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Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
13-2006, 23-2006, 1-2007
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Brandon College Literary Society
Brandon College Students' Association
Brandon University Students' Association
The Quill
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
RG 6 14.5.3
Accession Number
13-2006, 23-2006, 1-2007
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Condition
Generally good. Some editions are fragile. Over the years Library, and later Archives' staff, have stamped/ annotated data points on various issues. These annotations have not been noted at the item level.
History / Biographical
The Quill was established in 1910, and is the second oldest student newspaper in western Canada. It was also the first student run publication at Brandon College. The December (Vol. I, No. 1) edition states that "the demand for such a paper [had] been steadily increasing until at last some definite steps towards bringing one into existence became absolutely necessary." The first step was the election of a committe by the Literary Society to look into the possibilites of the project and report at a special meeting. Following the acceptance of the committee's favorable report, another committee was appointed to outline a policy and nominate officers and staff. The inagural staff of the Quill, "having examined the reasons for the discontinuance of the Brandon College Monthly some years ago, [found] that these have been to a large extent removed by the development of the College in the intervening years." They felt that the "student body [had] grown to such an extent that the problem of getting suffiecient material for a paper, as well as the financial difficulty, [had] been appreciably reduced." For them, this development "not only justified but demanded the advent of a College paper." The creation of the Quill was also influenced by the awareness of the students involved that their college was in a state of constant change. They felt that they "[could not] allow this important period of [their] College history to pass away and be forgotten." The newpaper enabled them to record the growth and changes on campus for the benefit of the students and friends of the College. Originally the publication of three editions of the Quill, i.e. Christmas, Easter and a special graduates' number, were planned; the policy on the limited number of issues was to allow the Quill and its staff time to establish themselves, with the aim of expanding into a monthly paper as soon as it was thought advisable to do so. In 1911, the Quill was printed quarterly, with the first three issues of the school year consisting of student publications and professors writings, as well as containg various columns on campus activities. The final issue of that year, and subsequent years, was called the Commencement Issue, and it contained a brief biographical sketch of each member of the graduating class. In 1927, the Quill was split into two separate entities. In the April edition (Vol. XVI, No. 11), the editorial staff wrote that the Quill's ". . . function and the efficiency with which it has performed that function in the immediate past are . . . doubtful. The present management realize this and feel that the "Quill" as conducted at present can assume neither the utility of a newspaper nor the intrinsic value of a year-book." Subsequently it was decided to publish a fortnightly, or bi-weekly newspaper, which retained the title of "The Quill," as well as a new publication, named The Sickle, which was to act as a yearbook. This decision was also influenced by the belief that by creating a sepaprate newspaper and yearbook "Brandon College [would] then be on a similar basis in this respect as her sister institutions throughout the Dominion." Although the Quill has occassionally ceased production (for a week or two at most) throughout its history, usually due to a lack of student participation in its production and/or financial troubles, it has continued to be published as as newspaper since 1927. In 1933, the Quill was presented in an entirely new form. Weekly, for three issues a month, a bulletin was published, with a fourth and more substantial issue at the end of the month. The introduction of the new broadsheet form was an attempt to "reduce stale news" and allow the publication to operate with a "greatly reduced budget." The broadsheet format of the Quill was abandoned in 1934-1935. Further changes were introduced with the January 15, 1963 (Vol. 53, No. 6) edition of the Quill. In the editorial section of that issue, the staff commented that "the Quill has remained as it is, in size, pattern and almost in content for the last fifty years!" In response, they introduced a weekly Quill (the Quill was first published as a weekly in 1937) and proclaimed that "we find the miserly, pamphlet-sized, shrunken-like Quill no more. In its stead, a fully-grown, broad-shouldered, new Quill has risen." Changes included the creation of the Feature and Intervarsity sections, with their own editors, a definite format in the 'lay-out' of articles, and the 'set-up' of pages, as well as a basic and overall reorganization of the Quill staff. In September 1969 (Vol. 60, No. 1), Acting Editor Tom Brook and the Quill staff clarified the position and purpose of the Quill as follows: "The primary purpose of the Quill is to bring to the attention of the students of Brandon University the issues and events that have direct implications on the lives of these people. We do and will continue to editorialize in our reporting. It may be not as strong as that seen in the past. But the Quill staff does feel that subjective