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ARCH 3: Lovstrom locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1985 to 1991
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1985 to 1991
History / Biographical
The Lovstrom locale first came to the attention of Dr. Nicholson through conversations with landowners Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lovstrom in 1985. Lovstrom is a multi-component archaeological locale located 25km south of Brandon overlooking the Souris River channel. The landowner’s surface collection and the presence of bone and artifacts in a cultivated field indicated the presence of one or more sites. Limited testing was conducted in 1985 and 1986, followed by major excavations in 1987, 1988 and 1991. Eight sites of block excavations with a total of 132 1m2 excavation units were completed. The locale area extends approximately 500m north from the edge of the Souris Valley escarpment and over 200m east from the Jock’s Creek escarpment. Physical and biological environment As has been noted above, the locale is bounded on the south by the Souris channel and on the west by the incised channel of Jock’s Creek and a till plain extends to the north and the east. This plain is characterized by buff colored glacial till with numerous rocks embedded in the surface. Surrounding these rocky knolls are dark-soil hollows where the various cultural occupations are found. The depth of the topsoil layer suggests a long term grassland cover with the present oak forest likely developing in historic times due to the elimination of bison grazing and the controlling of prairie fires in late historic times. A small cleared patch of farmland is found within the boundaries of the locale area. This area has provided a substantial surface collection of artifacts. Present vegetation in the area is a mosaic of aspen/oak forest groves and mesic grass prairie that includes introduced species such as brome grass. In poorly drained areas, willow and red osier dogwood are present. The Lovstrom locale is found in a forested area dominated by oak with an under story of saskatoon, chokecherry, pin cherry, and hazelnut brush. Poison ivy is abundant as well as sarsaparilla. The major faunal resources in Precontact times would have been bison, with elk and mule deer playing a minor role. Antelope may have been present also. Small animals included snowshoe hare, cottontails, porcupines and beaver. Canids, including wolf, coyote, fox and domesticated dog were present, as well as mustelids such as badger, mink, and weasel. Fragments from a fisher were also recovered in the excavations. Summation. The Lovstrom locale has eight sites. The sites were designated and excavated as Blocks A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Many of the sites are multi-occupations. The Vickers materials are primarily confined to Blocks D, E, F, G and H. Vickers Focus materials overlie Blackduck/Duck Bay materials. Blackduck and Duck Bay materials are found in the lower levels of all excavation blocks and in most test units. The Vickers occupations at the Lovstrom locale, based upon ceramic wares and an overlapping of C14 dates, appear to have been contemporary with the Lowton type site to the east, near Belmont. A small protohistoric occupation was identified overlying part of Block D. Faunal remains are abundant with bison clearly dominating the assemblages. Lesser amounts of canid are present as well as small mammals including beaver, hare and mustelids. Small amounts of avian species are also present. Publications Nicholson, B.A. 2011 The Role of Pocket Gophers (Thomomys talpoides) in Restructuring Stratigraphic Relationships at the Lovstrom Site. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 35:323-331. Nicholson, Bev, Scott Hamilton, Matthew Boyd and Sylvia Nicholson 2008 A Late Plains Woodland Adaptive Strategy in the Northern Parklands: the Vickers Focus Forager-Horticulturists. Invited Paper for Papers in Northeastern Plains Prehistory, eds. Michael G. Michlovic and Dennis L. Toom, North Dakota Journal of Archaeology Vol. 8:19-34. Nicholson, Bev and Scott Hamilton 2001 Cultural Continuity and Changing Subsistence Strategies During the Late Precontact Period in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 25:53-73. Nicholson, Bev 1996 Plains Woodland Influx and the Blackduck Exodus in South-Western Manitoba During the Late Precontact Period. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 6(1):69-85. Nicholson, Bev and Mary Malainey 1991 Report on the 1991 Field School Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1), Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 1(2): 51-93. Nicholson, Bev and Jane Gibson 1990-91 Lovstrom Site Field Report, 1987 Excavations. Saskatchewan Archaeology 11&12:46-68. Nicholson, Bev and Ian Kuiijt 1990 Field Report and Interpretations of the 1988 Archaeological Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1) in Southwestern Manitoba. North Dakota Journal of Archaeology 4:166-205. Nicholson, Bev 1990 Ceramic Affiliations and the Case for Incipient Horticulture in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 14:33-60. Nicholson, Bev 1986 The Lovstrom Site: Culture Contact in Prehistory. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly 10(1):35-71.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into nine sub-series, including (1) Survey (2) Block A; (3) Block B (4) Block C; (5) Block D; (6) Block E; (7) Block F; (8) Block G; (9) Block H
Name Access
Lovstrom locale
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale
Series is arranged by site/block and by year of field work.
