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BU 15: Brandon University Faculty Association (BUFA)
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
25-2003 (files 1-105)
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
25-2003 (files 1-105)
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
1.25 m
History / Biographical
BUFA was formed in 1957 as an academic organization with its primary aim the entrenchment and protection of academic freedom. In subsequent years, BUFA became more involved in promoting the economic, social and general interests of tis members. This process culminated in 1971 when BUFA obtained voluntary recognition as bargaining agent for its members from the University. The relationships between the Faculty and the university were governed by the "Faculty-Administration Brief" (the precursor to the present Collective Agreement). A dispute arose between BUFA and the University in 1976, when BUFA requested that Instructional Associates be included in the bargaining unit and that the University deduct union dues. The University rejected BUFA's request. BUFA applied to the Manitoba Labour Board for resolution of the dispute. A Board hearing was held in Brandon on May 31, 1977. At this hearing theLabour Board determined that, since the University had rejected BUFA's contention that it was a union, it would first have to answer the question: Is BUFA a union? In a decision dated June 16, 1977, the Board ruled "that BUFA is not a union; that following therefrom the faculty administration brief is not a collective agreement." Following this ruling, BUFA launched a certification drive in September 1977. Application for certification was filed with the Labour Board October 17, 1977. In anticipation of a favorable certification ruling, Dennis Olson and Gerald Neufeld collected existing collective agreements from other universiities across Canada. They attempted to incorporate the best features from the old Faculty-Administration Brief and these other agreements into the first draft of the proposed collective agreement. Certification was confirmed January 1978. The bargaining unit defined in the Certificate included: all full-time and part-time members of the academic, instructional and related staff at Brandon University kncluding laoratory insturctors, cartographers, counsellors, professional ibrarians, continuing education specialists and all other staff directly related to the teaching process. It also included sessional instructors. Since certification in 1978, BUFA has attempted to function as a principled and effective union. These effors have included: establishing links with other unions and progressive organizations in the community; participating in the Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations; vigorously pursuing member and union grievancess through to arbitration; advancing the rights and interests of members at the bargaining table; and promoting and protecting academic freedom. The most recent chapter in BUFA's history was a successful strike in 1998, which started November 9th and ended at midnight November 11th. The general objectives of BUFA are the advancement of higher education through the protection of the freedom that is necessary to it, and the improvement of the standards of the profession of University teaching. Its members include all full and part-time instructional staff of Brandon University and professional librarians. Officers of BUFA include the: President, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Elected by the General Body at the annual meeting in March. Associate members are not eligible to serve as officers. Executive - officers and four members elected by the General Body to represent the Faculties of Arts, Science, Education and Music. Four elected at annual meeting. Acts as liasion between BUFA and the University Administration. May appoint committees chosen from the General Body to carry on routine affairs and to act in areas of special interest as directed by the General Body of by the Executive. The Standing Committee of BUFA is the Salary and Faculty-Administration Relations Committee - its duties are to represent the interests of BUFA in negotiating the salary schedule and other benefits and the Faculty-Administration Brief with the Board of Governors or its represntatives. The Vice-President of BUFA is to be the Chairman.
Scope and Content
Series contains minutes, collective agreements, reports, recommendations, correspondence, memos, newsletters, reference materials and various other documents.
BUFA is a separate corporate entity, but for administration purposes it has been incorporated into RG 6 Brandon University fonds. History/Bio information taken from BUFA promotional materials (File 37) and provided by Bruce Forrest (BUFA Executive) with the return of the signed donation form. Files 106-116 were extracted from the BUFA records and are in the possession of Ms. Eileen McFadden.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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BC 8: Brandon College Students Association
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
approx. 65.5 cm
History / Biographical
The first organization involving the students of Brandon College was created in 1899 or 1900. It was entitled the Literary Society. This society was run by students and faculty to cultivate literary and musical gifts and to provide training in public speaking and in the transaction of business. In 1901, a College branch of the Y.W.C.A. was formed as well as a Students’ Missionary organization. A College branch of the Y.M.C.A. followed in 1902. The Brandon College Athletic Association was created in 1904 to direct the affairs of the various athletic games. The first idea of a Student Council-type organization began in 1906 with the creation of the Students’ Committee. This committee was created in order to develop a worthy College spirit and to promote a worthy College life. “A committee of five students shall be appointed annually early in the college session whose office it shall be to confer with the Resident Master on matters pertaining to residential life, and with the Faculty on matters pertaining to the general life of the College. This committee shall consist of five members, three resident and two non-resident. In matters relating to the residence the three resident students alone shall act. This committee shall represent the Student Body in any matters in which that body may wish to confer with the Faculty, or may of its own motion confer with the faculty on any subject thought to be of interest in promoting proper College life.” In 1909 the Debating Society was created for training in public speaking. A Publications Committee was created in 1910 to publish the new student magazine, The Quill. The Students’ Committee became known as the Student Council in 1915. Also in 1915, a Committee on College Activities was formed. This consisted of the President, two faculty members and two students. It was appointed by arrangement of the College Council each year to regulate the various activities of College life. It became known as the Functions Committee in 1921. The 1920-1921 College Calendar is the first calendar that mentions the Brandon College Students Association. It states under the heading of Student Organizations that: “The Literary and Debating Societies , the Athletic Association, the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. are integral parts of the Brandon College Students’ Association, and are managed by committees appointed by the Association.” 