Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's abridgment of the History of Rome : to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquities of the Romans
"Authorized for use in the Schools of Manitoba, authorized for use in the Schools of British Columbia, authorized for use of Model School Students' of Ontario"
An introductory Latin book : intended as an elementary drill-book, on the inflections and principles of the language and as an introduction to the author's grammar, reader and Latin composition
Scott's Marmion and Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France : with introduction, lives of authors, character of their works, etc., and copious explanatory notes, grammatical, historical, biographical, etc.
The Fabian Society, session 1886-1887 ; Fabian Society [information pamphlet] ; Fabian conference admission ticket ; Manifesto in connection with the proposed Birmingham Branch of the Fabian (Socialist) Society ; Fabian education group 1908-9 syllabus of lectures