It appears that the Neepawa Business and Profession of Women's Club was established in 1955. The president of the club in 1955, was Nora Day. The objectives of the club were to enhance the status of professional and business women and to promote contact between women in business and the professions. The club had seven committees, including: the United Nations, Newsletter, Emblem, Social, Programme, Publicity, and Membership Committees. The Neepawa Club attended provincial conferences of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs and observed Business Women's Week. The club also hosted conferences,as well as local luncheons and picnics.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2002. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of one scrapbook made by the club, which covers the years 1955-1959. The scrapbook includes newspaper clippings, programs, invitations, and lists of club officers from around the province. The scrapbook also includes the bylaws of the Neepawa Club. Many of the newspaper clippings relate to the status of women in Canada and around the world.
Brandon Business and Professional Women's Club (10-2002); Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club (11-2002); Neepawa Business and Professional Women's Club (12-2002); Trilliam Business and Professional Women's Club (2-2006).
The Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club was organized on May 14, 1959. The group received its charter on September 15, 1959 at a ceremony that included guests from Minnedosa, Neepawa, Dauphin, Brandon, and Portage La Prairie. The first president of the club was Mrs. Julie Johnson. In September 1959 the club had 15 members. The Minnedosa Club became the thirteenth Business and Professional Women's Club chartered in Manitoba. The purpose of the club was to train and educate women in business and the professions and to promote women's participation in local, provincial, and national affairs. The club included many committees such as the Public Relations, Membership, Survey and Archives, Programme and Projects, Social and Courtesy, International Affairs, Budget and Finance, Federation Promotion, Personal Development, Public Affairs, and Resolutions, Legislation and Employment Committees. The Minnedosa Club held exhibitions, hosted guest speakers, observed Business Women's Week, and held workshops for all of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs in Manitoba on a few occasions. Over the years the club made many donations to the Minnedosa Museum, the Minnedosa Centennial Committee, and charities such as UNICEF, Ramallah Fund, Children's Aid, and United Way. The Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club was very concerned with the status of women in Canada and around the world. The Minnedosa Club disbanded in May 1980. After the disbanding of the club, the women who were involved in the club formed the Just For Fun Club.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2002. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds is comprised mainly of four scrapbooks, which run from 1959-1979, 1959-1963, 1959-1964, and 1977-1979. The scrapbooks contain photos, newspaper clippings, Christmas cards, correspondence and programs. The clippings relate to Business and Professional Women's Clubs from around Manitoba, while focusing on the Minnedosa Club. Many of the clippings also focus on the status of women in Canada and the rest of the world.
Fonds also contains financial records and minutes from the years 1959-1980. There is also a copy of the club's bylaws, as well as monthly membership reports from 1976-1980. The fonds also includes a brief typed history of the Minnedosa Club, as well as other loose newspaper clippings, programs, songbooks, and correspondence. Finally, there are three guestbooks included in the collection. The first runs from 1959-1978. The second guestbook is from the Art and Ceramic Display and Tea, held on May 27, 1972. The third guestbook is from the Art and Ceramic Dispay and Tea, held on May 29, 1976.
Brandon Business and Professional Women's Club (10-2002); Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club (11-2002); Neepawa Business and Professional Women's Club (12-2002); Trilliam Business and Professional Women's Club (2-2006).
The Griswold Protestant School District was established on September 9, 1885, to provide schooling for children residents in the village of Griswold and the surrounding countryside. It became the Griswold School District following school reform in Manitoba in 1890. The District existed until the early 1960s, when it was incorporated first into Brandon School Division #40 and subsequently into Division #41 (La Bosse). The Griswold School was still in operation in 1967. The building is now used as a community center.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 1997 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
The single minute book in this fonds contains minutes on meetings held by the Griswold School District, in Griswold, Manitoba from 1907 to 1943. The minutes deal with questions related to teacher hiring and general administration in the school district.
Margaret Menzies was born on July 30th, 1920, at a family farm located in Oakburn, Manitoba. She grew up on the family farm and attended school in both Oakburn and Shoal Lake. She married Donald Menzies on June 4th, 1941. Together they had four children. In 1959, the family moved to Brandon, Manitoba, where they lived for the rest of their lives.
Margaret Menzies was a longtime and active member of the International Toastmistress Club (ITC), and was also involved in the Consumers Association of Canada, Seniors for Seniors, as well as being a member of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Central United Church. Menzies did not graduate from high school in her early years, but managed to continue her education and receive a bachelor of arts degree from Brandon University at the age of 70.
Margaret Menzies passed away on June 9th, 2012.
Custodial History
Records in the collection were brought to the S.J McKee Archives on July 13, 2012, by Gerald Brown, on behalf of the family of Margaret Menzies.
Scope and Content
Collection contains of two scrapbooks created by Margaret Menzies. The scrapbooks contain various cards, itinerary's, and other documents associated with Menzies' membership in the International Toastmistress Club. The items in the scrapbooks date from the mid 1980's to the late 1990's.
