W.M.C.A.Convocation (Spring '76) Stanley Knowles (standing), L to R: ?,?,?, W. Lorimer, Dept. Min., H. Tolton, Lld., L. Dulmage, M. Blanar, A. Miller, R. Pippert background: E. Pepper, Chris Kennedy (University Registrar) , A. Loveridge, A.C.C., ?,?, R.F.B. King
W.M.C.A.Convocation (spring '76 p.m.) L to R (1st row) ?,?, W.H.N. Hargreaves Mawdsley, W. Lorimer, Hon. Ben Hanuschak, Min. of Ed., L. Cragg, L.L.D., Stanley Knowles, L. Dulmage, M. Blanar, A. Miiller, L. Watson background: Elwood Gorrie, Mayor, W. Morrison, W. Pearson, M. Lelonde, A. Loveridge, Richards ?, Burmeister
W.M.C.A.Convocation (spring '76)L to R (front row) Stanley Knowles, A.L. Dulmage, Mike Blanar, R. Miller, (background) Helen Riesberry, Peggy Sharpe, ?, Phil Constans, A Loveridge, A.C.C.
W.M.C.A.B.U. Convocation (spring '79)L to R (front row) K. Burgess, Mayor, W.G. Dinsdale, P.C. M.P., K. A. Cosens, MLA, Min. of Ed., H.S. Perdue (standing) , H.J.Perkins, R. Beamish, ?, D.R. McKay
W.M.C.A.B.U. Convocation (Spring 79). L to R. (front row) W. G. Dinsdale; P.C.M.P., E. R. McGill; M.L.A, K.A. Cosens; M.L.A., Min of Education (Standing), Background (clear) L. Liu, P. Letkeman, B. Parsons, Chris. Kennedy (University Registrar).
W.M.C.A.Convocation (Spring) 79. L to R (front row) W. G. Dinsdale; P.C.M.P (Bran Services), K. A. Cosens; M.L.A Minister of Education, E.R. McGill; M.L.A. (Brandon West), Eleanor Cunningham; Dir. Alumni Affairs, G. Longphee, Dr. H. Perkins
W.M.C.A Convocation, Spring 1979. L to R (front row) A. G. Dinsdale; P.C.M.P. (Brandon Services), K. A. Cosens; M.L.A. Min of Education, McGill, Ed., F. L. John, Lt. Gov (stg), R. Beamish, G. Longphee Background (clear) H. V. Vidal (glasses) Earl Davey (beard) P. Letkeman (glasses), B. Parsons, E. Pepper, A. Loreridge, Prin. A.C.C., C. Kennedy.