Elgin Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1926 - 1965 Memorandum of association and general bylaws, June 1, l 1926 Certificate of incorporation, June 4, 1926 Meeting - Bylaws no. 1 - 7, June 17, 1926 Lease between MPE-ECE, August 1, 1931 Memorandum re Bylaws no. 8, 9, 10, 11, no date Bylaw no. 12, July 27, 1931 Bylaw no. 13, July 27, 1931 Shareholders' meeting - Bylaws no. 12 and 13, July 27, 1931 Directors' meeting - Bylaws no. 12 and 13, July, 1931 Bylaw no. 14, November 6, 1931 Agreement between MPE-ECE, October 15, 1936 Meeting - Bylaw no. 15, March 6, 1933 Agreement between MPE-ECE, October 15, 1936 Bylaw no. 16, October 23, 1939 Bylaw to authorize cancellation of association authorized share capital, October 21, 1940 Approval of resolution - share capital, October 21, 1940 General Bylaws, June 19, 1941 Bylaw no. 18, June 19, 1941 Bylaw no. 19, June 19, 1941 Bylaw no. 20, June 19, 1941 Bylaw no. 21, April 2, 1948 Bylaw no. 22, May 9, 1949 Agreement between MPE-ECE, August 1, 1951 Bylaw no. 23, October 31, 1951 Agreement between MPE-ECE, August 1, 1952 Allocation of Surplus, January 15, 1958 Directors' Resolution, October 18, 1961 Cancellation of Manitoba Pool Elevators Capital Stock Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 17 June 1926 - volume 7, 7 October 1982 Minutes of shareholders annual meetings, 1946 - 1964 (19 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of Surplus, 1939 - 1953 (14 reports) Final statements, 1933 - 1952 (13 reports) Auditors reports, 1928 - 1931 (3 reports) Comparative statement, July 31, 1932 Interim elevator receipt, July 8, 1964 Cost of transfer engine, no date Motion to approve the Annual Financial statement no date Membership list, 1950 - 1961 Miscellaneous - Certificate of post office registration 1927 Minutes of a special meeting of Elgin & Fairfax Elevators January 26, 1981 to discuss future grain handling facilities in the Elgin-Fairfax area. Elgin & Fairfax local Pool Committee minutes Oct 20 1982 - Nov 28 1990.
Copy of the Japanese National Hymn arranged for the pianoforte by Sydney Osborne. Also includes the music for Kathleen Mavourneen arranged for piano by Percy E. Douglas and Donau Wellen by I. Ivanovici, easily arranged by Percy E. Douglas.