Paint loss in areas 49cm T X 66cm R; 47cm TM X 87.5cm R (both c.. 0.5cm in diameter). Many long, thin scratches resulting in paint abrasion, especially in lower part of the painting. Paint loss in area 48cm B X 101cm L (c.. 0.5 X 1cm)-possibly inherent to the image. Painting could use some surface protection to prevent further damages
Sitting Bull made only one tour with the Wild West Show, declining other invitations feeling his presence was needed by his followers at the Standing Rock Agency. This photograph was known to have been taken by David Notman, son of the premier Canadian photographer William Notman, during the summer of 1885. Barry likely obtained this copy of the negative from Notman himself. (Harbaugh, P., 1982)
15 X 10.5 cm
Size Overall
51 X 41 cm
Black and white photograph
Severe bowing back of both vertical edges away from mat.
This is an artificially created body of records dealing with four firms acquired by A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. An administrative history for each company can be found below.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
Included within the sub-series are financial records, correspondence, merger documents, miscellaneous documents and records. Not all of the companies contain the same categories of information. This series is sub divided into each of the major companies acquired by McKenzie Seeds throughout its years of operation. The sub-series include: (1) Brett-Young/Sabetha Seed Companies; (2) Steele Briggs Seed Company; (3) Pike and Co.; and (4) McFayden Seends.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 3 Acquisitions