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ARCH 2: North Lauder locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1997 to present
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1997 to present
History / Biographical
ARCH 2: North Lauder Locale The North Lauder locale has a long archaeological and geological history that is important for understanding the forces that shaped the region. Archaeological research in the locale shows that the area has been occupied by humans for at least the past 6,500 years. Environmental forces provided an area of diverse resources that attracted early peoples. Environment of the Lauder Sandhills The North Lauder locale is part of the greater Lauder Sandhills area. The glaciers that covered this region began to recede approximately 11,000 years ago leaving a large lake known as glacial Lake Hind. The Souris River, the Lauder Sandhills and the Oak Lake Aquifer are remnants of the environmental and geological forces that shaped the region. The Lauder Sandhills region is characterized by a landscape of sand sheets and stabilized sand dunes interspersed with a variety of wetlands. This complex topographic and hydrological situation favoured the development of an island mosaic of mixed forest, wetland and meadow, surrounded by mixed grass prairie. The result was a large, isolated ecotone which provided a rich variety of subsistence resources for hunter-gatherers. Research in the Lauder Sandhills Archaeologists from Brandon University have been conducting research in the Lauder Sandhills since 1991. Research in the North Lauder locale has focused on the Atkinson site, a 6,500 year old hunter-gatherer site and Flintstone Hill. The Atkinson site The Atkinson site is one of the oldest excavated sites in Manitoba and has been Radiocarbon dated to 6,500 years before present. The Atkinson site is located on the bank of the Souris River and was discovered when a hearth (fire pit) was seen eroding out of the bank. Based on the date of the site and the kind of lithics (stone tools) present it is considered a Gowen occupation. The Atkinson site is evidence that bison hunters were active on the northern plains at a very early date. Similar sites have also been found on the High Plains in the U.S. and are referred to as the Mummy Cave Complex. The Atkinson Site is of great importance as it is the first undisturbed site of this type to be excavated in Manitoba and extends the range of these sites south and east from the type-sites in central Saskatchewan. Flintstone Hill The geomorphology of the glacial Lake Hind Basin over the past 11,000 years is known primarily through the study of a cut bank along the Souris River. Flint Stone Hill contains the most complete stratigraphic record for the post-glacial period on the northern plains. The site has been extensively studied by geoarchaeologists, geologists and paleoenvironmentalists over many years and their findings have contributed to our understanding of the region. The North Lauder locale Borden designations of Atkinson site DiMe-27 and Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26. Borden System Archaeological sites in Canada are identified by the Borden system, which is a uniform site designation system. The country is divided into grids based on latitude and longitude in blocks of 10 x 20 minutes. The first 4 letters indicate the block and the following numbers indicate the actual site. For example the area of the Lauder Sandhills in southwestern Manitoba is identified by the letters DM and the North Lauder locale within that area is DiMe. The Atkinson site is DiMe-27 and the Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26. As new sites are discovered they will be numbered sequentially.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into two sub-series, including (1) Atkinson site DiMe-27 and Flintstone Hill site DiMe-26.
Name Access
North Lauder locale
Subject Access
Archaeology Atkinson site DiMe-27
Series is arranged by site and by year of field work.
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ARCH 3: Lovstrom locale
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
1985 to 1991
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 7 Beverley Nicholson fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
1985 to 1991
History / Biographical
The Lovstrom locale first came to the attention of Dr. Nicholson through conversations with landowners Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lovstrom in 1985. Lovstrom is a multi-component archaeological locale located 25km south of Brandon overlooking the Souris River channel. The landowner’s surface collection and the presence of bone and artifacts in a cultivated field indicated the presence of one or more sites. Limited testing was conducted in 1985 and 1986, followed by major excavations in 1987, 1988 and 1991. Eight sites of block excavations with a total of 132 1m2 excavation units were completed. The locale area extends approximately 500m north from the edge of the Souris Valley escarpment and over 200m east from the Jock’s Creek escarpment. Physical and biological environment As has been noted above, the locale is bounded on the south by the Souris channel and on the west by the incised channel of Jock’s Creek and a till plain extends to the north and the east. This plain is characterized by buff colored glacial till with numerous rocks embedded in the surface. Surrounding these rocky knolls are dark-soil hollows where the various cultural occupations are found. The depth of the topsoil layer suggests a long term grassland cover with the present oak forest likely developing in historic times due to the elimination of bison grazing and the controlling of prairie fires in late historic times. A small cleared patch of farmland is found within the boundaries of the locale area. This area has provided a substantial surface collection of artifacts. Present vegetation in the area is a mosaic of aspen/oak forest groves and mesic grass