An anthology intended for junior and middle form pupils
pt. 1. [A book of chosen verses, of cogitation, browsing, dreaming, and occasional imitation] -- pt. 1A. A book of poems of incident and narration -- pt. 2. A book of English poems, standard and modern, with helps to contemplation and mild incitements to emulation -- pt. 3. A book of longer poems from Geoffrey Chaucer to Francis Thompson -- pt. 4. Poems of yesterday and to-day
Lake Clementi was Brandon's popular summer resort until the opening of Clear Lake. There were summer cottages all along the south shore, as well as a grocery and confectionery store and a dancehall.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Lake Clementi
[This negative was produced using an image previous published by Bloom Bros., Winnipeg, Canada. P.E. 23/07/09.]
Additional historical information provided by the Fred McGuinness collection (20-2009).