1921 saw the formation of the Students’ Christian Movement which replaced the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. Under the Students’ Christian Movement group, students held weekly devotional and educational services, and conducted Bible and mission study classes. The 1936-1937 College Calendar shows that a change took place that year in the student council. Instead of just five students of the College being elected to the Council, there are now two separate councils. The calendar states that: “The students of the men’s and of the womens’ residences appoint annually a representative committee of five, whose function it is to consider the interests of College life from the point of view of the residence body, conferring with the Faculty when necessary.” Although these groups of five were known as the student council, there was a Student Executive of the Brandon College Students Association that was a separate entity. It consisted of the Senior Stick, the Lady Stick (since 1923), the heads of various boards, and the class presidents. This governing student body continued until 1966 when it underwent an extensive reorganization. During that year, the positions of Senior and Lady Sticks were abolished so that the elected student president could be a man or a woman. This president would be assisted by elected ‘sticks’ from each faculty of Arts, Science, Education and Music. This form of government continued until 1967, when Brandon College became Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The Student Association files cover a wide variety of topics and consist mainly of minutes from various student groups and clubs on the Brandon College campus. The records are a first hand look at how student governments were run during the Brandon College era. Series has been divided into twenty four sub-series, including: (1) Lady Stick's Notes; (2) Memorial Gymnasium Book; (3) Minutes (Literary Board); (4) Expansion Fund Committee; (5) Athletic Board Finance; (6) Finance Board; (7) Main Executive Committee; (8) Functions Committee; (9) Athletic Association/Athletic Board; (10) Contemporary Club; (11) Social Science Club; (12) BCSA Records; (13) Co-Ed Association; (14) English Club; (15) Sports Awards; (16) Record of Social Events; (17) Brandon College Ministerial Association; (18) Ledgers; (19) Freshie Week Committee; (20) Arts Banquet Committee; (21) French Club; (22) Intervarsity Night Report; (23) Publications Committee; and (24) Student Missionary Band.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), series 14 (BUSU - Brandon University Students Union).
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MG 4 Brandon University students
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 4
multiple media
Physical Description
See sub-series levels for extent
History / Biographical
The Brandon University Students series is an artificially created collection. It contains the private papers of former Brandon University students.
Scope and Content
The series has been divided into the following sub-series: MG 4 4.1 Ken Coleman MG 4 4.2 Daphne Marshall
Storage Location
MG 4 Brandon University Students
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BU 6: Brandon University Senate
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
textual records
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Physical Description
10.48 m
History / Biographical
In accordance with "The Brandon University Act (1998)" the Brandon University Senate consists of the following members: (a) the chancellor of the university; (b) the president of the university; (c) the vice-presidents of the university; (d) the deputy minister of the department whose minister is responsible for The Council on Post-Secondary Education Act, or his or her designate; (e) the deans of each faculty and school in the university; (f) the director of the Educational Technology Unit or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions (g) the chair of the Bachelor of General Studies degree program or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (h) the University Librarian or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (i) the Dean of Students or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (j) one member of the board appointed by the board; (k) one representative from each faculty or school who has been on the staff of the university for at least two years, elected by and from the staff of that faculty or school; (l) six professors or associate professors of the university, elected by the professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers; (m) two assistant professors or lecturers of the university who have been on the staff of the university for at least two years, elected by the professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers; (n) one member of the rank of professional associate of the university elected by the members of that rank; (o) eight students elected or appointed as follows: (i) one appointed by the executive of the Brandon University Students’ Union who is a member of that executive. (ii) one elected from each faculty or school of the university, (iii) the remainder elected from the student body of the university at large. Elected and appointed members of the senate, other than student members, are to hold office for two years, beginning on July 1 of the year in which they are elected or appointed. Student members of the senate are to hold office for one year, beginning on the first day of July of the year in which they are elected. Ex officio members are to hold office until they cease to hold the position that qualify them for membership. An elected or appointed member of the senate is eligible for re-election or re-appointment, but the senate may set a maximum number of consecutive terms of office that any member may hold. The president of the university shall be the chair of the senate. If the president of the university is absent or unable to act as chair, the vice-president (academic and research) or, in his or her absence, an academic dean appointed by the president, shall be the chair at meetings of the senate. The registrar of the university or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions shall be the secretary of the senate. The senate shall meet at least four times a year and may meet more often if its rules so provide. The secretary of the senate shall call special meetings at the request of the chair or at the written request of at least four members of the senate. The senate is responsible for the academic policy of the university. The senate may (a) establish rules and procedures for the conduct of its proceedings, including fixing a quorum; (b) elect the chancellor of the university; (c) appoint any standing and other committees that it considers necessary; (d) consider and determine all courses of student, including requirements for admission, examination and graduation; (e) recommend to the board the establishment of additional faculties, school, departments, chairs and courses of instruction; (f) determine the degrees, honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the university, and the persons to whom they are to be granted; (g) award scholarships, medals and prizes; (h) make rules and regulations respecting the academic conduct and activities of students; (i) consider and make recommendations to the board about any other matters that the senate considers appropriate for achieving the objects and purposes of the university.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into six sub-series, including: (1) Senate minutes; (2) Committees of Senate; (3) General Faculty Council; (4) Ad Hoc Committees of Senate; (5) Convocation services, Baccalaureate services, Banquets; and (6) Brandon College/University calendars.