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ARCH 2: North Lauder locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1997 to present
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1997 to present
History / Biographical
ARCH 2: North Lauder Locale The North Lauder locale has a long archaeological and geological history that is important for understanding the forces that shaped the region. Archaeological research in the locale shows that the area has been occupied by humans for at least the past 6,500 years. Environmental forces provided an area of diverse resources that attracted early peoples. Environment of the Lauder Sandhills The North Lauder locale is part of the greater Lauder Sandhills area. The glaciers that covered this region began to recede approximately 11,000 years ago leaving a large lake known as glacial Lake Hind. The Souris River, the Lauder Sandhills and the Oak Lake Aquifer are remnants of the environmental and geological forces that shaped the region. The Lauder Sandhills region is characterized by a landscape of sand sheets and stabilized sand dunes interspersed with a variety of wetlands. This complex topographic and hydrological situation favoured the development of an island mosaic of mixed forest, wetland and meadow, surrounded by mixed grass prairie. The result was a large, isolated ecotone which provided a rich variety of subsistence resources for hunter-gatherers. Research in the Lauder Sandhills Archaeologists from Brandon University have been conducting research in the Lauder Sandhills since 1991. Research in the North Lauder locale has focused on the Atkinson site, a 6,500 year old hunter-gatherer site and Flintstone Hill. The Atkinson site The Atkinson site is one of the oldest excavated sites in Manitoba and has been Radiocarbon dated to 6,500 years before present. The Atkinson site is located on the bank of the Souris River and was discovered when a hearth (fire pit) was seen eroding out of the bank. Based on the date of the site and the kind of lithics (stone tools) present it is considered a Gowen occupation. The Atkinson site is evidence that bison hunters were active on the northern plains at a very early date. Similar sites have also been found on the High Plains in the U.S. and are referred to as the Mummy Cave Complex. The Atkinson Site is of great importance as it is the first undisturbed site of this type to be excavated in Manitoba and extends the range of these sites south and east from the type-sites in central Saskatchewan. Flintstone Hill The geomorphology of the glacial Lake Hind Basin over the past 11,000 years is known primarily through the study of a cut bank along the Souris River. Flint Stone Hill contains the most complete stratigraphic record for the post-glacial period on the northern plains. The site has been extensively studied by geoarchaeologists, geologists and paleoenvironmentalists over many years and their findings have contributed to our understanding of the region. The North Lauder locale Borden designations of Atkinson site DiMe-27 and Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26. Borden System Archaeological sites in Canada are identified by the Borden system, which is a uniform site designation system. The country is divided into grids based on latitude and longitude in blocks of 10 x 20 minutes. The first 4 letters indicate the block and the following numbers indicate the actual site. For example the area of the Lauder Sandhills in southwestern Manitoba is identified by the letters DM and the North Lauder locale within that area is DiMe. The Atkinson site is DiMe-27 and the Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26. As new sites are discovered they will be numbered sequentially.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into two sub-series, including (1) Atkinson site DiMe-27 and Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26.
Name Access
North Lauder locale
Subject Access
Archaeology Atkinson site DiMe-27
Series is arranged by site and by year of field work.
