Photograph was given to Fred McGuinness by Linda Bilkoski (nee Lepard) of Lac du Bonnet, MB.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the remains of the Syndicate Block after the fire in January 1916. The building is situated on the southwest corner of Seventh Street and Rosser Avenue. Ice from the firefighting process covers the building. The tailor shop J.S. Laughton & Son (701 Rosser Avenue) can be seen on the north side of Rosser Avenue.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Murdock Bros. store interior
[Located at 886 Rosser Avenue; This negative was created using a pre-existing published image. The caption on the published image reads "Murdock Bros. Wholesale and Retail Furniture and Crockery Emporium". (P.E. 17/06/09)]
Photograph shows the recently constructed Strathcona Block. H. Lamontagne & Co. Ltd., Wholesale, occupies the ground floor. Scaffolding is suspended from the north side of the building. Buildings have yet to be erected to the north and south sides of the Strathcona Block.
Back of photograph is stamped: Hughes & Co. Ltd., 1009 Princess Ave., Brandon, Man.
This is likely the same cigar factory mentioned by Barker (pages 110 & 179) as being owned by Barney Isman in 1907 and closing in 1917.
Building was the original Bank of Montreal
For many years this building housed the Carlton Café, prop. Sam Wong, later his sons Wesley, Walker and Charles. After Carlton, building became Trifons Pizza.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Building became the Oak Theatre ca. 1930. Reopened as Towne Cinema ca. 1980 after being closed for many years. [The Towne Cinema has now been closed for many years. P.E. 19/06/09]
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Aagaard's Cafe dining area
Located at 29 8th Street
[Mr. Stuckey put two negatives in the same envelope, numbering them E9 and E9a. We have separated them.]
Building became the Oak Theatre ca. 1930. Reopened as Towne Cinema ca. 1980 after being closed for many years. [The Towne Cinema has now been closed for many years. P.E. 19/06/09]
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Aagaard's Cafe main kitchen area
Located at 29 8th Street
[Mr. Stuckey put two negatives in the same envelope, numbering them E9 and E9a. We have separated them.]