Photograph shows a funeral procession travelling west on Lorne Avenue and turning south onto 18th Street in Brandon. The photograph was taken from Brandon College.
Photograph is looking east down Lorne Avenue East from approximately the 13th Avenue East intersection. On the north side of the street are the Hillside Townhouses with the Lady Sylvia apartment block and Simplot Canada Ltd. in the background.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Photograph is looking east down Lorne Avenue East from approximately the 13th Avenue East intersection. On the north side of the street are the Hillside Townhouses with the Lady Sylvia apartment block and Simplot Canada Ltd. in the background.
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Location Copy
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
[Mr. Stuckey put 5 and 5 prints negatives in the same envelope. We have separated them and numbered the negatives CA15(1) to CA15(5), and the corresponding prints CA15(1a) to CA15(5a).]
Photographs have been glued to a backing board that has warped over time
Custodial History
On 16 November 1906, Manitoba was hit by a severe winter storm that began that Thursday evening and extended through the weekend. The Brandon Daily Sun ("Storm Extends Over a Large Territory," 17 Nov. 1906, 1) reported that rail and telegraph services had been disrupted, country roads were impassable, and business in town was at a stand still. Following the weekend, the daily reported the blizzard was one of the greatest in recent memory. CPR trains had been caught in drifts by Carberry and an express car had caught fire and was destroyed ("Worst Storm in Many Years," Brandon Daily Sun, 19 Nov. 1906, 1).
Scope and Content
Photograph shows street view of north side of Rosser Avenue, primarily the 700 block. The Fleming Block, Beaubier Block and its Empire Hotel, A.M. Percival (a grocer), the Brandon Hardware Company (600 block), and the Arlington Hotel (500 block) are visible along the north side of the avenue. The Bank of Hamilton Building on the southeast corner of 8th Street and Rosser appears to be under construction. The streets are muddy and a horse and buggy is traveling west on Rosser Avenue.
Writing on the front of the photograph matting reads: during the great storm of November 16 1906, 341. The photograph appears to be taken from the interior of a builing on the southwest corner of 7th Street and Rosser Avenue. Page appears to be from a photo album.
Photograph shows a western view of the residential area along Lorne Avenue from St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church. Roof-tops of Central School, First Baptist, Brandon College, Manitoba Power Plant, and Old City Hall are visible.
Writing on the front of the postcard reads: Lorne Avenue, looking West from St. Augustine's R.C. Church, Brandon, Man. Writing on the back of the postcard reads: The Valentine & Sons Publishing Ltd., Montreal and London, Printed in Great Britain. A cancelled George VI purple Canada 3 cent stamp has been postmarked: Brandon SP 11 52.
"Built in 1892 by Bell Brothers Construction, Lorne Terrace is a typical terrace house - a facility that combined several addresses in what would appear to be a very large house" (Manitoba Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport). It is currently listed as Manitoba Municipal Heritage Site No. 197.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.