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Sarah site DiMe-28
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The Sarah site was chosen for excavation based on the results of the Casselman survey. The survey recovered significant amounts of faunal remains, some ceramics and lithics from the test pits. Excavations took place in 2003 at Crepeele West (Units 1-5) and Crepeele East (Units 6-9). The site was subsequently renamed the Sarah site DiMe-28. In 2004 another 9 units were excavated (Units 10-18). Based on the recoveries it was determined that the Sarah site is a stratified site with woodland ceramics in the upper occupation and late woodland points in both of the upper occupations. These upper occupations produced abundant bison bone including foetal bone. The lower occupations produced less bone and no foetal bone, although absence of foetal bone in the lower occupations does not necessarily indicate a warm season occupation. This could be due to sample error or perthotaxic factors such as scavenging of the fragile bone by dogs or other carnivores. The dates from the Sarah site include 550+/-40 B.P.; 1430+/-80 B.P; 2810+/-80 B.P.; 3120+/-130 B.P. The lower occupations did not yield any diagnostic materials although debitage was abundant. These occupations were most productive at the edge of the large sand dune at the southern edge of the excavations. It is assumed that the major portion of these occupations have been overridden by the dune in the past 3000 years. Heavy earthmoving equipment would be required to remove this overburden which limits the possibility of future excavation. Environment The Sarah site is a large area located at the eastern end of the Crepeele locale. Ground cover is a mosaic of aspen poplar groves and patches of mesic grass prairie. Excavation profiles indicate that this has been the situation since early precontact times, although as local climatic conditions change (primarily rainfall), the relative size of these areas and where they may have occurred also changed. The soil is aeolian sand sheet derived from delta outwash deposits along the western edge of glacial Lake Hind. The present topography is a variable dune landscape reworked by aeolian activity that creates a mosaic of microhabitats. These include forested patches in the lee of sand dunes with grassland on the southern and western exposures and small damp lowlands that support balsam poplar, willows, red osier dogwood, high-bush cranberry and water birch. There is no permanent water source in the area although a small seasonal stream meanders through a damp lowland to the east of the Sarah site.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Sarah 2003 and Sarah 2004,
Name Access
Sarah site DiMe-28
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Sarah site DiMe-28
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Graham site DiMe-30
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The Graham site is a located adjacent to the Crepeele site towards the western end of the Crepeele locale. The Graham site was initially designated as a separate site early in the testing of the Crepeele locale due to what appeared to be a distinction between Early and Late Woodland ceramics. Subsequent testing has shown that this distinction was premature and that the cultural mosaic represented in the western section of the Crepeele locale may not readily separate in this manner. However, due to the records management that was already in place, the original separate designations have been retained. Environment Ground cover is a mosaic of aspen poplar groves and patches of mesic grass prairie. Excavation profiles indicate that this has been the situation since early precontact times, although as local climatic conditions change (primarily rainfall), the relative size of these areas and where they may have occurred also changed. The soil is aeolian sand sheet derived from delta outwash deposits along the western edge of glacial Lake Hind. The present topography is a variable dune landscape reworked by aeolian activity that creates a mosaic of microhabitats. These include forested patches in the lee of sand dunes grassland on the southern and western exposures and small damp lowlands that support balsam poplar, willows, red osier dogwood, high-bush cranberry and water birch. There is no permanent water source in the area although a small seasonal stream meanders through a damp lowland along the eastern margin of the Crepeele locale. Excavations at the Graham site took place from 2004 to 2008. Analyses of the recoveries shows that, with two exceptions, all of the occupations that have been tested produced bison foetal bone. The presence of foetal bison is a strong indicator of wintering occupations...The absence of foetal in some area does not necessarily indicate warm season occupations since these excavation series are small and the absence could be due to sample error or perthotaxic factors, such as scavenging of the fragile bone by dogs or other carnivores. From this evidence the Graham site has been interpreted as being primarily a wintering area. This is consistent with the lack of surface water (snow would serve as a substitute in winter) and the abundance of wood for fuel – a critical requirement for winter occupation. Cultural occupations date from Mortlach circa 250 B.P to woodland circa 580 B.P.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Graham 2004, Graham 2005, Graham 2006 and Graham 2008
Name Access
Graham site DiMe-30
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Graham site DiMe-30
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Atkinson site - DiMe-27
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The Atkinson site was named for the landowners Ken and Karen Atkinson who were very helpful to the archaeology and geoarchaeology crews that worked at the site. Their support made the project possible. The Atkinson site story begins with the discovery of a charcoal lens eroding from the north bank of the Souris River in the summer of 2002. Study of Cultural Adaptations on the Prairie Ecozone (SCAPE) project geoarchaeologist Dr. Garry Running was exploring the stratigraphic layering in the bank when he noted the lens and reported it to Dr. Bev Nicholson. Upon closer examination, a tiny pressure flake was observed on the lens exposure and it was decided to collect a charcoal sample for radiocarbon dating. The resulting date of 5250B.P cal. 4225 B.C. placed the site in the early Archaic period. A second date on bone collagen of 5580B.P. cal. 4500 B.C. confirmed the earlier date and gave an averaged date of circa 4400 B.C or 6,500 years ago. The Atkinson site is one of the oldest excavated sites in Manitoba. Based on the date of the site and the kind of lithics (stone tools) present it is considered a Gowen occupation. The Atkinson site is evidence that bison hunters were active on the northern plains at a very early date. Similar sites have also been found on the High Plains in the U.S. and are referred to as the Mummy Cave Complex. The Atkinson Site is of great importance as it is the first undisturbed site of this type to be excavated in Manitoba and extends the range of these sites south and east from the type-sites in central Saskatchewan. Based on the date and sample evidence further excavations were conducted by Dr. Nicholson's team. in 2003, 2004 and 2006.
Scope and Content
Sub series has been divided into three sub sub series including: (1) Atkinson 2003, (2) Atkinson 2004; (3) Atkinson 2006
Name Access
Atkinson site DiMe-27
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27
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Duthie site DiMe-16
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The Duthie site is the first site identified in the Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale. It was reported to Dr. Bev Nicholson by Doug Jackson, a local collector who had observed archaeological materials that had been exposed during the construction of Maple Hill Road northwest of Lauder. The site is named after the landowner, Randy Duthie. The initial inspection of the exposed materials indicated that the eastern half of the site had been severely impacted by raising a road grade using an elevating grader. However, an undetermined amount of the site remained to the west, flanked by a low sand dune. Testing and preliminary excavations were conducted in 1992-93. In 1994 a field school added to the excavated sample. The undisturbed portion of the site, west of Maple Hill Road was situated at the base of a low sand dune and had an aspen and willow forest cover. The water table was approximately one meter below surface at the time of excavation. A rising water table has since prevented further excavations. Two dates on bone collagen were obtained during excavations. These were 880+/-80 B.P. (Beta 62705) and 970+/-40 B.P. cal. 1030 A.D. (TO 13366). These dates are consistent with an Initial Middle Missouri cultural assignment. The site occupation is identified by the distinctive ceramics found there. Ceramics at the Duthie Site are tool impressed with incising and lip modeling with fabric impressions on most vessels. Jill Taylor analysed the ceramics from the site for a Specialist thesis, Brandon University (1994) and a Masters of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan. (Taylor 1995). Analysis of residue from Duthie site pottery by Matthew Boyd recovered corn (Zea mays) phytoliths and bean (Phaseolus sp.) starch grains indicating consumption of these domesticates at the Duthie site. (Boyd 2006) The occupation of this site indicates a migration of people from the south who were well acquainted with horticultural farming. These people had previously migrated to South Dakota following river valleys into the central plains from the eastern woodlands during late Hopewell times. It appears that they later migrated well to the north into southern Manitoba but there is no evidence that they remained there for more than a single year. Boyd, M., C. Surette and B.A. Nicholson. 2006 Archaeobotanical Evidence of Prehistoric Maize (Zea mays) Consumption at the Northern Edge of the Great Plains. Journal of Archaeological Science 33: 1129-1140. Taylor, J. 1994 An analysis of the ceramics recovered during 1992 and 1993 at the Precontact Duthie Site (DiMe-16). Specialist thesis, Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into seven sub-series, including (1) Duthie site (2) Jackson site (3) Twin Fawns site (4) Vera site (5) Schuddemat site (6) Bradshaw site (7) Hollow B site.