evaluation of events after the case has been put factually is valid, and this shall be a policy that will be adhered to during the coming year." They also took a moment to point out that the Quill, although a student press, was not a commercial newspaper. Furthermore, they wanted "to see the Quill move closer to the concept of the bourgeois pressbut not so close that it loses its identification with students and the issues that concern them." By 1971, the Quill had adopted the statement of principle of the Student Press in Canada as outline in the Resolutions of the Canadian University Press. Printed on the front page of the September 24 edition, the Quill stated the following policy: It is ". . . our belief 'that the major role of the student press is to act as an agent of social change, striving to emphasize the rights and responsibilities of the student citizen', and 'that the student press must in fulfilling this role perform both an educative and an active function.'" The policy went on to declare that the Quill, as an alternative press (an alternative to the commercial press), rather than a newspaper, was "limited to presenting news which the commerical press does not handle and to providing news analysis." The democratic nature of the Quill was also clearly stated in the policy. The structure of the Quill was altered again in 1984, when an editorial board was instated, replacing the previous editor-in-chief system (although in most cases there was more than one editor in any given year). This board was to function as an organizing unit, with the collective electing officers for a one year term. The collective was made up of members, who had to contribute something to the Quill in one out of every three issues, in order to vote. Contributions included actual content for the paper, production, typing, photography work, office clean-up, or anything else that helped the Quill function. The central concern of the Quill, at the time of these changes, was to represent the "wide variety of social issues which interest Brandon University students." (September 27, 1984). The 'wide variety of social issues' was expanded upon in the September 3, 1987 edition of the Quill's editorial section: "A major purpse of THE QUILL is to provide the community with news and information pertaining to local, regional, national and international issues of concern to students." By 1993, the Editorial Board was comprised of the News Editor, the Co-ordinating Editor and the CUP Editor and was responsible for the direction and content of the newspaper each week. By 1996, the CUP Editor had been replaced by the Business Manager on the Editorial Board. Clarifying its relationship with BUSU in the November 18, 1996 edition, Co-ordinating Editor Stacey Brown quoted the Quill Constitution: "The Quill collective shall determine and regulate editorial content and policy and shall set such perimeters on acceptable advertising as it shall collectively see fit. Debate and reasonable documentation must be given beofre boycotting anything in the newspaper." She went on to state that "final decisions on most issues are made by the Editorial Board. . . " The position of Editor-in-Chief was reintroduced sometime around 2001. In the Spring and Fall of 2000, a dispute arose between the students in charge of the production of the newspaper and the Students' Union/BUSU Communications Board. As part of the ongoing dispute the Board shut the paper down. During that time, Quill staff published the unQuill and the Daily Quill. Eventually BUSU and The Quill parted ways, with the newspaper continuing as its own entity, separate from the Brandon University Students' Union. Throughout its history, the Quill has been a quarterly, a bi-weekly and a weekly publication. It has been printed in various formats, by a number of different companies and has been financed primarily through funding from BUSU, and at present, advertising and a student levy. In 1997, the Quill became one of the first student newspapers in Canada to produce the paper in a completely digital format. Since 2020, The Quill has alternated print and electronic editions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, physical editions ceased publication, and various articles were published on The Quill website ( Starting with the 2023 Winter Term, physical copies, online editions and web articles were used concurrently. The Quill has been located at a number of locations on campus. Its first home was at the base of the Bell Tower in the original Clark Hall. In the 1970s it was produced in a mobile trailer near the gymnasium, before moving to the former Students' Union office in the lower level of the McMaster Building in 1980. Finally in 1991, the Quill was moved to its current location on the second floor of the Knowles-Douglas Student Centre. The Quill continues to be a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), and as such is provided with feature articles, news, graphics and fieldworker assistance. The Quill adheres to the CUP Statement of Principles. As a democratic collective, the Quill is open to all students and staff at Brandon University. An autonomous corporate entity since 2005, the Quill is a student run publication; the articles, editing, layout and distribution are done by the students.
Custodial History
Editions of The Quill have been acquired by the McKee Archives from BUSU and former Alumni.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consists of editions of The Quill publication. Some issues have been digitized from microfilmed copies held in the McKee Archives, some have been digitized by Archives staff, and others have been digitally created by The Quill and acquired by the Archives.
Adminitrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from the "Brandon Collge finding aid" prepared by Karyn Reidel for the McKee Archives in 1998 and various editions of the Quill. Post-1927, a handfull of Quill editions contain Literary Supplements. Description by Christy Henry.
Subject Access
college newspapers
student life
Further accruals expected
Repro Restriction
Canadian Copyright applies.
microfilm, PDF
Location Original
RG 6 Brandon University fonds Series 14: BUSU 14.5 BUSU publications
Location Copy
Z drive
Related Material
Editions of the Brandon College/University Sickle are located at RG 6, sub sub series 14.5.1 (The Sickle).
The Quill and Sickle account book for [1939-1941] is located in the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection (21-2006).
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Atkinson site DiMe-27 2003
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format.
History / Biographical
Based on the results of the testing in 2002 and the radiocarbon date of 6,500 years before present, further excavation was warranted at the Atkinson site. In 2003 Field Chief Holly Alston and crew Shayne Kolesar and Andrea Richards opened a 42m test excavation (units 1 - 4) that included the hearth area. The site area was covered with a huge sand dune that was slowly sliding into the river as the supporting bank eroded away. As the dune was removed a late woodland camp was found at the dune interface and a large chunk of charcoal dated this occupation to 440+/-60 B.P. cal.1440A.D. This indicated that the dune was a relatively late incursion over the site. This occupation is likely connected to subsequent testing to the east in 2005 that came to be known as Atkinson II. Methodology: The crew began shovel shaving the upper strata with the intention of establishing an arbitrary datum when artifacts were encountered or when a level 25cm above the hearth was reached. At 25cm above the hearth an arbitrary surface datum was established and excavation in 5cm levels began. The overbank deposited matrix was a dense, compacted silt clay and it was necessary to soak the excavated materials in buckets and then water screen the material with a high pressure pump over ¼ inch hardware cloth. Lithic flakes were found at 10cm below datum, above the hearth level. In the next level, large bone, a broken projectile point and additional flakes were found. Increasing amounts of bone and lithic flakes were found as the excavation continued through levels 3 to 5. The top of the hearth was identified at 28cm below datum, below a 2cm layer of well-sorted sand. This sand layer was confined to a small area directly overlying the hearth. It was considered to be a deliberate quenching of the hearth. After the conclusion of excavating level 6 the hearth was profiled and photographed. The charcoal and ash layer of the hearth was shown to be directly below the sand layer. Levels 6 and 7 revealed a bison bone bed that was consistent with primary and secondary butchering including elements from the vertebral column and appendicular skeleton. Two additional Gowen (Mummy Cave Series) projectile points were also recovered adjacent to the hearth. Level 8 continued to produce larger amounts of bone and many lithic flakes. Level 9 produced a few bone fragments and a small number of lithic flakes. At the conclusion of the excavations, the crew shoveled sand down from the dune to protect the site over winter and through any subsequent spring flooding.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2003
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson site 2003
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Atkinson site 2003 - artifact catalogue
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
{add= Atkinson DiMe-27 2003 Unit Level Artifact Quad Cat Num Depth Y X EntryDate CollectionDate
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
145 pages
Material Details
History / Biographical
Artifact catalogue containing 646 records from Atkinson site 2003.
Scope and Content
Spreadsheet containing information about the artifacts recovered, including: unit, level, artifact number, catalogue number, depth, co-ordinates, entry date, date recovered,count, weight, UTM co-ordinates, notes(excavators initials and comments) and artifact identification.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2003 - artifact catalogue
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-29 Atkinson site 2003

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Atkinson site DiMe-27 2004
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format.
