Corners of photograph mat are bent. Picture is cracked.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows an early view of Brandon's 6th Street in the 1880s. The Winter & O'Neail Groceries & Provisions and James Smart Hardware storefronts have been photographed. A street sign designating 6th Street can be seen below the Winter & O'Neail sign. A horse and cart is parked in front of the grocery store. A number of men wearing hats and jackets are standing along the boardwalk while posing for the picture. Lumber/timber saws are displayed in teh windows of the hardware store.
Front of photograph reads: 6th Street, Brandon, Manitoba, 1881-1882, Entrance [to Winter & O'Neail] corner of Rosser Ave & 6th Street.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
North side of Rosser Avenue, looking west from Ninth Street
Businesses (left to right): Leask & Ro___ General merchandise, Fortier & Bucke - Manufacturers' Agents and CPR Express Co., The New Era, Imperial Bank of Canada, Durand & Macdonald Law Office, T.D. McLean - jeweller, and J. Barker Vosburgh - Surgeon & Dentist. From Fred McGuinness.
Left hand corner of mat is bent. Mock-up instructions are written in pencil at the bottom right hand corner. Portions of the photograph itself are marked with pen.
History / Biographical
The Queen's Hotel was located on the corner of Rosser Avenue and Tenth Street (Steen & Boyce, 1882. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and Her Industries. Steen & Boyce Publishers Printers & Binders, 81.). Therefore this photo appears to display Rosser Avenue looking east. P.E. 11/06/09
Scope and Content
Photograph shows early Rosser Avenue under construction between 9th Street and 10th Street in the 1880s. Buildings that line the avenue are wood framed and there are wooden boardwalks in front of a few structures. On the north side of Rosser Avenue signs for Fortier & Bucke Commision Agents and Transit House (Hotel) can be seen. On the south side of Rosser Avenue, the Queen's Hotel and Robinson Brothers and Company groceries and dry goods store are open for business. A family appears to be standing on the stoop at the dry goods store. A boy is lounging in the entryway of the Queen's Hotel. A man is standing on a wooden plank that extends across the dirt road of Rosser Avenue between the dry goods store and the commission agents' shop.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
900 block of Rosser Avenue
T.D. McLean - jeweller & watchmaker; Imperial Bank of Canada; The New Era - real estate; Fortier & Bucke - Manufacturers' Agents/Canada Pacific Express Co.
Photograph shows the 800 block of Rosser Avenue facing west. On the south side of Rosser Avenue the Nation Block, Christie's Bookstore, and Reesor's Clock can be seen. A number of horse and buggies/carriages are travelling along Rosser Avenue.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
West side of Sixth Street, north of Rosser Avenue; looking north
Businesses displayed (S to N) include: Winter & O'Neill - general store; James A. Smart - hardware; Grand Central Hotel - built 1882, razed 1890; American House - hotel; Brandon House (far end) - hotel
Photograph has pen markings and publishing mark-up notes on front and back of matting
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the north side of the 900-block of Rosser Avenue, facing west from 9th Street. All the shops appear to be woodframed buildings; the sidewalk has yet to be installed and wooden planks have been laid down in front of the shops. Visible storefronts include: (left to right): Leask & Rose, general merchants (at the 11th Street intersect); Fortier & Bucke - Manufacturers' Agents and CPR Express Co.; The New Era - real estate office; Imperial Bank of Canada; Durand & Macdonald Law Office, T.D. McLean - jeweller; Deacon & Hooper - grocers; and J. Barker Vosburgh - Surgeon & Dentist. The building in the foreground has Rosser Avenue and 9th Street street signs affixed above the entrance to the building. A chuckwagon is parked in front of Fortier & Bucke.
Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Brandon.
The Queen's hotel was located on the corner of Rosser Avenue and Tenth Street (Steen & Boyce, 1882. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and Her Industries. Steen & Boyce Publishers Printers & Binders, 81.). Therefore this photo appears to display Rosser Avenue looking east. P.E. 11/06/09
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Queen's Hotel, Robinson Bros. & Co. Drygoods, etc.
