Photograph is looking either north or south into the A.E. McKenzie Building (Library and Arts Building) during construction. A number of the members of the construction crew are visible.
Photograph is looking east northeast and shows the construction of the A.E. McKenzie Building (Library and Arts Building). Clark Hall is in the background.
Photograph is looking north northwest from 9th Street and shows the McKenzie Building underconstruction. Many of the workers have posed on the third and fourth floors for the photograph.
Corresponds with negative 1-2002.3.9.K2.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Photograph is looking southwest from the back steps of the Education Building and shows the northeast corner of the A.E. McKenzie Building, which housed the Library and Faculty of Arts.
Photograph was taken at the opening of the A.E. McKenzie Building (including the Evans Theatre) and shows the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre doorway. L to R Dr. John E. Robbins, Mrs. Olive (Freeman) Diefenbaker (Class of 1923 and wife of Prime Minister John George Diefenbaker)
The opening of the A.E. McKenzie Building took place the same day as the installation of John E. Robbins as President of Brandon College.
Postcard was donated to the McKee Archives by Allen Drysdale, archivist at Beautiful Plains Archives in October 2011. Drysdale received the postcard as part of a larger donation to his archives.
Scope and Content
Item is a colour postcard of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Company in Brandon, MB. The postcard was sent to John Dorset, Elphinstone, MB from his brother Sid (?).
Photograph is looking southwest from in front of the Original Music Building and shows the north side of the A.E. McKenzie Building and the west side of the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building (including the link). A number of cars in the parking lot are also visible.
Photograph is looking southwest and shows the A.E. McKenzie Building under construction. In black lettering above the building are the words: "Brandon College Cornerstone Laying." In white lettering below the building are the words: "Sat. May 28 - 3 pm CKX TV"
The Winnipeg Tribune is stamped on the back of the photograph.
View is north probably from the roof of McMaster Hall. Photograph shows the construction of the new roof on Clark Hall and the Brandon College Building.
View is north probably from the roof of McMaster Hall. Photograph shows the construction of the extension to Clark Hall and the skywalk. Also visible are the A.E. McKenzie Building, the Brandon College Building, the Education Building, the original Music Building and the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium, as well as the walkway that runs north between the buildings and the courtyard.
View is southeast from Clark Hall. Photograph shows a large crane, building materials and machines and the construction trailer (Bird Construction) on the driveway during the restoration of Clark Hall and the Brandon College Building. Portions of the front lawn, the John R. Brodie Science Centre and the Knowles Douglas Students' Union Centre are also visible. In the distance is Knox United Church.
View is southwest from the roof of Clark Hall. Photograph shows the construction of the foundation and exterior walls of the Clark Hall extension. George T. Richardson Centre and construciton materials in the background.
View is north northwest from the roof of the John R. Brodie Science Centre. Photograph shows the Knowles Douglas Students' Union Building, and the Citizens' Science Building, the Brandon College Building and Clark Hall under restoration, as well as parts of the driveway and front lawn, including the flag pole.