History / Biographical
In 2004 Tomasin Playford and her crew of Andrea Richards, Sarah Graham and Shane Kolesar cleared sand cover from over the 2003 excavations and extended sand clearing back from the north edge of the 2003 units to permit implementation of four additional units. During this sand clearing a hearth was identified together with small numbers of lithics and pottery body sherds. This occupation had been noted during sand clearing in 2003 and a charcoal sample was collected and radiocarbon dated to 1440 A.D. This hearth was assigned to Atkinson II, a later occupation. Four units (5, 6, 7, & 8) were surveyed in adjacent to the 2003 units. Excavation proceeded by means of shovel shaving until the datum pegs from the previous year were located. The new units were then given datum pegs and string boundaries and the high pressure pump was set up for water screening of silt/clay matrix. Continued to shovel shave levels 1 - 4 and recovered small burned and unburned bone fragments. Level 5 produced a projectile point, an end scraper and a large heat-treated Swan River Chert (SRC) flake. Other SRC flakes were also recovered. Levels 6 and 7 yielded large numbers of flake debitage. The matrix in levels 5-7 contained a scatter of small, bright red ochre particles. The river began to rise on the ninth of June and the site was sandbagged on June 11th, temporarily bringing an end to excavation for Atkinson 1. Tomasin and her crew were relocated to the Crepeele site, west of Lauder. On July 20th, Tomasin and her crew returned to the Atkinson site and commenced cleaning up the earlier excavation following the flooding. Following the clean up, excavations were resumed on the units that had been opened. An additional Gowen point was recovered from level 8 as well as some poorly preserved bison bone. A lot flakes and small amounts of bone were recovered on west side of block and larger bone and flakes in bone bed along the east side in levels 8 - 10. Two bifaces were recovered in level 11 and a third in level 13. The excavations were terminated at level 18 when water started coming up through the unit floors.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2004
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson site 2004
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Atkinson site DiMe-27 2006
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format.
History / Biographical
The Atkinson site had been flooded in 2005 and there was concern about the amount of damage that might have occurred. A small crew of Tomasin Playford, Michelle Drysdale and Jessica McKenzie returned to the Atkinson site with the goals of obtaining a detailed profile of the stratigraphy at the north end of the occupation and to determine if the site extended contiguously towards the east. Two test pits were planned as well as the investigation of a couple of hearths found eroding from the riverbank Work commenced July 4th and finished July 21st. To the north of XU 8 (Gowen occupation) an excavation unit 18 was opened and shovel shaved to a depth of 200cm. At 195cm below surface a point bar deposit was identified indicating that any lower occupations would likely have been eroded by an earlier channel cutting event prior to formation of this point bar depositional event. Golf tees were inserted into the edge of the profile to indicate the 5cm levels superimposed on a digital photo of the section. Lithic flakes and bone fragments were scattered thoughout the stratigraphic column. A radiocarbon date of 440 B.P. was obtained from the unit, indicating a much later occupation than Gowen. Unit 19 was excavated but only yielded a small Besant component containing a small hearth (H#3) In level 9, a point tip and a small biface as well as a few undecorated pot sherds were recovered. These two units defined the extent of the Atkinson I site. An unknowable area of the site has been eroded away by the encroaching Souris River. The two small exposed hearths were excavated but only yielded a small amount of material. Hearth 4, at the western edge of the Atkinson block yielded only a small amount of charcoal , mixed with burnt bone and a few small lithic flakes. Hearth 5, located in the high cut bank west of the main site yielded a small amount of bone from a small ungulate, a muskrat and a bird as well as a percussion cap. This latter recovery indicated that this was an early historic period site.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2006
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson site 2006
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Atkinson II site DiMe-27 2004
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format.