Information in the History/Bio field was taken from "The Brandon University Act (1998)" at (December 2005).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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BU 11: Brandon University Foundation
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
textual records
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Physical Description
12 cm
History / Biographical
The Brandon University Foundation was incorporated by an act of the Legislature in 1981, with the express purpose of promoting education in the Brandon area. The Foundation is limited to 21 Directors. There Foundation also has a Liaison Committee, formed as a communications link between the Board of Governors and the Foundation, composed of three members from each group.
Scope and Content
Series consists of the following files: preliminary investigation; Annual Giving Committee; BUFund (establishment) Committee; general; Student Assistant Fund; Student Christmas Fund; Blair Fraser Memorial Fund; Friends of Brandon College Inc. (USA); and Brandon University Association (1967-72).
History/Bio information taken from Campus News - September/October 1986.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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MG 2 Brandon College students
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 2
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
See individual series for extent.
History / Biographical
The Brandon College Students series is an artificially created collection. It contains the private papers of former Brandon College students.
Scope and Content
The series has been divided into the following sub-series: MG 2 2.1 Kathleen Emily Kenner MG 2 2.2 Gerald R. Brown MG 2 2.3 Saul L. Cohen MG 2 2.4 Paul McKinnon MG 2 2.5 Verda McDonald MG 2 2.6 Frances Percival (nee Fraser) MG 2 2.7 Raymond R. Bailey MG 2 2.8 Harold Arthur Kinniburgh MG 2 2.9 Barbara Cooper MG 2 2.10 Class of 1953 MG 2 2.11 Elizabeth Kovach MG 2 2.12 Carole Paintin-Dence MG 2 2.13 Edward Lloyd Bowler MG 2 2.14 Rev. Einar Egilsson MG 2 2.15 George Thorman MG 2 2.16 Robert Dudley Howland MG 2 2.17 Charles H. Koester MG 2 2.18 Robert Harvey MG 2 2.19 Lawrence Skeoch MG 2 2.20 Edith Laycock MG 2 2.21 Marion Stone MG 2 2.22 Margaret Doran Roberts MG 2 2.23 Georgina (Hill) Matiation MG 2 2.24 Class of 1950 MG 2 2.25 Donald Freeman MG 2 2.26 William Archibald Branton MG 2 2.27 Adelene Monica Bailey MG 2 2.28 Lois and Gordon Daly MG 2 2.29 Marionne Scott MG 2 2.30 Christine Coltart MG 2 2.31 Bertha Leith (nee Clark) MG 2 2.32 Margaret Hawley Speers MG 2 2.33 Ruth and Archie MacLachlan MG 2 2.34 Fran Sallows MG 2 2.35 Clare Coburn MG 2 2.36 Gordon Lindsay
Description by Christy Henry.
Subject Access
former students
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students
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BU 16: Brandon College/University artifacts
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
c. 1897-1999
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Date Range
c. 1897-1999
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into three sub-series, including: (1) Artifacts - flags and banners; (2) Artifacts - apparal; and (3) Artifacts - other.
Subject Access
class flags
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
This is an artifically created series.
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BU 2: Brandon University Board of Governors
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1939-1991; predominant 1967-1987
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Date Range
1939-1991; predominant 1967-1987
Physical Description
3.65 m
History / Biographical
The Board of Governors of Brandon University is a body established by the Brandon University Act (1998), a statute of the Province of Manitoba. The Act vests in the Board the authority for governing Brandon University. The members of the Board of Governors, as trustees, hold the University in trust for the people of the Province of Manitoba. Responsibilities for maintaining this trust include: selection of a president, monitoring his/her performance, providing guidance to the University via its policies, and often delegating authority to the administration. The Board of Governors is a collective representing the entire community (both internal and external of the University). As a collective, the Board of Governors is responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the institution and for seeing that the overall plans of the institution are consistent with the institution’s philosophy, goals, and financial resources.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records generated and collected by the Brandon University Board of Governors in the course of perfoming its functions. The fonds is divided into six sub-series, incuding: (1) Documents; (2) Board Executive; (3) General Board agendas, minutes and packages; (4) Correspondence and subject files; (5) Board of Governors' committees; and (6) Board projects.
The information in the History/Bio field was taken from the Brandon University webpage ( on December 2, 2005.
Access Restriction
All files in the series are restricted. Researchers are required to contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Governors to obtain written permission to access the records. Contact: 204-727-9714
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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BU 8: Brandon University library services
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Physical Description
5.14 m textual records; approximately 20 photographs (Millwood display)
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into three sub-series, including: (1) Director of Library Services; (2) S.J. McKee Archives; (3) Film Services.
