For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Cater Pumps - Advertisement
From The Nor'West Farmer, August 20, 1900
"By designing and manufacturing a pump that was simple, cheap and dependable, Harry Cater made a fortune." - Fred McGuinness collection (20-2009).
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Somerville Steam Marble & Granite Works - Advertisement
From The Nor'West Farmer, August 20, 1900
Shows the Fleming monument and dates as erected in Brandon Cemetery in 1899.
"Fleming monument is easily found in oldest part of Brandon Cemetery" - Fred McGuinness collection (20-2009).
Photograph was in possession of Mrs. Ruby Miles, who passed the image on to Fred McGuinness. McGuinness makes reference to Mrs. Miles and this photograph in his Sunbeams column (Brandon Sun 14 September 1978).
Scope and Content
Photograph shows a wagon displaying advertisements for Taylor's Infants-Delight Toilet Soap and Dyson's Red Cross Baking Powder. The Gilmore Advertising Company appears to be responsible for the advertising and the wagon is numbered "No.3". The horsedrawn wagon is facing north on 18th Street and is parked in front of Brandon College's Original Building. An elderly man is seated at the reigns of the wagon and another man is seated at the rear. Standing to the left of the wagon is a man holding a can of Dyon's baking powder. Standing to the right of the wagon is a young man holding a cardboard ad of an infant holding a bar of soap in a wash basin.
Writing on the back of the photograph reads: Mrs. R. Miles. Cover shot. The photograph is stamped Davidson & Gowen, Photographers, Brandon, Man. Note: The two men standing in the photograph appear to be in another photograph where they are advertising O-Pee-Chee gum (see 20-2009.96).
Photograph was in possession of Mrs. Ruby Miles, who passed the image on to Fred McGuinness. McGuinness makes reference to Mrs. Miles and this photograph in his Sunbeams column (Brandon Sun 14 September 1978).
Scope and Content
Photograph shows a horse drawn wagon advertising Cowan's Cocoa. The Gilmore Advertising Company of Toronto appears to be responsible for the ad and the wagon is numbered "No.4". Three men appear in the photograph: one behind the reigns, one in the rear seat of the wagon, and other standing at the rear axel.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: Pringle & Booth, 181 George Street, Toronto. Writing on the back of the photograph matting reads: Mrs. R. Miles, R.J. Brdgdon?, Right Side 2.50 a day.
Date obtained from