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Atkinson site - DiMe-27
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The Atkinson site was named for the landowners Ken and Karen Atkinson who were very helpful to the archaeology and geoarchaeology crews that worked at the site. Their support made the project possible. The Atkinson site story begins with the discovery of a charcoal lens eroding from the north bank of the Souris River in the summer of 2002. Study of Cultural Adaptations on the Prairie Ecozone (SCAPE) project geoarchaeologist Dr. Garry Running was exploring the stratigraphic layering in the bank when he noted the lens and reported it to Dr. Bev Nicholson. Upon closer examination, a tiny pressure flake was observed on the lens exposure and it was decided to collect a charcoal sample for radiocarbon dating. The resulting date of 5250B.P cal. 4225 B.C. placed the site in the early Archaic period. A second date on bone collagen of 5580B.P. cal. 4500 B.C. confirmed the earlier date and gave an averaged date of circa 4400 B.C or 6,500 years ago. The Atkinson site is one of the oldest excavated sites in Manitoba. Based on the date of the site and the kind of lithics (stone tools) present it is considered a Gowen occupation. The Atkinson site is evidence that bison hunters were active on the northern plains at a very early date. Similar sites have also been found on the High Plains in the U.S. and are referred to as the Mummy Cave Complex. The Atkinson Site is of great importance as it is the first undisturbed site of this type to be excavated in Manitoba and extends the range of these sites south and east from the type-sites in central Saskatchewan. Based on the date and sample evidence further excavations were conducted by Dr. Nicholson's team. in 2003, 2004 and 2006.
Scope and Content
Sub series has been divided into three sub sub series including: (1) Atkinson 2003, (2) Atkinson 2004; (3) Atkinson 2006
Name Access
Atkinson site DiMe-27
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Atkinson site DiMe-27
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Flintstone Hill - DiMe-26
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
Flintstone Hill is located on the north bank of the Souris River. It is a deeply stratified lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian soil profile that has been exposed by the river through stream-bank erosion. This section is thought to be the most complete middle to late Holocene exposure on the northeastern plains. While the value of the site is primarily for paleo-environmental research and reconstruction, cultural deposits have been identified at the site. Local collectors have picked up lithic materials as they eroded out of the bank for the past several decades and it was they who had named the site. Mr. Bruce Timms from Lauder first drew the Flintstone Hill site to the attention of Dr. Nicholson of Brandon University. During the mid 1990’s to the early 2000’s archaeological testing took place on Flintstone Hill. In 1998, an archaeological field crew dug a series of overlapping trenches down the slope of the profile and produced a schematic drawing. A peat layer at the bottom of this profile, dated from the top at 9,400 RCY and at the bottom to 10,400 RCY, has provided details of marsh plant and insect communities at this time. Subsequent archaeological investigations at the site recovered several cultural deposits including: a hearth dating to 3250+/-70 R.C.Y. (BETA 109529); a butchered atlas bone 4090+/-70 R.C.Y. (BETA 109990); and bone fragments accompanied by Swan River Chert and Knife River Flint lithic flakes 5350+/-50 (BETA 109530). While no diagnostic tools were recovered, these dates suggest that this occupation, which is contemporary with the Atkinson site, may be a Gowen occupation. Extensive paleo-environmental research has been conducted at the site. Dr. Running, a geomorphologist from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, participated in the Study of Cultural Adaptations in the Prairie Ecozone (SCAPE) Project and he and his students tested the site for several years. He was joined in this effort by Dr. Havholm, Dr. Boyd, Dr. Wiseman, Dr. Beaudoin, and other SCAPE researchers in the interpretation of the paleo-environment of the Glacial Lake Hind basin. The following article is recommended reading. Running, Garry L., Karen G. Havholm, Matt Boyd and Dion J. Wiseman 2002 Holocene Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Flintstone Hill, Lauder Sandhills, Glacial Lake Hind Basin, Southwestern Manitoba. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire 56(2-3):291-303.
Scope and Content
Sub series has been divided into two sub sub series including: (1) Flintstone Hill 1997 (2) Flintstone Hill 1998-2000
Name Access
Flintstone Hill - DiMe-26
Subject Access
Archaeology North Lauder locale Flintstone Hill - DiMe-26
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Duthie site DiMe-16
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
History / Biographical
The Duthie site is the first site identified in the Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale. It was reported to Dr. Bev Nicholson by Doug Jackson, a local collector who had observed archaeological materials that had been exposed during the construction of Maple Hill Road northwest of Lauder. The site is named after the landowner, Randy Duthie. The initial inspection of the exposed materials indicated that the eastern half of the site had been severely impacted by raising a road grade using an elevating grader. However, an undetermined amount of the site remained to the west, flanked by a low sand dune. Testing and preliminary excavations were conducted in 1992-93. In 1994 a field school added to the excavated sample. The undisturbed portion of the site, west of Maple Hill Road was situated at the base of a low sand dune and had an aspen and willow forest cover. The water table was approximately one meter below surface at the time of excavation. A rising water table has since prevented further excavations. Two dates on bone collagen were obtained during excavations. These were 880+/-80 B.P. (Beta 62705) and 970+/-40 B.P. cal. 1030 A.D. (TO 13366). These dates are consistent with an Initial Middle Missouri cultural assignment. The site occupation is identified by the distinctive ceramics found there. Ceramics at the Duthie Site are tool impressed with incising and lip modeling with fabric impressions on most vessels. Jill Taylor analysed the ceramics from the site for a Specialist thesis, Brandon University (1994) and a Masters of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan. (Taylor 1995). Analysis of residue from Duthie site pottery by Matthew Boyd recovered corn (Zea mays) phytoliths and bean (Phaseolus sp.) starch grains indicating consumption of these domesticates at the Duthie site. (Boyd 2006) The occupation of this site indicates a migration of people from the south who were well acquainted with horticultural farming. These people had previously migrated to South Dakota following river valleys into the central plains from the eastern woodlands during late Hopewell times. It appears that they later migrated well to the north into southern Manitoba but there is no evidence that they remained there for more than a single year. Boyd, M., C. Surette and B.A. Nicholson. 2006 Archaeobotanical Evidence of Prehistoric Maize (Zea mays) Consumption at the Northern Edge of the Great Plains. Journal of Archaeological Science 33: 1129-1140. Taylor, J. 1994 An analysis of the ceramics recovered during 1992 and 1993 at the Precontact Duthie Site (DiMe-16). Specialist thesis, Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into seven sub-series, including (1) Duthie site (2) Jackson site (3) Twin Fawns site (4) Vera site (5) Schuddemat site (6) Bradshaw site (7) Hollow B site.
Name Access
Duthie site DiMe-16
Subject Access
Archaeology Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale Duthie site DiMe-16
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Graham site 2008 - Andrew Lints field journal
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
13 pages
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
In 2008 Brandon University Archaeology returned to the Crepeele locale to conduct further testing at the Graham and Crepeele sites. Four units (XU 47-49 & 53) were excavated at Graham 2008 in order to collect samples and add further data to previous excavations. The usual excavation methology was employed. The small crew was directed by Bev Nicholson with Crew of Bill Foy, Andrew Lints & Kim Harrison Recoveries included faunal (mostly bison), lithics and ceramics. The field journals contain information about both the Crepeele and Graham sites 2008.
Scope and Content
Record of daily observations at the site including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather.
Name Access
Graham site 2008 - Andrew Lints field journal
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Graham site DiMe-30 Graham site 2008