prairie that includes introduced species such as brome grass. In poorly drained areas, willow and red osier dogwood are present. The Lovstrom locale is found in a forested area dominated by oak with an under story of saskatoon, chokecherry, pin cherry, and hazelnut brush. Poison ivy is abundant as well as sarsaparilla. The major faunal resources in Precontact times would have been bison, with elk and mule deer playing a minor role. Antelope may have been present also. Small animals included snowshoe hare, cottontails, porcupines and beaver. Canids, including wolf, coyote, fox and domesticated dog were present, as well as mustelids such as badger, mink, and weasel. Fragments from a fisher were also recovered in the excavations. Summation. The Lovstrom locale has eight sites. The sites were designated and excavated as Blocks A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Many of the sites are multi-occupations. The Vickers materials are primarily confined to Blocks D, E, F, G and H. Vickers Focus materials overlie Blackduck/Duck Bay materials. Blackduck and Duck Bay materials are found in the lower levels of all excavation blocks and in most test units. The Vickers occupations at the Lovstrom locale, based upon ceramic wares and an overlapping of C14 dates, appear to have been contemporary with the Lowton type site to the east, near Belmont. A small protohistoric occupation was identified overlying part of Block D. Faunal remains are abundant with bison clearly dominating the assemblages. Lesser amounts of canid are present as well as small mammals including beaver, hare and mustelids. Small amounts of avian species are also present. Publications Nicholson, B.A. 2011 The Role of Pocket Gophers (Thomomys talpoides) in Restructuring Stratigraphic Relationships at the Lovstrom Site. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 35:323-331. Nicholson, Bev, Scott Hamilton, Matthew Boyd and Sylvia Nicholson 2008 A Late Plains Woodland Adaptive Strategy in the Northern Parklands: the Vickers Focus Forager-Horticulturists. Invited Paper for Papers in Northeastern Plains Prehistory, eds. Michael G. Michlovic and Dennis L. Toom, North Dakota Journal of Archaeology Vol. 8:19-34. Nicholson, Bev and Scott Hamilton 2001 Cultural Continuity and Changing Subsistence Strategies During the Late Precontact Period in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 25:53-73. Nicholson, Bev 1996 Plains Woodland Influx and the Blackduck Exodus in South-Western Manitoba During the Late Precontact Period. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 6(1):69-85. Nicholson, Bev and Mary Malainey 1991 Report on the 1991 Field School Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1), Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 1(2): 51-93. Nicholson, Bev and Jane Gibson 1990-91 Lovstrom Site Field Report, 1987 Excavations. Saskatchewan Archaeology 11&12:46-68. Nicholson, Bev and Ian Kuiijt 1990 Field Report and Interpretations of the 1988 Archaeological Excavations at the Lovstrom Site (DjLx-1) in Southwestern Manitoba. North Dakota Journal of Archaeology 4:166-205. Nicholson, Bev 1990 Ceramic Affiliations and the Case for Incipient Horticulture in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 14:33-60. Nicholson, Bev 1986 The Lovstrom Site: Culture Contact in Prehistory. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly 10(1):35-71.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into nine sub-series, including (1) Survey (2) Block A; (3) Block B (4) Block C; (5) Block D; (6) Block E; (7) Block F; (8) Block G; (9) Block H
Name Access
Lovstrom locale
Subject Access
Archaeology Lovstrom locale
Series is arranged by site/block and by year of field work.
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Series VI: Faculty Activities
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
Photographs (b/w & colour)
Scope and Content
Series VI: Faculty Activities: This series contains eleven sub-series which consist of the various faculties at Brandon University such as sub-series I: Arts Activity, sub-series V: Education Activities, and sub-series VIII: Science Activity. These photos mainly consist of activities that deal with one specific faculty, for example, field trips taken by the science departments. There are also pictures of students and faculty members working in the classroom.
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Series VII: Special Events
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
200 photographs (b/w & colour)
Scope and Content
Series VII: Special Events: This series contains ten sub-series which highlight special events at Brandon University. For example, there are sub-series with photos from Brandon University’s 75th Anniversary, Bicycle Races, and Installations. There is also a very large sub-series called “Other” which includes almost 200 pictures of various special events, such as Prime Minister Chretien’s visit to the university, and Montreal Massacre Vigils held at the university.
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Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
365 photographs (b/w & colour)
Scope and Content
Series consists of portraits of students, mainly award and scholarship winners, faculty members, and other university staff members. Many of the photographs in the series appear in various editions of the Sickle.
Storage Range
Photograph storage drawers
Series has been divided into twenty-six sub-series, representing letters of the alphabet. Individual portraits are arranged alphabetically by last name under each sub-series.
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BUPC 9: Oversize photographs
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
multiple media
Date Range
Physical Description
143 photographs (b/w & colour)
History / Biographical
An oversized photograph is any photograph that exceeds 8" x 11". In some cases the photograph itself is of regular size but the matting makes it oversize.