Also included in the collection are four local history books. The first is a 100 year history of the town of Oakburn, Manitoba, from 1870 to 1970, published during celebrations of Manitoba's centenniary in 1970. Next is a book about the history of the town of Shoal Lake, Manitoba, which was published in 1959 on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the town of Shoal Lake in 1909. The last two books are the first and second volumes of Ripples on the Lake, which cover the history of the Shoal Lake municipality from 1884. The first volume covers the first 100 years of the history of the Shoal Lake region, being published in 1984. The second volume was published in 2007, covering the history of Shoal Lake since 1984, as well as including new information that was not published in the 1984 version of the book.
Finally, the collection contains one photograph of Margaret Menzies receiving her bachelor of arts degree from Peter Hordern, dean of arts of Brandon University.
Biographical information provided by obituary entry in the Brandon Sun, June 16, 2012. Description by Tyler Warren (October 2012).
This record group was artifically created in January 2007 by Tom Mitchell and Christy Henry of the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
The record group consists of various fonds and collections concerned with the political, cultural, social, and educational life of western Manitoba. See the Subject Access field for a list of titles.
The Business and Professional Women's Club of Brandon was created in November 1932. The club grew out of a meeting of business and professional women who were interested in forming an association. Guest speakers at the meeting were Miss Hilda Hesson, the Vice President of the Federation of Canadian Business and Professional Women's Clubs, and Miss F. Ingram, the President of the Winnipeg Business and Professional Women's Club. The objective of the Brandon club, according to its constitution, was the "promotion of educational, service, and social facilities for the business and professional women." The club consisted of active and associate members and belonged to the greater Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Club. The first President of the club was Miss Margaret Gemmell, with approximately 80 women attended the club's first meeting. The club established sub-committees on a variety of subjects including current events, sports, bridge instruction, public speaking, dress making, photography, stitch craft, manual training, and physical culture. The club also put on exhibitions, participated in drama festivals, held rummage sales and an annual Christmas party. During the Second World War, it established a War Effort Department. This department organized activities such as sewing and knitting in support of the war effort. The War Effort Department also raised money for charities such as the Red Cross. During its meetings, the club often heard local and national speakers or watched films. Women of many different vocations joined the club including florists, teachers, salesclerks, nurses, and housewives. Over the years, additional departments were added to the club including those named poetry, pottery, woodcraft, and drama.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2002. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains three small scrapbooks, which cover the years 1932-1939, 1939-1949, and 1950-1959, respectively. The scrapbooks contain newpaper clippings from the Brandon Sun, the Winnipeg Free Press, and the Flin Flon Daily Miner. The scrapbooks also contain exhibition and meeting programs from the Brandon Club. Fonds also contains meeting minutes for the years 1932-1972.
Brandon Business and Professional Women's Club (10-2002); Minnedosa Business and Professional Women's Club (11-2002); Neepawa Business and Professional Women's Club (12-2002); Trilliam Business and Professional Women's Club (2-2006).
Fonds consists of minutes, the pages of the charter dinner guest book, "Go for the Gold" membership marathon instructions and poster, and a scrapbook containing photographs, momentos and a history (summary) of the Priarie Horizons Toastmistress Club 1976-1982.
Name tags and pins culled. Description by Christy Henry.
The Brandon Women's Musical Club was formed in 1945 by Miss Peggy Sharpe and Miss Hilda Smith. Together with a group of women from around Brandon, they managed to form a large club for, according to the club's constitution, "the study of vocal and instrumental music, literature and related arts and the encouragement of promising Junior Artists under eighteen years of age." With these goals in mind, the club undertook to provide tuition for young music students and contributed to the formation of the Brandon Women's Musical Choral Club. The club held meetings during which club members listened to guest speakers and observed performances by local musical and dance groups, as well as some national musical stars. The group also sponsored performances of musicals, plays, and recitals, and held an annual Christmas party.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2002. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds is composed predominantly of two scrapbooks, one of which covers the years 1953-1960, the other the years 1960-1965. The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings about the Musical Club's meetings and performances. There is also a file containing miscellaneous correspondence, the constitution and bylaws of the group, the club's membership lists from 1959-1964, and questionnaires about the Women's Musical Club.
The Rathwell Women's Institute was formed in December 1939. Little is known about the group and it seems that it disbanded in 1966. Mrs. Thelma Forbes, the first female Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in Manitoba was a member of the Rathwell Women's Institute.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 2002 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
This is a small fonds, consisting of the minutes of the group's meetings, including member lists and financial records, from 1939-1966. There is also a pamphlet called "The Story of the Women's Institutes of Manitoba 1910-1934," written by Mrs. H.M. Speechley "in loving and honoured memory of Mrs. David Watt." The fonds also includes a book by Cicely McCall called "Women's Institutes." The inscription in the book reads, "To the members of the Rathwell Women's Institute with all good wishes from the members at Amberley, Sussex, Christmas 1943."