Name Access
Duthie site DiMe-16
Subject Access
Archaeology Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale Duthie site DiMe-16
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Crepeele locale Radiocarbon Dates
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Material Details
Radiocarbon date reports have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
The Crepeele locale is located within the larger Lauder Sandhills area, located in southwestern Manitoba. The area is a complex region of high biodiversity made up of stabilized sand dunes and wetlands that encourage the development of mixed forest and grass prairie. This area provided a variety of subsistence resources for pre-European hunter-gatherers. At the present time the grass prairie is now farm land but the areas of vegetated sand dunes have not been cultivated and have revealed numerous pre-contact archaeological sites. Archaeological surveying was conducted in 2003. The results of the 2003 Casselman survey showed over 300 test uints contained cultural material and indicated several areas for further examination including the Crepeele site DiMe-29, Sarah site DiMe-28 and Graham sites DiMe-30. From 2003 to 2008 field work took place at the locale with 75 - 1m x1m units excavated. The Crepeele locale is a complex region of high biodiversity made up of stabilized sand dunes and wetlands that encourage the development of mixed forest and grass prairie. This area provided a variety of subsistence resources for pre-European hunter-gatherers. At the present time the grass prairie is now farm land but the areas of vegetated sand dunes have not been cultivated and have revealed numerous pre-contact archaeological sites. To help establish the cultural sequence at the locale Radiocarbon dates were obtained from the three sites in the Crepeele locale. Radiocarbon dating The technique of radiocarbon dating was developed by Willard Libby and his colleagues at the University of Chicago in 1949. Radiocarbon dating is used to estimate the age of organic remains from archaeological sites. Organic matter has a radioactive form of carbon (C14) that begins to decay upon death. C14 decays at a steady, known rate of a half life of 5,730 years. The technique is useful for material up to 50,000 years. Fluctuations of C14 in the atmosphere can affect results so dates are calibrated against dendrochronology. Radiocarbon dates are calibrated to calendar years. Dates are reported in radiocarbon years or Before Present. Before Present refers to dates before 1950. The introduction of massive amounts of C14, due to atomic bomb and surface testing of atomic weapons, has widely increased the standard deviation on all dates after A.D. 1700 causing these dates to be unreliable. Accelerated mass spectrometry can more accurately measure C14 with smaller samples and can date materials to 80,000 years.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series contains radiocarbon dates from: Crepeele, Sarah and Graham sites.
Name Access
Crepeele locale Radiocarbon Dates
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Crepeele locale Radiocarbon Dates
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Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The high biodiversity and evidence of pre-Europeon contact prompted the decision to test the Crepeele locale. The survey was named in recognition of the Casselman family, the original landowners. Archaeological testing began in the Crepeele locale in May 2003 on property now owned by the Crepeele family. The locale covers over 6 sections or approximately 3,800 acres of land in an area of stabilized sand dunes and wetlands covered with mixed forest and prairie grass. Given the terrain, the size of the crew and time constrains, an area of approximately 60 acres was chosen for the survey. The survey used the established archaeological methodology of walking the selected area and using a shovel test surveyed grid. The use of GIS technology to locate the exact test spot and record the information into a GIS database was a significant advance and was one of the advantages of the integration of multi-disciplinary techniques encouraged by the SCAPE project. Over one half of the test pits resulted in the recovery of cultural materials. The results of the Casselman survey indicated several areas for further examination including areas that became the Crepeele, Sarah and Graham sites.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series has been divided into five sub sub sub series including: (1) Summary information; (2) Field journals; (3) Site records; (4) Artifact catalogues; and (5) Photographs.
Name Access
Casselman survey
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Casselman survey
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Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Description Level
Fonds Number
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
316 photographs and 3 prints
History / Biographical
Walt Browarny of Browarny Photography located in Calgary, Alberta created most of the photographs in this series. Other creators include Buddy Knox Entertainment Enterprises Limited, Arnaud, Manitoba and Frank Brandes Enterprises, Los Angeles, California. Leech Printing Limited of Brandon, Manitoba printed a few of these photos, likely as a service to the organizers of AgEx.
Custodial History
Some of the AgEx graphics were stored with the Provincial Exhibition and Royal Manitoba Winter Fair photograph records at the MEA offices until these records were brought to the McKee Archives ca. 1986. Most of the pictures, however, were included in the textual records of the AgEx sous-fonds. Since ca. 1986, this sous-fonds has been transferred on a continuing basis to the McKee Archives. In July 1999, the AgEx photographs were separated from the sous-fonds' textual records and were placed in Series 9.
Scope and Content
Series consists equally of colour and black and white pictures pertaining to AgEx. Roughly half of these pictures date from 1976; the other half date from 1986 and 1987. Four subject areas comprise the series: livestock, exhibits, entertainment, and dignitaries. LIVESTOCK Almost all of the AgEx photos are of prize-winning bull and female cattle. Breeds represented in the photos of 1976 are Angus, Charolais, Chianina, Hereford (Polled and Non-Polled), Holstein, Limousin, and Maine Anjou. Depicted in the photos of 1986 and 1987 are Angus, Aquitaine Blond, Charolais, Hereford (Polled and Non-Polled), Maine Anjou, Saler, Shorthorn, and Simmental. Sheep are also featured in this series. Included are pictures both of sheep shows and sheep shearing. EXHIBITS At the 1976 AgEx were various commercial display booths. Depicted in this series are Kullberg’s Furniture, Standard Steel Buildings, Cargill, Rug Doctor, and Linden Trailer Sales and Services Ltd. ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment graphics are advertisements for Buddy Knox, a singer who performed at the 1989 AgEx. DIGNITARIES Dignitaries depicted in this series are organizers of the fall fair. Also included is the 1976 Hereford Association Queen. Containing over three hundred images of purebred cattle, this series is valuable for historians of agriculture. By examining these photos, one can ascertain the characteristics of breeds found in western Canada. This series is also useful for historians of agricultural exhibitions. By studying the pictures of Brandon’s AgEx, one can determine the nature of fall fairs in western Canada.