Series needs to be processed.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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BU 12: Student services
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
textual records
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Physical Description
4.6 m
History / Biographical
The department of Student Services was established in 1968 under the name Student Personnel Office. In 1968, it was renamed Student Affairs. The name was changed to Student Services in 1984 or 1985. In 1999, the position of Dean of Student Services was amalgamated with the University Registrar, becoming Dean of Students/University Registrar. The Dean of Students position was separated from that of University Registrar in August 2008. Student Services is presently located in Room 115 of the A.E. McKenzie Building. Its purpose is to assist students in their intellectual, vocational, personal and social development. Various services such as counselling and learning skills are made available to students requiring assistance.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into two sub-series, including: (1) Director's files - correspondence/minutes; and (2) Impacte/Core.
Administrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from Brandon University Calendars (1967-2006) and the Student Services webpage at (December 2005).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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Verda McDonald collection
Part Of
MG 2 Brandon College students
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
MG 2 Brandon College students
Description Level
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
10.5 cm textual records
18 loose photographs
Physical Condition
Some of the pages and photographs in the scrapbooks have become loose
History / Biographical
Verda Joan McDonald (nee Peden) was born in Brandon, MB on May 2, 1934. She was the middle daughter of Bill, a school principal, and Phyllis Peden. McDonald attended school at King George, Alexandra (now Betty Gibson), Earl Oxford and Brandon Collegiate Institute. In 1951, McDonald enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program at Brandon College. A fellowship program from the local YMCA enabled her to teach gym and swim programs after school and on Saturday for a small salary, which enabled her and some other students to finance their education. She graduated in 1955 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. During her graduating year, McDonald served as Lady Stick for Brandon College; the title of Lady Stick was an elected position and an honour, and gave McDonald and the person elected Senior Stick, Frank McKinnon, the responsibility of leading the student council for that year. In 1956, McDonald obtained her Bachelor of Pedagogy degree, also from Brandon College, which allowed her to teach grades 1 to 12 in Manitoba. Verda married her college sweetheart, Dick McDonald, on August 25, 1956, and the couple moved to Dauphin to teach at the Dauphin Collegiate and Technical Institute for two years. They returned to Brandon in September 1958, and Verda proceeded to teach at Brandon Collegiate, Neelin High School and Vincent Massey until December 1960. When Dick finished his degree at Brandon College and started teaching, Verda stayed at home to raise their three sons, Rick, Paul and Daren. During this time she began her many years of volunteering within the community. She served seven years on each of the following three boards: The Brandon Schools Instrumental Music Association; The Brandon University Alumni Board; and The Board of Fairview Nursing Home. She became President of each board during her term. McDonald supported her husband throughouet his teaching and financial career, as well as his strong involvement in the Artillery Reserve Army with the 26th Field Regiment where he served as Commander and later Honorary Colonel. Both McDonald and her husband maintained strong ties with Brandon University and have contributed generously to funding campaign and scholarships. The Sports Wall of Fame in the Health Living Centre on the Brandon University campus is named in their honour. In addition to their involvement with Brandon University, the McDonald's were members of the Kinsmen, K40 service club, gold and bridge clubs and enjoyed many years together in Brandon. They enjoyed going on cruise ship holidays and visited many countries together. Since Dick's death in September 2015, Verda has tried to maintain her involvment in university activities. She continues to reside in Brandon, MB.
Custodial History
Records were created and collected by Verda McDonald during her years as a student and alumna of Brandon College/Brandon University. The records were stored in her home until their donation to the McKee Archives in 2015.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of records dealing with Verda McDonald's experiences as a student and alumna at Brandon College/University. The majority of the collection contains records from the early 1950s during McDonald's college years (1951-1955). These records, which cover the social and athletic aspects of Brandon College in the 1950s, provide a detailed look at college student life during this time period. The collection also contains a small number of records (1955-2005), documenting McDonald's experiences as an alumna of Brandon College/University. The collection consists of four scrapbooks, which contain photographs, newspaper clippings, graduation cards, lyrics for class songs, and programs for graduation banquets, school dances, graduation ceremonies and drama productions. The scrapbooks also contain ephemera such as sports emblems, table decorations, election paraphernalia. It also includes McDonald's oath of office from when she was sworn in as Lady Stick, as well as her acceptance speech from the same ceremony. The three file folders in the collection include: a list written by Frank McKinnon, a classmate of McDonald's, outlining his reasons for coming to Brandon College and his recollections of being a student at Brandon College; the rules of Clark Hall residence hall; and pamphlets for various celebrations and events at Brandon University (Homecoming 2009, Homecoming 2006, Reunion Weekend 2005, Reunion Weekend 2004, Homecoming 1995 and 1995 Reconovocation program, Homecoming 1980, 1975 Open House). Finally, the collection contains 18 loose photographs. A number of the photos document important reunions for the Class of 1955 (40th Anniversary in 1995, 50th Anniversary in 2005), while others were taken at alumni events over the years (1988-1997). There is one postcard of Brandon University buildings (Original Building and Clark Hall, McMaster Hall and the Queen Elizabeth II School of Music building). Some of the 1995 reunion photos include images of the Brandon College Building and Clark Hall under renovation. Also included are a composite portrait of the Class of 1955 and class portraits Arts and Science for the Class of 1960.