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ARCH 4: Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1992 to 2002
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1992 to 2002
History / Biographical
Introduction Information on archaeological materials in this locale first came to the attention of Dr. Nicholson through Doug Jackson, a local artifact collector from Souris. Doug had observed archaeological materials that included bone, ceramics and lithic material that had been exposed by municipal road building activity, northwest of Lauder Manitoba Environment The Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale is located among stabilized sand dunes in the Lauder Sandhills in Southwestern Manitoba, northwest of the village of Lauder. The area is a mosaic of medium grass prairie and copses of aspen poplar and aspen-oak, together with intermittent sedge grass marshes and small ponds. These wetlands are bordered with balsam poplar, water birch, willows and red osier dogwood. The well-drained upland forest also contains saskatoon, chokecherry, wild current, hazelnut bushes and occasional wild plums. Lowland areas have nannyberries and high-bush cranberry. Wild strawberries grow in lightly shaded areas along trail margins and in open patches in aspen forest. History of Excavations The Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale is a virtual "island" of forest and marshlands in a vast expanse of mixed grass prairie. This archaeologically and environmentally rich area was given the Dakota name Makotchi-Ded Dontipi, meaning "the place where we live". Summation Prior to European settlement, the area was a rich environment for hunter-gatherer people. Archaeological investigations from 1992 to 2002 have revealed numerous sites within the locale. Some of these sites have been extensively excavated while others have been identified or tested. Seven sites that have been identified in this locale range in age from the historic through protohistoric periods and extend into the middle precontact period. The major sites are the initial Middle Missouri Duthie site, the late precontact Jackson, Bradshaw sites and the protohistoric Twin Fawns, Schuddemat and Hollow B sites. The multi-component Vera site includes historic Métis, late precontact Vickers Focus, and middle precontact Besant, Pelican Lake, McKean Complex and Oxbow occupations. Over 230 units were excavated as well as numerous test pits and several extensive surveys.
Scope and Content
Scope and Content The Series has been divided into seven sub-series, including (1) Duthie site (2) Jackson site (3) Twin Fawns site (4) Vera site (5) Schuddemat site (6) Bradshaw site (7) Hollow B site.
Name Access
Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale
Subject Access
Series is arranged by site and by year of field work.
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BUPC 2: Campus buildings
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
c.1909 - 2000; predominant 1960s - 1996
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
c.1909 - 2000; predominant 1960s - 1996
Physical Description
604 photographs (b/w & colour)
Scope and Content
Series consists of photographs of various buildings found on the Brandon College/University campus.
Subject Access
Storage Range
Photograph storage drawers
Series is divided into 13 sub-series, including: (1) Aerials; (2) Brandon College Building & Clark Hall; (3) Citizens' Science Centre & Knowles Douglas Building; (4) Richardson Centre & A.E. McKenzie Building; (5) Healthy Living Centre & Henry Champ Gymnasium; (6) Dining Hall & Residences; (7) Education Building; (8) Original Music Building & the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building; (9) J.R. Brodie Science Centre; (10) Dr. James and Mrs. Lucille Brown Health Studies Complex; (11) Jeff Umphrey Building & Glen P. Sutherland Art Gallery; (12) Physical Plant; (13) H-Huts.
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BAPC 2: Urban images
Part Of
RG 12 Brandon and Area Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
History / Biographical
Series is artifically created.
Scope and Content
Photographs in this series fall under the general heading of urban images of the City of Brandon. They include parades, buildings, businesses, natural phenomena such as fires and floods, special events and cityscapes.
Storage Location
Brandon and Area photograph collection photograph drawer (regular and oversize)
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BC 2: Office of the principal/president
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
13 m
History / Biographical
The Office of the President of Brandon College was established in 1899 under the title of Principal. The Principal was the head of the Academic Department and the Administrative body. In 1910, the position of Principal was changed to the position of President. There is no documented reason given for this change, but it was consistent with other universities and colleges at the time. When the institution was first organized in 1899, the role of the Principal was quite varied. It was the Principal who acted as both Registrar and Bursar, in addition to his duties as head of administration. The Principal also acted as a professor. It was the Principal who kept the college in contact with the Baptist Union. The Principal also acted as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the Senate, being an ex-officio member of both. In 1910, the roles of Registrar and Bursar were no longer the responsibility of the President. In the 1920’s the President became increasingly involved with fundraising and traveled extensively in search of financial support. In 1938, following the “Act to Incorporate Brandon College Incorporated,” the Board of Directors, under by-law #1, assigned the President with “the internal management of the business of the Corporation insofar as it relates to the students, teaching and office staff shall be under the direct supervision of the President, subject to the order of the Board.” In 1965 the President’s Office was created, consisting of the President, Executive Assistant to the President (later Deputy to the President), and Secretary to the President who was also the Public Relations Assistant. From 1899 until 1967 the Office of the President was administered by six different men.
Scope and Content
Series consists of records generated and collected by various presidents. The series has been divided into six sub-series, including: (1) Dr. Archibald P. McDiarmid; (2) Dr. Howard Primrose Whidden; (3) Dr. Franklin W. Sweet; (4) Dr. David Bovington; (5) Dr. John Robert Charles Evans; and (6) Dr. John E. Robbins.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 2: Office of the Principal/President
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MG 2 Brandon College students
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
See individual series for extent.