Related women's institute collections in the McKee Archives include:
Manitoba Women's Institute; Minnedosa Women's Institute; Cordova Women's Institute; Clanwilliam Women's Institute; Rathwell Women's Institute; Strathclair Women's Institute; Crocus Women's Institute; Southwest A Region - Manitoba Women's Institute; Douglas Women's Institute
The Brandon Council of Women (BCW) was active between 1895 and 1927, when it disbanded. Principally through the efforts of Mrs. Kaye Rowe of Brandon, the BCW was officially restablished in 1952. The Brandon Council of Women remained active until c. 1973. It brought together fifty-two women's organizations in Brandon, representing 2600 women.
Custodial History
The Brandon Council of Women fonds was transferred to the McKee Archives during the 1970s. It was accessioned in 1998.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of papers and photographs of the International Council of Women (ICW), the National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC), the Manitoba Council of Women (MCW), and the Brandon Council of Women (BCW). The ICW papers include meeting minutes. The NCWC papers include meeting minutes, resolution lists, pamphlets, newsletters, correspondence, financial records, yearbooks, and copies of Acts pertaining to women. The MCW papers contain copies of the MCW constitution, meeting minutes, resolution lists, correspondence, and committee reports. The BCW materials comprise the largest part of the fonds, and include meeting minutes, committee reports, financial records, correspondence, short course agendas, posters, pamphlets, memos, resolution lists, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, photographs, and scrapbooks.
The Brandon Golf and Country Club was created in 1914, to serve the recreational needs of Brandon's social and economic elite. Leading Brandon politicians, professionals, and businessmen belonged to the club and served on its executive. The club was a place for Brandon's elite to play golf and socialize, and was affiliated with the Royal Canadian Golf Association. The club included a separate Verandah Club composed of women. In 1926, the Brandon Golf and Country Club became a member of the Canadian Ladies Golf Union. The club sponsored dances and dinners for its members. Strict policies for non-members were enforced. Brandon residents that were not members of the club could only play golf once a week, had to pay daily green fees, and had to be invited and accompanied by a member.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1998. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of one scrapbook that runs from 1914-1948. The scrapbook contains minutes from director and shareholder meetings, as well as notices of upcoming meetings. There are also secretary and treasurer reports included in the scrapbook. Finally, there are a few newspaper clippings dealing with the club included in the scrapbook.
The first Manitoba Women's Institute was formed in 1910, in Morris, Manitoba. In 1919, existing institutes joined to form the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada at Winnipeg. In 1929, the Associated Country Women of the World was formed with it headquarters in London England; the Canadian Women's Institute affiliated with this organization. As of 2001, the Manitoba Women's Institute still exists, with its headquarters in Winnipeg.
Custodial History
This fonds was donated to the McKee archives by Wilma Bell of Harding, Manitoba in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains minutes, attendance records, financial records, and annual reports of the various women's institutes in the Southwest A region of Manitoba.
Related women's institute collections in the McKee Archives include:
Manitoba Women's Institute; Minnedosa Women's Institute; Cordova Women's Institute; Clanwilliam Women's Institute; Rathwell Women's Institute; Strathclair Women's Institute; Crocus Women's Institute; Southwest A Region - Manitoba Women's Institute; Douglas Women's Institute
Janet Louisa May More was born on the family homestead south of Hartney, Manitoba in 1896. She attended Chain Lakes School and Hartney High School prior to completing Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees at the University of Manitoba. Following her graduation, More taught in various Manitoba schools for fifty years. In addition, she was a member of the Manitoba Education Association, the Manitoba Library Association, the Turtle Mountain Teachers' Association (of which she was the first President), and the Manitoba Teachers' Society, which nominated her for a Life Mmembership. Janet Louisa May More retired in 1967, and resided in Winnipeg, Manitoba until her death.
Additional biographical information for Janet Louisa May More can be found in her profile as a "Memorable Manitoban" on the Manitoba Historical Society website (
Custodial History
Materials passed into the hands of Gerald Brown who donated them to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Collection contains curriculum materials related to the study and teaching of Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, Mathematics, English and French language studies in Manitoba dating mostly from the 1940s. Collection also contains Christmas concert and dramatic materials; notes from the Manitoba Fine Arts Committee (April 1939); and notes concerning the Manitoba Camera Club, the Manitoba Drama League, Manitoba Society of Artists, Manitoba Adult Education Association, Winnipeg Sketch Club and the Manitoba Handicraft Guild.
The photograph has bubbled but it hasn't damanged the image.
Scope and Content
Photograph is mostly likely of members of the Clark Hall Literary Society pre-World War I.
Back Row (L to R): ? and Lillian Wilhelmina Speers '13.
Middle Row (L to R): Leslie Alberta Ward '13, ?, and M. H. Strang '13
Front Row (L to R): Evelyn J. Simpson ' 13 and M. McCamis ' 13