Part of RG2SF3. Item-level descriptions of the graphics of RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located on a searchable database. This database is entitled “Brandon Photographs” and can be read using Microsoft Access. “Brandon Photographs” is located on a 3½ floppy disk entitled “Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds Series 9” included in this finding aid. The description of each photograph on this database includes the following information: accession number, title, date, place, physical description, scope and content, notes, creator, and copyright. By searching the database, individual photographs can be located easily. Instructions on how to use the database are in the printed finding aid.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds RG2SF3 AgEx
Graphics for RGSF1 through RG2SF4 are located in boxes. Graphics larger than 24 x 35 cm are located in the image mapcase, which is located in the reading room. The graphics are filed chronologically by accession number. The arrangement is as follows: Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds; RG2SF1-RG2SF4; Series 9 Boxes 1 through 15, as follows: Box 1 EX0001 to EX0125 Box 2 EX0157 to EX0263 Box 3 EX0265 to EX0399 Box 4 EX0400 to EX0499 Box 5 EX0500 to EX0599 Box 6 EX0600 to EX0699 Box 7 EX0700 to EX0799 Box 8 EX0800 to EX0899 Box 9 EX0900 to EX0921 Box 10 EX1000 to EX1099 Box 11 EX1100 to EX1199 Box 12 EX1200 to EX1299 Box 13 EX1300 to EX1399 Box 14 EX1400 to EX1499 Box 15 EX1549 to EX1859
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Miscellaneous photographs
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Description Level
Fonds Number
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
29 photographs and other graphic materials
History / Biographical
Members of the Provincial Exhibition Board and the Winter Fair Board created most of the records in this series. The other records were created by R. M. Coleman, Free Lance Photographer, Brandon, Manitoba; Jack DeLorme Photography Limited, Calgary, Alberta; Farmer and Stockman; and Jerrett’s Photo, Brandon, Manitoba.
Custodial History
These records were housed at the PEA offices until ca. 1986, when on a continuing basis they were transferred to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Series consists of black and white graphics that did not fit easily into Series 1.9, 2.9, or 3.9. Some of the graphics in this series pertain to all three of the fairs; others were placed in this series because it is impossible to determine to which fair they pertain. Two subject areas comprise this series: animals and dignitaries. Animals represented in this series are horses and cattle. Included are depictions of a man shoeing a horse, an advertisement for a studhorse, and steer shows and sales. Dignitaries represented in this series are men who served on both the Provincial Exhibition Board and the Winter Fair Board.
Item-level descriptions of the graphics of RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located on a searchable database. This database is entitled “Brandon Photographs” and can be read using Microsoft Access. “Brandon Photographs” is located on a 3½ floppy disk entitled “Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds Series 9” included in this finding aid. The description of each photograph on this database includes the following information: accession number, title, date, place, physical description, scope and content, notes, creator, and copyright. By searching the database, individual photographs can be located easily. Instruction on how to use the database are in the printed finding aid.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds RG2SF4 Miscellaneous
Graphics for RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located in boxes. Graphics larger than 24 x 35 cm are located in the image mapcase, which is located in the reading room. The graphics are filed chronologically by accession number. The arrangement is as follows: Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds; RG2SF1-RG2SF4; Series 9 Boxes 1 through 15, as follows: Box 1 EX0001 to EX0125 Box 2 EX0157 to EX0263 Box 3 EX0265 to EX0399 Box 4 EX0400 to EX0499 Box 5 EX0500 to EX0599 Box 6 EX0600 to EX0699 Box 7 EX0700 to EX0799 Box 8 EX0800 to EX0899 Box 9 EX0900 to EX0921 Box 10 EX1000 to EX1099 Box 11 EX1100 to EX1199 Box 12 EX1200 to EX1299 Box 13 EX1300 to EX1399 Box 14 EX1400 to EX1499 Box 15 EX1549 to EX1859
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BUPC 9: Oversize photographs
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
143 photographs (b/w & colour)
History / Biographical
An oversized photograph is any photograph that exceeds 8" x 11". In some cases the photograph itself is of regular size but the matting makes it oversize.
Scope and Content
Series consists of the oversize photographs in the Brandon University photograph collection. Many of the oversize pictures are class photos from the early years of Brandon College (1900-1930). The series also includes oversize portraits of important figures in the history of Brandon College and University, such as John R. Brodie, A.E. McKenzie, and J.R.C. Evans.
Storage Range
Oversize drawers and envelope storage
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Provincial exhibition of Manitoba photographs
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Known creators of the records include: PHOTOGRAPHERS AND PHOTO SERVICES Ayers Photographs Bob Evans Donald Huskins Earl Kennedy Specialized Photographic Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba Ernie Tayler, Brandon, Manitoba Frank Gowen, Brandon, Manitoba H. M. Salisbury, Brandon, Manitoba H. R. Hoffman Ltd., Brandon, Manitoba Harold K. White Hildebrand Hungry I. Agency Jerrett’s Photo Lawrence Stuckey, Brandon, Manitoba Mid-Co. Pugh Mfg. Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario R. M. Coleman, Brandon, Manitoba Smith K. C. Mo. Stovel Co. Turofsky, Toronto, Ontario Western Engravings Wilkinson Photography, Newmarket, Ontario NEWSPAPERS Brandon Sun, Brandon, Manitoba Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba PRINTING SERVICES Leech Printing Ltd., Brandon, Manitoba Crawford Drug Store, Brandon, Manitoba GOVERNMENT Department of Industry and Commerce, Manitoba Frank Royal of the National Film Board
Description Level
Fonds Number
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
793 photographs and other graphic materials
History / Biographical
Many of these records were donated to the Board by exhibitors and participants in the fairs. Some are advertisements sent to the Provincial Exhibition Board by businesses such as Conklin Shows. Professional photographers, who were likely hired by the Board, generated others. As well, Brandon Sun photographers took a large number of the photos throughout the century. In the 1980s, the Sun photos were reprinted and then the reprints were added to the Exhibition’s collection. Privately owned photos were also reprinted and added. Publishing houses generated some photographs, probably as services to participants and organizers of the fairs. Finally, the Canadian and Manitoba governments created a few of the photos.
Custodial History
Exhibitors and participants in activities at the summer fair donated many of these records to the Provincial Exhibition Board. The Manitoba Provincial Archives in Winnipeg housed other records, of which the McKee Archives acquired copies. Most of the records were stored in the offices of the Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba until they were brought to the McKee Archives ca. 1986.
