Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and carriages west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 295 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.11) is glued above and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing, Robert Hall [Insurance Broker], Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and buggies west along Rosser Avenue as spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 294 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.10) is glued below and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
History / Biographical
Photograph of possible Dakota from Sioux Valley in Brandon for the summer fair.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival, the Brandon Hardware Company, and the Arlington Hotel. A number of Aboriginal peoples are driving horse and buggies east along Rosser Avenue as large numbers of spectators look on.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 298. One photograph (20-2009.79) is glued above, another (20-2009.81) adjacent. One other is glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. The Fleming Block, Beaubier Block and its Empire Hotel, A.M. Percival (a grocer), the Brandon Hardware Company (600 block), and the Arlington Hotel (500 block) are visible along the north side of the avenue. The Bank of Hamilton Building on the southeast corner of 8th Street and Rosser appears to be under construction. A sign in the second storey window above the main entrance reads: law office. The streets are muddy and a horse and buggy is traveling west on Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: mud November 12, 1906, 339. The photograph appears to be taken from the interior of a builing on the southwest corner of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Horse and buggies are travelling on the avenue and pedestrians fill the sidewalks. Union Jacks and English flags are mounted from the windows on the Fleming and Beaubier blocks. Flag banners are drapped across Rosser Avenue. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing and Spring Park Nurseries. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. An advertisement for the Northern Bank is affixed to a telephone pole on the southside of the street.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: July 1 1906, 314. One photograph (20-2009.8) is glued below and another, 20-2009.6, is glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. Horse and buggies are travelling on the avenue and pedestrians fill the sidewalks. Union Jacks and English flags are mounted from the windows on the Fleming and Beaubier blocks. Flag banners are drapped across Rosser Avenue. Businesses visible in the Fleming Block include: Lowes Brothers Clothing and Spring Park Nurseries. Businesses visible in the Beaubier Block include the Empire Hotel. Businesses east of the Empire Hotel are grocer A.M. Percival and the Brandon Hardware Company. An advertisement for the Northern Bank is affixed to a telephone pole on the southside of the street. The street is lined with litter and a number of dogs can be seen roaming the area.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 313 July 1906. One photograph (20-2009.8) is glued below and another, 20-2009.6, is glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photograph is scratched and has been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of intersection of the 000 block of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue. Horse and buggies are travelling on both roads. Businesses on the east side of 8th Street from Pacific to Rosser Avenues are clearly visible and include: a Lunch Room (likely Aagaard's Lunch Counter), the Hotel Imperial Annex, Liverpool House (a boarding house), R.S. Thompson and Company Real Estate Office (Land Office), a barber shop (likely J. Coulter's), Frank Gowen photography studio, and Fleming's Drug Store. A possible street fair is in progress on Rosser Avenue. One man is surrounded by a crowd adjacent to the Fleming Block, another man stands on a soap box in the middle of the intersection, while a third man is standing behind a booth. Building construction appears to be happening on the west corner of 7th Street and Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 296. One photograph (20-2009.12) is glued above and two others are glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block, along which sewer pipe is being laid. Visible buildings and businesses include: The Fleming Block with Lowes Brothers Clothing and Manitoba Farmers Hedge and Wire Fence Company, the Beaubier Block and its Empire Hotel, A.M. Percival (a grocer), the Brandon Hardware Company (600 block), and the Arlington Hotel (500 block) are visible along the north side of the avenue. The Bank of Hamilton Building is on the southeast corner of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 290. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photograph is scratched and has been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of the northeast intersection of the 000 block of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue. Horse and buggies are parked along the east side of 8th Street. Businesses on the east side of 8th Street from Pacific to Rosser Avenues are clearly visible and include: a Lunch Room (likely Aagaard's Lunch Counter), the Hotel Imperial Annex, Liverpool House (a boarding house), R.S. Thompson and Company Real Estate Office (Land Office), a barber shop (likely J. Coulter's), Frank Gowen photography studio, and Fleming's Drug Store. A possible street fair is in progress on Rosser Avenue. One man is standing on a soap box and is surrounded by a crowd in the middle of 8th Street. Another man can be seen standing behind a booth on the northwest street corner. Building construction appears to be happening on the west corner of 8th Street and Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: 297. One photograph (20-2009.80) is glued below the photograph. Another photograph is glued on the reverse side. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Custodial History
On 16 November 1906, Manitoba was hit by a severe winter storm that began that Thursday evening and extended through the weekend. The Brandon Daily Sun ("Storm Extends Over a Large Territory," 17 Nov. 1906, 1) reported that rail and telegraph services had been disrupted, country roads were impassable, and business in town was at a stand still. Following the weekend, the daily reported the blizzard was one of the greatest in recent memory. CPR trains had been caught in drifts by Carberry and an express car had caught fire and was destroyed ("Worst Storm in Many Years," Brandon Daily Sun, 19 Nov. 1906, 1).
