Muir started as a clerk for Coombs & Stewart in 1882, went into business for himself 1888 and was still operating in 1938. He closed his 6th Street store in June of 1945 (Brandon Sun).
Muir was a good friend of my pioneer grandfather, Sam Gilmour, who lived a block up the street, and as a small boy I spent many nickels in this store (LAS).
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Wm. "Billy" Muir & grocery store
Located on the west side of the 100 block of 6th St.
This photo presented by Wm. Muir to Martin Kavanagh and donated to collection of Assiniboine Historical Society.
Photograph is stained and water damaged. A newspaper clipping about William (Billy) Muir is glued to the top left hand corner of the mat. The image is exfoliated in the right hand corner. The negative has been reverse printed.
History / Biographical
Coombs & Stewart opened the first general store in Brandon in 1881, which was located on 6th Street and Pacific Avenue. According to G.F. Barker (Brandon: A City, 1977, 291), William (Billy) Muir worked at the store until he opened his own grocery store in 1888.
Custodial History
Donated to Fred McGuinness by Allena Strath (nee Coombs).
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the Coombs & Stewart general store located on the corner of Pacific Avenue and 6th Street. A group of men pose in front of the wood-framed store.
Back of photograph reads: One of first stores in Brandon, Coombs...[?]
Photograph shows four men posing in front of a wood-framed shop on 8th Street and Rosser Avenue. The men are wearing three-piece suits or vests and long-sleeved shirts. A painted sign above the shop reads: Wright & Wright, Hamilton Stove & Tin Store. Hanging from the exterior walls are various tin items for sale: lantern, ladel, dust pan, pots and pans.
Writing on the back of the photograph reads: Corner of 8th & Rosser. Photograph is stamped Public Archives Canada.
This building, demolished in 1971 or 1972, was used by Western Grocers for many years, and then Richard (Dick) Town used it as a vegetable warehouse during the last ten years or so it was standing. Dick does not remember when it was built (it had no date) but remembers its first tenant as being Borbridge Harness, a harness manufacturer. (From L.A.S. conversation with R. Town, June 13, 1977.)
Borbridge Western Ltd. had extensive contracts with Canadian Army Cavalry during WWI.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Western Grocers Building
This building was located on the east side of 11th Street, between Rosser & Pacific Avenues.
Photograph shows eight men posing in front of a wood-framed building on the corner of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue. Above the building's entrance is a painted sign that reads: Apothecaries' Hall. A. Fleming, Druggist is painted in the window above the door. Street signs designating 8th Street and Rosser Avenue are affixed to the building. A transit/theodolite is mounted on a tripod in front of the store.
Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Corner 8th St and Rosser Ave May 1882. Writing on the back of the photograph reads: Corner 8th St and Rosser, May 1882, Apthecaries' Hall, A. Fleming, Druggist. Photograph is stamped Public Archives Canada.
Photograph shows seven men posing in front of a wood-framed shack on 10th Street. The men are wearing three-piece suits or vests and long-sleeved shirts. One man can be seen holding an axe another a saw. A double ox-team wagon is in front of the structure.
Writing on the back of the photograph reads: 10th St. May 1882, Brandon. Photograph is stamped Public Archives Canada.
Photograph has pen markings and publishing mark-up notes on front and back of matting
Scope and Content
Photograph shows the north side of the 900-block of Rosser Avenue, facing west from 9th Street. All the shops appear to be woodframed buildings; the sidewalk has yet to be installed and wooden planks have been laid down in front of the shops. Visible storefronts include: (left to right): Leask & Rose, general merchants (at the 11th Street intersect); Fortier & Bucke - Manufacturers' Agents and CPR Express Co.; The New Era - real estate office; Imperial Bank of Canada; Durand & Macdonald Law Office, T.D. McLean - jeweller; Deacon & Hooper - grocers; and J. Barker Vosburgh - Surgeon & Dentist. The building in the foreground has Rosser Avenue and 9th Street street signs affixed above the entrance to the building. A chuckwagon is parked in front of Fortier & Bucke.
Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Brandon.
This store, the first established in Brandon (June 12, 1881), was erected on the southeast corner of 6th St. & Pacific Avenue, facing Pacific.
Coombs and Steward later opened a store on the northeast corner of 9th St. & Rosser Ave.
Billy Muir was Coombs & Stewart's first clerk. He later opened a store of his own on the west side of the 100 block of 6th St., which he operated for nearly 50 years. (I was often a customer as a kid - LAS). Billy Muir closed his 6th Street store June 1945 (Brandon Sun). [See E18]
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Photograph shows the buildings of the Brandon General Hospital
Part of "Christie's Brandon Series of Six Colored Picture Postcards of Brandon, Manitoba, The Crown Series, Published by Christie's Bookstore, Brandon, Man." [note: missing sixth postcard]. Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Man.
Left hand corner of mat is bent. Mock-up instructions are written in pencil at the bottom right hand corner. Portions of the photograph itself are marked with pen.
History / Biographical
The Queen's Hotel was located on the corner of Rosser Avenue and Tenth Street (Steen & Boyce, 1882. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and Her Industries. Steen & Boyce Publishers Printers & Binders, 81.). Therefore this photo appears to display Rosser Avenue looking east. P.E. 11/06/09
Scope and Content
Photograph shows early Rosser Avenue under construction between 9th Street and 10th Street in the 1880s. Buildings that line the avenue are wood framed and there are wooden boardwalks in front of a few structures. On the north side of Rosser Avenue signs for Fortier & Bucke Commision Agents and Transit House (Hotel) can be seen. On the south side of Rosser Avenue, the Queen's Hotel and Robinson Brothers and Company groceries and dry goods store are open for business. A family appears to be standing on the stoop at the dry goods store. A boy is lounging in the entryway of the Queen's Hotel. A man is standing on a wooden plank that extends across the dirt road of Rosser Avenue between the dry goods store and the commission agents' shop.
