See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series includes reports from three management consultants: Harbridge House, Urwick, Currie & Partners Ltd., and Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg. As well, the sub-series contains correspondence between the President and Comptroller of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. and Harbridge House regarding the implementation of a management training program and plans to combat the weak field seed market. The Urwick, Currie reports deal with improvement in company operations and improvements in packet seed processing. The Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg report is entitled 'Implementing a Strategic Planning Process.' Each of the reports completed for the company deal with improving the business operations of McKenzie Seeds.
Harbridge House – this record is a management-training program designed to address a weak field seed market.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
File consists of notes and phone messages re: questions, concerns, complaints from constituents; notes re: reform party meetings in riding, Voyageur '92 information, some election information
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
MG 3 Brandon University Teaching and Administration
1.14.1 W. Leland Clark - political career
Box 1
The Brandon University Student's Union (BUSU), Local 37 of the Canadian Federation of Students, was incorporated in 1969 as the students' organization of Brandon University. Its predecessor was the Brandon College Students' Association, which was established in 1899. BUSU is a not-for-profit society that serves to represent the students of Brandon University; all regular full and part-time students at Brandon University are members of the Students’ Union.
BUSU has several broad functions: they are a service provider that offers programs and support services to students throughout the year; they act as lobbyists on behalf of the student body at the local, provincial and federal levels, working with the other member locals of the Canadian Federation of Students, Canada’s national and provincial student movement; they represent the student body within the important, decision-making bodies at BU, such as the Board of Governors and Senate; and they provide funding for student clubs and organizations. BUSU is bound legally to the Brandon University Sudents' Union Constitution and Bylaws and the Universities Act of Manitoba.
BUSU draws on collected student fees to operate. Its administrative structure consists of a board of directors consisting of 11 voting members. Students elect representatives to relay their issues and concerns to the University community, the community at large, and all levels of government. A democratically elected council, made up of members from various constituencies on campus, oversees the work of the Students’ Union. The council includes four executive officers (the President and three Vice Presidents – Academic, Finance, and Student Activities), numerous commissioners, and one liaison. The work of the Students’ Union is also powered by the efforts and dedication of countless campus and community volunteers and staff. BUSU also has a voting student representative on the Board of Governors and Senate.
BUSU holds annual and semi-annual general meetings, full council meetings, and council committee meetings throughout the year. All meetings are broadly advertised to the membership and are open to students. As BUSU members, students have full speaking rights at any meeting of the Union, as well as voting rights at general meetings.
Custodial History
The records in accession 25-2003 were stored by the Brandon University Students' Union until they were donated to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Series consists of records of Executive meetings, correspondence and financial records of the Brandon University Students' Union, as well as club records and copies of "The Sickle," "The Quill," and Student Handbooks. It has been divided into five sub-series, including: (1) BUSU Executive and Council; (3) Correspondence; (4) Clubs; and (5) Publications.
BUSU is a separately incorporated organization from Brandon University's Board of Governors, but for administrative purposes it has been incorporated int RG 6 Brandon University fonds. Administrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from the BUSU website at (December 2005).