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. The Fleming Block, Beaubier Block and its Empire Hotel, A.M. Percival (a grocer), the Brandon Hardware Company (600 block), and the Arlington Hotel (500 block) are visible along the north side of the avenue. The Bank of Hamilton Building on the southeast corner of 8th Street and Rosser appears to be under construction. The streets are muddy and a horse and buggy is traveling west on Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: during the great storm of November 16 1906, 341. The photograph appears to be taken from the interior of a builing on the southwest corner of 7th Street and Rosser Avenue. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photograph shows the 800 block of Rosser Avenue facing west. On the south side of Rosser Avenue the Nation Block, Christie's Bookstore, and Reesor's Clock can be seen. A number of horse and buggies/carriages are travelling along Rosser Avenue.
Photograph shows two aboriginal women standing before a tipi in the brush.
Writing beneath the photograph in the album reads: At the Indian Settlement. Based on provenience of images in the album, the aboringals in question may be from the Michipicoten band.
See fonds level of the CKX records for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Image of the southside of the 1100 block of Rosser Avenue in winter. Visible are O.L. Harwood Ltd., the Key Kafe and Northern Auto Parts. The Perth's building, located in the 1200 block, can be seen on the righthand side in the background. A number of vehicles, a pedestrian and a man shovelling snow are also visible.
Photograph shows the 700-block of Rosser Avenue facing west. Visible businesses on the north side of Rosser Avenue include: Burchill's Music Store, E.W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. 5-10 and 15 Cent Store in the E.E. Evans Block, Empire Hotel, and W.A. Paterson Drugs. Automobiles are parked on both sides of the avenue and at the time the photograph was taken, Rosser Avenue was a two-way street.
Part of "Souvenir of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada [viewbook], Printed by Photogelatine Engraving Co. Limited, Ottawa." Dates obtained from the Burchill's Music Store Henderson's Brandon City Directory listings (1927-1929). Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Rosser St. [sic.] - Brandon, Man.
See fonds level of the CKX records for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Image of the southside of the 1000 and 1100 block of Rosser Avenue looking east in winter. Visible in the foregraound are O.L. Harwood Ltd., and the Key Kafe. Buildings in the 1000 block include: the Imperial Bank of Canada, the original Post Office and Federal Building and the original Merchants Bank. A number of pedestrians are also visible, as are Christmas decorations on the streetlights and telephone poles.
After demise of the streetcars, a transit system was started by MacArthur Transportation Co. with three routes, an east end loop, a south end loop, and a west end loop, with terminal at 8th St. & Rosser Ave. The E & W was operated as a continuous route with two locally built coach bodies on new Maple Leaf trucks. A secondhand, larger, Leland coach was acquired for the S. end, which was replaced by a large GMC about 1938.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
The Strome & White Co. General Store (L. foreground; built 1902) became Brandon Hardware & Brandon Hardware block, later Ashdowns; The final tenant was Stylerite Hardware with two floors of residential suites. It was destroyed by fire March 27, 1983
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
View of Rosser Avenue, looking east from Seventh Street
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
800 block of Rosser Avenue, south side. Johnson's Hardware Building; Mitrou Building; Christie Building (Brandon Musical Supply) just prior to demolition for Gallery Mall.