History / Biographical
The Brandon College Students series is an artificially created collection. It contains the private papers of former Brandon College students.
Scope and Content
The series has been divided into the following sub-series: MG 2 2.1 Kathleen Emily Kenner MG 2 2.2 Gerald R. Brown MG 2 2.3 Saul L. Cohen MG 2 2.4 Paul McKinnon MG 2 2.5 Verda McDonald MG 2 2.6 Frances Percival (nee Fraser) MG 2 2.7 Raymond R. Bailey MG 2 2.8 Harold Arthur Kinniburgh MG 2 2.9 Barbara Cooper MG 2 2.10 Class of 1953 MG 2 2.11 Elizabeth Kovach MG 2 2.12 Carole Paintin-Dence MG 2 2.13 Edward Lloyd Bowler MG 2 2.14 Rev. Einar Egilsson MG 2 2.15 George Thorman MG 2 2.16 Robert Dudley Howland MG 2 2.17 Charles H. Koester MG 2 2.18 Robert Harvey MG 2 2.19 Lawrence Skeoch MG 2 2.20 Edith Laycock MG 2 2.21 Marion Stone MG 2 2.22 Margaret Doran Roberts MG 2 2.23 Georgina (Hill) Matiation MG 2 2.24 Class of 1950 MG 2 2.25 Donald Freeman MG 2 2.26 William Archibald Branton MG 2 2.27 Adelene Monica Bailey MG 2 2.28 Lois and Gordon Daly MG 2 2.29 Marionne Scott MG 2 2.30 Christine Coltart MG 2 2.31 Bertha Leith (nee Clark) MG 2 2.32 Margaret Hawley Speers MG 2 2.33 Ruth and Archie MacLachlan MG 2 2.34 Fran Sallows MG 2 2.35 Clare Coburn MG 2 2.36 Gordon Lindsay
Description by Christy Henry.
Subject Access
former students
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students
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BU 2: Brandon University Board of Governors
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1939-1991; predominant 1967-1987
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Date Range
1939-1991; predominant 1967-1987
Physical Description
3.65 m
History / Biographical
The Board of Governors of Brandon University is a body established by the Brandon University Act (1998), a statute of the Province of Manitoba. The Act vests in the Board the authority for governing Brandon University. The members of the Board of Governors, as trustees, hold the University in trust for the people of the Province of Manitoba. Responsibilities for maintaining this trust include: selection of a president, monitoring his/her performance, providing guidance to the University via its policies, and often delegating authority to the administration. The Board of Governors is a collective representing the entire community (both internal and external of the University). As a collective, the Board of Governors is responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the institution and for seeing that the overall plans of the institution are consistent with the institution’s philosophy, goals, and financial resources.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records generated and collected by the Brandon University Board of Governors in the course of perfoming its functions. The fonds is divided into six sub-series, incuding: (1) Documents; (2) Board Executive; (3) General Board agendas, minutes and packages; (4) Correspondence and subject files; (5) Board of Governors' committees; and (6) Board projects.
The information in the History/Bio field was taken from the Brandon University webpage ( on December 2, 2005.