History/Bio information provided by Verda McDonald. Description by Emily Bate (October 2016) and Christy Henry.
Name Access
Verda McDonald
Dick McDonald
Brandon University Alumni Association
Henry Champ
Joan Garnett
Eileen McFadden
Norma Walmsley
Ernie Criddle
Jean Wilkie
Jean Brown
Frank McKinnon
Hilt Stewart
Lou Visentin
Edward Schreyer
Doug Adams
Carla Eisler
Shawna English
Cindy Yacyshen
Jim Minions
Walter Huculak
Ben Ward
Elaine Cameron
Elaine McCrorie
Barrie McLeod
Gord Williams
Harvey Young
George Strang
Gerald Graham
Helen Batho
Helen Mitchell
Allan Hattie
Trevor McNeely
Russ Roney
Harold Woods
George Gooden
Harold Stewart
Jack Meyers
Ron McMurray
Ken Adams
Bill Keller
Lorne Day
Don Dillistone
Subject Access
student life
student activities
student productions
college athletics
college initiation
Student government
Lady stick
Storage Location
2016 accessions
Related Material
Dilys Collier collection
Bob Blair collection
Brandon College fonds
Brandon University fonds
Two of the scrapbooks are in chronological order. The third scrapbook contains miscellaneous materials from the 1950s until 2005.
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Brandon Assisted Passage Association fonds
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
3 cm textual records -- 1 minute book
History / Biographical
The Brandon Assisted Passages Association was created in 1911, for the purpose of providing loans to "english speaking artisans" [sic] who wished to immigrate to Canada and work in Brandon, MB. In 1913, the Association was renamed the Brandon Imperial Home Reunion Association. The Association continued to operate and provided passage assistance in the form of loans to many immigrants until loan defaults mounted during World War I. After 1917, no further loans were given.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 1997. Its custodial history prior to this is unknown, but it was at one time in the posession of a H.R. Hoffman, and well as Richardson & Bishop Ltd. in Brandon.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of a minute book and a single page letter. The minute book is a record of every meeting of the B.A.P.A./B.I.H.R.A. and includes the names of the board members, the names of the applicants (in some cases their addresses), and the amounts loaned. In some instances, the fonds provides a documentary record of loan repayment.
CAIN No. 202578
Subject Access
Mr. Murhead
Mr. F. Wells
Mr. Killery
Mr. D. Christie
Brandon Imperial Home Reunion Association
Storage Location
1997 accessions
Storage Range
1997 accessions
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BC 7: Brandon College Alumni Association
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
13 cm
History / Biographical
The Brandon College Alumni Association was created in the spring of 1912. The Arts Class of 1912, the Theological graduates and also the Ad Eundem graduates met together with old graduates who were in the city. It was decided to form an Alumni Association of Brandon College open to all Arts and Theological graduates, past, present and future, as well as those admitted Ad Eundem. An executive was elected, Reverend J.C. Bowen of Winnipeg being appointed President, and J. Dempsey, Class of 1912, Secretary. The matter of drawing up a constitution was left to the executive. A meeting was held by the executive on November 21, 1912 in order to discuss membership into the Association. A resolution was eventually passed that approved the basis set down the previous spring: All Arts, Theological and Ad Eundem graduates were to be admitted into the Association. The Alumni Association was created by students in order for graduates and former students of Brandon College to maintain contact with the College and each other and to promote the College’s interests. The Alumni Association’s activities included: publication of the quarterly Alumni News, mailed to all members and associate members; administration of the Alumni-contributed $17 000 J.R.C. Evans (Memorial) Student Loan Fund, providing interest free loans to worthy students; representation on Brandon College Board of Directors; contributions to College expansion; organization of Association branches in major cities and of social events for Alumni members.
Scope and Content
The records of the Alumni include newsletters, "Alumni News," and various other documents dealing with the association.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 7: Brandon College Alumni Association
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Canadian Federation of University Women (Brandon University) fonds
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Accession Number
4-1997, 1-2004, 5-2004
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Accession Number
4-1997, 1-2004, 5-2004
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
24 cm
History / Biographical
The Canadian Federation of University Women was founded in 1919 under the leadership of Margaret McWilliams of Winnipeg to promote the interests of women with higher education at local, national and international levels. It is a voluntary, non-profit, self-funded organization with a membership of over 10,000 university-educated women and 122 local clubs. The CFUW promotes high standards of public education; encourages advanced study and research by women university graduates; encourages active participation in public affairs by qualified women; works to safeguard and improve human rights and the economic, legal and professional status of women in Canada; and participates in the work of the International Federation of University Women. The Brandon University chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women was established in 1948. It continues to be active.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned by the McKee Archives in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains correspondence with other branches of the CFUW, minutes and programs from meetings and seminars held throughout Canada, as well as administrative records and minutes of the Brandon branch. Most administrative records concern the problems of maintaining membership levels and recruiting younger members. Fonds also contains various issues of the "Chronicle," a CFUW publication. Fonds also includes CFUW Brandon minutes, miscellaneous projects, annual reports and member lists, as well as a number of documents relating to the provincial, national and international activities of the CFUW.