Scope and Content
Series consists primarily of black and white photographs pertaining to the Provincial Exhibition. Subjects of the records vary over the century, but overall subjects included are buildings and grounds, horses, livestock, exhibits, youth activities, entertainment, and dignitaries. Almost all of the materials are in excellent condition. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS The graphics that depict the buildings and grounds of the summer fair are both ground and aerial photos. From the records generated between 1900 and 1930, there are pictures of the Crystal Palace, the Wheat City Arena, the Experimental Farm, the horse barns, the racetrack, and the grandstand. The pictures dating from the forties through the sixties are of the racetrack, the grandstand, the Provincial Display Building, the Trade Fair Building, and the Main Gate. The records from the 1970s and the 1980s feature the Keystone Centre, cattle buildings, and horse stables. HORSES Graphics from the 1890s through the 1980s feature various light and heavy horses, from single horses to eight-horse teams. Pictures dating from the first fifty years of the fair are of stallion and purebred shows. Also depicted are racing events such as chuck wagon, bike, and single rider races. Graphics of equestrian events like jumping and hackney classes date from World War II until the 1980s. Dating from the fifties to the seventies are photos of children's events like costume classes and pony competitions. Finally, pictures of barrel racing and horse pulling competitions date from the 1970s and 1980s. LIVESTOCK Livestock photos, which date throughout the twentieth century, are mostly of cattle and swine, but there are a few pictures of buffalo and sheep. Cattle photos depict purebreds such as Holstein, Jersey, Hereford, and Angus. Swine pictures are of Yorkshire sows and boars, as well as of market hogs. POULTRY AND EGGS Graphics depicting poultry and egg shows date between 1950 and 1985. EXHIBITS Photos of exhibits taken throughout the century feature home-craft displays such as clothes and quilts. Tack rooms, farm implement shows, and club displays, like those of the Brandon Lion's Club, are also consistent throughout the period. Other graphics of exhibits are particular to certain years: in the late 1940s through the 1950s auto shows are featured; and from the fifties to the eighties commercial exhibits are prominent. YOUTH ACTIVITIES Graphics of children and teens' activities form a large part of MG 1. From the 1920s and 1930s, there are pictures of boys and teens who attended the Farm Boys' Camp. Photos taken at the Agricultural and Homemaking School in the late 1940s and early 1950s depict male teens learning about mechanics, welding, and electricity. Photos of female teens at the camp depict weaving, sewing, and cooking classes. In the records dating from 1957 to the 1980s, photos feature both pig and calf scrambles. As well, some pictures are of male teens participating in seed, poultry, and judging courses. Photos of female teens during these years show them participating in such activities as clothes-making, 4-H Queen contests, and fashion shows. ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment pictures include graphics of the midway, the carnival and travelling acts, parades, and miscellaneous events. Pictures of the midway are both aerial and ground photos, and date from 1913 to the 1970s. Ferris wheels and carousels are the main rides featured until the 1960s, after which many motorized rides like the Wild Mouse and the Tidal Wave are prominent. Carnival pictures throughout the century include shots of aisles along which several attractions are set up. Photos of clowns and other costumed people are numerous. Graphics of travelling acts depict parachutists (1920s), follies (1950s), exotic dancers (1950s), trained animals (1950s-1970s), singers and bands (1970s-1980s), and trapeze artists (1970s). Parade photos date throughout the century, and feature pipers, horses pulling carriages, people riding horses, clowns, soldiers, floats, and members of various clubs. Miscellaneous events graphics include pictures of horseshoe throwing competitions, square dancing shows (1950s), fiddling contests (1970s), smash-up derbies (1980s), and tractor pulls (1980s). FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE There are seven photos of First Nations people at the summer fair. In all but one of the pictures, they are in traditional costume. Depicted are pow-wows, parades, a female teen sewing a mukluk, and tee-pees. These records date from 1914 to 1969. DIGNITARIES Pictures of dignitaries are of members of the Provincial Exhibition committees and boards; federal, provincial, and municipal politicians who attended the summer fair; and various business, medical, and judicial representatives. Especially notable are the group photos of the Board of Directors for the years 1894, 1900, 1941, 1949, 1951, 1952, and 1968. The graphic materials of RG2SF1 are useful for many purposes. For one, they offer a rich visual history of the fair. Agricultural historians will find poultry, horse, livestock, horticultural, and farm implement images informative. Such images describe how farming has changed through the last century. The records offer many clues into the cultural history of Brandon and surrounding area. The nature of the carnival, for instance, changes. At the turn of the century, attractions of various booths were not advertised overtly; one had to pay before they were given hints as to what they were going to view. By the Second World War, however, attractions’ exteriors were more garish. Because the carnival was more open in its advertisements, one can determine that the boundaries between the private and public shifted in the first forty years of the twentieth century. The pictorial history of the exhibits at the fair reveals much about the city’s culture. The pictures from the post-World War II era, for example, are indicative of the period’s climate of consumerism: a commercial display building was built and commercial exhibits were added to the displays of the fair. Also signified in the postwar photos is the emphasis upon family values that pervaded the fifties; for instance displays of home-crafts became prominent in these years. Social historians will find in these records a vibrant portrait of the social composition of twentieth-century Brandon. The community’s leaders, for example, are represented in the pictures of the Boards of Directors. From these photos, one can ascertain the social characteristics of Board members: white, male, and middle class. Parade photos are also indicative of social composition, as organizations from all classes of society participated in parades. Agricultural clubs, unions, women’s organizations, and church groups are just a few of the entries featured in the parade pictures. Historians of gender will find that throughout the fairs’ years definitions of femininity changed. In the early fairs, women are shown in their booths at home shows, demonstrating their association with the private sphere. During the Second World War, some photos start to appear of women doing secretarial work. After World War II, however, gender norms constricted. Pictures of female teens taking classes at the Agricultural and Homemaking School depict them learning about how to run a well maintained home: they learn about sewing, cooking, and weaving. In the seventies, gender boundaries again shifted: for example, female teens began to participate in the previously male-only calf scramble events. Finally, these records are useful for any historian of Brandon and area history. There are thousands of people from the region featured in these records. Different places and buildings in Brandon are also a prominent part of the collection. Together, the pictures of RG2SF1 offer a vivid history of both Brandon and the Provincial Exhibition.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds RG2SF1 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba
Related Material
Pictures of the Provincial Exhibition may also be found on the National Archives of Canada website. The Western Canadian Pictorial Index in Winnipeg, Manitoba, houses additional graphic records of the summer fair.
Item-level descriptions of the graphics of RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located on a searchable database. This database is entitled “Brandon Photographs” and can be read using Microsoft Access. “Brandon Photographs” is located on a 3½ floppy disk entitled “Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds Series 9” included in this finding aid. The description of each photograph on this database includes the following information: accession number, title, date, place, physical description, scope and content, notes, creator, and copyright. By searching the database, individual photographs can be located easily. See the printed finding aid for instructions on how to use the photograph database. Graphics for RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located in boxes. Graphics larger than 24 x 35 cm are located in the image mapcase, which is located in the reading room. The graphics are filed chronologically by accession number. The arrangement is as follows: Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds; RG2SF1-RG2SF4, Series 9 Boxes 1 through 15, as follows: Box 1 EX0001 to EX0125 Box 2 EX0157 to EX0263 Box 3 EX0265 to EX0399 Box 4 EX0400 to EX0499 Box 5 EX0500 to EX0599 Box 6 EX0600 to EX0699 Box 7 EX0700 to EX0799 Box 8 EX0800 to EX0899 Box 9 EX0900 to EX0921 Box 10 EX1000 to EX1099 Box 11 EX1100 to EX1199 Box 12 EX1200 to EX1299 Box 13 EX1300 to EX1399 Box 14 EX1400 to EX1499 Box 15 EX1549 to EX1859
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Manitoba winter fair photographs
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
Known creators of the records include: PHOTOGRAPHERS AND PHOTO SERVICES Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Allen Photo Avalanche Photographics Benny Mighall Canada Pictures Ltd., Toronto, Ontario CKX-TV, Brandon, Manitoba Ernie Tayler Fred’s Photo Finishing, Brandon, Manitoba Gilbert A. Milne Photography H. M. Salisbury, Brandon, Manitoba H. W. Doleman, Brandon, Manitoba Harold K. White, Winnipeg, Manitoba Holstein-Friesian Journal Jack Hiebert Jerrett’s Photo, Brandon, Manitoba Jim Rose, Livestock Photographer, Toronto, Ontario Ken Bullock, Brandon, Manitoba Leech Printing Ltd., Brandon, Manitoba Novelty Manufacturing Photo Studios of Bulman Brothers, Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba R. M. Coleman, Free Lance Photographer, Brandon, Manitoba R. M. McNaught, Hamilton, Ontario Rabinsky Sargent, Memphis, Tennessee Singer Studio, Britton, South Dakota Strohmeyer Verna Allison, Beechy, Saskatchewan Wilkinson’s Photography, Newmarket, Ontario NEWSPAPERS AND PRINTING SERVICES Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba Brandon Sun, Brandon, Manitoba Leech Printing Ltd., Brandon, Manitoba GOVERNMENT Frank Royal for the National Film Board of Canada
Description Level
Fonds Number
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
780 photographs and other graphic materials
History / Biographical
Exhibitors and participants in the fairs donated many of these records to the Winter Fair Board. Professional photographers, hired by the Board, generated others. As well, Brandon Sun photographers took a large number of photos throughout the twentieth century. In the 1980s, the Board reprinted them and then added the reproductions to their own photograph collection. Publishing houses generated some photographs, probably as services to participants and organizers of the fairs. Finally, the Canadian government created a few of the photos.