Access Restriction
All files in the series are restricted. Researchers are required to contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Governors to obtain written permission to access the records. Contact: 204-727-9714
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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McS 2 Office of the president/general manager
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
Description Level
Series Number
McS 2
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
2.47 m
History / Biographical
The offices of the President and General Manager were established in 1896 with the creation of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. These positions were held jointly by the one officer of company until 1975, when the Board of Directors of the Company divided the two positions, thereby relieving the President from management of plant operations. Under the General By-Laws of the Company, the President, when present, presided over all Board of Directors meetings. He also signed all documents that may have required his signature and performed any other duties assigned to him by the board. The President exercised general supervision and control over the business of the Company and performed such duties as are usually associated with the office of President of Chief Executive officer of a company. The General Manager had full power and authority to manage and direct the business and affairs of the Company. He was also responsible for employing and discharging agents and employees of the Company. After A.E. McKenzie gifted the majority of his company shares to the Government of Manitoba in 1945, the General Manager remained responsible for all operations of the Company. However, the General Manager found himself accountable to a Board of Directors comprised mainly of government appointees. A. E. McKenzie held the offices of President/General Manager from 1896 until his death in 1964, at which time J. Lasby Lowes succeeded him. Following Lowes' retirement in 1968, A.R. Swanson was appointed by the government to fill the positions. Anthony J. Maruca became President of A.E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. in 1972. In 1975, the Board of Directors appointed William Moore the first individual to hold the position of General Manager without also occupying the President's office. At the same time, Mr. Pat Kelleher was named the new interim President. Following Kelleher's resignation, Moore was appointed President of the company. Keith Guelpa became President around 1984 following Moore's departure from the company to face criminal charges arising from his activities as an officer of the company. Raymond West assumed the position after Guelpa’s departure.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
Series consists almost entirely of records and documents generated by the first two President/General Managers of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. In addition to the records created by A.E. McKenzie and J. Lasby Lowes in their capacity as President/General Manager, records pertaining to the various properties owned by the Company are also included. The series also contains marketing documents, including catalogues and sales literature, as well as a reference library comprised of twenty titles dealing with business and the seed industry and some records dealing with the President/General Managers following Lowes' retirement. The series has been divided into seven sub-series, including: (1) A.E. McKenzie; (2) J. Lasby Lowes; (3) Comptroller; (4) Properites; (5) Marketing; (6) Reference Library; and (7) Miscellaneous Publications/Correspondence.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds McS 2 Office of the President/General Manager
Arrangement: The series is arranged as follows: 2.1 A.E. McKenzie 2.1.1 Secretary 2.1.2 Legal Matters 2.1.3 Correspondence 2.1.4 Patents 2.1.5 By-Law Campaign 1918 2.1.6 Miscellaneous 2.2 J. Lasby Lowes 2.2.1 Correspondence 2.2.2 Historical Topics 2.2.3 Miscellaneous 2.3 Comptroller 2.4 Properties 2.4.1 Toronto 2.4.2 Calgary 2.4.3 Brandon 2.4.4 Miscellaneous 2.4.5 Parkade 2.4.6 Appraisals 2.5 Marketing 2.5.1 Catalogues McKenzie McFayden Suppliers Miscellaneous 2.5.2 Seed Packets Vegetables Flowers Herbs 2.5.3 Miscellaneous Sales Literature Documents 2.5.4 Miscellaneous Marketing Papers/Reports 2.6 Reference Library 2.7 Miscellaneous Publications/Correspondence
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Crocus Women's Institute fonds
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
18 cm
History / Biographical
The Women's Institute was founded in 1897 in Stoney Creek, Ontario, by Adelaide Hoodless. By 1913, institutes had been established in every Canadian province. In 1919, provincial representatives met in Winnipeg to form the Federated Women's Institute of Canada. The Women's Institute was designed to promote quality of life in rural Canada and to foster the advancement of rural women. The first Women's Institute in Manitoba was organized in 1910, in Morris, Manitoba. The Crocus Women's Institute was created in the fall of 1946. The charter for the group was issued on November 25, 1946. One of the first projects of the group included sending food parcels to Britain until war rationing was discontinued. The main focus of the Institute was the local school: the Institute sponsored essay contests and provided furniture for the school. The Institute also sponsored a garden club and held a garden show for many years. Finally, the group had an annual Christmas Cheer project. The Crocus WI disbanded in 1984.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 2002 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains member lists in the form of roll calls from 1946-1984. There are also Women's Institute Programs from the years 1946-1984. Fonds also includes the organization's minutes, financial records and annual reports from 1946-84, a scrapbook for the years 1946-1984, and the Certificate of Organization for the Crocus Women's Institute, dated September 5, 1950.
CAIN No. 202645
Subject Access
Edith Mitchell
Margaret Erven
Evelyn Firby
Edna Allen
M. Johnston
Irene Erven
E. Crawley
Florence Wilmot
Dawn Erven
Miss Frances Isabel McKay
Mrs. Evelyn Luella Ames
Crocus Women's Institute
Manitoba Women's Institute
rural women
women's organizations
Storage Location
2002 accessions
Storage Range
2002 accessions
Related Material
Related women's institute collections in the McKee Archives include: Manitoba Women's Institute; Minnedosa Women's Institute; Cordova Women's Institute; Clanwilliam Women's Institute; Rathwell Women's Institute; Strathclair Women's Institute; Crocus Women's Institute; Southwest A Region - Manitoba Women's Institute; Douglas Women's Institute
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Dorothy Cox collection
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
17 cm textual records
4 color photographs
Physical Condition
Cover of Young School minute book is moderately damaged, but pages are in good condition with only minor water damage and a few ripped pages.
