Photograph is looking west northwest and shows the east side and the south side of the Original Music Building in summer. The Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium is in the background.
Photograph is looking west northwest and shows the east side and south side of the Original Music Building. The photograph was taken before the construction of the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium.
Photograph is looking northwest from the east side of the driveway and shows the east side of the Original Music Building as well as a partial view of Princess Avenue. There are a number of students milling about in front of the building.
Photograph is looking south southwest from Princess Avenue and shows the east side of the Original Music Building and part of the north and east sides of the Education Building.
The Original Music Building was completed in 1963. The School of Music moved to the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building in 1985. From c.1986 until 1997, the Original Music Building housed Student Services. Since 1997, the building has been used by the School of Health Studies; a new segment was added to the Original Music Building in 2003 to create the Health Studies Complex.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of photographs of the Original Music Building and the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building.
Queen Elizabeth II Music Building has been abbreviated to QEII Music Building.
All photographs of the Health Studies Complex, which includes the Original Music Building, are part of BUPC sub-series 2.10.
File consists of a request for approval in principle and a request for final approval for financial assistance for special capital project to the Universities Grants Commission, correspondence, notes and a blueprint.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.6 Board Projects
Box 1