File consists of a mems re day-nighters, a report from the School of Music BUFA Committee on workload and a statement on workload in arts by H.W. Burmeister.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series XV: BUFA
Box 3
File consists of documents (reports, proposals etc.) created by the Workloads and Sabbatical Committee , a report on the Brandon College retirement plan, reference materials, a statement on Faculty-Administration relationships, a copy of "Academic Freedom and Responsibility," and promotion criteria.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series XV: BUFA
Box 3
Item is a mini-chapbook entitled "Negotiable Assets" by Sheila Martindale. It is series 1, number 8 in the Dollarpoems series. The series was published by Pierian Press, Brandon University with the aid of a grant from The Manitoba Arts Council.