CAIN No. 202621
Subject Access
Ellen Clark
Margaret Strongiham
Theodora Carroll Foster
Patrick Boyer
Canadian Advisory Council
Status of Women
Equality rights
Storage Location
1997 accessions
Storage Range
1997 accessions
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BC 14: Brandon College expansion fund
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
63 cm
History / Biographical
The Brandon College Expansion Fund was created by the Board of Directors in the late 1950s in order to raise money for Brandon College. This money would help with the much needed expansion of Brandon College. The school’s physical facilities had become inadequate for the number of students enrolled and the variety of courses offered. The Expansion Fund, with the initial goal of raising one million dollars, would enable Brandon College to provide students with adequate space to learn. The Fund was very successful, as the 1960s were defined by the sound of construction at Brandon College. In 1960, a new Arts and Library Building and Lecture Theatre were built. A Men’s Residence and Dining Hall arrived soon after. A Gymnasium was built, as well as a Women’s Residence and Music Building. By the time that Brandon College received its university charter an Education Building was just being completed.
Scope and Content
The Expansion Fund records contain information regarding the Fund raising campaign during the late 1950s and early 1960s. There are Daily Reports, Situation Reports, and Purchase Orders. As well, there are mailing lists, canvasser lists and division lists. The records contain several Canvasser’s Kits, as well as a booklet entitled “Brandon College Looks Ahead”. There are various reports from 1958 and 1959. The files include Corporate Donor cards, Alumni Addresses, Reference cards, Eastern Canada business contacts, lists of former students, and obituaries of alumni. There are official receipts, newsletters and some correspondence. There is also correspondence dealing with the fundraising campaign for a Centennial Auditorium.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds Series 14: Brandon College Expansion Fund
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), series 11 (Brandon University Foundation).
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Brandon University photograph collection
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Physical Description
See series level for extent
History / Biographical
The Brandon University Photograph collection is an artifically created collection. It includes photographs from both Brandon College and Brandon University.
Custodial History
The custodial history is varied. Some photographs were created by officers of the College and the University, or were produced at the request of the institution. Many, as well, have been donated by former faculty members and students. We have tried to record the custodial history for photographs that have been donated by faculty members and students at the item level.
Scope and Content
Fonds has been divided into eleven series, including: (1) Convocation, Scholarships and Awards; (2) Campus Buildings; (3) Library Activities and Archives; (4) Faculties and Schools; (5) Student Activities; (6) Administrative and Support Units; (7) Sports; (8) Portraits; (9) Oversize; (10) Special Events; and (11) Documents, Diplomas and Certificates.
Name Access
S.J. Mckee Archives
Subject Access
Further accruals expected.
Repro Restriction
Copyright provisions apply as per the current Copyright Act.
Storage Range
Photograph storage drawers and oversize storage
This collection is currently being re-numbered and re-housed. As a result there are two different arrangements.
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MPE A Local Association Records
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
Part Of
RG 4 Manitoba Pool Elevator fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
Physical Description
43 m
Scope and Content
Series A is comprised of the records of the local co-operative elevator association as established in the period 1925 - 1968 under the Co-operative Associations Act. Until 1968 the local associations were the main administrative unit of Manitoba Pool Elevators. Subsequent to 1968 Pool Elevators became a direct membership top down organization. The central office was at the top, and the province was divided into seven administrative districts, which were in turn each divided into six sub-districts. Each sub-district would usually contain approximately five "locals". Please note that local associations were not obliged to become part of the new structure of Manitoba Pool Elevators, and as late as 1975 there were still 29 locals that did not belong to a sub-district. The records of each local within the Series may, but do not necessarily, contain the following: organizational papers, minutes of executive board, minutes of shareholders annual meeting, financial statements, correspondence, membership lists, miscellaneous. Series has been divided into 233 sub-series.
This series contains records for both local associations and for sub-districts. Item number does not correspond to sub-district number, so an item number and sub-district number may be the same and correspond to two seperate records.
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MG 3 Brandon University teaching and administration
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
MG 3
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
See series level for extent
History / Biographical
The Brandon University Teaching and Administration series is an artificially created collection. It contains the private papers of former Brandon University faculty and staff.
