W.M.C.A.Convocation (fall '75). L to R W. Wong, L. Watson, R. Pippert, J. Tyman, M. Blanar, L. Dulmage, S. Knowles, L.H. Perron, H. Hawthorn, D.L. Johannson, ?, H. Burmeister, background: ?,?, Elwood Gorrie (Mayor), H.V. Vidal
W.M.C.A.Convocation 76 (?) Graduates proceeding into the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. Faculty L-R (Front Row): Prof. Constans, E. McFadden, Pat Gonzales, ?, J. Mendenhall, Ken Nichols. Centre Row: H. Vidal leading the graduates: (to the right of centre row) Glenda Brethour (lower part of face hidden). Photograph is looking southwest-west.