Custodial History
Exhibitors and participants in activities at the winter fair donated many of these records to the Winter Fair Board. The Manitoba Provincial Archives housed other records and later transferred them to the McKee Archives. Most of the records were stored in the offices of the Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba until they were brought to the McKee Archives ca. 1986.
Scope and Content
Series consists primarily of black and white photographs either taken at the Winter Fair or owned by the Winter Fair Board. Subjects included are buildings and grounds, horses, livestock, poultry and eggs, exhibits, youth activities, entertainment, and dignitaries. Almost all of the materials have been excellently preserved. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Several of the pictures of the buildings and grounds are aerial photos; these date from 1949 through the 1980s. Photos taken between 1908 and 1952 depict the winter fair building, the livestock arena, the Wheat City Arena, the horse barns, and the swine barn. Photos taken from the 1960s to the early 1980s show horse barns, the Keystone Centre, and quonsets. HORSES Photos of horses and horse events comprise the largest number of the graphics of RG2SF2. Unlike other winter fair pictures, types of horse photos do not change throughout the twentieth century. There are many pictures of heavy horses, including Clydesdales, Belgians, and Percherons. They are usually in harness and in teams of two, four, six, and eight. They pull wagons, landaus, and carts. Heavy horses appear in photos of shows, sales, parades, ceremonies, and draft horse competitions. Light horse photos are also numerous. There are many photos of owners and drivers with award-winning horses. Depictions of races form a prominent part of the light horse pictures; these include portrayals of chuck wagon, chariot, bike, and barrel races. Also featured are competitions like cutting, jumping, pole bending, western riding, musical chairs, hackney, costume, unicorn, and fault and out. Finally, there are many photos of ponies, including hackney, harness, and pleasure ponies. LIVESTOCK There are three types of livestock shown in the photos of RG2SF2: cattle, swine, and sheep. Depicted are both sales and shows of these animals. As well, there are pictures of these animals’ carcasses. In the first forty years of the fair, people took few pictures of cattle, but after World War II, pictures of cattle became a prominent part of the Winter Fair Board’s graphic records. Featured are purebred cattle such as Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, and Simmental. Dairy cows like Jersey and Holstein-Friesian are also notable. Some pictures depict people grooming their cattle. Photos of swine date from 1927 through the 1980s, and include Yorkshire sows and boars, as well as market hogs. Sheep are depicted throughout the twentieth century. While most sheep photos are of shows and sales, there are some photos of sheep-shearing contests taken in the 1950s. POULTRY AND EGGS Poultry photos date between the 1950s and the 1970s. Featured are both chickens and game birds. Pictures of egg shows and competitions date from 1966 through the 1980s. EXHIBITS There are four types of exhibit photos: commercial, award, seed, and Baby Fair. Commercial exhibits date from the 1940s through the 1980s. They feature agricultural implements made by Ford, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, and Case. Photos dating from the 1970s depict commercial booths owned by such companies as Badger and Sprayer Monitor. Award exhibits date throughout the twentieth century, and feature ribbons, plaques, and trophies. Placed on tables, these awards are mostly for winners in horse and livestock competitions. Seed exhibits date from the 1950s through the 1970s. Included in the seed exhibit pictures are prize-winning wheat, potato, and canola seed pictures. Baby Fair, or petting zoo, photos comprise a large portion of the graphic records of MG 2. Dating primarily from the 1970s, Baby Fair pictures depict chicks, pups, lambs, piglets, and other baby animals. YOUTH ACTIVITIES Most of the youth activities’ photos are of calf and pig scrambles, and date from the 1950s through the 1980s. 4-H Club activities are prominent, and include pictures of boys and male teens learning how to show and judge livestock and seed. Depicted also are fashion shows put on by female 4-H members. Finally, pictures of a hula-hoop competition dating from the 1950s are notable. ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment graphics date from the 1950s through the 1980s, and include ceremonies, rodeos, parades, and contests. Pictures of ceremonies depict the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Fair. Featured in these photos are winners of horse events, pipe and drum bands, and dignitaries giving speeches. Rodeo pictures date only from the 1970s. Featured are men riding bucking broncos and cattle round-ups. Parade photos, which date throughout the twentieth century, depict floats, six-horse teams pulling wagons, people riding horses, club entries—such as the Lions’ Club and the Neat and Nifty Sewing Club, and marching bands. Contest pictures include fiddling competitions and dog shows. The Winter Fair Board sponsored fiddling contests sporadically, and photos of such contests date from the 1950s through the 1970s. Dog show pictures also appear intermittently in the records, such as the Mutt Show photos of the 1950s. DIGNITARIES Photos of dignitaries, which date throughout the twentieth century, are mostly of men. Depicted both individually and severally are members of Winter Fair Boards, municipal and provincial politicians, and local professional and business representatives. In these pictures they are usually giving speeches, signing documents, and holding meetings. Notable are the pictures of members of associations that held meetings at the winter fairs, including the Cattle Breeders Association (1960s). The graphic materials of RG2SF2 are useful for many purposes. For one, they offer a rich visual history of the Winter Fair. From these pictures, one can ascertain the ways in which the fair has changed and expanded throughout the twentieth century. By viewing the photos of newly built buildings, for instance, one can determine that the fair expanded in size over the years. Also valuable is the history of western Canadian agriculture that is contained in these pictures. Over the years, the types of exhibits changed at the winter fair, thus indicating the changing nature of farming. Photos of cattle, for example, reflect the changes in types of breeds raised in the west. Exotics like Simmental only appear after the late 1960s, thus indicating that this breed began to flourish in western Canada only in the second half of the twentieth century. The number of people contained in these pictures is formidable, and the pictures of people are valuable in many ways. By studying the pictures of dignitaries associated with the fair, one can determine who the leading agricultural personalities were over the twentieth century in Brandon. As well, the photos of exhibitors offer a wide cross section of the rural residents of southwestern Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan. From the pictures of exhibitors, one can establish who were the farmers and ranchers of this region, where they lived, and in what field they specialized. The photographs of the Winter Fair, then, are valuable for many researchers. Not only do they offer a rich history of the fair, but they also offer a vivid history of the people and agriculture of southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba.