Scope and Content
Series consists of the oversize photographs in the Brandon University photograph collection. Many of the oversize pictures are class photos from the early years of Brandon College (1900-1930). The series also includes oversize portraits of important figures in the history of Brandon College and University, such as John R. Brodie, A.E. McKenzie, and J.R.C. Evans.
Storage Range
Oversize drawers and envelope storage
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Series X: Scholarships and Awards
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
44 Photographs
Scope and Content
Series X: Scholarships and Awards: This series contains three sub-series: Outlines, Colour Presentations, and Other. This series consists of pictures of scholarship and award winners, as well as pictures of awards ceremonies and presentations.
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Series XI: Retirements
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
6 Photographs
Scope and Content
Retirements: This is a very small series consisting of only six photographs, mostly taken at the retirement parties for Lucy Kennedy and Bertha Watkin.
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Series XII: Other University Activities
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Date Range
Part Of
Brandon University Photograph Collection
Description Level
Series Number
Date Range
Physical Description
250 Photographs
Scope and Content
Series XII: Other University Activities: This series contains five sub-series: Alumni Activities, Baccalaureate Services, Board of Directors Activities, Drama, and W.U.S. Activities. This sub-series contains numerous photos of various activities from the Class of ’34 Reunion, and Homecoming ’95, ’96, and ’97.
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Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1910 - 2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 1
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1910 - 2010
Physical Description
Approximately 1.1 m of textual records
History / Biographical
See collection level description for history/biography for information on Fred McGuinness. For history/biography information on McGuinness family members, see subseries McG 1.1 Family papers and letters.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The series contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his years in the Canadian navy, college, and as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer. The series has been divided into four subseries, including: (1) Family papers and letters, (2) Correspondence, (3) Business papers, and (4) Certificates and scrapbook. Records in subseries McG 1.1, Family papers and letters, were created and collected by members of the McGuinness family. These records include materials from paternal and maternal sides of the McGuinness’ family (see subseries for specific details about individual McGuinness family members.) The second subseries, McG 1.2 Correspondence subseries, contains readers’ and business correspondence collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as and editor and journalist. Many of McGuinness’ readers reminisce about Brandon’s local history in their letters to him. The third subseries, McG 1.3 Business correspondence, includes financial statements from Fred McGuinness Limited (1991-1997, 2008-2009). The fourth subseries, McG 1.4 Certificate and scrapbook, includes certificates for McGuinness’ professional career and volunteer work. The scrapbook contains photographs and records from McGuinness’ years with the Royal Canadian Navy and his time at St. Paul’s College, as well as loose clipping from McGuinness’ time at The Medicine Hat News.
Additional correspondence pertaining to his newspaper, freelance, and broadcast career can be found in the respective series and subseries
Finding Aid
File level inventories for each subseries are available. See individual subseries’ descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
McGuinness retained correspondence from readers’ responding to his Sunbeams, Diary, and Neighborly News columns (see McG 2 Newspaper career). Additional local history references can be found in the McGuinness research (McG 4.1 Local history research) and monograph (MG 5) series
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period McG 1 Personal papers McG 1.1 McGuinness family papers and letters McG 1.2 Fred McGuinness correspondence McG 1.3 Fred McGuinness Ltd. business documents McG 1.4 Fred McGuinness certificates and scrapbook
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Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1955 - 2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 2
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1955 - 2010
Physical Description
Approximately 1.3 m of textual records
History / Biographical
See collection level description for history/biography information on Frederick George McGuinness.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015. This accession contained records for the following newspaper publications: The Medicine Hat News, The Brandon Daily Sun, and the Neighborly News column.
Scope and Content
The series contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer. The series has been divided into three subseries, including: (1) The Medicine Hat News; (2) The Brandon Sun; and (3) Neighborly News.