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Crepeele site 2008 - Kim Harrison field journal
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
10 pages
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
In 2008 Brandon University Archaeology returned to the Crepeele locale to conduct further testing at the Graham and Crepeele sites. Four units (XU 47-49 & 53) were excavated at Graham 2008 in order to collect samples and add further data to previous excavations. The usual excavation methology was employed. The small crew was directed by Bev Nicholson with Crew of Bill Foy, Andrew Lints & Kim Harrison Recoveries included faunal (mostly bison), lithics and ceramics. The field journals contain information about both the Crepeele and Graham sites 2008.
Scope and Content
Record of daily observations at the site including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather.
Name Access
Crepeele site 2008 - Kim Harrison field journal
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Crepeele site DiMe-29 Crepeele site 2008

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Graham site 2008 - Bev Nicholson field journal
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
6 pages
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
TIn 2008 Brandon University Archaeology returned to the Crepeele locale to conduct further testing at the Graham and Crepeele sites. Four units (XU 47-49 & 53) were excavated at Graham 2008 in order to collect samples and add further data to previous excavations. The usual excavation methology was employed. The small crew was directed by Bev Nicholson with Crew of Bill Foy, Andrew Lints & Kim Harrison Recoveries included faunal (mostly bison), lithics and ceramics. The field journals contain information about both the Crepeele and Graham sites 2008.
Scope and Content
Record of daily observations at the site including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather.
Name Access
Graham site 2008 - Bev Nicholson field journal
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Graham site DiMe-30 Graham site 2008

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Graham site 2008 - Kim Harrison field journal
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
10 pages
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
In 2008 Brandon University Archaeology returned to the Crepeele locale to conduct further testing at the Graham and Crepeele sites. Four units (XU 47-49 & 53) were excavated at Graham 2008 in order to collect samples and add further data to previous excavations. The usual excavation methology was employed. The small crew was directed by Bev Nicholson with Crew of Bill Foy, Andrew Lints & Kim Harrison Recoveries included faunal (mostly bison), lithics and ceramics. The field journals contain information about both the Crepeele and Graham sites 2008.
Scope and Content
Record of daily observations at the site including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather.
Name Access
Graham site 2008 - Kim Harrison field journal
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Graham site DiMe-30 Graham site 2008