Item-level descriptions of the graphics of RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located on a searchable database. This database is entitled “Brandon Photographs” and can be read using Microsoft Access. “Brandon Photographs” is located on a 3½ floppy disk entitled “Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds Series 9” included in this finding aid. The description of each photograph on this database includes the following information: accession number, title, date, place, physical description, scope and content, notes, creator, and copyright. By searching the database, individual photographs can be located easily. Detailed instructions on how to use the database are located in the printed finding aid.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds RG2SF2 Manitoba Winter Fair
Related Material
Pictures of the Winter Fair may also be found on the National Archives of Canada website. The Western Canadian Pictorial Index in Winnipeg, Manitoba, houses additional graphic records of the Winter Fair.
Graphics for RG2SF1 through RG2SF4 are located in boxes. Graphics larger than 24 x 35 cm are located in the image mapcase, which is located in the reading room. The graphics are filed chronologically by accession number. The arrangement is as follows: Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds; RG2SF1-RG2SF4; Series 9 Boxes 1 through 15, as follows: Box 1 EX0001 to EX0125 Box 2 EX0157 to EX0263 Box 3 EX0265 to EX0399 Box 4 EX0400 to EX0499 Box 5 EX0500 to EX0599 Box 6 EX0600 to EX0699 Box 7 EX0700 to EX0799 Box 8 EX0800 to EX0899 Box 9 EX0900 to EX0921 Box 10 EX1000 to EX1099 Box 11 EX1100 to EX1199 Box 12 EX1200 to EX1299 Box 13 EX1300 to EX1399 Box 14 EX1400 to EX1499 Box 15 EX1549 to EX1859
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Aerial views and campus photographs
Part Of
BUPC 2 Campus buildings
Description Level
Date Range
c.1920s; c.1950s - c.2000
Part Of
BUPC 2 Campus buildings
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
c.1920s; c.1950s - c.2000
Physical Description
146 photographs
History / Biographical
Aerial photographs of the campus were generally commissioned by the College/University to record important milestones, such as centennials, changes in status, and building projects. The general campus photographs were placed in this sub-series because the composition of the images made it difficult to place them with individual buildings.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of photographs of the Brandon College and Brandon University campus.
Name Access
Flora Cowan Residence
Subject Access
Aerial views Brandon College
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ARCH 2: North Lauder locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1997 to present
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1997 to present
History / Biographical
ARCH 2: North Lauder Locale The North Lauder locale has a long archaeological and geological history that is important for understanding the forces that shaped the region. Archaeological research in the locale shows that the area has been occupied by humans for at least the past 6,500 years. Environmental forces provided an area of diverse resources that attracted early peoples. Environment of the Lauder Sandhills The North Lauder locale is part of the greater Lauder Sandhills area. The glaciers that covered this region began to recede approximately 11,000 years ago leaving a large lake known as glacial Lake Hind. The Souris River, the Lauder Sandhills and the Oak Lake Aquifer are remnants of the environmental and geological forces that shaped the region. The Lauder Sandhills region is characterized by a landscape of sand sheets and stabilized sand dunes interspersed with a variety of wetlands. This complex topographic and hydrological situation favoured the development of an island mosaic of mixed forest, wetland and meadow, surrounded by mixed grass prairie. The result was a large, isolated ecotone which provided a rich variety of subsistence resources for hunter-gatherers. Research in the Lauder Sandhills Archaeologists from Brandon University have been conducting research in the Lauder Sandhills since 1991. Research in the North Lauder locale has focused on the Atkinson site, a 6,500 year old hunter-gatherer site and Flintstone Hill. The Atkinson site The Atkinson site is one of the oldest excavated sites in Manitoba and has been Radiocarbon dated to 6,500 years before present. The Atkinson site is located on the bank of the Souris River and was discovered when a hearth (fire pit) was seen eroding out of the bank. Based on the date of the site and the kind of lithics (stone tools) present it is considered a Gowen occupation. The Atkinson site is evidence that bison hunters were active on the northern plains at a very early date. Similar sites have also been found on the High Plains in the U.S. and are referred to as the Mummy Cave Complex. The Atkinson Site is of great importance as it is the first undisturbed site of this type to be excavated in Manitoba and extends the range of these sites south and east from the type-sites in central Saskatchewan. Flintstone Hill The geomorphology of the glacial Lake Hind Basin over the past 11,000 years is known primarily through the study of a cut bank along the Souris River. Flint Stone Hill contains the most complete stratigraphic record for the post-glacial period on the northern plains. The site has been extensively studied by geoarchaeologists, geologists and paleoenvironmentalists over many years and their findings have contributed to our understanding of the region. The North Lauder locale Borden designations of Atkinson site DiMe-27 and Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26. Borden System Archaeological sites in Canada are identified by the Borden system, which is a uniform site designation system. The country is divided into grids based on latitude and longitude in blocks of 10 x 20 minutes. The first 4 letters indicate the block and the following numbers indicate the actual site. For example the area of the Lauder Sandhills in southwestern Manitoba is identified by the letters DM and the North Lauder locale within that area is DiMe. The Atkinson site is DiMe-27 and the Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26. As new sites are discovered they will be numbered sequentially.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into two sub-series, including (1) Atkinson site DiMe-27 and Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26.
Name Access
North Lauder locale
Subject Access
Archaeology Atkinson site DiMe-27
Series is arranged by site and by year of field work.
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Convocation photographs (Morris Predinchuck fonds)
Part Of
BUPC 1 Convocation
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
BUPC 1 Convocation
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
Approximately 5000 photographic negatives, and some colour prints.
History / Biographical
Morris Predinchuk was a professional photographer, who during the period 1987-1999, was retained by Brandon University to photograph convocations and graduants. Each of the personal portraits was the product of a contract between Predinchuck and a graduant for a graduation photograph. Morris Predinchuk died in Moosomin, Saskatchewan on January 16, 2007 at the age of 75 years.
Custodial History
The images were picked up by the Archives from Predinchuk's business in the Towne Centre Mall on Septemeber 27, 2005.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of negatives and prints of approximately 2600 graduants and honourary degree recipients at Brandon University spring and fall convocations from 1987-1998 and the spring convocation of 1999. All the images were taken by Morris Predinchuk.
For descriptive purposes it was decided to group the negatives by convocation rather than describing each individual negative. Predinchuck's obituary appeared in the January 19, 2007 edition of the Brandon Sun.
Repro Restriction
Copyright privileges do apply. Copyright was assigned to the University through the donor form.
Storage Location
Brandon University Photograph Collection Series 1: Convocation, scholarships and awards 1.2 Morris Predinchuck fonds Boxes 1-3
Original order - chronological. All of the negatives are labelled and placed in labelled envelopes.
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Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds: Photographs
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
21 black and white photgraphs, various sizes
History / Biographical
See fonds-level description Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Custodial History
See fonds-level description Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds.
Scope and Content
Series consists of 21 photos. Included are pictures of Stephen Adolph Magnacca as mayor (1961-1969), Freedom of the City photos (1967), and a print of Thomas Mayne Daly (ca. 1880s).
