The amateur's kitchen garden, frame-ground and forcing pit : a handy guide to the formation and management of the kitchen garden and the cultivation of useful vegetables and fruits
Bertha Cunningham is a Western Manitoban artist who has studied at the Banff School of Fine Arts several summers and has painted in Winnipeg for periods under the guidance of members of the School of Fine Art. She paints mainly landscapes. (1969 inventory)
Don LeQuesne, Associate professor of Art and Art Education at Brandon College 1962-1965 was from the Toronto area where he had been supervisor of art in the Pickering school system and taught Art Methods in Summer school for teachers at the Ontario College of Education. His parents immigrated to Quebec from the Channel Islands. Don obtained his B.F.A. degree from Mount Allison University. (1969 inventory)
Photograph shows a float advertisement for the Manitoba Agricultural College. The photograph was taken at Treesbank, MB. The banners on the float read: "Prosperity like a Tree" "If the Roots Suffer, the Leaves Wither and the Trunk Dies."