History / Biographical
After the flooding of the Souris River in 2004 receded, Tomasin Playford and her crew of Andrea Richards, Sarah Graham and Shane Kolesar returned to the Atkinson site and commenced cleaning up the earlier excavation of Atkinson. An area east of the Atkinson excavations was also opened for testing in 2004. This area was designated as Atkinson II. In some of the field notes it is referred to as Atkinson East. A test block was opened and fenced off from the cattle with snow fence. A 4m2 block was surveyed in (units 13 - 16) and two partial units that were truncated by the riverbank (units 11 &12) were also placed to the south of the 4m2 block. Three of the students who had completed the recent field school were hired as crew. Jessica McKenzie, Evie Fevez and Emily Ansell joined the crew at the Atkinson II site. Recoveries from XU 13 - 16: Large bison bone was recovered from units 11 and 12 and a metal tobacco box seal was recovered from unit 12. More small pieces of metal found in levels 2 and three together with small bone fragments. A bone fragment with butchering marks from a metal tool was recovered from level 6 and pottery was found in level 9. A few lithic flakes were found in level 13 and in a trench at the bottom of unit 13 above a calcite cemented layer. Recoveries from these tests were sparse and diminished as the excavation series became more distant from the river. It is likely that the remains that were recovered represent the northern edge of these occupations. The upper occupation at Atkinson II appears to be an early historic occupation with a sparse scatter of bone and a few pieces of metal. The lower layers, below level 7 are likely precontact. Units 9 and 10 were dug as test pits and produced very little in the way of cultural materials.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Name Access
Atkinson II site DiMe-27 2004
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson II site 2004
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Atkinson site 2003 - summary information
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Date Range
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format
History / Biographical
Based on the results of the testing in 2002 and the radiocarbon date of 6,400 years before present, further excavation was warranted at the Atkinson I site. In 2003 Field Chief Holly Alston and crew Shayne Kolesar and Andrea Richards opened a 42m test excavation (units 1 - 4) that included the hearth area. The unit co-ordinates and excavator are listed on the attached pdf file.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2003 - summary information
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson site 2003 - summary information
Documents crewunit.pdf

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Atkinson site 2004 - summary information
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Date Range
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format
History / Biographical
Based on the results of the 2003 excavation, and the radiocarbon date of 6,200 years before present, further excavation was warranted at the Atkinson I site. In 2004 four units (5, 6, 7, & 8) were surveyed in adjacent to the 2003 units. The unit co-ordinates and excavator are listed on the attached pdf file.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2004 - summary information
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson site 2004 - summary information
Documents crewunit.pdf

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Atkinson site 2004 - artifact catalogue
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
{add= Atkinson DiMe-27 2004 XU 5 - 8 XU 17 Unit Level Artifact Cat Num Quad Depth Y X EntryDate
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
100 pages
Material Details
History / Biographical
Artifact catalogue containing 556 records from Atkinson site 2004.
Scope and Content
Spreadsheet containing information about the artifacts recovered, including: unit, level, artifact number, catalogue number, depth, co-ordinates, entry date, date recovered,count, weight, UTM co-ordinates, notes(excavators initials and comments) and artifact identification.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2004 - artifact catalogue
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-29 Atkinson site 2004 - artifact catalogue

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Atkinson site 2006 - artifact catalogue
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Appendicular Long bone fragment Aves Ind Bird Atkinson DiMe-27 2006 XU 18, Hearth 4 Hearth 5 and Unit
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
47 pages
Material Details
History / Biographical
Artifact catalogue containing 343 records from Atkinson site 2006.
Scope and Content
Spreadsheet containing information about the artifacts recovered, including: unit, level, artifact number, catalogue number, depth, co-ordinates, entry date, date recovered,count, weight, UTM co-ordinates, notes(excavators initials and comments) and artifact identification.
Name Access
Atkinson site 2006 - artifact catalogue
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-29 Atkinson site 2006 - artifact catalogue

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Atkinson II site 2004 - summary information
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Date Range
{add= ARCH 2 North Lauder Locale 2.1 Atkinson DiMe-27 2.1.3 Atkinson site II 2004
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Date Range
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format
History / Biographical
An area east of the Atkinson excavations was also opened for testing in 2004. This area was designated as Atkinson II and a test block was opened and fenced off from the cattle with snow fence. A 4m2 block was surveyed in (units 13 - 16) and two partial units that were truncated by the riverbank (units 11 &12) were also placed to the south of the 4m2 block. Test units 9 and 10 were also excavated.
Name Access
Atkinson II site 2004 - summary information
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27 Atkinson II site 2004 - summary information

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Atkinson II site 2004 - artifact catalogue
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Faunal Appendicular Hind leg Femur Aves Small bird Part Atkinson II 2004 DiMe-27 XU 9 - 16 1
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
sub sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
68 pages
Material Details
History / Biographical
Artifact catalogue containing 455 records from Atkinson II site 2004.
Scope and Content
Spreadsheet containing information about the artifacts recovered, including: unit, level, artifact number, catalogue number, depth, co-ordinates, entry date, date recovered,count, weight, UTM co-ordinates, notes(excavators initials and comments) and artifact identification.