Stored in Box 1
Storage Location
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 1
Storage Range
Stephen Adolph Magnacca fonds - Box 1
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Joseph H. Hughes collection - photographs
Part Of
Joseph H. Hughes collection
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
Joseph H. Hughes collection
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
84 photographs
Scope and Content
Accession 3-1997 (84 photographs, various diplomas; 1886-1960) contains a variety of photographs of buildings and streetscapes of the 100 block of Tenth Street and various Hughes properties in the city. In addition, there are photographs of the "Founders of Hughes and Co," a parade on Tenth Street in 1924, the Wheat City Business College Hockey Team 1912, three photographs of the Port of Churchill in 1931, three photographs of threshing crews on Hughes and Company property, a Great War military contingent from Brandon including JRC Evans, and four family photographs.
Initial processing Jessica Taylor (winter 2007).
Storage Location
RG 5 photograph storage drawer and oversize
Storage Range
RG 5 photograph storage drawer and oversize
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Flintstone Hill - DiMe-26
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
Flintstone Hill is located on the north bank of the Souris River. It is a deeply stratified lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian soil profile that has been exposed by the river through stream-bank erosion. This section is thought to be the most complete middle to late Holocene exposure on the northeastern plains. While the value of the site is primarily for paleo-environmental research and reconstruction, cultural deposits have been identified at the site. Local collectors have picked up lithic materials as they eroded out of the bank for the past several decades and it was they who had named the site. Mr. Bruce Timms from Lauder first drew the Flintstone Hill site to the attention of Dr. Nicholson of Brandon University. During the mid 1990’s to the early 2000’s archaeological testing took place on Flintstone Hill. In 1998, an archaeological field crew dug a series of overlapping trenches down the slope of the profile and produced a schematic drawing. A peat layer at the bottom of this profile, dated from the top at 9,400 RCY and at the bottom to 10,400 RCY, has provided details of marsh plant and insect communities at this time. Subsequent archaeological investigations at the site recovered several cultural deposits including: a hearth dating to 3250+/-70 R.C.Y. (BETA 109529); a butchered atlas bone 4090+/-70 R.C.Y. (BETA 109990); and bone fragments accompanied by Swan River Chert and Knife River Flint lithic flakes 5350+/-50 (BETA 109530). While no diagnostic tools were recovered, these dates suggest that this occupation, which is contemporary with the Atkinson site, may be a Gowen occupation. Extensive paleo-environmental research has been conducted at the site. Dr. Running, a geomorphologist from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, participated in the Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Prairie Ecozone (SCAPE) Project and he and his students tested the site for several years. He was joined in this effort by Dr. Havholm, Dr. Boyd, Dr. Wiseman, Dr. Beaudoin, and other SCAPE researchers in the interpretation of the paleo-environment of the Glacial Lake Hind basin. The following article is recommended reading. Running, Garry L., Karen G. Havholm, Matt Boyd and Dion J. Wiseman 2002 Holocene Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Flintstone Hill, Lauder Sandhills, Glacial Lake Hind Basin, Southwestern Manitoba. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire 56(2-3):291-303.
Scope and Content
Sub series has been divided into two sub sub series including: (1) Flintstone Hill 1997 (2) Flintstone Hill 1998-2000
Name Access
Flintstone Hill - DiMe-26
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Flintstone Hill - DiMe-26
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ARCH 3: Lovstrom locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1985 to 1991
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1985 to 1991
History / Biographical
The Lovstrom locale first came to the attention of Dr. Nicholson through conversations with landowners Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lovstrom in 1985. Lovstrom is a multi-component archaeological locale located 25km south of Brandon overlooking the Souris River channel. The landowner’s surface collection and the presence of bone and artifacts in a cultivated field indicated the presence of one or more sites. Limited testing was conducted in 1985 and 1986, followed by major excavations in 1987, 1988 and 1991. Eight sites of block excavations with a total of 132 1m2 excavation units were completed. The locale area extends approximately 500m north from the edge of the Souris Valley escarpment and over 200m east from the Jock’s Creek escarpment. Physical and biological environment As has been noted above, the locale is bounded on the south by the Souris channel and on the west by the incised channel of Jock’s Creek and a till plain extends to the north and the east. This plain is characterized by buff colored glacial till with numerous rocks embedded in the surface. Surrounding these rocky knolls are dark-soil hollows where the various cultural occupations are found. The depth of the topsoil layer suggests a long term grassland cover with the present oak forest likely developing in historic times due to the elimination of bison grazing and the controlling of prairie fires in late historic times. A small cleared patch of farmland is found within the boundaries of the locale area. This area has provided a substantial surface collection of artifacts. Present vegetation in the area is a mosaic of aspen/oak forest groves and mesic grass prairie that includes introduced species such as brome grass. In poorly drained areas, willow and red osier dogwood are present. The Lovstrom locale is found in a forested area dominated by oak with an under story of saskatoon, chokecherry, pin cherry, and hazelnut brush. Poison ivy is abundant as well as sarsaparilla. The major faunal resources in Precontact times would have been bison, with elk and mule deer playing a minor role. Antelope may have been present also. Small animals included snowshoe hare, cottontails, porcupines and beaver. Canids, including wolf, coyote, fox and domesticated dog were present, as well as mustelids such as badger, mink, and weasel. Fragments from a fisher were also recovered in the excavations. Summation. The Lovstrom locale has eight sites. The sites were designated and excavated as Blocks A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Many of the sites are multi-occupations. The Vickers materials are primarily confined to Blocks D, E, F, G and H. Vickers Focus materials overlie Blackduck/Duck Bay materials. Blackduck and Duck Bay materials are found in the lower levels of all excavation blocks and in most test units. The Vickers occupations at the Lovstrom locale, based upon ceramic wares and an overlapping of C14 dates, appear to have been contemporary with the Lowton type site to the east, near Belmont. A small protohistoric occupation was identified overlying part of Block D. Faunal remains are abundant with bison clearly dominating the assemblages. Lesser amounts of canid are present as well as small mammals including beaver, hare and mustelids. Small amounts of avian species are also present. Publications Nicholson, B.A. 2011 The Role of Pocket Gophers (Thomomys talpoides) in Restructuring Stratigraphic Relationships at the Lovstrom Site. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 35:323-331. Nicholson, Bev, Scott Hamilton, Matthew Boyd and Sylvia Nicholson 2008 A Late Plains Woodland Adaptive Strategy in the Northern Parklands: the Vickers Focus Forager-Horticulturists. Invited Paper for Papers in Northeastern Plains Prehistory, eds. Michael G. Michlovic and Dennis L. Toom, North Dakota Journal of Archaeology Vol. 8:19-34. Nicholson, Bev and Scott Hamilton 2001 Cultural Continuity and Changing Subsistence Strategies During the Late Precontact Period in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 25:53-73. Nicholson, Bev 1996 Plains Woodland Influx and the Blackduck Exodus in South-Western Manitoba During the Late Precontact Period. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 6(1):69-85. Nicholson, Bev and Mary Malainey 1991 Report on the 1991 Field School Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1), Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 1(2): 51-93. Nicholson, Bev and Jane Gibson 1990-91 Lovstrom Site Field Report, 1987 Excavations. Saskatchewan Archaeology 11&12:46-68. Nicholson, Bev and Ian Kuiijt 1990 Field Report and Interpretations of the 1988 Archaeological Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1) in Southwestern Manitoba. North Dakota Journal of Archaeology 4:166-205. Nicholson, Bev 1990 Ceramic Affiliations and the Case for Incipient Horticulture in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 14:33-60. Nicholson, Bev 1986 The Lovstrom Site: Culture Contact in Prehistory. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly 10(1):35-71.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into nine sub-series, including (1) Survey (2) Block A; (3) Block B (4) Block C; (5) Block D; (6) Block E; (7) Block F; (8) Block G; (9) Block H
Name Access
Lovstrom locale
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale
Series is arranged by site/block and by year of field work.