Readers’ correspondence may be found in Fred McGuinness’ personal papers, subseries McG 1.2 Correspondence
Finding Aid
File level inventories for each subseries are available. See individual subseries’ descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
Clarence Hopkin collection
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Jack Stothard collection
Fred McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a number of forums. Therefore, it is possible research materials pertaining to his newspaper columns may be found in the Fred McGuinness collection subseries: Correspondence (McG 1.2), Miscellaneous freelance (McG 3.2), Local history research (McG 4.1), and Newspaper clippings (4.2)
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period. McG 2 Newspaper career McG 2.1 The Medicine Hat News McG 2.2 The Brandon Sun McG 2.3 Neighborly News
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Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1970? - 2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 3
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1970? - 2010
Physical Description
Approximately 90 cm of textual records
History / Biographical
Fred McGuinness was a man who always seemed to hold down multiple jobs. As a university student, McGuinness worked as CPR telegrapher and then as a public speaker for the War Finance Committee’s War Bond drive. When he was employed with the Unemployment Insurance Commission to promote the program and its services, McGuinness also picked up a contract with the Royal American Shows during the summer fair tour. While working at the Brandon Sun as its editor and vice president, McGuiness was also a regular contributor to CBC radio and Reader’s Digest magazine. He also sessionally taught a journalism course to undergraduates at Brandon University. Once McGuinness retired from the Brandon Sun in 1987, he continued writing his syndicated column for the prairie weeklies and started writing his Diary column for the Sun. During that time he continued to co-author several monographsm abd later he consulted with Brandon University’s WESTARC Group and continued to be heavily involved in rural economic development issues. He worked as a writing consultant for Industry Canada from 1996 to 2000, promoting the Community Access Program (CAP); this initiative involved introducing the internet into rural communities, particularly in public libraries and community centres. McGuinness would be responsible for writing factsheets, government press releases, community profiles, and reports. McGuinness’ Industry Canada work was likely his last major freelance writing assignment. His age-related macular degeneration (AMD) was diagnosed in 2001, and became an impediment to his research, writing, and editing abilities. He did continue his Diary column with the Brandon Sun until his death in 2011. During this time, McGuinness also offered many memoir-writing workshops to community and seniors’ groups.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The series contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer. The series has been divided into two subseries, including: (1) Reader’s Digest and (2) Miscellaneous freelance. The records consist of research materials (e.g., newspaper clippings, copies of articles and book chapters, brochures, pamphlets), notes, drafts, copies of articles and reports, and correspondence. These items were generally filed together if they were related to the topic or article at hand.
Freelance materials in this series are identified as additional contract work outside of McGuinness’ employment as a journalist and broadcaster
Finding Aid
File level inventories for each subseries are available. See individual subseries’ descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
Fred McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a number of forums. Therefore, it is possible research materials pertaining to his newspaper columns may be found in the Fred McGuinness collection subseries: Correspondence (McG 1.2), Local history research (McG 4.1), and Newspaper clippings (4.2)
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period McG 3 Freelance McG 3.1 Reader’s Digest McG 3.2 Miscellaneous freelance
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McGuinness research materials
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1881 - 2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 4
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1881 - 2010
Physical Description
Approximately 54 cm of textual records
History / Biographical
In addition to his personal library, Fred McGuinness maintained extensive files on numerous topics/subjects containing newspapers clippings, magazine and journal articles, letters of correspondence, photographs, pamphlets, etc. He accumulated his local history materials by personally collecting newspaper, books, and magazine articles; by readers’ forwarding materials for his interest; and from workshop participants submitting memoirs and personal narratives for his interest, review and feedback. McGuinness continued to add to his “topic” files throughout his lifetime. Usually McGuinness kept his research materials and communications together for his respective writing assignments, however, he would often use the same research materials to write on similar topics that appeared in a number of different publications. McGuinness likely used his local history research materials for his Brandon Sun Sunbeams and Diary columns, his monographs, and possibly for his Local History Style Guide (1984), as well as in his memoir writing workshops. For his column writing, particularly for Neighborly News, McGuinness created file folders on particular topics. These held newspaper clippings collected from the prairie weeklies and once a folder was full, he wrote about the subject.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The series consists of records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer. The series has been divided into two subseries, including: (1) Local history research and (2) Newspaper clippings. Local history materials consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, biographical documents and memoirs, obituaries, and manuscript drafts on Brandon (Manitoba) topics including: origins, anniversaries, centennial, reunions, early pioneers/families, historic buildings and streets, businesses, museums, local newspapers, prominent citizens, military units, and politicians. McGuinness also maintain files on the local history of surrounding communities, including: Birtle, Beresford, Camp Hughes, Hartney, Kemnay, Russell, and Souris.
Information in the history/biography was taken from Neighborly News column (#934, November 10, 1997). Items dating to the 1880s are photocopies and transcripts of original materials In the file level inventories, square brackets at the end of file names reference the original location of the file in the unprocessed Fred McGuinness collection. The original location is also noted on the front of each file folder
Language Note
NNC = Neighborly News Column
Finding Aid
File level inventories for each subseries are available. See individual subseries’ descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
John Everitt collection
Clarence Hopkin collection
Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Jack Stothard collection
William Wallace papers
Fred McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a number of forums. Therefore, it is possible work and correspondence pertaining to his research materials may be found in the Fred McGuinness collection Monograph series (McG 5) and subseries: Correspondence (McG 1.2), Brandon Sun (McG 2.2), Neighborly News (McG 2.3), Miscellaneous freelance (McG 3.2), Talks and workshops (McG 6.3). McGuinness also “filed” many clippings between the pages of his books in his personal library (see McG 8 Library series)
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period McG 4 McGuinness research McG 4.1 Local history research materials McG 4.2 Newspaper clippings
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Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1985 - 1990
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 5
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1985 - 1990
Physical Description
Approximately 1.66 m of textual records
History / Biographical
See collection level description for history/biography for information on Fred McGuinness.
