W.M.C.A.Convocation '76 Spring. Outside the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium: Jean Chiaw Jin Heath (Arts General), children and friend pose for a photograph. Photograph is looking north.
W.M.C.A.Convocation (Spring '76) Stanley Knowles (standing), L to R: ?,?,?, W. Lorimer, Dept. Min., H. Tolton, Lld., L. Dulmage, M. Blanar, A. Miller, R. Pippert background: E. Pepper, Chris Kennedy (University Registrar) , A. Loveridge, A.C.C., ?,?, R.F.B. King
W.M.C.A.Convocation '76 . Two rows of graduates walk into the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. A row of faculty members stands to the far right watching the graduates. Faculty L to R: G. Senoff, Bob Moon, Jack Lamb, Maria Szivos(?), ?, L. Liu, ? Photograph is looking west-northwest.
W.M.C.A.Convocation '76? Faculty members walking north down 20th Street (pre-parking lots). Rt. row (from beg.): C.W. Anderson, E Birkinshaw, ?,?,?, L. Watson, Lt. row (from beg.): R.H. Hannah, P. Hallamandaris, A.A. Ariano?, T. McNeely, P.G. Klassen, ?,?, E. McFadden
W.M.C.A.Convocation 1976 ? Faculty procession Left (front to back): R.H. Hannah, P. Hallamandaris, P.G. Klassen, Eileen McFadden, ? Right (front to back): C.W. Anderson, ?, J. Hardy, ?, Gordon Senoff?, ?,? Photograph is looking southwest-west.
W.M.C.A.Convocation 76 (?) Graduates proceeding into the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. Faculty L-R (Front Row): Prof. Constans, E. McFadden, Pat Gonzales, ?, J. Mendenhall, Ken Nichols. Centre Row: H. Vidal leading the graduates: (to the right of centre row) Glenda Brethour (lower part of face hidden). Photograph is looking southwest-west.