Scope and Content
The series has been divided into the following sub-series: MG 3 1.1 Errol Black MG 3 1.2 John Mallea MG 3 1.3 John Tyman MG 3 1.4 Lorelei Cederstrom MG 3 1.5 William Morrison MG 3 1.6 Ken Hanly MG 3 1.7 John Welsted MG 3 1.8 Henri Francq MG 3 1.9 D.R. MacKay MG 3 1.10 R.B. Inch MG 3 1.11 Dale Lakevold MG 3 1.12 George MacDowell MG 3 1.13 Donald Wheeler MG 3 1.14 W.Leland Clark MG 3 1.15 Bev Nicholson MG 3 1.16 John Everitt MG 3 1.17 Michael Blanar MG 3 1.18 Christy Henry MG 3 1.19 May Yoh MG 3 1.20 Francis Chaplin MG 3 1.21 John Weldon Grant MG 3 1.22 Harvey Young MG 3 1.23 Lorne Watson MG 3 1.24 Lawrence Jones
Storage Location
MG 3 Brandon University Teaching and Administration
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BU 1: Office of the chancellor
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
ca. 1954 - ca. 1997
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Date Range
ca. 1954 - ca. 1997
Physical Description
30 photographs -- 25 at 3.5" x 8" (color and b/w); 5 at 8"x10" (b/w); 3 magnates; 1 plaque (8 x 3 cm)
History / Biographical
The chancellor is the titular head of the university and confers all degrees. Where possible the Chancellor also attends official functions on behalf of the University and may take on special projects keeping with the goals of the University. According to "The Brandon University Act 1998," there is to be a chancellor of the university elected by the senate for a term of three years; the chancellor continues to hold office after his or her term expires until re-elected or until a successor is elected; the chancellor is eligible for re-election; and if a vacancy occurs in the office of chancellor before the end of the term, the successor elected to replace the incumbent chancellor is to hold office for the remainder of the incumbent's term. BRANDON UNIVERSITY CHANCELLORS: MAITLAND B. STEINKOPF (1967-1970) Maitland B. Steinkopf (September 10, 1912 - 1970) was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was educated at the University of Manitoba, and was called to the Manitoba Bar in December 1936. He served in the Canadian armed forces in World War Two, as a Private in the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders and a Lieutenant Colonel with the R.C.O.C. He later founded the Canada West Shoe Manufacturing Company, and was a president of several companies including Bonded Investments Ltd., L.H. Packard Co. Ltd., Dayton Shoe Mfg. Col. Ltd., and the Tel Aviv Hilton Hotel. Steinkopf was a member of the Canada Israel Development Corporation, and served as chairman of State of Israel bonds in Manitoba. He was also an honorary counsel with the government of Czechoslovakia until 1948. Prior to his election, he assisted the Roblin government in land-development for cultural projects. Steinkopf was elected to the Manitoba legislature in the 1962 provincial election as a member of Dufferin Roblin's Progressive Conservative government and was appointed to cabinet on June 12, 1963, as Provincial Secretary and Minister of Public Utilities. He later resigned his position and his seat in the legislature as a result of being implicated in a controversial land assembly payment. He was re-elected and re-appointed to the Cabinet in 1964. Steinkopf did not run for re-election in 1966. He later served as chair of the Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation, which established a Maitland Steinkopf Youth Fund in 1972 for students in the arts. Steinkopf married Helen Katz of Chicago and they had six children. He died suddenly in 1970 of a heart attack. THE HONOURABLE STANLEY HOWARD KNOWLES (November 1970 - November 1990) Stanley Knowles (June 18, 1908 - June 9, 1997) graduated from Brandon College in 1930, received his B.Div. from the University of Winnipeg in 1933, and was ordained by the United Church of Canada. Until 1940, he was a minister in Winnipeg churches. He organized public forums and created radio programs on social themes. He spoke for the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCP), becoming its chairman, then provincial secretary, for Manitoba. In 1942, Knowles was elected to the House of Commons as MP for Winnipeg North Centre. He was an MP from 1942 until 1958, was re-elected in 1962 and served until 1984. Throughout his political career, he struggled for a decent life and income for older people. He was instrumental in amending the industrial relations bill so that legal strikes did not interfere with employee pension rights, eliminating the "means test" from the Old Age Security Act and indexing the Canadian Pension Plan and Civil Security Pensions. He played a major role in creating the New Democratic Party in 1961, presiding over the founding convention. He was the Deputy Leader of that party from 1962-84. In 1970, Knowles became Chancellor of Brandon University and in 1990, was designated Chancellor emeritus. He became an honorary member of Canada's Privy Council in 1979, and was awarded the Order of Canada in 1984. THE HONOURABLE JUDGE RONALD D. BELL (1990 - October 1996) Ronald Dean Bell was born in Deloraine, Manitoba and graduated from Brandon College in 1951. He received his law degree from the University of Manitoba in 1955. Bell worked for several years as a solicotor for the Department of National Revenue, Taxation Division and as a partner in the Calgary law firm Fenerty & Co. He was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1976, and in 1978, he formed Bell Felesky Flynn, a law practice focusing on taxation. In 1991, Bell was appointed Judge of the Tax Court of Canada. Throughout his distinguised career, Bell has continued to support Brandon University. In addition to his duties as Chancellor, he has also served on various BU boards and worked tirelessly to promote the institution. He also made siginificant financial contributions to improve physical structures, programs and student scholarships, including the establishment of the R.D. Bell Schoalrship and the R.D. Bell String Scholarships. The R.D. Bell Hall in the Queen Elizabeth II music building was named in his honour, as was the Bell Tower atop the orginal Brandon College building, which is now part of Clark Hall. Justice Bell recieved an Honorary Degree from Brandon University at the spring 2006 convocation and is presently Chancellor emeritus. DR. KEVIN KAVANAGH (November 1996 - October 2002) Born and raised in Brandon, Kevin Kavanagh graduated from Brandon Collegiate Institute in 1950, and completed his commerce degree at the University of Manitoba in 1953. That same year he