Custodial History
Records in this series were acquired in four accruals and were in the possession of Fred McGuinness until their donation to the Archives. Accession 18-2002 records were in the possession of Fred McGuinness until the publication of Only in Canada, a book on the history of the Kinsmen Club of Canada co-authored with BU history professor Ken Coates. In the course of writing the history, records of the Kinsmen Club in Canada were amassed at the McKee Archives and the research materials developed by Coates and McGuinness were simply added to the Kinsmen records circa 1987. The Kinsmen records have since been deaccessioned by the McKee Archives and transferred to Kin Headquarters in Ontario. Accession 6-2008 contains records created and collected during the writing of the Provincial Exhibition book, Pride of the Land. Fred McGuinness, who co-authored the book with Ken Coates, donated these records to the McKee Archives circa 1988. Accession 20-2009 contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness over the course of his career as a newspaper journalist and during the research and writing period of the Brandon history book, The Wheat City. Records remained in his possession at his home until their transfer to the McKee Archives on July 28, 2009. Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015. This accession contains records for the following monographs: Manitoba: The Province & The People (1987); The Keystone Province: Manitoba Enterprise (1988); The Wheat City (1988); The Chronicle of Canada (1990); and Old Pathways, New Horizons (1995).
Scope and Content
The series contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness and writing partners during the production of seven of Fred McGuinness’ monographs. Series has been divided into seven subseries, including: (1) Pride of Land: (2) Only in Canada; (3) Old Pathways, New Horizons; (4) Manitoba: The Province & The People; (5) The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise (1988); (6) The Wheat City; and (7) Chronicle of Canada. Records in the series consist of notes, drafts, correspondence and research materials in the form of photographs and photocopied newspaper clippings, journal articles and book chapters pertaining to Manitoba history.
Information in the history/biography was taken from Neighborly News column (#934, November 10, 1997) In the file level inventories, square brackets at end of file names reference the original location of the file in the unprocessed Fred McGuinness collection. The original location is also noted on the front of each file folder
Finding Aid
File level inventories for each subseries are available. See individual subseries’ descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period with the exception of Old Pathways, New Horizons (1995) McG 5 Monographs McG 5.1 Pride of the Land (1985) McG 5.2 Only in Canada (1987) McG 5.3 Old Pathways, New Horizons (1995) McG 5.4 Manitoba: The Province & The People (1987) McG 5.5 The Keystone Province: Manitoba Enterprise (1988) McG 5.6 The Wheat City (1988) McG 5.7 Chronicle of Canada (1990)
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McGuinness broadcasts, lectures and workshops
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
textual records
Date Range
c. 1951? - 2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 6
Accession Number
textual records
Date Range
c. 1951? - 2010
Physical Description
Approximately 42 cm of textual records
History / Biographical
Fred McGuinness’ public speaking and broadcasting career began after he enrolled at St. Paul’s College, which was affiliated with the University of Manitoba. From 1943 to 1946, McGuinness served on the student union’s Public Relations Committee; in 1945, he became chairman of the Radio Subcommittee working as the Director of the University Radio Series where he was responsible (i.e., writing, casting, directing) for a half-hour Saturday afternoon radio programme. That same year, the President of the University of Manitoba recommended McGuinness as a speaker for the War Finance Committee in the Winnipeg Area. In 1946, McGuinness moved to Port Arthur to work in public relations with the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. That same year he married his wife Christine. In 1947, the couple returned to Winnipeg, when McGuinness took a job as a Public Relations Officer for the National Employment Service’s Unemployment Insurance Commission (UIC). While employed with the UIC, McGuinness travelled the summer fair circuit with displays promoting the UIC and its benefits. During that time, Royal American Shows also hired McGuinness as its Director of Publicity and Exploitation while the show toured with the fairs on the Canadian prairies. McGuinness also sold his first manuscript to the CBC in 1947, recording a 14-minute broadcast titled the “Class A Circuit” about the Royal American tour, after his summer fair schedule concluded. McGuinness continued his work with Royal American and the UIC until he accepted a position with the Saskatchewan government in 1952 to promote its upcoming 1955 golden jubilee. His experience with the Saskatchewan Jubilee preparations lead to McGuinness being appointed as a provincial representative to the Canadian Centennial Commission in 1963; an appointment that had McGuinness delivering speeches provincially and internationally. After the jubilee, McGuinness accepted a position with The Medicine Hat News in Medicine Hat, Alberta. During his decade with that newspaper as a journalist and publisher, McGuinness was heavily involved with the Chamber of Commerce and community service organizations. His position within the community had him delivering talks to many local groups. At the beginning of 1966, McGuinness started his new appointment as manager of the