Euclid's Elements of geometry : the first six books, chiefly from the text of Dr. Simson, with explanatory notes, a series of questions on each book, and a selection of geometrical exercises from the Senate House and College examination papers, with hints, etc., designed for the use of the junior classes in public and private schools
Photograph includes members of the Lodge including (listed on reverse of photograph) Joe Irwin, Bob Hastings, Dr. Dickson, Johnny Montgomery, Joe Robinson, John A. MacDonald, P.C. Duncan, A.B. Mcleod, Baptist Minister?[sic], Dr. McDiarmid, Lisle Christie, Rev. Flewelling, Mr.[sic] Burns.
"A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in The Faculty of Granduate Studies, School of Community and Regional Planning"
"We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard"
Portrait of the Brandon University Bocats men's hockey team. Front Row (L to R): Colin Ryder, Ryden Marko, Craig Anderson, Tyson Ramsey, Gregg Zubricki, Scott Hlady, Curtis Atkinson. Middle Row (L to R): Tom Skinner (Head Coach), Brad Wells (Ass’t Coach), Kurtis Callander, Matt Wilson, Craig Malaschuk, Brent Kyle, Curtis Menzul, Trevor Wideman, Ken Fels, Bryan Webber (Ass’t Coach), Dean Rowland (Ass't Coach), Dwayne Kirkup (Ass't Coach). Back Row (L to R): Trevor Ross (Stick Boy), David Caldwell, Mike Baranyk, Ryan Vermette, Larry Willerton, Ryan Robson, Derek Henkelman, Ryan Brunel, Marlin Murray, Cathie Filyk (Fitness Consultant).
Portrait of the Brandon University Bocats men's hockey team. Front Row (L to R): Curtis Atkinson, Marlin Murray, Derek Henkleman, Gregg Zubricki, Mike Baranyk, Mike Yates, Tyson Ramsey, Alex Argyriou, Jamie McCaig. Middle Row (L to R): Jim Fuyarchuk (Coach), Dwayne Kirkup (Ass't Coach), Vinnie Jonasson, Corey Billaney, Jeff Hood, Trevor Wideman, Brent Kyle, Craig Malaschuk, Kurtis Callander, Scott Henkelman, Harley Campbell (Goalie Coach), Craig Anderson (Ass't Coach). Brad Wells (Ass’t Coach), Matt Wilson, Curtis Menzul, Ken Fels, Bryan Webber (Ass’t Coach), Dean Rowland (Ass't Coach), . Back Row (L to R): Ernest Elder (Ast. Equipment Manager), David Caldwell, Larry Willerton, Garrett Parker, Shane Baranyk, Matt Wilson, Ryan Robson, Wayne Robertson (Team Manager), Cathie Filyk (Fitness Coach). Missing: Scott Hlady (Equipment Manager/Trainer).