Name Access
Atkinson II site 2004 - artifact catalogue
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-29 Atkinson II site 2004 - artifact catalogue

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School of psychiatric nursing (BMHC)
Part Of
School of Health Studies
Description Level
Sub sub series
multiple media
Date Range
1900-1989; predominant 1920-1980
Accession Number
Part Of
School of Health Studies
Description Level
Sub sub series
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1900-1989; predominant 1920-1980
Physical Description
3.85 m textual records; 880 photographs (220 negatives); 26 slides
Physical Condition
History / Biographical
The Brandon School of Nursing was established in 1921, at the Brandon Hospital for Mental Diseases (hereafter B.H.M.D.). It was first alluded to in 1913, when the Superintendent of the B.H.M.D., J.J. McFadden, recommended it as a means of enhancing the reputation of the hospital. In 1919, the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene released a highly critical report on the state of custodial institutions for the mentally ill in Canada that paved the way for reforms such as the establishment of psychiatric nursing schools. In 1920, the new superintendent, Dr. Charles A. Baragar, in his first annual report, again mentioned the need for trained nurses and instructional facilities in which to train them. Lectures began at B.H.M.D. in October of 1920 for attendants and nurses, but they were not compulsory and were not part of a formal program of studies. This was followed in 1921 with the establishment of the School of Nursing through which courses were offered beginning in 1922. The program consisted of a two year Mental Nurses Diploma Course, and a shorter "demonstrative" course that was required for all employees of the B.H.M.D. who elected not to enroll in the diploma course. The Class of 1923 was the first class of graduates from the Brandon School of Nursing. They were, by all accounts, the first graduates in all of Western Canada with a diploma in Mental Nursing. In 1924, wages at the B.H.M.D. were adjusted to take into account the completion of formal training in psychiatric nursing. In 1925, a short lived affiliation with the St. Boniface General Hospital in Winnipeg, that ended in 1927, was begun. That year also saw the beginning of a graduate studies course. In 1930, the diploma course grew to a three year program. In 1986, as many aspects of the B.H.M.D. - now referred to as the B.M.H.C. (Brandon Mental Health Center) - were phased out in favor of community based care, the B.M.H.C. School of Nursing was incorporated into Brandon University's School of Nursing, which began to offer a 2 year Post-Diploma Degree in Nursing and Mental Health.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2000. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consists of a collection of records dealing with the history of the School of Nursing at the Brandon Mental Health Centre. The records consist primarily of administrative documentation created by the school dealing with various internal issues, such as student recruitment, graduation services - including an almost complete collection of graduation programs - and records dealing with the behavior of the students. Administrative records also refer to external issues faced by the B.H.M.D. as a whole, such as its burgeoning patient population and the constant problem of adaquate accommodations for patients, staff, and student nurses. The collection also includes staff recollections, and correspondence from within and from outside of the B.H.M.D. Also included are documents relating directly to the history of the School of Nursing and of the B.H.M.D. as a whole. A smaller amount of curriculum materials, including instruction manuals, notebooks, and hand-written lecture notes are also included. Publications from within the B.H.M.D.., including "The Opinion" from 1970-1990, and the "The Ego" 1956 - 76 (seven editions) are also included, as well as a collection of outside publications dealing with psychiatric nursing, mental diseases, medical ethics, and heredity. Fonds also includes medical dictionaries and handbooks of different nursing institutions such as the Victorian Order of Canadian Nurses. Lastly, the collection includes approximatley 880 photographs, 220 negatives, and 26 slides, that provide a graphic portrayal of the history of the Brandon Mental Health Centre.
A detailed inventory for the textual records exists. An inventory for the photo collection is also avaiable. The description for this sub sub series was written by Mike White (2002).
Name Access
Brandon Mental Health Center
Brandon Asylum
Brandon Hospital for Mental Diseases
Subject Access
Mental health
Mental illness
Psychiatric Nursing
School of Nursing
Access Restriction
Access to these materials is restricted. Those interested in the collection should consult the Archivist.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds Series 7: Faculties and Schools 7.5 School of Health Studies
Related Material
Other material relating to the BHMD./BMHC. are housed at the Manitoba Provincial Archives.
The sub sub series is organized into eight sub sub sub series, including: (1) History; (2) Correspondance; (3) Administrative Records; (4) Curriculum Materials; (5) Publications of B.M.H.C.; (6) Outside Publications; (7) Photographs, Slides, and Negatives; and (8) Miscellaneous Items.
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