W.M.C.A – Spring Convocation. Professor Al Rogosin receives Alumni Award Excellence in Teaching. L to R: Al Rogosin - Botany Department, Larry Zawadsky - BUAA and Dr. John Mallea - BU President.
Fall Convocation. L to R: Dr. Curly Tyler, Chancellor Stanley Knowles (recipient of Brandon University Certificate of Appreciation), President Anderson
Spring Convocation. L to R: Jeff Cristall (Board of Governors), Dr. Agnes Grant (Recipient of the Board of Governor’s Award for Excellence in Community Service), and President Mallea
Spring Convocation. L to R: Dr. Vic Sharpe (BUAA), Dr. Thomas McLeod ’40 (Recipient of the Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award), President Mallea
Spring Convocation. Lewis D. Whitehead receives an honourary degree and becomes Doctor in Laws. L to R: Dr. Peter Hordern, Dr. Whitehead, President Mallea
W.M.C.A. Convocation 1979. L to R (front row) W.G. Dinsdale, P.C. MP, K.A. Cosens, MLA (Min. of Ed.), E.R. McGill, F.L. Jobin, (Lt. Gov. Man.) standing, R. Beamish, G. Longphee, ?, D.R. McKay L to R (second row) W.V. Vidal (glasses), P. Letkeman (glasses), B. Parsons, A. Loveridge (Princ. ACC)
Approximately 149 (subjects) negatives in twelve envelopes
History / Biographical
See Brandon University Photograph Collection, series 1 (Convocation), sub-series 1.3 (Morris Predinchuck fonds) for History/Bio information.
Custodial History
See Brandon University Photograph Collection, series 1 (Convocation), sub-series 1.3 (Morris Predinchuck fonds) for Custodial History.
Scope and Content
File consists of twelve envelopes of negatives for the May 1990 Convocation. Each envelope is labelled with the names of the students/faculty & staff/award recipients and the number assigned to each of their negatives.
Repro Restriction
Copyright privileges do apply. Copyright was tranfered to the University through the donor form.
Storage Location
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Series 1: Convocations
1.3 Morris Predinchuck fonds
Box 1