This box contains general and special circulars sent out by the MPE central office to the local ssociations. The records include the following:
39. General Circulars 1965
40. General Circulars 1966
41. General Circulars 1967
42. General Circulars 1968
43. General Circulars 1969
44. General Circulars 1970-1979
45. Special Circulars 1926-1939
46. Special Circulars 1940-1949
47a. Special Circulars 1950-1952
47b. Special Circulars 1952-1959
48a. Special Circulars 1960-1969
48b. Special Circulars 1960-1969
This box contains general circulars sent out by the MPE central office to the local ssociations. The records include the following:
1. General Circulars 1926-27
2a. General Circulars 1928
2b. General Circulars 1928
3a. General Circulars 1929
3b. General Circulars 1929
4a. General Circulars 1930
4b. General Circulars 1930
5a. General Circulars 1931
This box contains general circulars sent out by the MPE central office to the local ssociations. The records include the following:
5b. General Circulars 1931
6a. General Circulars 1932
6b. General Circulars 1932
7. General Circulars 1933
8. General Circulars 1934
9. General Circulars 1935
10. General Circulars 1936
11a. General Circulars 1937
11b. General Circulars 1937
This box contains general circulars sent out by the MPE central office to the local ssociations. The records include the following:
12a. General Circulars 1938
12b. General Circulars 1938
13. General Circulars 1939
14a. General Circulars 1940
14b. General Circulars 1940
15a. General Circulars 1941
15b. General Circulars 1941
16. General Circulars 1942
17a. General Circulars 1943
17b. General Circulars 1943
This box contains general circulars sent out by the MPE central office to the local ssociations. The records include the following:
18. General Circulars 1944
19. General Circulars 1945
20. General Circulars 1946
21. General Circulars 1947
22. General Circulars 1948
23. General Circulars 1949
24. General Circulars 1950
25. General Circulars 1951
26. General Circulars 1952
27. General Circulars 1953
28. General Circulars 1954
29. General Circulars 1955
30. General Circulars 1956
31. General Circulars 1957
This box contains general circulars sent out by the MPE central office to the local ssociations. The records include the following:
32. General Circulars 1958
33. General Circulars 1959
34a. General Circulars 1960
34b. General Circulars 1960
35. General Circulars 1961
36. General Circulars 1962
37a. General Circulars 1963
37b. General Circulars 1963
38a. General Circulars 1964
38b. General Circulars 1964
Circulars were used by Manitoba Pool Elevators to facilate communication between the central office and the local associations. Circulars were most often about Manitoba Pool Elevators and topic related to the running of the company, but they could also be about the co-operative movement, world events, or other aspects of rural life in Manitoba. See fonds level description of RG 4 for complete history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.6 consists of circulars and newsletters. See Box level entries under B.6 for detailed contents of records.
This box contains minutes generated by local MPE associations, collected by the central office. Records include the following:
63. Hargrave 1968-72; 1975-76
64. Isabella 1968-1976
65a. Jordan 1972-1976
65b. Jordan 1968-1972
66a. Lauder 1972-1976
66b. Lauder 1968-1972
67a. Lyleton 1972-1976
67b. Lyleton 1968-1972
68a. Moore Park 1974-1976
68b. Moore Park 1971-1974
68c. Moore Park 1968-1971
69a. Napinka 1972-1976
69b. Napinka 1968-1972
70. Nesbitt 1973-1976
71. Ninga 1973-1976
72. Pierson 1973-1976
73. Sperling 1973-1976
74. Tilston 1973-1976
75. Waskada 1973-1976
76a. Alexander Jan 24 1977 – June 1978
76b. Beresford April 4 1977 – Nov 27 1980
76c. Bradwardine Feb 21 1977 – Nov 18 1980
77. Beulah 1977 – 1980
78a. Cardale 1978-1980
78b. Cardale 1977-1978
This box contains bound volumes of audited financial statements for local MPE associations. The records include the following:
Local Association Financial Statements 1947-48 A-Fan; 1947-48 For-Men; 1947-48 Men-Woo; 1948-49 A-Fan; 1948-49 For-Men; 1948-49 Men-Woo; 1949-50 A-Fan
This box contains bound volumes of audited financial statements for local MPE associations. The records include the following:
Local Association Financial Statements 1944-45 A-Ewa; 1944-45 Fai-McC; 1944-45 McT-Woo; 1945-46 A-Fan; 1945-46 For-Men; 1945-46 Men-Woo; 1946-47 A-Fan; 1946-47 For-Men; 1946-47 Men-Woo
As a co-operative company, the Manitoba Wheat Pool and later the Manitoba Pool Elevators was member controlled. In order to run the company successfully members needed to be educated and kept updated about the companies financial and organizational situation. Annual reports were one of the many ways the Pool tried to do this. See fonds level description of RG 4 for complete history/bio of MPE.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.7 consists of annual reports. There are two complete sets of annual reports, one for archival storage and one for use by researchers. Neither set contains a report for 1931. Reports from 1926 until 1928 are Manitoba Co-operative Wheat Producers, Ltd. Reports, 1929 - 1930 are Manitoba Wheat Pool Reports. All reports subsequent to 1931 are Manitoba Pool Elevators.
Archival set: (1) Bound Copies, MPE Annual Reports Vol. 1 1926 - 1949; MPE Annual Reports Vol. 2 1950 - 1959; MPE Annual Reports 1960 - 1969; (2) Individual MPE Annual Reports 1970 - 1998
Reserch set: Individual MPE Annual Reports 1926 - 1930, 1932 - 1998
This box contains correspondence to the secretaries of locals, memorandums, resolutions, questionnaires and general corresponce. The records include the following:
1. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals June 30 1924 – July 16 1929
2. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals July 19 1929 – Sept 28 1931
3a. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Oct 16 1931 – Jan 26 1940
3b. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Jan 29 1940 – Nov 26 1942
4. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Jan 7 1943 – Nov 3 1948
5. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Dec 1948 – August 4 1953
6. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Sept 21 1953 – Oct 21 1959
7a. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Jan 6 1960 – March 2 1964
7b. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals March 11 1964 – Nov 12 1968
8a. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals Sept 23 1968 – Dec 3 1970
9a. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals June 22 1973 – July 11 1975
9b. Correspondence to Secretaries of Locals July 25 1975 – Dec 1979
10. Memorandums 1926 – 1974
11. Resolutions 1927 – 1956
12. Resolutions 1957 – 1974
13. Questionnaires 1941; 1949; 1954; 1963; 1967
14a. General Correspondence Feb 14 1925 – May 7 1931
14b. General Correspondence July 3 1931 – Dec 1954