A practical system of book-keeping by single and double entry : containing forms of books and practical exercises, adapted to the use of the farmer, mechanic, merchant, and professional man
A collection of forms of practice and pleading in actions, whether for legal or equitable relief : and in special proceedings : prepared with reference to the code of procedure of the State of New York, and adapted to the present practice in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Missouri, Kentucky, and Alabama, and the island of Newfoundland
Photograph includes members of the Lodge including (listed on reverse of photograph) Joe Irwin, Bob Hastings, Dr. Dickson, Johnny Montgomery, Joe Robinson, John A. MacDonald, P.C. Duncan, A.B. Mcleod, Baptist Minister?[sic], Dr. McDiarmid, Lisle Christie, Rev. Flewelling, Mr.[sic] Burns.
The making of the empire : the story of our colonies, from the earliest times to 1895 with additional chapter bringing the record down to December 1897
The human body / : a beginner's text-book of anatomy, physiology and hygiene with directions for illustrating important facts of man's anatomy from that of the lower animals, and with special references to the effects of alcoholic and other stimulants, and of narcotics