The year-book of facts in the Great Exhibition of 1851 : its origin and progress, constructive details of the building, the most remarkable articles and objects exhibited, etc.
Euclid's Elements of geometry : the first six books, chiefly from the text of Dr. Simson, with explanatory notes, a series of questions on each book, and a selection of geometrical exercises from the Senate House and College examination papers, with hints, etc., designed for the use of the junior classes in public and private schools
Scott's Marmion and Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France : with introduction, lives of authors, character of their works, etc., and copious explanatory notes, grammatical, historical, biographical, etc.
Primary exercises in arithmetic : no. 5 : fourth year, first half : exercises on the simple rules : multiplication by factors and two figures : division by factors without remainders : sight exercises on the tables of time, length, etc. : notation and numeration up to six places : abundance of sight work
Report to the Secretary of State, Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada on the National Forum on Post-Secondary Education, Saskatoon, October, 1987
Stuckey's notes: Brookdale is on long abandoned CPR Varcoe substation. Elevators are now privately owned by J.L. Jones Farms and have no rail connection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Image of grain elevators, etc. Brookdale, Manitoba, near the CPR North rail line.
The writer's desk book : being a reference volume upon questions of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, division of words, indention, spacing, italics, abbreviations, accents, numerals, faulty diction, letter writing, postal regulations, etc., etc.
Live and learn : a guide for all who wish to speak and write correctly, particularly intended as a book of reference for the solution of difficulties connected with grammar, composition, punctuation, etc., etc
McGuffey's newly revised eclectic fourth reader : containing elegant extracts in prose and poetry, with rules for reading, and exercises in articulation, defining, etc.
The Practical speller : suitable for high and public schools : a series of graded lessons containing the words in general use, with abbreviations, etc., words of similar pronunciation and different spelling ; a collection of the most difficult words in the language ; and a number of literary selections, which may be used for dictation lessons, and committed to memory by the pupils
"Authorized by the Council of Public Instruction, Quebec ; authorized by the Council of Public Instruction, Manitoba ; authorized by the Council of Public Instruction, British Columbia"
[v.2] has part VI (p. 125-157) : Etymology ; authorized for use in the Schools of North-West Territories
New Dining Room (?) Board of Directors Activities. l-r: Wilfred F.McGregor, Chairman, Board of Directors receiving cheque from Hon. Stewart McLean, Minister of Education.