W.M.C.A. – Fall Convocation. Ferdinand Eckhardt receives an honourary degree as Doctor of Laws. L to R: Dr. Lawrence Jones, Dr. F. Eckhardt, Dr. Dennis Anderson
W.M.C.A.Convocation (fall '75). L to R W. Wong, L. Watson, R. Pippert, J. Tyman, M. Blanar, L. Dulmage, S. Knowles, L.H. Perron, H. Hawthorn, D.L. Johannson, ?, H. Burmeister, background: ?,?, Elwood Gorrie (Mayor), H.V. Vidal
W.M.C.A – Fall Convocation. Stanley Knowles receives a Certificate of Appreciation. L to R: Dr.E.J. Curly Tyler, Dr. Stanley Knowles, Dr. Dennis Anderson.
Fall Convocation. L to R: Dr. Curly Tyler, Chancellor Stanley Knowles (recipient of Brandon University Certificate of Appreciation), President Anderson
Fall Convocation. L to R: Dr. Meir Serfaty, Dr. Albert Bush (Department of Zoology, recipient of an Award for Excellence in Research), and President Anderson