History / Biographical
Dorothy Cox (nee Frost) moved from Elm Creek to Justice in 1946 to work as a schoolteacher. In 1948, she married Laval Cox and together they had four children: Larry, Herd, Rosalie and Heather. In 1949, Dorothy and Laval purchased Gibb Gillespie's PSV business and began hauling grain, cattle and agricultural equipment. Dorothy went back to teaching in 1959, first at Justice and then Elton Collegiate. After retiring from teaching in 1978, Dorothy started a greenhouse, which operated for 21 years. All six members of the Cox family were active in community events and organizations. Dorothy was involved in establishing the baby band in 1951; her sons Larry and Herb were members. Along with Laval, Dorothy was a leader of the Cubs in 1955-1956 and again in 1958-1959. Laval was the leader of the local hockey club in 1958, and of a bible study group in 1960. Larry, Herb and Rosalie were avid skaters in 1960-64. Heather and Rosalie were enrolled in senior grades of Sunday school in 1970.
Custodial History
Records were collected by Dorothy Cox, a resident of Justice, over a number of years. She donated them to the McKee Archives on April 4, 2012.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records related to the history of the Justice district. It includes a history of the Justice Church (1910-1970); minute and expense books for the Justice Hockey Club (1949-1966); a minute and expense book for Young Protestant School (1884-1898); a copy of the Justice 100th Anniversary community history (2009); and four color photographs of Justice Church.
History/Bio information taken from the content of the collection. Description by James Heaman (2012).
Name Access
Justice, MB
Subject Access
local histories
Repro Restriction
Church photos taken in 1970 are subject to Canadian copyright restrictions, which researchers are required to comply with.
Related Material
Lawrence Stuckey fonds 1-2002 (photographs of Justice school, church, elevator and houses)
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Margaret Menzies collection
Part Of
MG 4 Brandon University Students
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1959-2007; predominant 1983-2001
Accession Number
Part Of
MG 4 Brandon University Students
Description Level
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1959-2007; predominant 1983-2001
Physical Description
18 cm textual records
1 photograph
History / Biographical
Margaret Menzies was born on July 30th, 1920, at a family farm located in Oakburn, Manitoba. She grew up on the family farm and attended school in both Oakburn and Shoal Lake. She married Donald Menzies on June 4th, 1941. Together they had four children. In 1959, the family moved to Brandon, Manitoba, where they lived for the rest of their lives. Margaret Menzies was a longtime and active member of the International Toastmistress Club (ITC), and was also involved in the Consumers Association of Canada, Seniors for Seniors, as well as being a member of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Central United Church. Menzies did not graduate from high school in her early years, but managed to continue her education and receive a bachelor of arts degree from Brandon University at the age of 70. Margaret Menzies passed away on June 9th, 2012.
Custodial History
Records in the collection were brought to the S.J McKee Archives on July 13, 2012, by Gerald Brown, on behalf of the family of Margaret Menzies.
Scope and Content
Collection contains of two scrapbooks created by Margaret Menzies. The scrapbooks contain various cards, itinerary's, and other documents associated with Menzies' membership in the International Toastmistress Club. The items in the scrapbooks date from the mid 1980's to the late 1990's. Also included in the collection are four local history books. The first is a 100 year history of the town of Oakburn, Manitoba, from 1870 to 1970, published during celebrations of Manitoba's centenniary in 1970. Next is a book about the history of the town of Shoal Lake, Manitoba, which was published in 1959 on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the town of Shoal Lake in 1909. The last two books are the first and second volumes of Ripples on the Lake, which cover the history of the Shoal Lake municipality from 1884. The first volume covers the first 100 years of the history of the Shoal Lake region, being published in 1984. The second volume was published in 2007, covering the history of Shoal Lake since 1984, as well as including new information that was not published in the 1984 version of the book. Finally, the collection contains one photograph of Margaret Menzies receiving her bachelor of arts degree from Peter Hordern, dean of arts of Brandon University.
Biographical information provided by obituary entry in the Brandon Sun, June 16, 2012. Description by Tyler Warren (October 2012).