joined the Group Insurance Division of the Great-West Life Assurance Company. From 1978-1992, he served as president and CEO of that organization. During his career, Kavanagh has also served on various provincial and national boards, including the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, National Leasing Group, Winnipeg Airports authority, the Conference Board of Canada, the Crown Corporations Council and the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. Kavanagh was also a member of the Roblin Commission. In 1996, he was named the fourth Chancellor of Brandon University, and in addition to his duties as Chancellor, he has been involved with the university as a member of the Brandon University Foundation and as a member of the Corporate Challenge Campaign. In September 2006, the courtyard between Clark Hall and the George T. Richardson building was renamed The Kavanagh Courtyard in honour of Kavanagh and his wife in recognition of their vision and leadership with Brandon University and their dedication to the advancement of post-secondary education. In 1963, Kavanagh married his wife Els, and together they had two children: Jennifer and Sean. At present, (July 2007), Kevin Kavanagh is Chancellor Emeritus of Brandon University. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EDWARD R. SCHREYER (November 1, 2002 - present) Edward Schreyer was born on December 21, 1935 in Beausejour, Manitoba. He studied at United College, St. John's College and the University of Manitoba, receiving a Bachelor of Pedagogy in 1959, a Bachelor of Education in 1962, a Master of Arts in International Relations and a second Master of Arts in Economics in 1963. From 1962 to 1965, Schreyer taught International Relations at St. Paul's College. On June 30, 1960, Schreyer married Lily Schulz. The couple had two daughters, Lisa and Karmel, and two sons, Jason and Tobin. Schreyer was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba in 1958, as a member of the Manitoba Co-operative Communwealth Federation, representing the rural consituency of Brokenhead. In 1965 he resigned to run successfully for the House of Commons. In 1969, Schreyer returned to provincial politics as leader of the New Democratic Party of Manitoba. He led his party to victory in the 1969 provincial election, and served as Premier of Manitoba from 1969 until 1977. Schreyer was appointed Governor General in 1979 by Pierre Trudeau. That same year, he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada along with his wife Lily Schreyer. As Governor General, Schreyer championed women's issues, the environment, and official bilingualism. He established the Governor General's Award in Commemoration of the "Persons Case," instituted the Governor General's Conservation Awards (1981), and presided over the first Governor General's Canadian Study Conference. Schreyer retired as Governor General in 1984. Later in 1984, Schreyer was sworn into the Privy Council and was subsequently appointed Canadian High Commissioner to Australia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands, and as ambassador to Vanuatu. He held those positions until 1988. Returning to Manitoba, Schreyer worked as a national representative of Habitat for Humanity. In 2006, he was acclaimed as the NDP candidate in Selkirk-Interlake for the 2006 federal election. Edward Schreyer became Chancellor of Brandon University in November 2002, and his term was extended in 2005 until October 31, 2008. HENRY CHAMP (November 1, 2008 - October 31, 2011) Henry Champ was born in Brandon, Manitoba in 1939. He attended Brandon College in 1957 and 1958.
Scope and Content
At present (July 2007), the series consists of the Stanley Knowles collection (accession 61-1997).
Administrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from "The Brandon University Act (1998)" at: (December 2005) and from: Biographical information for Maitland Steinkopf was taken from (December 2005). Biographical information for Stanley Knowles was taken from: (December 2005) and from: (December 2005). Biographical information for Bell was taken from Brandon University calendars and the spring/summer 2006 issue of Alumni News. Biograpical information for Kavanaugh was taken from Brandon University calendars. Biographical information for Edward Schreyer was taken from: (December 2005).
Name Access
Maitland Steinkopf
Stanley Knowles
Ronald Bell
Kevin Kavanaugh
Edward Schreyer
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
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BU 3: Office of the president
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
1914- c. 2000
Part Of
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Description Level
Series Number
textual records
Date Range
1914- c. 2000
Physical Description
approximately 35 m
History / Biographical
As stipulated in "The Brandon University Act (1998)," the president is the chief executive officer and the Vice-Chancellor of the university and has general supervision over and direction of the operation of the university, including the academic work of the university; supervises the teaching staff, officers, employees and students of the university; may consider and make recommendations to the board or the senate about any matter that affects the university; is an ex officio member of every committee of the board and the senate; and has any other powers and duties assigned by the board. The President reports to the Board of Governors, while receiving direct reports from the: Vice-President (Academic and Research), the Vice-President (Administration and Finance), the Director of Development and Alumni Relations, the Director of University Relations and the Director of International Activities. The president also interacts with the Board of Governors, the Senate, students, faculty members, staff members, unions, alumni, businesses, the Brandon University Foundation, the Brandon community, rural, northern and Aboriginal Communities, donors, government officials (municipal, provincial & federal), the K – 12 school system, and institutions of higher education, in Manitoba, Canada and internationally.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into two sub-series, including: (1) President's files; and (2) President's reports.
Administrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from "The Brandon University Act (1998)" at (December 2005) and (December 2005).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon Unviersity fonds
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20 records – page 1 of 1.