"A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in The Faculty of Granduate Studies, School of Community and Regional Planning"
"We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard"
The New era in world agricultural trade : perspectives for the Prairies and the Great Plains : proceedings of a seminar jointly sponsored by the Department of Agricultural Economics, Universities of Minnesota and Manitoba in Winnipeg on November 13-15, 1979
Record of site excavation unit 15 at the Sarah site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 15 at Graham site 2006.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 15 during the 1986 Lovstrom survey.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 15 at the Crepeele site 2005.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of excavation unit 15 at the Atkinson II site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site excavation records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Fisher Branch Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1951 - 1962 Planning meetings and canvasser's reports, 17 December 1951 Application to Province of Manitoba for Incorporation of Fisher Branch CEA, 18 April 1952 By-law nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, 13 June 1952 Agreement between Fisher Branch CEA and MPE, 1 August 1952 By-law re: Members equities, 15 November 1966 Letter re: Directors meeting, 15 August 1957 Report on resolutions at Annual meeting, May 1958 Letter re: Board of Directors meeting, 14 October 1958 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Organizational meeting, 21 November 1962 General By-laws, no date Resolution granted and allocation of surplus, no date Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 20 June 1952 - volume 3, 8 October 1969 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1952 - 1968 (17 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1953 - 1955 (3 reports) Final statements, 1951 - 1952 (1 reports) Auditors' reports, 1952 - 1967 (15 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1951 - 1963 (11 reports) Final statement, 1951 - 1952 (1 report) Details of grain earnings, 1963 - 1967 (4 reports) Review of Operating Results, 1963 - 1965 (2 reports) Capacities of Elevator, 29 October 1959 Auditors' report, 31 July 1968 Calculations re: plumbing, August 1965 Tax statement, 1952 Analysis of expenses, 1961 Statement of Operations, 1961 Correspondence, 1951 - 1969 Membership list, 1952 - 1966 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1952- 1962 (6 reports) Officers and Directors lists, 1960 - 1961 Note: Additional information cross reference Arborg Sub division 805 Corporate Name: Local Government District - Fisher
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of MPE's involvement in four different inter-provincial committees: Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers, Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd, Inter-provincial Pool Board, and Canadian Pool Agencies. The records include the following:
Box 1:
Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers Minute Book 1924-1944
Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers / Prairie Pools Minute Book 1945-1983
1a. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. 1966-1979
1b. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. 1965-1979
1c. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. meeting in Toronto Sept 25 1979
1d. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. By-laws 1960-1963
2a. Inter-provincial Pool Board Minutes 1971-1983
2b. Inter-provincial Pool Board Minutes & By-laws 1971-1983
2c. Inter-provincial Co-operative Limited Board and Annual Meeting Minutes 1980, 1982
3a. Co-operative Union of Manitoba Organizing Documents and Minutes 1953-1964
3b. Co-operative Union of Manitoba Minutes March 31 1959 - June 16 1966
4. POS Pilot Plant 1973 - 1975
Box 2:
Inter-provincial Pool Board Minute Book 1945-1984
Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers Limited / Canadian Pool Agencies Limited Minute Book 1924-1944
Canadian Pool Agencies Limited Minute Book 1945-1980
5. Co-operative Crop Development Group Constitution and Annual Reports 1984-1993
6. Prairie Pools Inc. Directors Reports 1985-1986
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2009)
Documents for the Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers can be found in MPE B.2
The Brandon Normal School was an arm of the provincial Department of Education. Manitoba Normal schools were initiated in the early 1880s (1882 for protestant teachers and 1883 for Roman Catholic ones) to meet the demand for teachers in the province's schools. Normal schools were held in Brandon at various locations until the construction of the Brandon Normal School in 1912 under the Roblin government. The Brandon Normal School operated until 1946.
Scope and Content
Portraits of the students and staff of Brandon Normal School's fall class (1912).
The Brandon Normal School was an arm of the provincial Department of Education. Manitoba Normal schools were initiated in the early 1880s (1882 for protestant teachers and 1883 for Roman Catholic ones) to meet the demand for teachers in the province's schools. Normal schools were held in Brandon at various locations until the construction of the Brandon Normal School in 1912 under the Roblin government. The Brandon Normal School operated until 1946.
Custodial History
Donated to the McKee Archives by Mrs. C.L. Eamer of Brandon.
Scope and Content
Portraits of the students and staff of Brandon Normal School's fall class long term (1914).
The Brandon Normal School was an arm of the provincial Department of Education. Manitoba Normal schools were initiated in the early 1880s (1882 for protestant teachers and 1883 for Roman Catholic ones) to meet the demand for teachers in the province's schools. Normal schools were held in Brandon at various locations until the construction of the Brandon Normal School in 1912 under the Roblin government. The Brandon Normal School operated until 1946.
Scope and Content
Portraits of the students and staff of Brandon Normal School's third class fall term (1916).
The Brandon Normal School was an arm of the provincial Department of Education. Manitoba Normal schools were initiated in the early 1880s (1882 for protestant teachers and 1883 for Roman Catholic ones) to meet the demand for teachers in the province's schools. Normal schools were held in Brandon at various locations until the construction of the Brandon Normal School in 1912 under the Roblin government. The Brandon Normal School operated until 1946.
Scope and Content
Portraits of the students and staff of Brandon Normal School's fall term class (1915).