Name Access
Shoal Lake
International Toastmistress Club
Urban Acres Toastmistress Club
Subject Access
women's organizations
public relations
local histories
Storage Range
2012 accessions
Related Material
International Toastmistress Club-Land O' Lakes Region fonds (15-2002)
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Canadian Union of Public Employees (Brandon, Manitoba) fonds
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1956-1890; predominant 1964-1980
Accession Number
22-2003, 30-1999
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Accession Number
22-2003, 30-1999
textual records
Date Range
1956-1890; predominant 1964-1980
Physical Description
5.2 m
History / Biographical
The Canadian Union of Public Employees came into existence in September 1963, during a convention in Winnipeg when The National Union of Public Employees and the National Union of Public Service Employees merged. In 1964, the Manitoba Division of CUPE (now CUPE Manitoba) held its founding convention in The Pas. At that time, there were 12 affiliated local unions and a total membership of 1,300. The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada's largest union. Public service employees formed CUPE to protect their rights, to negotiate wages and working conditions, and to achieve dignity in the workplace.
Custodial History
Fonds was in the possesssion of the Brandon CUPE Office until its donation to the S.J. McKee Archives in 1995.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains general administrative files of the CUPE including agreements, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and convention records. In addition, fonds includes records for many CUPE locals in southwestern and north-central Manitoba. These includes files for each local containing agreements, lists of officials, correspondence and financial records. An extensive body of records dating from 1956 exists for CUPE local #69. This local began its existence as the Brandon Civic Employees Federal Union formed in April 1919.
CAIN No. 202610
Subject Access
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Brandon Civic Employees Federal Union Local 69
collective bargaining
public sector unions
industrial relations
Storage Location
2003 accessions
Storage Range
2003 accessions
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Minnedosa Women's Institute fonds
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
30 cm
History / Biographical
The Minnedosa Women's Institute was one of the first Women's Institutes in Manitoba. The group was created on November 11, 1910, and was called the Home Economics Society until 1919, when all Home Economics Societies in Manitoba became branches of the Manitoba Women's Institute. The first president of the Minnedosa Women's Institute was Mrs. Andrew Boyd. Some early projects of the group included building a rest room and the maintenance of a country women's ward in the Minnedosa Hospital. The group also worked for the war effort during both world wars, including sewing and knitting, as well as sending clothing and food overseas. During the 1920's, the Institute held a number of baby clinics, and during the 1930's, opened a lending library. The Institute also participated with other community projects and groups such as 4-H and the film council. The Minnedosa branch is no longer active, however the Basswood Women's Institute is active in the Minnedosa area.
Custodial History
Fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 2002. Previous custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds includes many records from the Minnedosa Women's Institute, such as the group's constitution, and the meeting minutes from 1914-1981. The fonds also contains financial records from 1932-1955. There are two scrapbooks about the Minnedosa Women's Institute, with the first running from 1910-60 and the second running from 1960-80. The scrapbooks contain pictures, clippings, and stories. There is also a scrapbook dedicated to Minnedosa Village History, which covers the years 1878-1956. Finally, this fonds includes the Certificate of Organization for the Minnedosa Women's Institute, which is dated October 20, 1922, althought the group was established in 1910.
CAIN No. 202604. Description by Robyn Mitchell.
Subject Access
Mrs. Cooper
Miss May Ewens
Mrs. Cannon
Mrs. Williamson
Miss Mary Jones
Mrs. Rooke
Mrs. Talbert Sedgwick
Mrs. Frank Hill
Mrs. Culver
Mrs. Robert Woodcock
Mrs. Florence Brown
Mrs. E. Wheatland
Mrs. Marjorie Traquair
Mrs. Lace
Mrs. Lula Faye Campbell
Mrs. A. Craig
Mrs. Malcolm Kennedy
Mrs. Nelson Clark
Mrs. John Clark
Mrs. John Jury
Mrs. Cook
Manitoba Women's Institute
Minnedosa Women's Institute
Town of Minnedosa
rural women
women's organizations
history of Minnedosa
Storage Location
2002 accessions
Storage Range
2002 accessions
Related Material
Related women's institute collections in the McKee Archives include: Manitoba Women's Institute; Minnedosa Women's Institute; Cordova Women's Institute; Clanwilliam Women's Institute; Rathwell Women's Institute; Strathclair Women's Institute; Crocus Women's Institute; Southwest A Region - Manitoba Women's Institute; Douglas Women's Institute
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