904 by William. It was written to inform Maggie and her husband that William had reserved a homestead in their name. This letter marks the end of the fonds. Later that spring Maggie and John emigrated to Canada to be with her family.
William was keenly interested in everything going on around him; his letters and Andrew's reveal what life was like for inexperienced settlers on the Canadian agricultural frontier in the last years of the ninteenth century. Fonds touches on a variety of social, political and economic themes.
CAIN No. 202641. A partial accession of the Wallace collection was completed in 1992 by Eileen McFadden.
The United Farmers of Manitoba was founded in 1920. It was an inclusive farmers' organization established to replace the Manitoba Grain Growers' Association. The UFM supported farmer candidates in the 1920 provincial election. In 1922, it helped elect the UFM government of John Bracken (1922-42). The UFM also participated in federal politics, supporting twelve successful candidates in the 1921 federal election. The UFM was financed by its members. Its membership varied from 15,700 in 1923, to 3700 in 1931. In 1939, the UFM became the Manitoba Federation of Agriculture.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds includes documents relating to the membership, both male and female, of the Wingham branch of the United Farmers of Manitoba and the United Farm Women of Manitoba. Documents dealing with the position of the branch on prohibition c. 1922, discussion within the branch of the "wheat pool" movement, annual reports for the organization, newsletters, correspondence on matters political and agrarian, and records relating to the activities of the branch as a cooperative buying agency are also included. Fonds also contains minutes of the provincial convention of the UFM and correspondence from the central office of the UFM.
The Canadian Federation of University Women was founded in 1919 under the leadership of Margaret McWilliams of Winnipeg to promote the interests of women with higher education at local, national and international levels. It is a voluntary, non-profit, self-funded organization with a membership of over 10,000 university-educated women and 122 local clubs. The CFUW promotes high standards of public education; encourages advanced study and research by women university graduates; encourages active participation in public affairs by qualified women; works to safeguard and improve human rights and the economic, legal and professional status of women in Canada; and participates in the work of the International Federation of University Women. The Brandon University chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women was established in 1948. It continues to be active.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains correspondence with other branches of the CFUW, minutes and programs from meetings and seminars held throughout Canada, as well as administrative records and minutes of the Brandon branch. Most administrative records concern the problems of maintaining membership levels and recruiting younger members. Fonds also contains various issues of the "Chronicle," a CFUW publication. Fonds also includes CFUW Brandon minutes, miscellaneous projects, annual reports and member lists, as well as a number of documents relating to the provincial, national and international activities of the CFUW.
Joseph Henry Hughes was born in London, Ontario on April 14, 1857, son of Joseph C. Hughes and Jane McAndless. His family farmed in Middlesex County until they retired to Brandon, MB. Huges received his education in Middlesex County then went on to attend the Toronto Normal School in 1874. He tuaght for only a short time in 1875 before going into business as a general merchant in Iderton, Ontario.
Hughes moved to Brandon, MB in 1882 and from 1882 to 1906 was engaged in the lumber business with yards in Rat Portage and Brandon and later with mils on Rainy River. His buisness partner was T.H. Patrick from 1882-1896. T.T. Atkinson was a partner in the business from 1882 until early 1888, running the company's lumber camp in the Rainy River Valley. Atkinson was replaced by a Mr. Kennedy in 1888. After disposing of the mills in 1901, Hughes & Company operated as a lumber dealer until 1908 when the lumber business was sold to Rat Portage Lumber Co., whose operations in Brandon were located on 10th Street between Rosser and Princess Avenues.
Thereafter, Hughes & Company focused on real estate, owning most of the property between 10th and 11th Streets, Rosser and Princess Avenues. The company built rental property and residences in Brandon, including the Strathcona Block on 10th Street and Hughes (Lorne) Terrace on Lorne Avenue. During this period Hughes & Company was also involved in insurance and farming, buying farmland in south eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba for lease and sale.
Hughes was a city alderman for four years, dedicating himself mostly towards improvements to the city pertaining to electrical generation, water supply and the development of the streetcar franchise. In 1911, he resigned from City Council to stand as a successful candidate for mayor. He held this position for only one year, 1913-1914. During this period Hughes, along with other prominent citizens, set up the Patriotic Fund to help look after the dependents of those going off to fight in World War I. Hughes served as chairman of the project until his death in late 1917.
In addition to his role as a prominent city businessman, Hughes was also deeply involved in the First Methodist Church, and a member of the Independent Order of OddFellows (I.O.O.F.) and the Masonic Lodge.
Joseph Henry Hughes was survived by his wife Anna Maria Hughes, whom he married in 1993, and their daughters: Alma and May (Mrs. Wilfred C. Hughes and Mrs. Charles Leemnnis) and Ruth, and their sons Percy and Harley.
Upon J.H. Hughes' death in 1917, management of the company was taken over by Willard C. Hughes, who died in 1964. Following his death the company was administered on behalf of Alma Hughes by Barry Hughes, a Winnipeg lawyer and distant relative. The company remained active in real estate and property managment, as well as farming and oil, until the early 1990s when following the death of Alma Hughes and her daughter Anna, the company was liquidated.
