Brandon University exchange students welcomed at a reception upon arriving at Brandon University. Also pictured are instructors, faculty, University officials, and host families.
Photograph is looking west and shows the new Students' Residence Complex, consisting of Darrach Hall, Flora Cowan Hall, and the Main Dining Room, funded by the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation. The grassy area in the photograph is now occupied by the John R. Brodie Science Centre and McMaster Hall.
Student Education Exchange with England. Standing-L to R: Dr. Gene Rankin, Caroline Evans, Margaret Phillips, Mrs. P. Bowslaugh. Sitting-L to R: Elizabeth Connolly, Linda Megson, Belinda Jones, Jillian Pope, Margaret Foreman
Student Education Exchange with England. Standing-L to R: Dr. Gene Rankin, Caroline Evans, Margaret Phillips, Mrs. P. Bowslaugh. Sitting-L to R: Elizabeth Connolly, Linda Megson, Belinda Jones, Jillian Pope, Margaret Foreman
Student Education Exchange with England. Standing-L to R: Dr. Gene Rankin, Caroline Evans, Margaret Phillips, Mrs. P. Bowslaugh. Sitting-L to R: Elizabeth Connolly, Linda Megson, Belinda Jones, Jillian Pope, Margaret Foreman