newly formed personnel and information branch for James Richardson and Sons Ltd. whose head offices were in Winnipeg. At that time McGuinness was developing broadcast scripts for the CBC in earnest. McGuinness left Richardson and Sons in the fall of 1966 to become the publisher and vice-president of the Brandon Sun newspaper in Brandon, Manitoba. In the 1970s, McGuinness was writing copy for CBC’s Radio Noon and Information Radio, as well as producing Ashgrove Farm, a CBC radio drama. By 1980, McGuinness was hosting the CBC Radio broadcast Neighborly News from the Prairies. The radio program was cancelled by the CBC in 1983, but was reincarnated with Altona broadcaster CFAM later that year with McGuinness at the helm. The radio show ended its run in the summer of 1987. McGuinness continued working with the CBC, and is popularly known for his work as the prairie essayist for CBC Radio’s Morningside with Peter Gzowski, a position McGuinness held for 17 years. During his twenty years with the Sun, McGuinness took an active roll in the community and cultivated his interest in local history. Consequently he was invited to guest speak and chair sessions on local history, rural development, and the economy while providing his personal insights as a newspaper publisher. In the 1980s and 1990s, McGuinness co-taught an undergraduate journalism class at Brandon University with English Professor John Blaikie. McGuinness also delivered community workshops on memoir writing, a past time he continued until shortly before his death in 2011.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a radio broadcaster, newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The series contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a radio broadcaster, journalist, editor, and freelance writer. Records in the series consist of broadcast scripts, lecture notes, speeches, rough drafts and notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and other research materials for respective broadcasts, lectures, speeches, and workshops. The series has been divided into three subseries, including: (1) radio broadcast scripts, (2) BU journalism course, and (3) talks and workshops.
Information for the history/biography was obtained from documents in McGuinness’ personal papers (see his family papers McG 1.1 and the scrapbook in McG 1.4) and his book Letters from Section 17 (published by Great Plains Publications in 1999)
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available for each subseries, see subseries descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
Fred McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a number of forums. Therefore, it is possible materials pertaining to his broadcast and lecture career may be found in other series of the Fred McGuinness collection. A sound recording of one of McGuinness’ UofM broadcasts can be found in McG 7
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period McG 6 McGuinness broadcasts, lectures, workshops McG 6.1 Radio broadcast scripts McG 6.2 BU Journalism course McG 6.3 Talks and workshops
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McGuinness artifacts and sound recordings
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
c. 1985-1990
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 7
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
c. 1985-1990
Physical Description
17 artifacts
10 sound recordings
History / Biographical
Artifacts in this series were collected by Fred McGuinness during the course of his lifetime as a community volunteer and newspaperman. Beginning in the mid-1930s through the Second World War, McGuinness worked with the Canadian Pacific Telegraph service in Brandon and Winnipeg. McGuinness frequently wrote about those early experiences in his newspaper columns, journals, and monographs. In the early 1950s, while McGuinness worked as a publicist with the Unemployment Insurance Commission in Winnipeg, he volunteered with community organizations such as the Winnipeg Community Chest Drive. From 1953 to 1955, McGuinness worked as an organizer for the Province of Saskatchewan’s 1955 Golden Jubilee. After the Saskatchewan Jubilee, McGuinness worked with The Medicine Hat News as a journalist and publisher from 1955 to 1965. During that time, McGuinness became heavily involved with the Medicine Hat Chamber of Commerce. His community and business connections resulted in his appointment as a fundraiser for the Medicine Hat Junior College Library, a building project intended to see the City established with its own college. After his work with the Saskatchewan Jubilee, McGuinness was asked to be a Regional Director for the Canadian Centennial Commission from 1965 to 1967. During that time, McGuinness returned to his hometown of Brandon in 1966, to start a 20-year career with the Brandon Sun as a publisher and vice-president. McGuinness’ interest in local history, of which he often wrote, made him the recipient of local ephemera from his readers.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