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Graham site 2008 - Bill Foy field journal
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
20 pages
Material Details
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
In 2008 Brandon University Archaeology returned to the Crepeele locale to conduct further testing at the Graham and Crepeele sites. Four units (XU 47-49 & 53) were excavated at Graham 2008 in order to collect samples and add further data to previous excavations. The usual excavation methology was employed. The small crew was directed by Bev Nicholson with Crew of Bill Foy, Andrew Lints & Kim Harrison Recoveries included faunal (mostly bison), lithics and ceramics. The field journals contain information about both the Crepeele and Graham sites 2008.
Scope and Content
Record of daily observations at the site including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather.
Name Access
Graham site 2008 - Bill Foy field journal
Subject Access
Archaeology Crepeele locale Graham site DiMe-30 Graham site 2008

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RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
multiple media
Part Of
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Description Level
Fonds Number
RG 5
multiple media
History / Biographical
This record group was artifically created in January 2007 by Tom Mitchell and Christy Henry of the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
The record group consists of various fonds and collections concerned with the political, cultural, social, and educational life of western Manitoba. See the Subject Access field for a list of titles.
Description written by Christy Henry (2007).
Subject Access
Joseph H. Hughes
Canadian Federation of University Women
Verna Gamey
Brandon Cinema Club
Birtle Indian Residential School
Brandon Assisted Passage Association
Binscarth Women's Institute
Griswold School District
Manitoba School Trustees Regional Association
Riverbank/Berbank Red Cross
A.C. Miller
C.J. Barnes
David Sommerville Charleson
Southwest A Region Manitoba Women's Institute
Berbank Ladies Aid
Berbank Church
Blyth Protestant School District #471
Crown Protestant School District #184
Ward Watson
Laurie V. Smith
Marion Doig
Elm Creek/Wingham Branch United Farmers of Manitoba
Roseland Church
Fairfax United Church
Humesville & Forrest Women's Missionary Society
Chater Protestant School District
William Wallace
United Grain Growers
G.R. Rowe
Cecil Herbert Edward Johnston
Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium
Brandon Art Club
James Duncan McGregor
Stephan Adolph Magnacca
Harry "Hap" Fraser
Leslie Victor Robson
Bertha School District #861
Manitoba Genealogical Society
Brandon Golf & Country Club
Keystone Centre Development and Construction
Manitoba Elevator Company
B.J. Hales
Brandon Council of Women
Westman Oral History
Mildred (Mollie) Kellet
Gerald McKinney
Janet Donnelly
Minnedosa OddFellows
Basswood OddFellows
Archibald E. Wilson
Audrey Silvius
Western Manitoba Philharmonic Choir
Lawrence Stuckey
Minnedosa Women's Institute
Clanwilliam Women's Institute
Cordova Women's Institute
Crocus Women's Institute
Rathwell Women's Institute
Strathclair Women's Institute
Manitoba Women's Institute
Brandon Business & Professional Women's Club
Minnedosa Business & Professional Women's Club
Neepawa Business & Professional Women's Club
Brandon Women's Musical Club
International Toastmistress Club - Land O'Lakes Region
Fred McGuinness
Reg Forbes
Jack Stothard
Janet Louisa May More
William J. Birtles
Ruby Miles
Manitoba Action Committee on the Status of Women
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Brandon & District Labour Council (CLC)
Westman Multi-Cultural Council
Westman Coalition on Equality Rights
Martin Kavanagh
James Buckley
James Douglas Wall
Brandon Women's Institute
Trilliam Business & Professional Women's Club
Westridge Senior Citizens
Kodaly in Manitoba
WARUCC - Western Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada
Margaret Laurence Endowment
Douglas Women's Institute
Albert Angus Murray McPherson
Edward Walker
Alexander MacPhail
Inventory of Archival Material in Western Manitoba Project
Greenway Fair
Brandon Hills Busy Bees
Prairie Horizons Toastmistress Club
Grand Valley School District #206
Douglas Brolund
Norma Laird
Brandon Square Dancing Club
Tully McKenzie
Basswood School District
Anna Enns
Frank Robb
Bankburn School District
John Crawford
J.C. Cousins
William Ridley Sheridan Wade
Mary Schwalm
Robert (Bert) Lane
Ross Hume
Quincy H. Martinson
Helen Dutka
Dorothy Frances Davidson
Brandon Sno-Goers Snowmobile Club
Brandon Folk, Music & Art Society, Inc.
Baker family
Brandon Daily Sun microfilm
Western Manitoba Home Economic Association
Hubert Weidenhamer
Len Evans
Henry Hlady
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Westman Recycling Council
Herbert Goodland
Storage Location
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
Storage Range
RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript Collection
The fonds and collections in RG 5 Western Manitoba Manuscript collection have been arranged primarily by accession number.
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20 records – page 2 of 1.