"A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in The Faculty of Granduate Studies, School of Community and Regional Planning"
"We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard"
Record of site excavation unit 11 at the Sarah site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 11 at the Crepeele site 2005.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of excavation unit 11 at the Atkinson II site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site excavation records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 11 at the Lovstrom survey 1986.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Photographs in the sub-series were transfered to the Archives from the Public Communications office on various dates.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists photographs of students and faculty at convocation, as well as honorary degree and award recipients.
Repro Restriction
Brandon University holds copyright for these images. Permission from the University is required before the reproduction of any of the photographs in the sub-series.
Storage Location
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Series 1: Convocation, scholarships and awards
Justice Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1928 - 1969 Certificate of incorporation, 9 February 1928 Memo of Association and General By-laws, 9 February 1928 Memo re: Pool Elevator Policy and letter, 27 March 1928 First General Shareholders' meeting By-law nos. 1-7, 30 March 1928 First Provisional Directors' meeting, 30 March 1928 Lease, 1 August 1928 Elevator correction clause, 12 November 1929 Letter re: Lease, 23 November 1929 By-law nos. 8-11 and covering letter, 17 November 1930 By-law nos. 12 and 13, 22 July 1931 Application for stock, 22 July 1931 Shareholders meeting, 22 July 1931 Directors meeting, 22 July 1931 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool, and The King, 1 August 1931 By-law no. 14, 23 November 1931 One share of stock certificate, 1 December 1931 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special meeting of Board of Directors, 25 February 1933 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 28 October 1939 Directors meeting, 28 October 1939 Shareholders meeting, 28 October 1939 By-law to authorize cancellation of share capital, 2 November 1940 Memo re: By-law no. 16, 24 March 1941 General By-laws and By-law nos. 18, 19, and 20, 27 June 1941 Memo on repeal By-law no. 19, no date By-law nos. 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, no date Memo re: Agreement Justice CEAL and MPEL, 19 June 1944 By-law no. 21, 10 November 1947 Amendment to General By-laws, 6 May 1949 By-law no. 22, 19 May 1949 Agreement between Justice CEA and MPE, 19 February 1960 Letter re: above agreement, 3 August 1961 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, 15 December 1966 By-law no. 26, 29 March 1967 Arrangement between Justice CEAL and members, 27 June 1969 Transfer agreement, no date Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 20 April 1928 - volume 6, 7 March 1972 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1938 (1 report) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1938 - 1944 (5 reports) Final statements, 1931 - 1944 (10 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1968 (40 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1965 - 1968 (3 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1962 - 1967 (3 reports) Annual financial statement, no date Correspondence, 1954 - 1974 Membership list, 1961 Miscellaneous Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Elton
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.11 consists of (1) general reports; (2) government related papers; (3) Canadian Wheat Board papers; (4) Manitoba Federation of Agriculture and Co-operatives papers; (5) Co-operative Life Insurance
This box contains minutes generated by local MPE associations, collected by the central office. Records include the following:
119a. Sperling April 24 1995 – July 17 1997
119b. Sperling April 13 1994 – March 31 1995
119c. Sperling Jan 16 1992 – March 21 1994
119d. Sperling Jan 15 1990 – Dec 17 1991
120. Gladstone April 5 1990 – May 31 1993
121. Waskada March 12 1990 – May 26 1993
122. Pierson Feb 15 1990 – March 23 1993
123. Durban Oct 29 1993 – Nov 19 1995
124. Erikson Oct 29 1993 – Dec 15 1994
125. McAuley Nov 18 1993 – Nov 2 1995
126. Morris Dec 1 1993 – Nov 14 1995
This box contains bound volumes of audited financial statements for local MPE associations. The records include the following:
Local Association Financial Statements 1958-59 A-Fan; 1958-59 Fis-Men; 1958-59 Mia-Woo; 1959-60 A-Fre; 1959-60 Gil-Mor; 1959-60 Nap-Woo; 1960-61 A-Fre; 1960-61 Gil-Mor; 1960-61 Nap-Woo
The Brandon Normal School was an arm of the provincial Department of Education. Manitoba Normal schools were initiated in the early 1880s (1882 for protestant teachers and 1883 for Roman Catholic ones) to meet the demand for teachers in the province's schools. Normal schools were held in Brandon at various locations until the construction of the Brandon Normal School in 1912 under the Roblin government. The Brandon Normal School operated until 1946.
Scope and Content
Portraits of the students and staff of Brandon Normal School's fall class (1912).