Street scene with new construction. Collection: Fred McGuinness
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
View of Assiniboine Avenue running west, from Ninth Street North
Second building from right - Westbrook & Fairchild Implements. At left - Western Hotel; Data [courtesy of] Roy Brown from Henderson's [Directory]; From Manitoba Archives
Photograph shows the west side of 10th Street between Rosser and Princess Avenues in the winter. Visible businesses include: Bottomley's, Simpsons-Sears, Lionel Electric, Allied Hardware Stores, Box Brothers Hardware, Doig's. Painted on the north face of the Strathcona Block are two advertisements, one for Sutherland and Robertson [Grocery] and the other for Boyd Electric Co. Ltd.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. The Fleming Block, Beaubier Block and its Empire Hotel, A.M. Percival (a grocer), the Brandon Hardware Company (600 block), and the Arlington Hotel (500 block) are visible along the north side of the avenue. The Bank of Hamilton Building on the southeast corner of 8th Street and Rosser appears to be under construction. A sign in the second storey window above the main entrance reads: law office. The streets are muddy and a horse and buggy is traveling west on Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: mud November 12, 1906, 339. The photograph appears to be taken from the interior of a builing on the southwest corner of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Thompson's Groceries and Confectionary was established in 1923 by Arthur Thompson (b. 1881 - d. May14, 1957) at 764 13th Street. From approximately 1925-1927, the store was operated by Alexander Thompson at 762 13th Street. The fate of the store from 1929-1935 is unclear. In 1929, Alexander Thompson was a grocer at 748 7th Street and in 1931 a Mrs. A Thompson was a grocer at 802 14th Street. There were two Thompson grocery and confectionary businesses in Brandon in 1933: Thompson's Confectionary at 745 13th Street and Thompson & Co. at 702 12th Street. In 1935, Arthur Thompson appears to have either taken over one of the earlier businesses or reopened his own grocery in its original location at 762 13th Street. He operated his store at this location into the mid-1950s. At some point following Thompson's death the building was bought by Frank Fitzpatrick and used for his upholstery store.
Custodial History
Donated by Frank Fitzpatrick.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the interior of Thompson's Grocieries and Confectionary.
History/Bio information taken from Henderson's Directories (1917-1955) for Brandon, MB.
Doig's, originally located on Rosser Avenue, moved to the 10th Street location in 1921.
Scope and Content
Photograph of west side of 10th Street, Brandon, Manitoba, facing northwest. Visible businesses in the Alexander Block include Doig's, Box Brothers Hardware and Allied Hardware Stores, followed by Simpsons-Sears and Barry Neill Men's Wear in the Strathcona Block. The Johnny Smith Block is visible in the background.
The West End Millinery & Dry Goods shop appears in the 1914 Henderson's Brandon City Directory. The store was located in the Avenue Block at 1124 Rosser Avenue. Mrs. A. Barker was listed as the proprietor and milliner. By 1917, Mr. A.F. [Arthur Fred] Barker became the proprietor and Mrs. Barker remained the milliner. By 1919, the shop moved to 130-10th Street, across from the Strand Threatre, where it remained until c.1933.
Custodial History
Donated to Fred McGuinness by G. Baldock in 1971
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the store interior of West End Millinery & Dry Goods located on 130-10th Street. Coats are hanging from a rack, clothing is displayed on dress forms as well as on wooden tables that are lined up in the centre of the shop. The store's tin ceiling, light fixtures, and hardwood floors are visible.
Writing on the back of the photograph reads: Part of West End Millinery & Dry Goods 10th St across from Strand Theatre, 1922
The West End Millinery & Dry Goods shop appears in the 1914 Henderson's Brandon City Directory. The store was located in the Avenue Block at 1124 Rosser Avenue. Mrs. A. Barker was listed as the proprietor and milliner. By 1917, Mr. A.F. [Arthur Fred] Barker became the proprietor and Mrs. Barker remained the milliner. By 1919, the shop moved to 130-10th Street, across from the Strand Threatre, where it remained until c.1933.
Custodial History
Donated to Fred McGuinness by G. Baldock in 1971
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the store interior of West End Millinery & Dry Goods located on 130-10th Street. A shelving unit lines the wall and is filled with boxes, bolts of cloth, and yarns. Displays can be seen on the top of the shelves as well as on wooden tables that are lined up in the centre of the shop. The store's tin ceiling, light fixtures, panelling, radiators, and hardwood floors are visible.
Writing on the back of the photograph reads: 1/2 of West End Millinery & Dry Goods, 10th St across from Strand Theatre, 1922
Photograph shows the west side of 10th Street between Rosser and Princess Avenues. Visible businesses include: Brandon News & Record Shop, Fashion Fabrics, Recreation Bowling & Billiards, Bottomley's, Barry Neill Men's Wear, Simpsons-Sears. Painted on the north face of the Strathcona Block are two advertisements, one for Sutherland and Robertson [Grocery] and the other for Boyd Electric Co. Ltd. Union Jack flags hang from some businesses and light standards.
Photograph shows the west side of 10th Street between Rosser and Princess Avenues. Visible businesses include: Recreation Bowling & Billiards, Bottomley's, Barry Neill Men's Wear, Simpsons-Sears, Allied Hardware Stores, Box Brothers Hardware, Doig's. Painted on the north face of the Strathcona Block are two advertisements, one for Sutherland and Robertson [Grocery] and the other for Boyd Electric Co. Ltd.