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McS 5 A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. photographs
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Known creators of the records include: PHOTOGRAPHERS AND PHOTO SERVICES: Alan R. Mundie Britain Photo Davidson & Gowen - Brandon, Manitoba Davidson Studio - Brandon, Manitoba Dean Photo Service - Grand Junction, Colorado Frank Gowen - Brandon, Manitoba Gibson Photos - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan H.H. Allen - Brandon, Manitoba Hi-Art Artists Illustration Boards Irene Cullen J.H. MacDonald-Partners Ltd. Jerrett's Photo-Art Studio/Jerrett's Photo Service - Brandon, Manitoba Josiph Airey Lorne Burkell - Calgary, Alberta O.K.W.D.W. R.M. Coleman - Brandon, Manitoba Sandy Black - Brandon, Manitoba Seattle Filmworks Smith Carter Partners, Architects, Engineers, Planners Sun Roska Photo The Topley Studio - Ottawa, Ontario W.B. & I. Winsor & Newton's Illustration Boards PRINTING SERVICES: Crawford Drug Store - Brandon, Manitoba Eastman Photographic Materials Ltd. - Winnipeg, Manitoba Leech Printing Ltd. - Brandon, Manitoba
Description Level
Series Number
McS 4
Date Range
Physical Description
497 photographs 2 negatives 1 slide
History / Biographical
Customers and employees of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. donated some of the records in this series. Others were taken for insurance purposes, while some of the records involve McKenzie subsidiaries. Some of the records may have been taken as advertisements or for promotional reasons. Most of the records were generated by the company itself and deal exclusively with McKenzie Seeds and its business operations or the seed industry.
Custodial History
Photographs in sub-series 5.14, 5.15, 5.16 were donated to McKenzie Seeds by Irene Cullen, Josiph Airey, and Alan R. Mundie respectively. See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
Series consists primarily of black and white photographs pertaining to A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd and the seed industry. Included are photographs of the McKenzie Building, plant and field workers and equipment, executives, particular events at McKenzie Seeds and product photographs. A complete list of categories can be found below. The series is arranged as follows: 5.1 McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. Executives 5.2 Construction at McKenzie Seed Co. Brandon (two files) 5.3 Exterior Photographs of the A. E. McKenzie Co. Building 5.4 McKenzie Seed Co. Plant Operations and Workers (two files) 5.5 McKenzie Seed Co. Equipment and Plant - Head Office 1983 5.6 McKenzie Seed Co. Field Operations and Workers 5.7 McKenzie Seed Co. Strike 1944 5.8 Fires at McKenzie Seed Co. 1910, 1945, 1972 5.9 McKenzie Seed Co. Centennial Exhibition 1996 5.10 Miscellaneous McKenzie Seed Co. Photographs 5.11 People Connected to McKenzie Seed Co. 5.12 Princess Anne's Visit to McKenzie Seed Co. 1982 5.13 Onion Set Production Book 5.14 Irene Cullen Photographs - McKenzie Seeds Employee Photos 5.15 Josiph Airey Photographs - McKenzie Product Photos 5.16 Alan R. Mundie Seed Production Photographs 5.17 Steele Robertson/Steele Briggs Seeds Photographs 5.18 Seed Packet Display Units Photographs 5.19 Product Photographs 5.20 Parade Photographs *5.21 Oversized Photographs 5.21.1 Drawer #1: Executive Photographs 5.21.2 Drawer #2: Office and Equipment/Plant Photographs 5.21.3 Drawer #3: Miscellaneous Oversized Photographs 5.21.4 Drawer #4: Artifacts
* The term "drawer" in the Scope and Content Filed for sub-series 5.21, referes to the oversized map drawers in the McKee Archives reading room. Errol Black's article on the strike at McKenzie Seeds (sub-series 5.7) titled “25c an hour; 48 hours a week; more toilets; less cats: the labour struggles of the "girls" at the A.E. McKenzie Company in Brandon,” was published in Prairie Forum, spring 1992 vol 17 no 1 pp. 33-59.
Finding Aid
An inventory is available for the artifacts, as well as each of the photograph sub-series.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds McS 5 Photographs
Related Material
MG 1 (A.E. McKenzie Fonds), sub-series 1 (Brandon College Inc.) of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds contains photographs relating to the History of Brandon College Inc. booklet. Series 1 (Board of Directors), sub-series 5 (Financial), of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds contains some photographs in the file entitled Steele Briggs Spring Campaign for Edmonton. The pictures are part of a sales booklet. Steele Briggs related photographs are located in the scrapbook in Series 3 (Acquisitions), sub-series 2 (Steele Briggs) of the A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds.
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RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
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Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
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Accession Number
multiple media
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History / Biographical
The Lovstrom surface collection came from small fields cleared within, and adjacent to, the major portions of the site which were excavated. The Lovstroms initial collection has since been added to by field personnel from Brandon University. The initial collections consisted of lithics and ceramics. A collection of faunal remains from the cultivated area was made by a Brandon University zooarchaeology class in 1986 which yielded specimens of elk, canid, mussels, and sucker, in addition to an expected abundance of bison. Since these materials were in a surface context, it may be that some of the faunal remains were historic. The high biodiversity and evidence of pre-Europeon contact prompted the decision to test the Lovstrom locale. Nine 1m2 units were excavated in 1985 and, in 1986, an additional 15 1m2 units were excavated for a total of 24 test units. This testing indicated the presence of a large precontact locale with lithics, woodland ceramics and large amounts of reasonably well-preserved faunal materials. The lithics indicated a late Prehistoric occupation (Nicholson 1986:35). However, the ceramics were more useful in that they identified the presence of Late Woodland cultures (Blackduck and Duckbay) and a single Middle Missouri vessel. It is believed that the Middle Missouri vessel was imported since the paste and construction/decorative technology differ distinctively from that of all other vessels recovered from the site. It was on the basis of an examination of these surface finds that the decision to test the Lovstrom site was made. These test excavations were conducted during the summers of 1985 and 1986. Field investigations through shovel tests, excavation units, and examination of rodent mounds, indicated that the cultural deposits at the Lovstrom locale extend approximately 500m north from the edge of the Souris channel and eastward for over two hundred meters from the escarpment along Jock’s Creek. The presence of dense forest vegetation covering much of the locale, and the subsurface nature of the archaeological deposits obscured surface indications. Radiocarbon dates: Test Unit 4: 1215/320 BP and Test Unit 8 1280/190 BP
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom survey 1985 and Lovstrom survey 1986
Name Access
Lovstrom survey
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale Lovstrom survey
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