Photograph shows an eastern view of the hospital grounds, including the 1922 hospital building.
Part of "Souvenir of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada [viewbook], Printed by Photogelatine Engraving Co. Limited, Ottawa." Dates obtained from the Burchill's Music Store Henderson's Brandon City Directory listings (1927-1929). Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Hospital & Nurses Home, Brandon, Man.
Corners of photograph mat are bent. Picture is cracked.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows an early view of Brandon's 6th Street in the 1880s. The Winter & O'Neail Groceries & Provisions and James Smart Hardware storefronts have been photographed. A street sign designating 6th Street can be seen below the Winter & O'Neail sign. A horse and cart is parked in front of the grocery store. A number of men wearing hats and jackets are standing along the boardwalk while posing for the picture. Lumber/timber saws are displayed in teh windows of the hardware store.
Front of photograph reads: 6th Street, Brandon, Manitoba, 1881-1882, Entrance [to Winter & O'Neail] corner of Rosser Ave & 6th Street.
Photograph mat is bent. Emulsion problems with image.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows Rosser Avenue in its incipient stages. Canvas tents are mixed amongst wooden structures. The James Smart Hardware store, Winter & O'Neail Groceries & Provisions, and the law office of F.G.A. Henderson in the Molesworth Block can be seen on the north side of Rosser Avenue. A street sign designating 6th Street can be seen below the Winter & O'Neail sign. A horse and buggie is traveling down the dirt track that is Rosser Avenue. Groups of men can be seen congregating outside some of the local businesses.
Front of photograph reads: Rosser Avenue, Brandon 1882-1883, from east of Six Street. Back of photograph is stamped: I. Bennetto & Co., Photographers, Opposite Post-Office, Winnipeg, Man.
The 1901 Canadian Census places the Lehigh family near Brockville, Ontario, where Everett E. Lehigh (b. 19 May 1881) was farming with his widowed father Solon (b. 20 Aug 1849) and younger sister, Edna (b. 08 Feb 1884). The genealogical website identifies a Mary Wickware as marrying Everett E. Lehigh in Alqonquin, Ontario, on 04 April 1905.
E.E. Lehigh appears in the Henderson's Brandon City Directories in 1919. By 1923, he was Vice-President of Motors Ltd., which had its shop on 151-7th Street. By 1925, Lehigh had taken over the garage, renaming it Lehigh Motors, which became the sole agent for McLaughlin Motor Cars. By 1927, Lehigh Motors had opened a second branch on 12th Street and Princess Avenue, which was formerly the Brandon Auto Garage. Lehigh had become the exclusive dealer for McLaughlin-Buick, Pontiac, and Oldsmobile motor cars.
It appears Lehigh moved his business, E.E. Lehigh Ltd., to 799 Pacific Avenue by 1929. By then, Lehigh had a head office in Winnipeg at 640 Portage Avenue where he served as president and was the provincial distributor for Rugby trucks and Durant cars. Although E.E. Lehigh had a residence in Brandon (325 - 14th Street), Mr. S.G. Cunningham was listed as the Brandon representative for Lehigh Motors Ltd. in the Henderson Directories. By 1931, E.E. Lehigh Ltd. had moved once again, this time to 151-153 - 9th Street.
E.E. Lehigh disappears from the Henderson's Brandon City Directory by 1933 and a Mrs. E.E. Lehigh (possibly Mary (Wickware) Lehigh, d.21 July 1943) is listed under the 14th Street residence. The 9th Street garage address is divided between Munns Taxi (151-9th Street) and Wheat City Auto Wreckers (153-9th Street.)
Custodial History
Photograph was in possession of Mrs. Ruby Miles, who passed the image on to Fred McGuinness. McGuinness makes reference to Mrs. Miles and this photograph in his Sunbeams column (Source: F.A. Rosser, "Another interesting chat with a daughter of the plains," Brandon Sun 18 Aug 1981).
Scope and Content
Photograph shows a group portrait of 33 individuals standing and seated in front of the business E.E. Lehigh Ltd., Brandon. The storefront window has a sign that reads: Durant Motor Cars, E.E. Lehigh Ltd., Brandon. The door to the business has Lehigh Motors stencilled on the window. The men are wearing jackets and ties, and there are three women, possibly clerical staff, wearing 1920s era dresses. The elderly man seated in the centre of the photograph, wearing a long-sleeved white dress shirt might be Everett E. Lehigh.
Writing on the front of the photograph is embossed: C.J. Smith
Photograph shows the Brandon Wheat Market along Pacific Avenue on November 30, 1885. Farmers can be seen driving wagon teams loaded with bags of grain in line on Pacific Avenue from 10 Street to at least 7th Street. On the north side of Pacific Avenue the CPR Land Office and grain elevators are pictured. On the south side of Pacific Avenue, the general merchant/hardware store Bower, Blackburn, Mundell & Porter is situated on the corner of Pacific Avenue and 10th Street. A 10th Street sign is affixed to the merchants' store. On the east side of the general store, Edie House, the Grand View Hotel, and a Farmers' boarding and lodging house can be seen. Most of the buildings appear to be woodframed except for the Grand View, which is constructed of brick. Sidewalks appear to be in place on the south side of Pacific and snow dusts the streets. A baby swathed in winter clothing sits in a pram/baby carriage in front of the general store.
Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Novemeber 30th, 1885, Brandon Wheat Market
Photograph shows a group of four men standing on a platform at the entrance of the Dominion Express Company. William Frederick McGuinness stands on the left.