This series contains artifacts collected by Fred McGuinness during the course of his lifetime as a community volunteer and newspaperman. The artifacts include one telegraph sounder, four letterpress blocks, five typesetter rulers, two patches, two buttons, one token, one tin box, and ten sound recordings. The telegraph sounder and relay system was possibly a gift from Bill Flett, a CPR superintendent. In his story “Canadian Pacific” published in Letters from Section 17 (1999), McGuinness mentions receiving a package containing telegraph equipment while he was working at the Brandon Sun. The tin box in McGuinness’ collection contained copies of telegraphs announcing the end of the war. Two letterpress type blocks have the letters “WM” which may represent the initials of Fred McGuinness’ father William McGuinness. J.R. Langford donated the “Colquhoun and Beattie” type plate to McGuinness, a known collector of Brandon local history. Mr. Beattie had gifted the plate to Lanford’s father who worked as a barber in Brandon in 1906. The Brandon Sun letterpress is likely from the period when McGuinness worked at the Brandon Sun. The five typesetter rulers come from a variety of typesetter and newspaper companies and include Teletypesetter (Chicago, IL), 6 Cutting Limited (Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg), Mergenthaler Linotype Company (Brooklyn, NY), and The Edmonton Journal. The two buttons in the collection come from McGuinness’ time as a community-volunteer in Winnipeg, Manitoba. One button is from the Community Chest Drive, the other button is a guest badge from the 1953 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. The two patches are from the Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee (1955). Photographs of Saskatchewan Jubilee events and participants wearing the patch on their blazers can be found in the McGuinness photograph collection. McGuinness saved a Medicine Hat College Official Opening Token from October 3, 1971. McGuinness was likely at the opening as he was originally involved in the establishment of the junior college in the 1960s. The sound recordings in McGuinness’ collection largely pertain to centennial events, which McGuinness helped organize. There is one box set containing four records of the Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee Choir. Tucked in this volume is an additional record of the Choir recorded at CKCK, Regina, Saskatchewan. Also stored within the box set was a copy “Canada, A Centennial Song.”
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives

McG 7 McGuinness artifacts and sound recordings inventory.pdf

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McGuinness library
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
multiple media
Date Range
c. 1882-2010
Accession Number
Other Title Info
Title based on the contents of the series
Part Of
Fred McGuinness collection
Description Level
Series Number
McG 8
Accession Number
multiple media
Date Range
c. 1882-2010
Physical Description
Approximately 2 m
83 books and other materials (see Material Details Note)
Material Details
49 booklets
3 maps
3 newsletters
18 periodicals
16 pamphlets
35 newspapers [oversize drawer]
History / Biographical
The publications in this series were collected by Fred McGuinness during the course of his career as a newspaperman. McGuinness’ personal library contained over 500 volumes pertaining to local history. He regularly consulted these materials when writing his radio broadcasts, newspaper columns, and monographs. McGuinness was known to file related materials (e.g., correspondence, newspaper clippings, invitations) between book covers of various titles. McGuinness donated a substantial portion of his personal library to Brandon University’s John E. Robbins Library when he moved to River Heights Terrace (Brandon, Manitoba). That collection can be found in BU’s library catalogue under the McGuinness local history collection. The titles McGuinness retained upon his move were donated to the McKee Archives by his estate in 2011.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015. Accession 20-2009 contain records created and collected by Fred McGuinness over the course of his career as a newspaper journalist and during the research and writing period of the Brandon history book, The Wheat City. Records remained in his possession at his home until their transfer to the McKee Archives on July 28, 2009. Accession 6-2008 contains records created and collected during the writing of the Provincial Exhibition book, Pride of the Land. Fred McGuinness, who co-authored the book with Ken Coates, donated these records to the McKee Archives circa 1988. The materials relating to Souris, Manitoba, were given to McGuinness by Kay Sullivan in August 2007, and were subsequently deposited in the Archives.
Scope and Content
This series contains publications collected by Fred McGuinness during the course of his lifetime as a newspaperman. McGuinness was a well-known local history enthusiast and frequently wrote about Brandon’s local history. Many of his readers forwarded booklets and pamphlets for his consideration and review. Materials in this series include books, booklets pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers and maps. Subjects include, but are not exclusive to: the city of Brandon, the town of Souris, memoirs, family histories, Canadian Pacific Railway, and local businesses.
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
All library titles, except the newspapers in the McGuinness oversize drawer, are located in Special Collections
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. McG 8 McGuinness library McG 8.1 Books McG 8.2 Booklets McG 8.3 Maps, newsletters, and periodicals McG 8.4 Pamphlets McG 8.5 Magazines and newspapers (oversize)

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Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
Part Of
RG 11 Lawrence Stuckey fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 11 Lawrence Stuckey fonds
Description Level
Series Number
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
approximately 3838 colour slides
History / Biographical
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Series consists of slides created from photographs taken by Lawrence Stuckey during his travels throughout Manitoba, other parts of Canada and the United States. Although Lawrence and his wife Mavis travelled for pleasure, their destinations were often chosen deliberately to enable Lawrence to explore and photograph specific landscapes, flora and fauna.
