Tradition and transition : extension education for the farm unit in a changing society : a study of all agricultural extension services in Alberta with new directions charted to 1980
A detailed study of serious problems now cofronting all users of the International St. Lawrence Seaway (Montreal-Lake Ontario) and all- Canadian Welland Ship Canal
The universal dictionary of the English language : a new and original compilation giving all pronunciations in simplified and in more exact phonetic notations, extensive etymologies, definitions, the latest accepted words in scientific, technical, and general use, with copious illustrative phrases, and colloquialisms
Word expositor and spelling guide : school manual exhibiting the spelling, pronunciation, meaning, and derivation of all the important and peculiar words in the English language : with copious exercises for examination and dictation
The elements of pedagogy : a manual for teachers, normal schools, normal institutes, teachers' reading circles, and all persons interested in school education
A primer of map geography : for pupils preparing for promotion examinations; pupils preparing for entrance examinations; pupils preparing for intermediate examinations; students preparing for teacher's certificates, and all offical examinations with recent departmental examination papers from the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia
Julian's interest tables, : containing an accurate calculation of interest, at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 per cent., both simple and compound on all sums from 1 cent to $10,000, and from one day to six years
The Principles of English grammar : comprising the substance of all the most approved English grammars extant, briefly defined, and neatly arranged, with copious exercises in parsing and syntax