Custodial History
The records in the Joseph H. Hughes fonds were held in two locations prior to their donation to the McKee Archives. Family related records, including paintings by Anna Hughes, music scores, photographs and various parchments, were stored at the family residence, Lorne Terrace (133-137 Lorne Avenue Brandon, MB). The balance of the records, being the records of Hughes & Co. as the firm came to be known, were stored on the fourth floor of the Alexander Block, also known as the Hughes Block, on the west side of 10th Street just south of Princess Avenue. In the early 1990s a decision was taken by Barry Hughes, who had succeeded Willard Hughes as the President of the company, to sell Hughes & Co. Hughes directed Joe Perry, the Brandon manager of Hughes & Co. to donate the records of the Hughes family and Hughes & Co. to Brandon Univeristy. Perry supervised the transfer of the records from Lorne Terrace and the Alexander Block to Brandon University. Initially the records were located in the Physical Plant H-Hut, they were then transfered to the Brandon University Steam Plant. The family records were transfered to the Archives in 1997, while the company records remained in the Steam Plant until January 2007 when some of the records were transfered to the Archives. The remaineder of the records were moved to a storage facility on 20th Street.
Scope and Content
The Joseph H. Hughes collection is divided into three series, including: (1) Photographs; (2) Edwardian music sheets; and (3) Hughes & Co. business records.
CAIN No. 202617. The Brandon Sun, August 6th, 1917 contains a report on the death of J.H. Hughes.
Berbank Women's Aid was founded in 1919. It was, in large part, the Berbank Red Cross under a new name. The principal project of the original Berbank Ladies Aid was the construction of the Berbank Church, which was accomplished in 1919. In 1962, the organization was renamed the Berbank United Church Women. With the closing of the Berbank church in 1966, the Berbank United Church Women were dissolved.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
This fonds consists of various minute books of the Berbank Ladies Aid, and its successor organization, dating from 1919 to 1965.
10 cm textual records;
2 class portraits;
and 1 small print
History / Biographical
Stella and Gladys Sleigh were born and raised in Rossburn, Manitoba, and attended Normal School in Brandon, Manitoba, in the late 1910's and early 1920's. Both subsequently pursued teaching careers in Manitoba. Katherine McLean also attended Normal School in the early 1890's, and was from Virden, Manitoba.
Custodial History
Janette Donnelly has donated this collection of material that belonged to her mother and aunt, Stella and Gladys Sleigh, respectively. Included in this collection is a booklet that belonged to Donnelly's great-aunt Katherine Sinclair (McLean). This collection was donated to the McKee Archives by Janette Donnelly of McGregor, Manitoba, on September 15, 1999.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of portfolios and notebooks kept by Stella and Gladys Sleigh while attending Brandon Normal School. The portfolios contain drawings and projects that the women made. The notebooks contain information about education in Manitoba in the early 20th century. There is also a portrait taken of Gladys Sleigh around 1920 and two Normal School portraits included in this collection. The collection also includes a notebook kept by Katherine Sinclair (McLean), which describes lessons given to prospective teachers at the Virden Normal School in the early 1890's.
CAIN No. 202609 (under Stella and Gladys Sleigh fonds).
The Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club was organized on May 14, 1959. The group received its charter on September 15, 1959 at a ceremony that included guests from Minnedosa, Neepawa, Dauphin, Brandon, and Portage La Prairie. The first president of the club was Mrs. Julie Johnson. In September 1959 the club had 15 members. The Minnedosa Club became the thirteenth Business and Professional Women's Club chartered in Manitoba. The purpose of the club was to train and educate women in business and the professions and to promote women's participation in local, provincial, and national affairs. The club included many committees such as the Public Relations, Membership, Survey and Archives, Programme and Projects, Social and Courtesy, International Affairs, Budget and Finance, Federation Promotion, Personal Development, Public Affairs, and Resolutions, Legislation and Employment Committees. The Minnedosa Club held exhibitions, hosted guest speakers, observed Business Women's Week, and held workshops for all of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs in Manitoba on a few occasions. Over the years the club made many donations to the Minnedosa Museum, the Minnedosa Centennial Committee, and charities such as UNICEF, Ramallah Fund, Children's Aid, and United Way. The Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club was very concerned with the status of women in Canada and around the world. The Minnedosa Club disbanded in May 1980. After the disbanding of the club, the women who were involved in the club formed the Just For Fun Club.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2002. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds is comprised mainly of four scrapbooks, which run from 1959-1979, 1959-1963, 1959-1964, and 1977-1979. The scrapbooks contain photos, newspaper clippings, Christmas cards, correspondence and programs. The clippings relate to Business and Professional Women's Clubs from around Manitoba, while focusing on the Minnedosa Club. Many of the clippings also focus on the status of women in Canada and the rest of the world.
Fonds also contains financial records and minutes from the years 1959-1980. There is also a copy of the club's bylaws, as well as monthly membership reports from 1976-1980. The fonds also includes a brief typed history of the Minnedosa Club, as well as other loose newspaper clippings, programs, songbooks, and correspondence. Finally, there are three guestbooks included in the collection. The first runs from 1959-1978. The second guestbook is from the Art and Ceramic Display and Tea, held on May 27, 1972. The third guestbook is from the Art and Ceramic Dispay and Tea, held on May 29, 1976.
Brandon Business and Professional Women's Club (10-2002); Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club (11-2002); Neepawa Business and Professional Women's Club (12-2002); Trilliam Business and Professional Women's Club (2-2006).