Name Access
Assiniboine River
Souris River
Carberry Hills
Baldhead Hills
Duck Mountains
Kelsey Trail
E.T. Seton Park
Steeprock Bay
Steeprock River
Flin Flon
Rocky Lake
Lake Winnipegosis
Turtle Mountains
Riding Mountain National Park
Moon Lake
Lake Katherine
Clear Lake
Arrowhead Trail
B&B Trail
Ominik Trail
Gorge Creek
Edwards Gardens
Royal Botanical Gardens
Prince Albert
Lake Madge
International Peace Gardens
South Dakota
Black Hills
North Dakota
Qu'Appelle Valley
Theodore Roosevelt National Monument
Point Pelee
Port Dover
Yellowstone National Park
Mt. Evans Road
Berthoud Pass
Milner Pass
Dinosaur Park
Trail Ridge
Rollins Pass
Grand Teton
Beartooth Pass
Craters of the Moon
Medicine Bow National Fort
Quebec City
Mont. Tremblant Park
Sugar Camp
Satine-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal
Banff National Park
Larch Valley
Sentinel Pass
Lake Louise
Moraine Lake
Athabaska River
Plain of Six
Columbia Icefields
Bow River
Victoria Glacier
Yoho Pass
Yoho National Park
Wapta Falls
Hoodoo Park
Waterfall Valley
Highline Trail
Burgess Pass
Takakaw Falls
Kicking Horse
Skyline Trail
Waterton Lakes National Park
Emerald Lake
Yoho Valley
Twin Falls Creek
Trans Canada Highway
Subject Access
geographic features
manmade geographic features
natural geographic features
political geographic features
natural phenomena
natural waterways
historical markers
national parks
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection
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Lawrence Stuckey slides
Part Of
RG 11 Lawrence Stuckey fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 11 Lawrence Stuckey fonds
Lawrence Stuckey
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
411 colour slides
History / Biographical
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides: Glendenning (10): October 5, 1980 Assiniboine River (37): July 14, 1963 to December 25, 1979 Souris River (57): 1962 to August 16, 1977 Manitoba Harvest Scenes and Manitoba Autumn Colours (129): March 4, 1962 to October 4, 1979 Manitoba Sidney - Firdale (4): September 5, 1976 to September 19, 1976 Manitoba Whiteshell (18): August 23, 1959 to June 23, 1974 Small Rivers & Creeks (27): 1955 to April 17, 1977 Manitoba Carberry Hills (Onah) (25): Fall 1976 Manitoba Baldhead Hills (26) October 6, 1968 to August 21, 1979 Manitoba Sprucewoods (48): August 23, 1964 to June 9, 1976 Manitoba Winter (30): August 23, 1959 to June 25, 1974
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
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Lawrence Stuckey slides
Part Of
RG 11 Lawrence Stuckey fonds
Description Level
Date Range
Accession Number
Part Of
RG 11 Lawrence Stuckey fonds
Lawrence Stuckey
Description Level
Series Number
File Number
Accession Number
Date Range
Physical Description
411 colour slides
History / Biographical
For history/bio information see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Box contains the following slides: Manitoba North & West of Brandon (20): July 11, 1962 to June 26, 1979 Northwest Brandon, Duck Mountains Rossburn (26): May 17, 1964 to August 4, 1971 Manitoba Winter & Spring (25): April 30, 1961 to February 24, 1974 Manitoba Routes to Thompson (22): July 3, 1972 to June 24, 1973 Manitoba Kelsey Trail (46): May 17, 1964 to June 22, 1973 Manitoba East of Winnipeg (14): July 5, 1964 to July 1, 1970 Manitoba E.T. Seton Park (18): July 15, 1962 to August 8, 1965 Steeprock Bay & River (6): May 17, 1964 to June 21, 1973 Flin Flon, Manitoba (10): July 31, 1966 to July 4, 1972 Rocky Lake, Manitoba (18): July 31, 1966 to June 22, 1973 Manitoba South of Brandon (8): May 31, 1961 to October 6, 1963 Manitoba Lake Winnipegosis (12): July 27, 1958 to June 21, 1973 Manitoba Natural Impressions (50): July 16, 1965 to October 19, 1975 Manitoba Turtle Mountains (50): July 25, 1962 to July 12, 1972 Riding Mountain Moon Lake (23): July 10, 1966 to September 30, 1973 Riding Mountain Lake Katherine (14): July 4, 1973 to September 2, 1973 Riding Mountain Southwest Shore (22): July 17, 1966 to June 29, 1974
Slide descriptions are as follows: Location (Number of Slides): Date of slides. Information on each slide was provided by Stuckey.
Additional slides of flora and fauna taken by Stuckey during his travels are housed in the McKee Archives. Those slides are unprocessed at present.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Storage Location
Lawrence Stuckey collection Series 2: Lawrence Stuckey slide collection
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200 records – page 1 of 10.