BUFA was formed in 1957 as an academic organization with its primary aim the entrenchment and protection of academic freedom.
In subsequent years, BUFA became more involved in promoting the economic, social and general interests of tis members. This process culminated in 1971 when BUFA obtained voluntary recognition as bargaining agent for its members from the University. The relationships between the Faculty and the university were governed by the "Faculty-Administration Brief" (the precursor to the present Collective Agreement).
A dispute arose between BUFA and the University in 1976, when BUFA requested that Instructional Associates be included in the bargaining unit and that the University deduct union dues. The University rejected BUFA's request. BUFA applied to the Manitoba Labour Board for resolution of the dispute. A Board hearing was held in Brandon on May 31, 1977.
At this hearing theLabour Board determined that, since the University had rejected BUFA's contention that it was a union, it would first have to answer the question: Is BUFA a union? In a decision dated June 16, 1977, the Board ruled "that BUFA is not a union; that following therefrom the faculty administration brief is not a collective agreement."
Following this ruling, BUFA launched a certification drive in September 1977. Application for certification was filed with the Labour Board October 17, 1977. In anticipation of a favorable certification ruling, Dennis Olson and Gerald Neufeld collected existing collective agreements from other universiities across Canada. They attempted to incorporate the best features from the old Faculty-Administration Brief and these other agreements into the first draft of the proposed collective agreement.
Certification was confirmed January 1978. The bargaining unit defined in the Certificate included: all full-time and part-time members of the academic, instructional and related staff at Brandon University kncluding laoratory insturctors, cartographers, counsellors, professional ibrarians, continuing education specialists and all other staff directly related to the teaching process. It also included sessional instructors.
Since certification in 1978, BUFA has attempted to function as a principled and effective union. These effors have included: establishing links with other unions and progressive organizations in the community; participating in the Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations; vigorously pursuing member and union grievancess through to arbitration; advancing the rights and interests of members at the bargaining table; and promoting and protecting academic freedom.
The most recent chapter in BUFA's history was a successful strike in 1998, which started November 9th and ended at midnight November 11th.
The general objectives of BUFA are the advancement of higher education through the protection of the freedom that is necessary to it, and the improvement of the standards of the profession of University teaching. Its members include all full and part-time instructional staff of Brandon University and professional librarians.
Officers of BUFA include the: President, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Elected by the General Body at the annual meeting in March. Associate members are not eligible to serve as officers.
Executive - officers and four members elected by the General Body to represent the Faculties of Arts, Science, Education and Music. Four elected at annual meeting. Acts as liasion between BUFA and the University Administration. May appoint committees chosen from the General Body to carry on routine affairs and to act in areas of special interest as directed by the General Body of by the Executive. The Standing Committee of BUFA is the Salary and Faculty-Administration Relations Committee - its duties are to represent the interests of BUFA in negotiating the salary schedule and other benefits and the Faculty-Administration Brief with the Board of Governors or its represntatives. The Vice-President of BUFA is to be the Chairman.
Scope and Content
Series contains minutes, collective agreements, reports, recommendations, correspondence, memos, newsletters, reference materials and various other documents.
BUFA is a separate corporate entity, but for administration purposes it has been incorporated into RG 6 Brandon University fonds. History/Bio information taken from BUFA promotional materials (File 37) and provided by Bruce Forrest (BUFA Executive) with the return of the signed donation form. Files 106-116 were extracted from the BUFA records and are in the possession of Ms. Eileen McFadden.
From the very beginning, Brandon College has maintained library services for its students. A professor was put in charge of the library, although in the beginning it was little more than an empty shelf in a cabinet. As it grew, there became more of a need for an administrative body. A Library Committee was created in order to keep the library running smoothly. With the construction of the A.E. McKenzie Building in 1960 came a permanent resting place for the Brandon College Library.
Scope and Content
The records include a 3 cm book of Library of Congress Card Orders of Recent Publications from 1957 to 1960. As well, there are applications for employment, minutes from the Library Committee and Sub Committees. There is also correspondence from the Director of Library Services and accession records.
Series has been divided into three sub-series, including: (1) Minutes; (2) Director of Library Services; and (3) Library Accession Records.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 15: Brandon College Library
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), series 8 (Brandon University Library Services).
Approximately 5000 photographic negatives, and some colour prints.
History / Biographical
Morris Predinchuk was a professional photographer, who during the period 1987-1999, was retained by Brandon University to photograph convocations and graduants. Each of the personal portraits was the product of a contract between Predinchuck and a graduant for a graduation photograph. Morris Predinchuk died in Moosomin, Saskatchewan on January 16, 2007 at the age of 75 years.
Custodial History
The images were picked up by the Archives from Predinchuk's business in the Towne Centre Mall on Septemeber 27, 2005.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of negatives and prints of approximately 2600 graduants and honourary degree recipients at Brandon University spring and fall convocations from 1987-1998 and the spring convocation of 1999. All the images were taken by Morris Predinchuk.
For descriptive purposes it was decided to group the negatives by convocation rather than describing each individual negative. Predinchuck's obituary appeared in the January 19, 2007 edition of the Brandon Sun.
Repro Restriction
Copyright privileges do apply. Copyright was assigned to the University through the donor form.
Storage Location
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Series 1: Convocation, scholarships and awards
1.2 Morris Predinchuck fonds
Boxes 1-3
Original order - chronological. All of the negatives are labelled and placed in labelled envelopes.